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  • LARREN LLC vs Tanya Bahner Eviction (UD) document preview
  • LARREN LLC vs Tanya Bahner Eviction (UD) document preview
  • LARREN LLC vs Tanya Bahner Eviction (UD) document preview
  • LARREN LLC vs Tanya Bahner Eviction (UD) document preview
  • LARREN LLC vs Tanya Bahner Eviction (UD) document preview
  • LARREN LLC vs Tanya Bahner Eviction (UD) document preview
  • LARREN LLC vs Tanya Bahner Eviction (UD) document preview
  • LARREN LLC vs Tanya Bahner Eviction (UD) document preview


61-CV-24-246 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/27/2024 2:29 PM STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF POPE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Case Type: Eviction LARREN LLC, a Minnesota Limited Case No.: Liability Company, Plaintiffs, and EVICTION COMPLAINT Tanya Bahner, Defendant Plaintiff, for its Eviction Complaint, state and allege as follows: l. Defendant's name and address is: Tanya Bahner, 457 Aurora Avenue, Low1'y, MN 56349. Defendant's date of birth is July 4, 1979. 2 The Owner of the premises is LARREN LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company. The Plaintiff rented the property located at 457 Aurora Avenue, City of Lowry, County of Pope, State of Minnesota, Zip Code 56349 ("Premises") to Defendant. The written Lease Agreement dated August ll, 2023 (hereinafter "Lease Agreement") is attached as Exhibit A. 4 Plaintiff has complied with Minn. Stat. § 504B.l8l by including in the Lease Agreement the name and address of the persons authorized to manage the premises and the owner or agent authorized by owner to accept service of process and receive and give receipts for notice and demands. 5 A Notice to Pay or Quit, Notice of Lease Violations and Notice of Nonrenewal, attached as Exhibit B, was mailed to Defendant on June 10, 2024 demanding the Tenant pay all rent owed, correct lease violations or vacate by June 25, 2024 at 12:00 pm. To date, Defendant is still in possession of the premises and has failed to pay rent and failed to remedy lease violations. l 61-CV-24-246 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/27/2024 2:29 PM 6. Plaintiff seeks to evict Defendant for the following: Defendant is in possession of the premises after service of proper notice due to nonpayment and material noncompliance with the Lease Agreement. Specifically, Defendant has been in possession of a dog on the premises, which is in Violation of Paragraph 13B of the Lease Agreement. Defendant has had another person living on the premises, which is in Violation of Paragraph l7 of the Lease Agreement. Defendant has failed to consistently pay rent on time and has failed to pay rent for June 2024 in the amount of $875. The Defendant failed to move utilities in her name until December 2023 and did not reimburse Plaintiff for utilities paid on behalf of Defendant until June 2024. Defendant is holding over possession of the premises after the date of termination of the tenancy. 7. Defendant is not now in the military or naval service of the United States, to the best of Plaintiff s information and belief. 8. Plaintiff will incur approximately $3 04.00 for the filing fee and $70.00 for the service of process fee for this eviction. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendant for recovery of the Premises to Plaintiff, together with Plaintiff's costs and disbursements incurred herein, and such other and further relief as the Court deems just and equitable. ZUBER LAW PLLC r Dated: \0 lib i Z'l Signed: (I; 7fl/\/%7/' Brianna Zuber Beckwith (#0389190) Attorney for Plaintzfl l6 First Street SE Glenwood, MN 56334 Phone: 320-634-6299 Email: 61-CV-24-246 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/27/2024 2:29 PM VERIFICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT Laurie Musselman, on behalf of LARREN LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company, being first duly sworn on oath, states and deposes that she is an authorized representative of Plaintiff in the above—entitled action and has read the foregoing Complaint. The undersigned further knows the contents thereof and believes the same to be true and correct except as to those matters therein which were stated on information and belief. As to these matters, the undersigned believes them to be true. The undersigned aclmowledges that costs, disbursements, and reasonable attorney and witness fees may be awarded to the opposing party pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 549.211. Ideclare undei' penalty of perjury that everything I have stated in this document is true and correct. LARREN LLC, Lame Mariam/4 Laurie Musselman (Jun 26,202415243 CDT) By: Laurie Musselman Its: Membei' 61-CV-24-246 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/27/2024 2:29 PM NON—MILITARY AFFIDAVIT Laurie Musselman, on behalf of LARREN LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company, being duly sworn on oath, deposes and states in the above~entitled action: that upon information and belief the Defendant(s) are not now in the military or naval service of the United States and that this affidavit is made in compliance with the Service Member's Civil Relief Act. I declare under penalty of perjury that everything I have stated in this document is true and correct [WW/'6 Mariam/4 Laurie Musselman (Jun 26, 2024 15:43 CDT) Laurie Musselma11 61-CV-24-246 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/27/2024 2:29 PM State of Minnesota District Court County of: Judicial District: Select County Court File Number: Case Type: Housing Musselman, Lori Plaintiff (first, middle, last) vs. Affidavit 0f Personal or Substitute Service Bahner, Tanya Defendant (first, middle, last) I, state that I am at least 18 years of age (Name of person who hand-delivered documents) having been born on and that on I served the attached Summons and Complaint in an Eviction Action upon the named defendant(s) Tanya Bahner ( Name of defendant(s)) at: (street address, city, state, zip code) by personally handing a true and correct copy of the document to: D the defendant(s) named above OR D , a person of suitable age and (Name of person you handed the papers to, if someone other than defendant) discretion residing with the defendant(s). I declare under penalty of perjury that everything that I have stated in this document is true and correct. Minn. Stat. § 358.116. Dated: Signature P ope Name: County and State Where signed Address: City/State/Zip: Telephone: E—mail address: HOU106 State ENG Rev 8/18 www.mncourtsgov/forms Page 1 of 1 61-CV-24-246 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/27/2024 2:29 PM m M.S.B.A. Real Property Form No. 41 (2000. Revised 2011) Minnesota Standard Residential Lease LEASE / PAGE 'I of 10 MINNESOTA STANDARD RESIDENTIAL LEASE © Copyright 2011 by Minnesota State Bar Association. Minneapolis. Minnesota. BEFORE YOU USE OR SIGN THIS LEASE, YOU SHOULD CONSULT WITH A LAWYER TO DETERMINE THAT THIS CONTRACT ADEQUATELY PROTECTS YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS, Minnesota State Bar Association disclaims any liability arising out of use of thIs form, 'The Office of the Minnesota Attorney General certifies thatthls contract complies with the requirements of Mlnn. Stat §3256 31 (1999). iCERTlFICATION OF A CONTRACT BY THE MINNESOTA ATTORNEY GENERAL UNDER THE PLAIN LANGUAGE CONTRACT ACT IS NOT 9THEBINI§EANAPEBQVAL QUHE EONTRAQT'S LEGALITY 0R LEGAL EFFECT Landlord and Tenant agree to the following terms. _ TENANTS. (Each adult who signs this Lease is a "Tenant.") (i {\Y Q Ra l\ AM OTHER OCCUPANTS. EMU/n1 LANDLORD. L A AMEN. 1.1.0 The Premises ("Premises") includes dwelling unit number i ran Ant-L MN (zip code) 55 3%? at (street address) and samgc 1101 4'5 __.I__. storage unit no. ,cEC—i barking stall no (city) wry Term of Lease (Write numbct' of months or "month~t0—month.") tianvl'h "mm IIMdlit 13' 16' Starting Date of Possessiott Ending Date of Possession (If known) Monthly Rent$ $75 Security Deposit $ 3'7 Late Fee $ (In no case nut), the late xcecd 8 (W ot'thc twcnluc rent payment, Minn Stair Section 50mm.) Ifia OTHER CHARGES (specify) In at month 75 RECEIPT. RECEIVED FROM TENANT BY LANDLORD AT THE SIGNING OF THIS AMOUN'I' LEASE: FIRST MONTH'S RENT PAID IN ADVANCE ,150 LI 3 FIRST MONTH'S UTILITIES PAID IN ADVANCE (See Choices 3 and 4 below.) ,6" LAST MONTH'S RENT PAID IN ADVANCE £316 SECURITY DEPOSIT PAID IN ADVANCE '375 FIRST MONTH'S RENT FOR GARAGE PAID IN ADVANCE FIRST MONTH'S RENT FOR STORAGE UNIT PAID IN ADVANCE 6' OTHER (Specify) I PAID IN ADVANCE T()TAL RECEIVED FROM TENANT 24 $1.56 Notice. Under Minnesota law, the landlord ofa single-metered residential building is the bill payer responsible and shall be the customer ofrecord contracting with the utility for utility services. Utilities and Services will be paid as follows. UTILITIES: Included in Rent Not Included in Rent; Paid or Billed Separately Choice No. I Choice No. 2 Choice No. 3 Choice No. 4 LANDLORD PAYS TENANT PAYS TENANT PAYS TENANT PAYS SERVICE PROVIDER DIRECTI.Y TO LANDLORD LANDLOILD I'Olt A SERVICE PROVIDEIt (Reimbursement fot' PORTION OF separntcly meterCti Utility or UTILITIES Olt (Tenant's Premises has a forservice for Tenant's SERVICES separate meter and Premises with separate ('I'cnuttl's Premises does UTILITY OR separate billing or billing or account itt have u scpartttd SERVICE (Utilities and services are acet)UItt in Tenant's Landlord's name.) included in rent) namc.) (ADDED TO RENT,) (ADDEL) TO RENT) >>>>>>> CHECK ONLY ONE COLUMN FOR EACH UTILITY OR SERVICE <<4i<<~i< Natural (Tits so Water & Scwcr Jr Electricity Fuel Oil Garbage sax; Collcclitttt 4% Telephottc C'tthlc C'ottintuttictttimt Assuciatiutt Fees OIIIcrUtiIity or Service (Specify) NOTE: Ifcithct' Choice No. 3 or Choice No. 4 is checked for arty utility or service' Landlord must complete Part 35 of this Lease before Tenant signsl ('- SEE NOTE IF CHOICE NO. 3 OR CHOICE NO, Caution: Minneapolis and other cities might prohibit the apportioning of 4 IS CHECKED FOR ANY UTILITY OR SERVICE. utilities (Choice No. 4). 61-CV-24-246 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/27/2024 2:29 PM M.S.B.A. Real Property Form No.41 (2000, Revised 2011) l l 61/ LEASE [PAGE 2 of 10 more 'W Minnesota Standard Residential Lease CHECK APPLIANCES lNCLUDED rim" CLOTHES WASHER r X REFRIGERATOR X KITCHEN STOVE MICROWAVE __ CLOTHES DRYER WINDOW UNIT AIR __ __ CONDIiIONER __ DISHWASHER __ GAS GRILL TRASH COMPACTER OTHER :ilf—dehuwtid View The person authorized to manage th Premises is Name Dar/Ur ANA Mom I. Street Address, (not'l'fl. Box) Z't '56 ll 1: (at. s e ztt '1 ' Telephone 3Z0 *'1'1 Ll (3'45 5 City. State, Zip code mm M M The Landlord or agent authorized to accept of process and receive and give receipts for notices is Name 5%3'ice Street Address, (not PO. Box) 501w.- \ City, State, Zip code Telephone List arty additional agreements here. Attach a copy of each additional agreement to each copy oft he Lease. TERMS OF THIS LEASE. 1. OCCUPANCY AND USE. Only the Tenants and Occupants listed above may live in the Premises, except as allowed for common residential uses. by law. Tlte Premises, Utilities and Services shall be used only RENT. Terran ' 'shall ay Rent in. '1 vance on 0 before c first day of every month. Tenant pay the Rent at ' Mai 2. t Fir/ii" a 'i Vin—61L» 0V melL or other reasonable place reqslpall ested by Landlord. flfi h day of the month, 3. LATE FEE AND RETURNED CHECK FEE.If Landlord does not receive the rent by the Tenant must pay any late fee listed above as additional rent ii'rcquested irt writing by Landlord. T: nant shall also pay for eaclr check returned Tenant's bank. Rerrt is "paid" when Landlord receives it, not when mailed or $20.00 unpaid by! sent by Tenant. 4. SECURITY DEPOSIT. Landlord may use the security deposit A. To cover Tenant's failure to pay rent or other money due Landlord. ar rd tear. B. To return the Premises to its condition at the start of the tenancy except for ordinary wear the full Within 21 days after the tenancy ends and Tenant gives Landlord a forwarding address, Landlord shall return was withheld and why. security deposit with interest or send a letter explaining what 5. EACH TENANT RESPONSIBLE. Each Tenant is responsible for all money due to Landlord i nder this Lease, not just a proportionate share. r 6. TENANT PAYS FOR DAMAGE. Tenant shall pay for all loss, cost, or damage (includin plumbing trouble) caused by the willful or irresponsible conduct ofTenant or by a person under Tenant's direction 0 control. 7. LANDLORD'S NON-WAIVER. Payments other than rent are due when Landlord demands them from Tenant. or afier' Landlord's failure or delay in demanding payments is not a waiver. Landlord may demand payrr ents before Tenant vacates the Premises. 8. ATTORNEY'S FEES. The court may award reasonable attomey's fees and costs to the who prevails in a party lawsuit about the tenancy. sheet 9. PREMISES INSPECTION. Landlord and Tenant inspected the Premises together and signed an inspection and before signing this Lease. A copy is attached. When the Lease ends, Landlord and Tenant sha I inspect again complete a second inspection shcct. ID. LANDLORD'S PROMISES. A. The Premises and all common areas are fit for the use intended by Landlord and Tenant. B. Landlord shall make necesszit'5' repairs. Landlord need not repair damage causetl by the wit fill or irresponsible conduct oi' Tenant. Tenant's guests. or a persorr under Tenant's directiorr or control. C. Landlord shall keer) the Premises up to code unless a violation ol' the codes has been caus *d by the willful or or con trol. irresponsible conduct oi'Tcnant. Tenant's guests, 01' a persort under Tenant's direction 11. 'I'ENAN'I"S PROMISES. A. Tenarit shall not allow damage to the Premises. B. Tenant shall not allow waste ofthe Utilities or Services provided by Landlord. C. Tenant shall make no alterations or additions. D. Tenant shall remove no fixtures. E. Tenant shall not paint the Premises without Landlord's written consent. F. Tenant shall keep the Premises clean and tidy. G. Tenant shall not unreasonably disturb the peace and quiet of others. to do so. H. Tenant shall not interfere with the management ofthe property and shall not allow Tenant's guests I. Tenant shall use the Premises only as a private residence. 61-CV-24-246 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/27/2024 2:29 PM M.S.B.A. Real Property Form No.41 (2000, Revised 2011) LEA'SE / PAGE 3 of 10 Mlnnesota Standard Eesidential Lease or dangerous. .l. Tenant shall not use the Premises in any way that unlawfiil, illegal, is . . . restriction or increase in premium III K. Tenant shall not use the Premises in any way that would cause cancellation, a Landlord's insurance. substances in an unsafe manner. or L. Tenant shall not use or store in or near the Premises any inflammable explosive of to be made. M. Tenant shall notify Landlord in writing any repairs rs for those purposes. N. Tenant shall recycle or dispose oftrash in the outside containe provided give Landlord thc Tenant's home phone number within 2 days after 12. TENANT'S TELEI'HONE. Tenant shall service is started or the phone number is changed. 13. RESTRICTIONS. fumiture on the Premises. A. WATERBEDS. Tenant shall not have water beds or other water~filled Landlord's prior written approval. B. PETS. Tenant shall not have anininls or pets oti the Premises without locks. At Tenant' s Landlor d will change the locks or have the C. LOCKS. Tenatit shall not add or change request, do not meet current municipal codes or regulations, lock cylinders re'keyed at Tenant's expense. if the locks Landlord shall change the locks at Landlord's expense. recreational vehicle. unliccnced vehicle, D. VEHICLES. Tenant shall have no motor home, camper, trailer, boat, ot' vehicle on blocks. or comme rcial truck on the Premises or on the common area or curtilage inoperable vehicle. the buiidmg in which the Premises the Premises, except in a garage. ["Curtilage" means the grounds surroun ding is located.) A commercial truck is any truck in commercial service or larger than a pickup truck. Pcmtittcd vehicles remove and store shall be parked in designated areas only, Three days after giving notice to Tenant. Landlord may ble remova l and storage expense s as addition al Rent. the ofi'endiiig vehicles. Tenant shall pay reasona Premises for a reasonable business purpose. 14. LANDLORI)'S RIGHT TO ENTER. Landlord may enter the tnuke l'aitli effort to give Tenant reasona ble notice of the intent to enter. Landlord may enter Landlot'd must first a good time and purpose of the emergency entry in writing. the Premises in an emergency. Landlord must disclose the date, The writing must be left in a conspicuous place in the Premise s. responsible for any 15. DAMAGE OR INJURY TO TENANT OR TENANT'S PROPERTY. Landlord is not to act of Landlord. Tenant may obtain injury or damage that was not caused by a willful Ol' negligent act or failure Renter's lnsut'ance 16. NOTICE OF DANGEROLIS CONDITIONS. Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord ofi any conditions that s or waste Utilities or Services provided by Landlord. The notice may be oral or in might cause damage to the Premise writing. Tenarrt shall not sublet part or all of the Premises without Landlor d's written consent. Tenant 17. SUBLETTING. shall not be unreasonably withheld or this Lease without L n d 's wr' tert consen The consent shall not assign .lor' delayed) no WM OUT 0R HOLDING OVER. ch (PM Tenant must move out not later than i l:59 p.m.;on the Ending Date. 18. MOVING and this Lease has not been renewed lfTenant occupies the Premises after the Ending Date with Landlord's permission nor a new Lease made, this Lease becomes a month~to~month lease under its original terms. s month~to-month, written 19. NOTICE IF LEASE BECOMES MONTH~TO-MONTH If this Lease is or become end the Lease. The notice must end the lease on the last day ofa month and notice is required by Landlord or Tenant to to end a month-to-montlt lease on April 30, the notice must be received before the first day ofthat tnonth. For example, must be received on March 3i or earlier. 20. VACATING. When moving out, Tenarit must: A. Leave the Premises in the same conditiOtt as at the start of the Lease, except for ordinary wear and tear and fire or casualty loss. stalls. B. Completely vacate the Premises, including storage units, garage and parking C. Give Landlord a forwarding address. usc such as garage door openers, and D. Givc Landlord all keys and personal property issued to Tenant for Tenant's within 24 hours of , Landlor d may change the locks and charge tools. If Tenant does not return all keys vacating reasonable costs to Tenant, 21. PREMISES DESTROYED, UNINHABITABIJE OR UNFIT FOR OCCUPANCY. no fault A. lt'tltc Premises is destroyed or becomes totally uninhabitablc or completely unfit for occupancy through ol'Tentirit under Tenant' s directio n or control. either Landlor d or Tcmint may end this Lease. or neglect or- n person shall be prorated as of the Tl) cud the lease, Tenant or Landlord shall give prompt \vrittett notice to the other. Rent date the Premises became unfit for occupancy. for occupancy through the fault B. li'the Premises is destroyed or becotnes totally uninhabitable or completely unfit end this Lease. Landlot'd shall or neglect of Tenant or a person under Tenant's direction or control, Landlord may give prompt written notice to Tenant. d do these 22. BREACH OF LEASE[RE~ENTRY CLAUSE]. If Tenant materially breaches this lease, Landlor may things. does not give up A. Bertrand in writing that Tenant immediately give up possession of the Premises. lt' Tenant Landlor d may bring an eviction action (unlawf ul detaincr action). possession, in the future. If B. Demand in writing that Tenant give up possession of the Premises to Landlord at a certain date detainer action). Tenant does not give up possession on that date, Landlord may bring art eviction action (unlawful Landlord's Landlord may accept rent for the period up to the date possession is to be transferred without giving up right to evict. C. Bring an eviction action immediately (unlawful detainer action). 61-CV-24-246 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/27/2024 2:29 PM M.S.B.A. Real Property Form No.41 (2000, Revised 2011) Minnesota Standard Residential Lease LEASE / PAGE 4 of 'lO 23. DUTY TO PAY RENT' AFTER EVICTION OR SURRENDER. Rent is due under this Lease even if'l'enant surrenders the Premises or is evicted by Landlord. Landlord shall make good faith efforts to mitigate damages. 24. SUBORDINATION. This lease is subordinate to any mortgage againstthe Premises. No newownerorlendershall distttrb Tenant's occupancy, but shall have Landlord's remedies if Tenant defaults. Tenant shall documents sign reasonably requested by Landlord. Tenant appoints Landlord as attorney-in—fact to sign such documents for any mortgagee. 25. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS AND REMEDIES.Either party may use any or all ofits legal right and remedies. The use ofone or more rights or remedies is not an election of remedies. I" 26. SUBROGATION. Tenant and Landlord give up all rights of subrogation against the other for loss or damage covered by insurance. 27. TERMS. Where appropriate, singular tenns include the plural and plural terms include the si gular. 222 28. MISREPRESENTATION S. Any materially false statement made by either Landlord or Ten lot to the other that induces the signing of this Lease is a breach ofthis Lease. 29. ATTACII'MENTS ARE PART OF LEASE. NO ORAL AGREEMENTS. Attachments to this Lease, such as Landlord's building rules, il'any, area part ofthis Lease. No oral agreements have been made. This Lease with its attachments is the entire agreement between Landlord and Tenant. 30. NOTICES. A notice or demand mailed to or handed to any one ofthe Tenants named above is to all Tenants. nbtice 31. NOTICE OF PROHIBITION AGAINST UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES. A. Landlord and Tenant shall not unlawfully allow controlled substances in the Premises or in the common area or curtilage of the Premises. The Premises will not be used by Tenant or persons under Tenant's control to manufacture, sell, give away, barter, deliver, exchange, distribute or possess with the intent to sell, give away, barter, deliver, exchange, or distribute a controlled substance in violation of any local, state or federal law. B. Landlord and Tenant shall not allow prostitution or prostitution-related activity as defined in MINN. STAT. §617.80, Subdivision 4, to occur on the Premises or in the common area anti curtilnge ol'tlte Premises. C. Landlord and Tenant shall not allow the unlawful use or possessiori ot' a fireami in violation MINN. §609.66, Subdivision la, §609.67, or §624.7l3 on the property, its lands, or common area. The following notice is required by MlNN. STAT. §504B.3OS. A seizure under §609.53 l7, Subd. 1 for' which there is not a defense under §609.53 l 7, Subd. 3, constitutes unlawfiil detention by Tenant. 32. LEAD PAINT WARNING AND DISCLOSURE. HOUSING BUILT PRIOR TO 1978. Housing built before l978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips and dust can pose healtli hazards if not managed properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Before renting 24'! pro-1978 housing, lessors must disclose the presence of known lead-based paint and/or lead—based paint hazards in the dwelling. Lessees must also receive a federally~approvcd pamphlet on lead poisoning prevention. A. Hazards Disclosed. Landlord knows ot'tltc following lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards 011 the Premises (If none, state "none.") MAW B. Reports Disclosed. Landlord has provided Tenant with the following, which are all records and reports available to Landlord pertainitig to lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards on the Premises. (If no such records or reports are available to Landlord, state "none."l :A C. Tenant's Acknowledgment. Tenant has received the records or reports noted in paragrarih B.,.nbove and a copy ofthe pamphlet, Protect Your livm Lem] ill Your Haunts. EPA publication EPA747-K-94-001. Tenants' initialsfl I W D. Agent's Acknowledgment. Agent has informed Landlord ofLandlord's obligations undet' 42 is aware UlS.C. 4852(d) and g8 bility to ensure compliance. Agent's initials Landlord, Tentt ft to statements in the above paragraph. )B)' signing Agent bEIOW". {Y e accuracy 3'// 7,] ' %M\\\ "0' A '1 l till—)7 Landlord' Date enant Date Agent Date 33. CHANGES TO LEASE. Landlord and Tenant may change the terms ofthis Lease in writing. SMOKING. E[:1 34. (check one) Tenant may allow smoking on the Premises. Tenant shall not allow smoking on the Premises. 35. UTILITIES SERVICE NOTICE. Ifany ofthe utilities or services on Page 1 ofthis Lease is rebilled {Fettattt 61-CV-24-246 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/27/2024 2:29 PM M.S.B.A. Real Property Form No.41 (2000. Revised 2011) Minnesota Standard Residential Lease LEASE / PAGE 6 of 10 m 36. ADDITIONAL TERMS. 143 Nb H7 M! 149 350 Mt Landlord and Tenant agree to the terms ut' this Lease. LAND R T NTS We; Wait/~23 WW ' sfxfiattwm Datcg'l I * 23 D! Date Date Date Date RECEIPT BY TENANT(S) l have received a signed original or copy of this Lease. TENANTS : Date: Date: Date: Dale: Mt» LV 1' \ 1*) 61-CV-24-246 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota El 6/27/2024 2:29 PM zuK'BER LAW June 10, 2024 Tanya Bahner 457 Aurora Ave. Lowry, MN 56349 RE: Notice to Pay or Quit and Notice of Nonrenewal Dear Ms. Bahnel': Please be advised that you are in violation of your lease as follows: l. You have a dog on the premises, which is in violation of Paragraph 13B of your Lease Agreement dated August ll, 2023. 2. You may have your niece living with you, which is in violation of Paragraph l7 of your Lease Agreement. 3 You have consistently failed to pay rent timely. You failed to put the utilities in your name until May 2024. 5 You have not paid June rent in the amount of $875. You must pay this within l4 days of the date of this letter or vacate. You must remedy all of these lease violations immediately and pay your past due rent before June 25, 2024 or you must vacate the premises. If you do not correct these violations or vacate the premises by this date, your landlm'd will immediately file an eviction proceeding against you. You may be responsible for additional