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  • Wentao Huang, individually and derivatively on behalf of Baba & the Legacy Kitchen, Inc. vs. Wilson Wang, Weidong et al Other Contract Action document preview
  • Wentao Huang, individually and derivatively on behalf of Baba & the Legacy Kitchen, Inc. vs. Wilson Wang, Weidong et al Other Contract Action document preview
  • Wentao Huang, individually and derivatively on behalf of Baba & the Legacy Kitchen, Inc. vs. Wilson Wang, Weidong et al Other Contract Action document preview
  • Wentao Huang, individually and derivatively on behalf of Baba & the Legacy Kitchen, Inc. vs. Wilson Wang, Weidong et al Other Contract Action document preview
  • Wentao Huang, individually and derivatively on behalf of Baba & the Legacy Kitchen, Inc. vs. Wilson Wang, Weidong et al Other Contract Action document preview
  • Wentao Huang, individually and derivatively on behalf of Baba & the Legacy Kitchen, Inc. vs. Wilson Wang, Weidong et al Other Contract Action document preview


COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Worcester, s. SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT Wentao Huang, individually and derivatively on behalf of Baba & the Civil Action No. 24 ®Q(N1 BU-Pe Legacy Kitchen Inc. Plaintiff, Vv. FILED Weidong Wilson Wang, Tai Cheng, Laurel Xie, Baba & the Legacy Kitchen JUL 01 2024 Aes Inc., Bolton Baba LLC, Boston Holdings LLC D0 Arcrer MW Defendants. PLAINTIFF’S EX PARTE MOTION FOR TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER AND MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY RELIEF Pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. 65(a) and (b), The Plaintiff Wentao Huang (“Mr. Huang”) seek a Temporary Restraining Order (“TRO”) and, after a hearing, a preliminary injunction against the Defendants requesting the court to: (1) order the Defendants to desist and refrain from selling the restaurant, Baba and The Legacy Kitchen (“restaurant”) or any share of any entity that exercises control over the restaurant in any way; and (2) compel the individual defendants, Weidong Wilson Wang (“Wilson”), Tai Cheng and Laurel Xie (“Laurel”) to disclose to Mr. Huang all relevant information and documents about the proposed sale, including but not limited to identity of the potential buyer, purchase price and payment terms. Plaintiff relies on the Verified Complaint, the Affidavit of Wentao Huang, and the Memorandum in Support of TRO and Preliminary Relief in this action. Plaintiff further state as follows: Mr. Huang owns stock and membership interest in the corporate defendants, two closely- held companies, which operate a restaurant. Mr. Huang has been frozen out by the controlling shareholder and officers. He suffers as a minority shareholder by receiving no return for his investment in the entire relevant time. Significantly, the defendants currently are trying to sell the restaurant to an unknown third party by the individual defendants. The transaction is said to be closed any time now. Mr. Huang has sent a demand through his counsel to put defendants on notice that he objects to the sale of the restaurant. Defendants ignored the objection, and hence the current motion for a TRO and Preliminary Injunction is made by Mr. Huang. The wrongful acts of the defendants include, without limitation, the freezing out of Mr. Huang, the fraudulent attempted sale of the corporation's substantial assets, and their breach of fiduciary duty as controlling stockholders, officers, and directors of the defendant corporations. Mr. Huang also bring a derivative claim on behalf of Baba & the Legacy Kitchen Inc. against the individual defendants for the damages they caused to the corporation. There is a reasonable likelihood that Mr. Huang will succeed on the merits of all of his claims given the undisputed fact that Mr. Huang is a shareholder and member of the companies in question, Mr. Huang has made substantial capital contribution in the sum of around $420,000, and that the Defendants steadfastly refused to declare dividends, denied Mr. Huang any participation in the management or access to the information of the business status, and essentially froze Mr. Huang out. Plaintiff will be irreparably harmed if the restaurant is sold to an unknown buyer, Defendants will not pay Mr. Huang back his capital contribution. Mr. Huang will completely lose his equity interest in the restaurant. Indeed, the very existence of the business will be gone. Not to mention that without any information of the transaction disclosed by the defendants, Mr. Huang will be completely deprived of any recourse to retrieve his investment and the dividend he is entitled to. It is a serious harm that the Plaintiff seeks the honorable court’s help to prevent. Moreover, once the restaurant is sold, Mr. Huang will no longer be a shareholder, losing his standing to sue the Derivative Defendants on behalf of Baba Corp derivatively. Therefore, from many perspectives, the court should allow this injunctive relief. The balance of harms clearly weighs in Mr. Huang’s favor, because to stop the Defendants from selling the restaurant does not impose a great risk on them. The restaurant can always be sold judging by how quickly the defendants were able to secure a buyer to potentially close the transaction soon. However, the Plaintiff will suffer larger harm because if the restaurant is sold, all the evidence, financial information and accounting records, will be lost. Gone together is the Plaintiffs standing to sue derivatively. Therefore, the harm to Plaintiff would outweigh the burden to the Defendants to comply with the injunction. For these reasons, Plaintiffs request that the Court rule in favor of Mr. Huang and grant this motion. Date: July 1, 2024 Wentao Huang, Plaintiff By his attorneys, /s/ Connie Dai Connie C. Dai (BBO#683330) Yun Cheng (BBO#707028) Shuyao Wang (Pro Hac Vice pending, New York Bar Registration Number 5906227) Lion’s Law, P.C. 154 Wells Ave Newton Massachusetts 02459 (617) 682-7111 Telephone