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  • MACDONALD, SUSAN Et Al v. NEELY, PAUL Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview
  • MACDONALD, SUSAN Et Al v. NEELY, PAUL Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview


SUMMON: STATE OF CONNECTICUT NOTICE TO OCCUPANT(S) NOT SUMMARY PROCESS (EVICTION) SUPERIOR COURT NAMED ON THE SUMMONS JD-HM-32 Rev. 4-19 If you claim to have a right to continue to C.G.S. § 51-348; P.B. § 8-1 occupy the premises you should complete Instructions: and file with the clerk's office a Claim of 1. Type or print legibly. if you are a self-represented party, this form must be signed by a clerk of the court. Exemption (form JD-HM-3) as soon as 2. If there is more than one defendant, make a copy of the summons for each additional defendant. Each copy of the possible. You can get the Claim of ‘summons must show who signed the summons and when it was signed. Also, if there are more than two plaintiffs or Exemption from the clerk at the address four defendants, complete the Civil Summons Continuation of Parties (form JD-CV-2) and attach it to the original and listed below or online at waw, all copies of the complaint. 3. Attach the summons to the complaint, and attach a copy of the summons to each copy of the complaint. 4. After service has been made by a proper officer, file the original papers and the officer's return with the clerk of court For information on ADA For more information on Summary Process (Eviction) Cases and to find the correct court location to file this case, accommodations, contact a court see Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants in Connecticut (form JDP-HM-31) clerk or go to or visit!. TO: Any proper officer; by authority of the State of Connecticut, you are hereby Return Date (Month, day, year) (Any day but Sundays commanded to make due and legal service of this summons and attached complaint. and legal holidays) 07/09/2024 Judicial District ‘At (Town) Case Type (From Judicial Branch code fst) [x] Housing Session NEW BRITAIN Major H Minor 00 ‘Address of court (Number, street, town and zip code) Telephone number of clerk 20 FRANKLIN SQUARE, ROOM 211, NEW BRITAIN, CONNECTICUT 06051 (860) 515-5130 Number of plaintiffs: 2 Number of defendants: 2 (J Form JD-CVv-2 attached for additional parties Parties Name (Last, First, Middle initial) and address of each party (Number; Street; P.O. Box; Town; State; Zip; Country, if not USA) First Name: MACDONALD, SUSAN P-01 plaintiff Address: 57 HILLSIDE AVENUE, PLYMOUTH, CT 06782 Additional Name: ARMSTRONG, ROBERT L. P-02 plaintiff Address: 57 HILLSIDE AVENUE, PLYMOUTH, CT 06782 First Name: NEELY, PAUL D-01 defendant Address: 477 MAIN STREET, TERRYVILLE, CT 06786 Additional Name: COVIELLO, KELLY D-02 defendant Address: 477 MAIN STREET, TERRYVILLE, CT 06786 Additional Name: D-03 defendant Address: Additional Name: D-04 defendant Address: Notice to each defendant 1 You are being sued for possession of the premises you occupy. 6. You can get the Appearance (form JD-CL-12) at the court address 2. This paper is a summons in a summary process (eviction) action. above or online at 3. The complaint attached to these papers states the grounds for Each court location can give you an informational pamphlet eviction claimed by the plaintiff. (JDP-HM-15) explaining the summary process (eviction) action 4 To respond to this summons, or to be notified of further and an Answer (form JD-HM-5) so that you may file an answer to the plaintiffs claims. You can also get the pamphlet and Answer proceedings, you or your attorney must file a form called an form online at Appearance (form JD-CL-12) with the clerk at the above court address on or before the second day after the above Return Date. If you have questions about the summons and complaint, you should talk to an attorney promptly. The clerk of court is not 5. If you or your attorney do not file a timely written Appearance form, allowed to give advice on legal questions; however, in Housing a judgment may enter against you by default. If that happens, the Session locations only, the clerk can give procedural assistance to plaintiff will have the right to evict you from the ses. all self-represented parties. Date [x] Commissioner of Superior Court | Name of person signing 06/24/2024 Z oO Clerk | RICHARD D. GILLAND, JR. For the plaintiff(s) enter the earance of: Name and address of attorney, Ige/firm or plaintiff if self-represented (Number, street, town and zip code) Telephone number Juris Number (ifattomey or aw fm) GILLAND & GILLAND, LLP, 97 MAIN STREET, THOMASTON, CT 06787 (860) 283-4309 400942 The attorney or law firm appearing for the plaintiff, or the plaintif if self-represented, agrees to accept Signature of Plaintiff (if self-represented) papers (service) electronically in this case under Section 10-13 of the Connecticut Practice Book. [x] Yes [] No E-mail address for delivery of papers under Section 10-13 of the Connecticut Practice Book (if agreed (0) For Court Use Only Receipt [[JNo Fee If this summons is signed by a clerk: File Date a. The signing has been done so that the plaintiff(s) will not be denied access to the courts. b. Itis the responsibility of the plaintiff(s) to see that service is made in the manner provided by law. c. The clerk is not permitted to give any legal advice in connection with any lawsuit. d. The clerk signing this summons at the request of the plaintiff(s) is not responsible in any way for any errors or omissions in the summons, any allegations contained in the complaint, or the service of the summons and complaint | certify | have read and Signed (Seifrepresented plaintiff) Date signed Docket Number understand the above: