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  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. WILSON, SHELBYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. WILSON, SHELBYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. WILSON, SHELBYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. WILSON, SHELBYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. WILSON, SHELBYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. WILSON, SHELBYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. WILSON, SHELBYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. WILSON, SHELBYS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview


4384464 743604371 PLAINTIFF'S AFFIDAVIT OF INDEBTEDNESS AND OWNERSHIP OF ACCOUNT. J amin Portfolio Support Speciulists for Resurgent Capital Services, servicer for the current owner, LYNV Funding LLC (hereafter the "Plaintiff"), and hereby certify as follows: Thave personal knowledge regarding Plaintiffs creation and maintenance of ils normal busess records which includes the computer records of its accounts and. corresponding receivables. This information is regularly and contemporaneously maintained during the course of Plaintiffs business. In the regular course of business, Plaintiff acquires revolving credit accounts, installment accounts, service accounts and/or other credit lines or obligations. The records provided to Plaintiff in connection with such acquisitions are represented to include accurate information provided by the original creditor and/or subsequent owners, and that information is reliably incorporated into Plaintiff's business records. Such information includes the debtor's name and social security number, the account balance, the identity of the original creditor and the account sumber. Based on the business records maintained on account XXXXXXXXXNXX7916 and its corresponding receivables (hereinafter the Account”), which are a compilation of the information provided upon acquisition and information obtained since acquisition, the Account was originated on 05/24/2021 by Credit One Bank, N.A. and represents 2valid obligation of Shelby Wilson . Plaintiff is the current owner of the Account. Plaintiffs business records indicate that subsequent to the Accounts origination other owners of the Account included: Credit One Bank, NA. MHC Receivables, LLC and FNBM, LLC Credit Asset Seles LLC Resucgent Acquisiions LLC On 12/16/2022 ail ownership rights in the. Account were assigned fo, transferred to and became vested in Plaintiff, including the right to collect the current balance owing of $973,84 plus any legally permissible interest. ‘To the best of my knowledge and belief, the Defendant is not a minor or mentally incompetent person, Based on the business records: maintained in regard to the Account, the above-stated amount is justly and duly owed by the Defendant to the Plaintiff and all just and lawful offsets, payments and credits to the Account have been allowed. Demand for pay:nent was made more than thirty days ago, All documents attached hereto are true and correct reproductions of ihe original business records maintained by Plaintiff Hei,WANG I affirm under penalty of perjury that the above facts are te and the best of my knowledge based_on the Plaintiff's business records. J Aviyana Lane-Suber 02/28/2024 The foregoing affidavit was signed to and subscribed before me this Wednesday, February 28, 2024 west (Notary Public) lA. MA'STYA SHIA SULLIV AN Notary Publie- ‘State of South Casot My Cominission Expire inal s October 66, 2033 = #12914 CREDIT Os BANK CREDIT CARD STATEMENT ‘Aecourt Number October 08, 2022 to November OF, 2022 Sum RARY-OF ACCOUNT ACTIVITY. 3 : PAYMENT INFORMATION. ‘ Previous glance $808.63 jour Botanee ‘$573.84 Payments $0.00 Past Due Amount $280.00 Other Credis $2.00 ‘Aanound Duo Thie Period $732.84 Purchacos $0.00 Ninimnusm Payment Due $973.04 Balance Transters $0.00 Payment Duo Dato 42103122 Cash Advancos $0.00 Late Payment Watninss: Fees Charged $47.25 we ze not secetvs your minimum payment by ihe ate Estea above, lotarest Charged $19.96 you may hove ta pay 8 late fee up ie £39, New Batanca $973.84 :8ialmum Paymant warning: Credit Umit $800.00 Ityau make enty ine minim payment each period, you wll pay mare Available Credit 0.00 4 ntaresl and it wil loke you fongorts ray aff your balance. Slatement Ciosing Date sorta For example: Days in Buling Cyce ~Ttyeu make ae You wit nay affine* QUESTIONS? -adatonsi charges ; balanenshownen, |. “hesa opyeewil payAg “using tals card dn ms the stalementia {oh estratail? Cali Customer Service or i ach nian yey pay, 2 2 aboit. os telotet.. a Lost er Stelen Credit Gard $877 828-3242 Outside tho U.S, Call 4.702-408.2042 aly he “otmars payment ments} se7aoe Pleasa send viling inquties and correspanetanea 1 P.O, Box $8873, Las Vegas, NV 69193-8873 ‘yon woutd ike a oeatlon fer FredR coursalng xandces, call -£65.515:8720. Or you may vis’ wivwefusice gexiusttst- eredi-counseling-agendias-sppioved-putsuantttusc-H1t, = ae 7 a= ToToe TRANSACTIONS. aE = ¥ Retwionce Nierbor Tot Dae Fos! Date Deseinien otTeamacien oy crect Armount f iyments, Cros Adjustments f got ie agi! ee Peet be 2 Foe: " Fo72raonTococvLAG, adr sHioz "ANNUAL PEE * jarae THROUGH W322 6.28 07 1407 LATE FEE 32.00 * TOTAL FEES FOR THis PERIOD . 47.28 teas <%, interest Charged ~ glans Sg a wan su0F ir” inorest Graige on Purchases 988 18107 HT Inserest Charge on Cash Advances 09 ‘TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD 19.98 = 2032 Totals Year-to-Date "ial feos Chaigca 2022 302.50 Total interest charged in 2022 $138.44 Your acccunt is currently closed, NOTICE OF CHANGE IN TERMS TO YOUR REWARDS PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT Effective 0270112023, Cash Back Rewards wif be based ea Net Efighie Purchases made with your Account from Ihe fist Say 16 tha last doy of that month. Allother terms ia your Rewards Pregram Supplement comain unchanged, Ploase keep a copyof this document with your Card Agrecment. 7Lh INTEREST CHARGE CALCULATION, 7 7 ‘Your Annual Percentage Rate {APR} is the annual intarest rate cn your account, ‘Type of Balance Galance Subject to Annual Percentage Rate {APR} Intorest Rate Interest Charga Purchases $867 49 $1996 Gach Advancos 26 8R5e4) $0.00 3009 {vi ® Variabie Rate $25 we 77 mero oxes at 20 S37 ozo tks onGRENS ‘feaseretan ls porto win you pay and wile ys teary matronyout check, mae Baye lo CREDIT ONE DALE, yee #0.b0x 98873 PAY YOUR BILL ONLINE at CreditOfne® LASVEGAS, HVB9193-873, Asoouna Mumb: EEE7016 New Balance: 8975.34 Minimum Payment Ove: $975.84 For address. telephone and cma changes, Paymart Oue Date: 12103022 please complete Ie reverse sti Cr. update youe cortoct infermabiat criice Bl vonr CrestOneBaMk. con, Je bate ete TET gee ele CREDIT ONE BANK SHELBY WLSON PO BOX Esco S32 ELMSTAPT E01 CITY OF INDUSTRY CA 91716-0909 ‘MANCHESTER CT 06040-8977 Alegelf eoatat lyf tlle yy 14187 ee CREDIT ONE BANK CREOIT CARD STATEMENT ‘Account tlumber| 7816 Septembor 08, 2022 to Geicber 07, 20022 = me ~SURHARYz01 "RECOUNT ACHINTY mT 7 y : “AYMENT INFORMATION. oF 77 Previous Balance 2020 New Balance ‘$808.63 Paymests $2600 Past Due Amount $234.00 Oher Credits 0.09 Amocrl Due This Period ‘$2500 Purchases: $30.08 Minimum Payment Des $919.00 Balance Transtors $0.00 Payment Due Date 11903822 Gash Advances $0.00 Lato Payment Yorntag: Fees Charged $47.25 we dont reca've your minimum paymers bythe dase lstee above, Interest Charged 319.14 you tnay have ly pay alate 192 vp 1a 529, ‘New Balance. $906.83 taionuen Payment Wareng: Sredit rit $600.00 you make caty the micinum pnyment each pesine, you wik pay more Available Credit $0.00 fn interest and it wit take you Songerle pay at your Balenece, Slalement Clesing Dale s0r07/22 Fon examples Days in Ailing Cycle ‘yeu makes > ‘You bipay-erttie “Ana.yeo wee QUESTIONS? ‘edshional charges ‘yelarce skewh dap Paying } using nis card ang “tha statementin mesteoted Call Customer Service or Report ach th you Bay, Se abbul tiga. . A Lost ¢r Stolen Credit Care 177-025-8242 ‘Only tne teem ‘Outside the U.S. Cail 1702.405-2042 payment years jwase send biling inquiries and correspondence to: shaeeco P.O, Box 85879, Las Vegas, NV 85183-8873 Ifyou woud ike a ireaten tor ciedt eouaseirg sonices, ent 1-660-535-5720, OF you may visk www Zashcu Gowesthst- Gieditccunselng-agencles-approved-pursvantt user, = 7 TE oF TRANSACTIONS, - TF * Ze otras ater "FramaCate Pastote Deseo Hansen of Cred s - Amount FEr2yoo GeooQROOe ams ‘O50S ADIUS THENT-PAYMENTS ‘a0 03109 ogee “FINANCE CHARGE* PREV CYCLE PURCHASES O04 7407 192AECOXI TANUE 10104 10m4 PAYMENT-THANKYCU LAS VEGAS NV 30.00 i sorte ae eran yo om OP RARE Fafayaity a YLAG © “ant :jed7 ANNUAL Fie uae TaROUGH 102" 8.25 4007 1007 LATE FEE 33.00 ‘TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD A725 seya oot nein ty te ans“ . sete ies: renee, invareat Ghstaed oy2 Bhs ae %0i07" ” s6i67 Interost Charge cn Purchases: 19.44 : 40:07 1007 Interast Charge on Cast Advances 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD 1944 one 2022 volals Vearta-Date oF 7 ‘Total fees charged in 2022 ~ $257.25 ‘Total imerost enaeges in 2022 8115.48 THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE TO HELP RESOLVE YOUR DEBT AS YOUR ACCOUNT IS SCHEDULEDTO BE CHARGED-OFF. YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO PAY LESS THAN THE FULL BALANCE. CALL US AT (688) 728-6274 TODAY FOR OPTIONS, ‘Your account is currently elased. TEE os oe 8 ET e Por “CA INTEREST CHARGE CALCULATION” ot ‘Your Antuat Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual inlerast rate en your account. ‘Type of Balance Batanee Subject tg Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Interost Rate Interest Charge Purchases Rev) segue 1974 Cash Advances Assia $0.00 $050 (¥) = Variable Ralo sms cat 77 mon 6 OXPASE 1 oft 20 SRT sin Mis coe lease rei ts parien wi yo payoert an te you actor: nome an yor cheek, ade pay fo CRUE OME BANK. THOR. PO. 20X 98573, PAY YOUR BILL, ONLINE at CreditOne LASVEGAS, VAM 97-8873 Account Numbar: 7956 New fialance: set5.83 Minimum Paynient Due $219.00 or address, telephone and ema changes, Payment ue Date: sos please ezmpiote Ihe roverse atte. Cr, epdate your enrtae information ening ‘stove Geo2OneBank cor, AMOUNT ENCLOSED: bo) Hoty teen ety yp PDA CREDIT ONE BANK SHELBY WILSON PO BDxE0sCO 63 ELM ST APT Ot CITY OF INDUSTRY Ga 91748-0800 MANCHESTER C¥ C540-£977 PUL ANT Hydfst 4418? ee CREDIT ONE BANK CREDIT CARD STATEMENT ‘Astount Humber 6 October 08, 2022 ta Navember07, 2022 ‘SUMMARY OF ACCOUNT ACTIVITY fe> 7 PAYMENT INFORMATION | =r: ‘ Provous Balance $608.83 New Balance ‘So73.84 Paymerts $0.00 Past Due Amount $280.00 ‘Other Crees 6.00 Aanount Due This Period, $732.84 Purchases 0,00 Minimum Payment Dus $973.84 Batence Trensters $0.00 Payment Due Date 120322 ash Advances 9,00 Late Payment Warning: Fees Charged $47.28 ‘ve a0 nel receive your minimum payment bythe date Uses stove Intorest Charged $19.98 yor may neve to pay 2 iate fev vp a $39. ‘New Balance $873.84 ‘inimum Payment Warnings Great nit $600.00 you make only the minimum payment each exting, you wit pay mate Available Croc $0.00 fs bterest and Nl wik Lake you forge la aay ef your talnece : Statome: tosing Date quote For exarapl Days in @tling Cycle 34 yoy riskone You willpay otfthe 7 ‘Agbyou wil a sedlionalchames atone 80 ensep paying s ‘QUESTIONS? stig tis cant and “tha statements» ted Col Customer Servier or Repost agp wonin'ysa Boy. about, felet a Lost or Stolen Credit Card 877-825-9242 Outside ne US. Cab 1-702-408-2042 ‘Saly tho aim payment A masts) 587409 Floaso’send biling inquivies and correspondance to: P.O. Box 93873, Las Venas, NV 69153-0673, yea wavid The a levavon for ered counseung sonties, cai 1-205-815-5728, OF you may vst woe justee pevslfat- creds-counsclag-agenciesapprovedpursuante! {used1. “ ie TRANSACTIONS ~ SE ae ae a Be Pe,= = x ‘Reference ttumeer Yass Dale Post Oite Desiriptinn of Weinéaction or Grae unt Te oe piments, Credits; PAAR iments ae ey 4 2h aa "Foes Ata fe % b FerarockecéocyiAc 41077 “iO? AKNUAL FEE ‘ina Tinducit 122 26 WoT 1007 LATE FEE, 33.00 hesfe - Se ¢ TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD 47.28 “9aeye oo sf fost Chi ve so? ‘Wier tnieroat Charge on Pachases 107 11707 Interest Charge cn Gash Advances 0.90 ‘TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD 19.95 ie 022 Totals Yearsto-Date ve Ee Ba Fatal ins chagedin 2022 $204.50 ‘Total interest chargod in 2022 $135.44 Your acceunt fs currently closed. NOTICE OF CHANGE It’ TERMS TO YOUR REWARDS PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT Btfective 0301/2023, Cash Back Rewards willbe based on Net Bligbte Purchases made with yeur Account from the frst day lathe tast day of thei month. Al atrer terms in your Rewards Program Supplement remain unchanged. Piease kee a copyof his document with your Gard Agreement +P x INTEREST CHARGE CALCULATION : uNq Ta ‘Yur Annual Percentage Rate (APR) isthe arrualleraat ate ‘an your aceaunt ‘Typo cf Batance Balance Subjectto ‘Annual Porcentage Rate (APR) Interest Rate interest Charge Pur 26938) 37.49 Cash Advances 26.5304) $0.00 ‘$980 () = Voriahte Rate soa 2H tat tT unr o OXPAGE Lett 20 SAT Garo sates orcaasees ‘Renseteaun tis portan whn yeurpay nee, and ste yout mccoy mer eh yeu check made payetie & CREOET CHE BARE. TOP. CreditOfie PO.BOX 98873, PAY YOUR BILL ONLINE ‘Account Number: at CreditOne#ank,com 7956 LAS VEGAS, HV 89193-0873 Now Balance: $973.84 i rimum Payment Duet $973.84 For agaress, teleptione and email changes, Payment Que Date: s2m3n2 steave complete ire toversn size, Gt upcate your contaet mterenatian ening at ne. CredaOneBank com, AMOUNT ENCLOSED: sd Welly UALS fot bred! CREDIT ONE BANK ‘SHELBY WILSON PO BOX ses90 62 ELM ST APT Got CITY OF INDUSTRY CA S1756-08¢0 MANCHESTER CT 66040.5877 Meee Lele LedEgeltsl yg egdyy 44187 a BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT OF ACCOUNTS FROM CREDIT ONE BANK, N.A. TO MHC RECEIVABLES. LL As pf November 30, 2022, for goad and valuable consideration, the recei iptai hereby acknowledged, Credit One Bark, ad suificieney Of which is NA. (“Assignor”) has transferred, Has sold, hag ass -gratited and has otherwise delivered to MHC Receivables, LLC (“Assignee”), all of Assi igned, has coveyed,has in and to (i) the vharged-off credit card accounts identified on an accom mt level or" yf, ile and interest CreditOne_Fres| esnrgent. 122022 (the "Computer File”), @ copy of which is attached harete arcda IS “the named porated hetéin by reference: Exhibit AY; ‘tng, (ii) certain related account level media or elettronk bat npt limited to applications, sta tements, spies thetedf (including, terms and condition), and all clatms ori, ights-arisin owt of or felating lo-éact count referenced on the Computer File (collectively hertitiafter, the “Accounts") ig to, nll sldims and rights afforded each Acemunt by virtue oF iliat Account's o ‘orrespor ludisig, bint ot Timited iding ternis atid conditions, ‘The Accouals transferred ander the lerms of this Bill vf Sale and Agsignns af Abéoutits were each Iransfeired to Assignee immediately following charge off for each applicable Aécaunt, as shor wn 74 the Computér File, ‘With cespect to information forthe Accounts, Assi ghar represents aiid Warrants 70 Ags igdve that the business records cotyveyed to Assignee relating to: i) tha Atcounts issued by Assignory Accounls by Assignor(collectively, the “Business Records"),are keptby Assignorin fie resilat and f igrimént of and i) thé cot tsi ts Busiitess, Teds in tho tegulor course of busin ess, oY Assignor for an eniployde ot an authorized yepiesenta kijoWledgeof the act, event, condition, er opinion {collectively “Byvent") (0 be recorded, to tive th personal ihehiorindum ot recordingof the Event make the at orreasonzbly nexr-theti ime of the'Event. Furtheninare optiate, ahd wa: to Assignee that the Business Recards are, materially complete andl aecutaté,. iat resents infor Assignor’s custody ‘and control far the Aecoun| ts from their credtion until thergugl gitiiody the, Assignee. hese representations and warranties are intended to augmient fe fits Of gnc Y ie any otherrey ations ‘id wai the parties may: haveid place and not supplant any other existing warranties aad représentati This Bill-of Sale and Assignment of Accounts shall serve as evidence of ¢ f awvneistin conveyed hereby and shall serve'as: an acknowledgment, as ratification, and as evidence for shé Accounts transferthe Accounts: of tie iil Pthe patties to CREDIT ONE BANK, N.A, Wiese Vice President 14187 EXHIBIT A ACCOUNT SCHEDULE ‘The Accounts that ate specifically identified ix the electronis Hle iamed CreditOne Freel with such electronic File incorporated! herelri by referenve, gent 122022 . 146187 BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT OF RECEIVABLE S FROM CREDIT ONE BANK, N.A. TO MHC RECEIVABLES, LLC As of Noveritber' 30, 2022 for goad and valuable consideration, the recel ipt and suffic ‘acknowledged, Credit 0: ak, NA, CAgsignor”) has transferred, has sold, hes a: signed, hasiency of which is hereby conveyed ‘and has otherwise delivered to -éivables, LLC (“‘Assignee’™ ) all:of Assignor’s right, title and , has aranted to (i) the feceivables as: fated with each and every ac count referenced in the inter fi tind CreditOne_lresh_Resurgi 122022 (he "Computer File), acopy of which is attached itietodmaand ifilecotponited admed herein by refetence'as “Exhil Abd, (i) all claiens or tighis-a rising: out of or relating to each Of those Ri (hereinafter, the “Recuivables”, ‘ables The Reseivatiles {taitsfétred under the terms of this Bill of. ‘Sale transferred to Assignee pr >j fothee and Assigninent of Rect ivables were ¢ off of she associated accor munis, as shawn in the Compier File, This Billeachof Sale-and Assignment of Receivables ences the iotent between t the parties, for the transfer ofthe as on acknowledgement of those transfers, and, {@ thy extont Recei ivables, atts nacessary, ratification of the transters, With respect tu jinformati¢n tor the Receivables, Assignor sepresents and warran business tecottls con to ts 10 Ass) e they why the regular course 6 ive telatiny to the Receivables {the "Business Records"), is in the regular course of business of Assignor for an employes are kept by’ ienotin, xepreseritative with p ‘sonal or an Muthorized Wwledge of thé net, évent, condition, or opinion (collectively "Evant”) to be ret to. make the appropriate moimndum of iecording: of the Event tat or reasonably inear corded, Purthetmore, Assigitot 1a the Ure Of the ents and watriats (o Assignee that th ic ‘Businass Records ate materia accurate, and thoroughly body the information in Assignor’ 's custody lly 20) Hable. and ‘and tontrol for the Recei ivables tori their création until the-time of t for to Assignee, ‘These representations. aud wertanties areiniende representations and wa a mines the parties may ‘have: in place doanementany othr and not supplunt any other existing warramies ghd Tepressntations. This Bill of § . igtiieit af Récelvabiles shall. serve as ev idence of ownership conveyed hereby and ag ah a¢knovlédgment, as ratification, and as evidenc for the Receivables dransfertie Revelvatiles, e.of itve iment of the Parties to. CREDIT ONE BANK, N,A. 2a LL Michael Wiese Vice President 44187 EXHIBIT A ACCOUNT SCHEDULE ‘The Accounts that ae specifically identified in the clectronie file named Credit with such electronic file intorporated hetein by reference. One_Fresh_Resurgent._322032 14187 BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT OF RECE IVABLES EROM MHC RECHIVABLES, LLC, TO FNEM, LLC As of Necember 16, 2022, MHC Receivables, LLC * reeeipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has “Assignoi™), for good and yalitable consideration, the periodically wagsferred, conveyed, hns-granted and has othenwise fefivered to ENBM, old, has assigned, has andto Ui) the receivables identifie: ad and specifically referencedLI] LO, Assign ee yall ofits ins, title and interest in for'ench of thi ea the data file titled CreditOne_Br ‘esh_Resurgent, 122022 “atrache nts-Ge Bh it Jeyed) basis:on all claims or xi ights arising out of or relating to the account Orpornied by d heroto ani Ine éreiicebs “Exhibje AY; and Receivables”). | level xecelvables (hereinafter the With respect to information for the. Recelvables, business records conyeyet! ta Assignee relating to ~Assignor ref cals and wardtits to Assignee that the tle Rece! ivables (the “Bo: 3 sinegs Records the regular course of its business, It is in the regular course, #t2 kept by Assignorin Tepresentative with personal knowledge {a make the appropriate memorandum or recor 1 OF the Byeitt Of businiess of Assigaar e my ‘of the.ti vert, ‘contlition, or opinion (callectively * iployes : orauh ‘rized corded, Furthermore, Assignor ropresemts md warrants to Assign at ‘of teasonably’ ue: é athe Event, ce that the Busitiess Records are ansterial a ‘. and thoroughly embody the information in Ase: ignor's custody and coytrol for tlie Ree nyal 8 trom their accurate, creation watil the time of rausfer to Assignee, ‘These omplste and reps resentations and warranties: Tepresentations and warranties the partics may have in tehded to enLany other place and. hot supplant any alher existing Fepresentations. Wwartatties and This Blof Sale and Assignmect of Receivables shall serve Ss au acknowledgment, of the intent of the parties to transfer the Released! Receivabl As fatification, tid as evidence es refererived herein, MHE Reeeivabh LLG Mark Rofail, Avthotizgt Rep-esentitiye 14ua7 EXHIBIT A ACCOUNT SCHEDULE ‘The. Accoulits that are specifically ly identifiedin the vlevtronic:file named CreditOne_Fresh_Reswrgerit_122022, with such ¢lecitonic file incorporated heyein by reterence. 14187 BILE OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT OF RECEIVABLES EROM ENBM, LLC, 10 CREDIT ASSET SALES LLC On December 16,2022, FNBM, LLC (“Assignor’}, tor good and valuable cansideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby transfers, sells, assigns, conveys, grants and delivers to Credit Asset Sales LLC (CAssignee"), all of its rights, tile and interest in antl to (i) the receivables identified and specifically referenced for cach of the accountson an account level basis on the data file titled CreditOne_Fresh, 1_Resurgent_122022 attached herelo and incerporaied by reference as “Exhibil A"; and (i) all claims or rights arising out of or relating to the receivables (hereinafter the “Receivables”). This Bill af Sale and Assignment of Receivables shall serve as evidence of ownership for any of the Receivables conveyed hereby. FNBM, L} Greg Himprond, Authorized Representative With respect 10 information for the Receivables, MHC Receivables, LLC ("MHC") tepresems and warrants to Assignee that the business records conveyed to Assignee relating to the Receivables (iho “Business Records”), are kept by MHC in the regular course of its business. It is in the segular course of business of MHC for un employee or Ain authorized repressntative with personal knowledge of the acl, event, condition, or opinion (collectively “Event’) to be recorded, to make the appropriate memorandum or recording of the Event at or veasonably near the time of the Event, trtherntore, Assignor represents and warrants to Assignee that the Business Recosds are materially complete and accurate, and thoroayhly embody the information in Assignor's custody and cantrol for the Receivables from their Creation until the time of (ransfer to Assignee. These representations and warranties are intended tu augment any other sepres¢atations and warrimties the parties may have in place and not supplant any other exisiing warranties and representations. MHC Receivables, LLC Mark Rufail, |, Authorized Representative 414187 EXHIBIT A ACCQUNT SCHEDULE ‘The Accounts that are specifically identified in the electronic file name CreditOn ¢ Hresh_Resurgent, 123022, With such electronic file incorporated herein by reference, 14487 ILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT OF ACCOUNT: FROM MHE RECEIVABLES, LLC TO. CREDIT-ASSET. SALES LLC: On December 16, 2022, for good and veluable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, MC: Reczivables, LLC (“Asiignor’), hereby transfers, sélls, ass j, COnVEYS, Mans aid othérwise delivers to Credit Asset Sales ULC (“Assignee”), all of Assignoi’s, tiehts ud: nd inte 1G) the charged. bff accounts flentified on an:account level basis in the datd file named CreditOneBri ent_122023 (the “Compuier File"), a copy of which is attached Rerete and incorporated herein by referene: it A’ hd, Gi) certain-reJaled account level media nr electronic copies thereof (including, but not limited to. icatio tasornsits, terms and condition), and (iii) ortights atising out of or relating to éath referenced accoi hereinafter the “Acccrunts") including, but not,.all elaims and dghts afforded stich actouiit by virtue of tide Hestively account's corresponding terms and contlifions, ‘With respect to information for the Accounts described! in the rélated Computer File, Asse nob tepresénts and warrants to Assignee: that the business records vélating to: (1) the Actounts owned by Assigrioy! and (i the'sale and assignmentof Accounts by Assignor (collectively, the “Business Récofds”), are keptby of ils business, Itis in the regulur course of business of Assignor int uli ceultsé