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  • Montecito At Mirabel Property Owners Association I CV document preview
  • Montecito At Mirabel Property Owners Association I CV document preview
  • Montecito At Mirabel Property Owners Association I CV document preview
  • Montecito At Mirabel Property Owners Association I CV document preview


- NN Bui SINeSs ZONA PO BOX 194 RW OF THE Phoenix, Arizona 85001-9485 RIOR COURT (602) 444-7315 FAX (602), AR.S9 CCB #1 WEUShES Stu: Gazette wer OStTORy This is nobhapinyalre,. | LULL "T O2 PNI-Arizona Business Gazette AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION LED BY MARICOPA COUNTY SHER foviny— DEP, 111 S 3RD AVE 2 FL W CT BLDG PHOENIX, AZ 85003 LE ORIGINAL This is not an invoice Order # 0005365976 # of Affidavits 1 P.O# (22006996 Issues Dated 08/11/22, 08/18/22, 08/25/22 STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF BROWN \ ss |, being first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says: That | am the legal clerk of the Arizona Republic, a newspape of general circulation in the counties of Maricopa, Coconino, Pima and Pinal, in the State of Arizona, published weekly at Phoenix, Arizona, and that the copy hereto attached is a true copy of the advertisement published. in the said paper in the issue(s) dated indicated Al Sworn to before me this 25 TH day of AUGUST 2022 cis Notary mags My Commission ewes YAU _ VICKY FELTY Notary Public State of Wisconsin * cv2001-094137 SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE OF PERTY ON SPECI ‘OF SALE EXECUTION AND. in The Superior Court of the State of IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MARI- Monte Property Owners ‘Association ines Plaines Gordon Ewasi janda M. Ewasiuk; Shetbra Interna ah Ine, ATE. Finan ial; Unknown Heirs ‘of the Named Defendants if De- 085 IV: ‘Jane Does |-Vi Black Corporations 1-V', Partner- ships IV;i Gray Limited Liabil UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF EXECU. TION AND ORDER OF SALE issued ‘out of and ur the seol of Superior rt of Maricopa County, State of Arizona, on the ‘sul 2022, ‘and to me as Sheri ‘County duly 3nd delivered in the above en- titled action: (EREAS, on the 16th day of Zor, the above-nomed. Plaintiff recov: ered a Judgment in the above-styled Court gainst the Defendants, Gordon Ewasi Ewasivk, 03 follows: incinal amount of $9.740.0, plus rly assessments of $270.00 commencing July 1, 2022, olong with quarterly lote fees of $15.00, plus costs foxed and allowed in the amount of $1,801.42, ‘amount $6,657.50, accruing interest fon the principal fien balance ot rate ‘of 10.00% per annum and accruing in- terest on attorneys’ fees and costs at a rateof 'per annum in the amount of $80.85, accruing assessments and lote fees, and ony additional attorneys’ fees and’ costs incurred in collection the THEREFORE, the “orien ‘amounts rded, alu: ses ments, fate charges, attorneys" fees, ‘and costs that have accrued thereafter the terms of the above- \ced_iudgment totals a current balance of $12,769.77 which is now af the dofe of this Writ due on such iudgment. jitional ‘auarterly assessments ‘of 00, ct Vy 2 Svorteriy tote fees of $1500 commenc ing July 16, 2022, plus interest on the Principal tien balance at a rate of 10.00% per onnum-and accruing Interest ‘on attorneys’ fees ond costs af o rate ofa 450% per onnum as ‘ond costs of the Sheriff's sole will continue to accrue and. incurred, and ‘Ore to be added to the current balonce 9 of the le of through the date of the Sheriff's Sale of Property, lus costs of Sheriff's Sole, ‘Yogether with a foreclosure of Plaintitt' ne fol- ien against the THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW AS SITUATED IN THE CITY F SCOTTSDALE, COUN! Rie COPA, STA ZONA, AND iS MIRABEL VILLAGE 16, ACCORDING To AEFIDAVIT OF CORRECTION AS RE- IN DOCI ora, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, Al 1 East Winter Sun Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona NOW. THEREFORE, PUBLIC NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN that on the tst day r, 2022, at the hour of 10:00 AM. ot Jefferson Street, 2508, in the City of Phoenix, ricona County, ofArizona, i in obedi ‘said, Staer of Sates sell ll the ei“antie claim and Interest * ‘Sebfor, in, of ond 10 the above Geseri bed property at public auction to the ighest bidder for cash funds only, in lowful money of the Unit ‘ed States, and apply the proceeds there. Payment and satisfaction of said iudsment, together with the inter. est that may: reon and ol ts of sult and accruing costs. "This site wos chosen as the closest lo- ‘cation to the courthouse door that Is ‘available for COVID-19 compliance. DATED this Ist. day of August, 2022. PAUL. SHERIFF OF MARICOPA county By Serge Civil Process OWvision FRAT OGDEN& COMPANY Pub: August 1 , 18, 25,