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  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. PASKOV, EMILYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. PASKOV, EMILYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. PASKOV, EMILYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. PASKOV, EMILYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. PASKOV, EMILYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. PASKOV, EMILYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. PASKOV, EMILYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. PASKOV, EMILYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview


4388208 720438716 PLAINTIFF'S AFFIDAVIT OF INDEBTEDNESS AND OWNERSHIP OF ACCOUNT I am an Portfolio Support Specit ists for Resurgent Capital Services, servicer for the current owner, LVNV Funding LLC (hereafter the "Plaintiff"), and hereby certify as follows: T have personal knowledge regarding Plaintiff's creation and maintenance of its normal business records which includes the computer records of ils accounts and corresponding receivables. This information is regularly and contemporaneously maintained during the course of Plaintiff's business. 1 am personally familiar with the data maintained in Plaintiff's computer system that was entered at time of purchase for which | relied upon in attesting to this affidavit. 1 am familiar with said computer system and know it to be reliable. In the regular course of business, Plaintiff acquires revolving credit accounts, installment accounts, service accounts and/or other credit lines or obligations, The records provided to Plaintiff in connection with such acquisitions are represented (0 include accurate information provided by the original creditor and/or subsequent owners, and that information is reliably incorporated into Plaintiff's business records. Such information includes the debtor's name and social security number, the account balance, the identity of the original creditor and the account number. Based on the business records maintained on account XXXXXXXXXXXX6149 and its corresponding receivables (hereinafter the "Account”), which are a compilation of the information provided upon acquisition and information a valid obtained since acquisition, the Account was originated on 09/07/202) by Credit One Bank, N.A. and represents obligation of Emily Paskov . Plaintiff is the current owner of the Account. Plaintiff's business records indicate that subsequent to the Accounts origination other owners of the Account included: Credit One Bank, N.A. MHC Receivables, LLC and FNBM, LLC Credit Asset Sales LLC Resurgent Acquisitions LLC On 05/16/2022 all ownership rights in the Account were assigned to, transferred to and became vested in Plaintiff, including the right to collect the current balance owing of $570.51 plus any legally permissible interest. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the Defendant is not a minor or mentally incompetent person. Based on the business records maintained in regard to the Account, the above-stated amount is justly and duly owed by the Defendant to the Plaintiff and all just and lawful offscts, payments and credits to the Account have been allowed. Demand for payment was made more than thirty days ago. ‘All documents attached hereto are true and correct reproductions of the original business records maintained by Plaintiff. I affirm under penalty of perjury that the above facts are fi a, knowledge based on the Plaintiff's business records. =~ = Dorian Wharton 03/14/2024 The foregoing affidavit was signed to and subscribed before me this Thursday, March 14, 2024 (Notary Public) NA'STYASHIA SUL LIVAN Notary Public-State of Sa uth Carolinal My Commission Expires Ociobor 96, 2028 1 712915 ‘CREDIT ONE BANK CREDIT CARO STATENENT ‘Account Number 6129 March 19, 2022 to Apsil 18, 2022 ‘SUMMARY OF ACCOUNT ACTIVITY PAYMENT INFORMATION Previous Balance $521.74) New Balance $570.51 Payments $0.00 Past Due Amount $210.00 Other Credits ‘$0.00 ‘Amount Due This Period $399.51 Purchases $0.00 Minimum Payment Due $570.51 Balance Translers $0.00 Payment Due Date os/t4i22 Cash Advances $0.00 Late Payment Warning: Fees Charged $39.00 we do no receive your minimum payment by the date lisled above, Interest Charged $9.77 ‘you may have to pay 2 late fee up to $38. New Balance $570.51 Minimum Payment Warning I you make only the minimum payment each period, you wil pay more Credit Limit $300.00 in inevest and il wil take you longer lo pay off your balance. ‘Available Credit $0.00 Statement Closing Date 0418/22 For example: Days in Biling Cycle 3 Wyou make no You will pay off the “And you wit adgitional charges ‘balance shown on ‘end up paying ‘QUESTIONS? using this card and the statement in ‘an estimated Call Customer Service or Report ‘each month you pay. about. tal of. ‘a Lost or Stolen Credit Card 1-877-825-3242 (aly the minienum oul je the U.S. Call 4-702-405-2082 payment 1 months $571.00, Please send biling inquiries and correspondence to: Tryo0 would lke a localion for credit counseling services, call P.O, Box 98873, Las Vegas, NV 89193-8873 1-885-575-5720, Or you may Wii! www justice goviusiist- credi-counseling-agencies-approved-pursuant-11-use-111. TRANSACTIONS: Relerence Number Tuans Date _Post Dale Description of Transaction or Credit Amount Fees oantg 0418 LATE FEE 39.00 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD 39.00 Interest Charged o4nne 04/18 Interest Charge on Purchases a7 04/18 0418 Interest Charge on Cash Advances 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD a7? 2022 Totals Year-to-Date Total fees charged in 2022 $156.00 Total interest charged in 2022 $34.10 Your account is currently closed. INTEREST CHARGE CALCULATION ‘Your Annual Percentage Rale (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account Balance Subject to Type of Balance Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Interest Re Interest Charge Purchases 24.24%4(v) $483.57 sar7 ‘Cash Advances 24 24%(v) '$0.00 $0.00 (w)= Variable Rate 5395 6 oot 2 16 zane 0 CXPAGETof 20 5727 9620 Ane oncasz6s Pleoze rum is ption wih your payment, and wale your account numer on you check made osyakie Io CREDIT ONE DANK, ar PAY YOUR BILL ONLINE at Credit Bie ‘Account Number: New Balance: $570.51 6149 Minimum Payment Oue: $570.51 For address, telephone and email changes, Payment Due Date: 05/14/22 please complete he reverse side ‘Or. update your contact information online al www CreditOneBank com ep blister LUA plage fof ef gpa CREDIT ONE BANK EMILY PASKOV PO BOX 60500 105 GRENNAN RD FL 2 CITY OF INDUSTRY CA 91716-0500 WEST HARTFORD CT 05107-1616 Hyves Heyy Tfaate AlPegeyt ely ghetto a a Ey /12915 CREDIT ONE BANK CREDIT CARD STATEMENT ‘Account Number 149 ‘September 19, 2021 lo Oclober 18. 2021 ‘SUMMARY OF ACCOUNT ACTIVITY PAYMENT INFORMATION. Previous Balance ‘$75.00 New Balance $291.12 Payments $0.00 Past Due Amount $30.00 Other Ci its $0.00 Amount Due This Period $58.00 Purchases $185.57 Minimum Payment Due $88.00 Balance Transfers $0.00 Payment Due Date qntar2t Cash Advances Late yyment Warning Fees Charged $28.00 | we do nt receive your minimum payment by the d Fsted above. Interest Charged $2.55 you may have to pay 2 ate fee up (0 $39, ‘New Balance $291.12 inimum Payment Warning: $300.00 you make only the minimum payment each petiod, you wil pay more Credit Limit in interest and it wil take you longer 1 pay of your balance. Available Credit ‘Slatement Closing Date Days in Billing Cycle vanes For exaunple You wil pay off the ‘And you wil you make no I charges ‘balance shown on ‘end up paying ‘QUESTIONS? Using tis card and the statement in ‘anesiimated Call Customer Service or Report each month you pay. about. total of. a Lost or Stolen Credit Caré 1-877-825-3242 ‘Only the minimum Outside the U.S. Call 1-702-405-2042 payment 10 monins $320.00 Please send billing inquiries and correspondence lo: If you would lke a location Tor ereait counseling services, call P.O, Box 98873, Las Vegas, NV 89193-6673 1-856-515-8720. Or you may visil ww justice gov/ustlst- redi-counseling-agencies-approved-pursuan(-11-use-117 TRANSACTIONS: Reference Number Trans Dale Post Dato Description of Transaction or Credit Amount 7246921 68S2XL58SB2 Tom0s 70108 FRANCESGA'S 8570 WEST HARTFORD CT 3403 24316058VFYQ1ZBWP 10/09 10109 SHELL OIL| WEST HARTFORD CT 23.82 24316058VFYQ2XWEN 10/09 10709 SHELL OIL| WEST HARTFORD CT 30.63 24231688WRAGPXRIS 1010 10110 GULF OIL 92058030 SLEEPY HOLLOW NY 5.40 243160S8WFZ9QAZ42 10/10 10/10 SHELL Ol ERRRRRMMIM TARRYTOWN NY 2231 2413746BY2x9E4576 10112 102 BARNES & NOBLE #2279 WEST HARTFORD CT 6.27 24801668Z0VYVA042 103 10113 MARUICHI JAPANESE FOOD & WEST HARTFORD i199 cT 24692168Y2XE2606Z 10113 10113 AMZN Mkip US'278NJ8GZ2 Amzn.comill WA 42.49 10114 104 WHOLEFOS WHF 10217 WEST HARTFORD CT 863 Fees sone 10118 ATE FEE, 28.00 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD 28.00 Interest Charged 10/18 10118 Interest Charge on Purchases 255 108 10118 Interest Charge on Cash Advances 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD 2.55 2021 Totals Year-to-Date Total fees charged in 2021 $103.00 Total interest charged in 2021 $2.55 MISSING A PAYMENT CAN HAPPEN BUT GETTING ON TRACK IS EASY PLEASE PAY ONLINE, ON THE MOBILE APP, BY MAIL, OR CALL (888) 729-6274 SET UP ALERTS TO REMIND YOU ABOUT PAYMENTS ONLINE OR: ‘ON OUR MOBILE APP, 5285, aH oor 7 ano 0 DPAGE 102 20 977 920 AIs4 01Ga5305 Please relies Evin wih you paymen|. anu wee your aecour nett on you check, made payable lo CREDI” ONE BANK PAY YOUR BILL ONLINE at CreditOrie ‘Account Number: a 6149 New Balance: $291.12 Minimum Payment Que: $88.00 For address, telephone and email changes, Payment Due Date: awiset please complete the reverse side ‘Or, update your costae inormation online ‘at wor CrechlOneBank com. be anes eat tea eg Pe! ental tt CREDIT ONE BANK EMILY PASKOV PO BOX 60500 105 GRENNAN RO FL 2 CITY OF INDUSTRY CA 91716-0500 WEST HARTFORD CT 06107-1616 i I. Alsen gottaby acta! D YE tot 5o /12915 CREDIT ONE BANK CREDIT CARD STATEMENT ‘Account Number 9 ‘Seplember 19, 2021 to October 18, 2021 INTEREST CHARGE CALCULATION ‘Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. Balance Subject to ‘Type of Balance Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Interest Rate Interest Charge Purchases v) Hm $2.55 Cash Advances 23.99%(v) $0.00 (W) = Variable Rate /12915 5385 aH cor 8 DPAGE 2012 20 S727 9620 A338 OrGOSIES BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT OF ACCOUNTS FROM CREDIT ON RANK, N.A. TO MHC RECEIVABLES, LLC As of April 30, 2022, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of whi n hereby ach nwledged, Credit One Bank, N.A. (“Assignor”) has transferred, has sold, has assi igned. has conveyed, ha granted il has otherwise delivered to MHC Recei ables. LLC (“Assigne; 5, all of Assignor’ 1. title ancl interest in and to (i) the charged-off credit card acco nts identified on an account level basis in the dats file named CreditOne_Fresh_Resurgent_052022 (th “Computer ). acopy of ‘hich is attached hey (0 and incorporated herein by reference as "Ex! i sand, (ii) certai related account level medi orelecwonic cop thereol (inchiding, but not limited to applications, statements. terms and condition), and (iii) all claims or rights as ng out ofor ing to cach account referenced on the Computer ile (collectively hereinatier, the “Accounts”) including, but not limited to, all cli ims and righis afforded each Account by virtue of that Account’s corresponding terns andl conditions. The Accounts transferred under the ter of this Bill of Sate and A: igament of Accounts w re each, transferred to Assignee immediately following charge off for each applicable Account, as shown in the Computer File. With respect to information for the Accounts, Assignor represents and w is to Assignee that the business records conveyed to Assignce relating to: (i) the Accow 5 issned by Assignor: and (ji) the sale nd assignment of Accounts by Assignor (collectively. the “Business Record ),are kept by Assignor in the regular cour of business, I is in the regular course of business of As nor for an employee or an uthorized representative with personal knowledge of the act, event, condition, or opinion (colle ively * rent”) to be recorded, to. 1 ¢ the appropriate memorandum or recoreling af the Even at or reasonably acar the time af the Event. Furthermore, Assignor represents, and warrants to As ignce that the Business Records are materially complet an ae, a dl thoroughly embody the information in As nor's custody and control for the Accounts from their creation until the time of tray fer to. ssignee, These representation: warranties are intended 10 augment any other representations and warranties the parties may have in place and not supplant any other existing warranties and representations. This Bill of Sale and Assignment af Accounts shall serve as evidence ef ownership for the Accounts conveyed hereby and shall serv a knowledgment, as ratification, and as evidence of the intent of the parties to instr the Accounts. CREDIT ONE BANK, N.A. ‘Coe Michael Wiese Vice President /12915 XMIBIT A ACCOUNT SCHEDULE The Accounts that a specifically tified! in the ectronic file named CreditOne_Fresh_Resurgent_052022 svith such ele incorporated herein by seference. 2915 BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT OF RECEIVABLES FROM CREDIT ONE HANK. N.A. TO MHC RECEIVABLES. LLC As of April 30, 2022 for good and aluable consideration, the receipt and sulficieney of which is hereby acknowledged, Credit One Bank, N.A ssignor”) has tr sferned, hi sold, has assigned.has conveyed, has granted and has otherwise delivered 10 MHC Receivables. LLC (“A‘ ne *), all of Assignor's right, title and interest in and to (i) the receivables assoc’ ed with each and every account referenced in the data file named CreditOne_! sh_Resurgent_052022 (the “Computer File”). a copy of which is att ched hereto and incorporated herein by reference as “Exhibit A"; and, all elaims or rights arisin out of oF Felating to each of those Receivables (here walter, the “Receivables”), ‘The Receivables wansfe