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  • Anthony Morris v. Thembisa Mshaka-Morris Matrimonial - Contested document preview
  • Anthony Morris v. Thembisa Mshaka-Morris Matrimonial - Contested document preview
  • Anthony Morris v. Thembisa Mshaka-Morris Matrimonial - Contested document preview
  • Anthony Morris v. Thembisa Mshaka-Morris Matrimonial - Contested document preview
  • Anthony Morris v. Thembisa Mshaka-Morris Matrimonial - Contested document preview
  • Anthony Morris v. Thembisa Mshaka-Morris Matrimonial - Contested document preview
  • Anthony Morris v. Thembisa Mshaka-Morris Matrimonial - Contested document preview
  • Anthony Morris v. Thembisa Mshaka-Morris Matrimonial - Contested document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY --------------------------------------------------------------x MAGDALENA TRZUSKOT et al, Plaintiffs, Index No. 158620/2023 -v- PlaintiffsÕ Affirmation in Opposition to Mr. ScherzÕs Motion to Dismiss and Cross-Motion to Strike Answer Defenses /Move to dismiss defenses pursuant to CPLR 3018(b) and CPLR 3211(b). PAUL W MATTHEWS et al., Defendants. --------------------------------------------------------------x Magdalena Trzuskot, pro se, affirms the following under the penalties of perjury: 1. That I am a party to this action and am pro se, and as such, I am fully familiar with the facts and circumstances of this action. 2. I submit this Opposition Affidavit in response to Opposing CounselÕs Motion seeking dismissal pursuant to CPLR 3211(1) [defense is founded upon documentary evidence] and 3211(7) [pleadings fail to state a cause of action]. 3. And further, I am cross-moving against Mr. Scherz, Esq. to strike his Answer affirmative defenses, and for service of process to be deemed sufficient nunc pro trunc under the factual circumstances of this case; for good cause. PROCEDURAL HISTORY 1 1 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 1. Plaintiff filed a Summons and Complaint on August 30, 2023. And sent an email to Mr. Scherz, Esq. that same day of a digital informal service of the Complaint. See Exhibit A. 2. Chronological family procedural history in family court, Manhattan, clearly shows there was never a temporary custody hearing; contrary to whatever is alleged in State CounselÕs description of the facts (see NYSCEF DOC NO. 1, Complaint, Page 37, para 116-128). 3. See also Family Procedural History before Judge Dawson (see NYSCEF DOC NO. 1, Complaint, Page 43, para 146-171). 4. Therein, Plaintiff alleged the following against Mr. Scherz: ü Mr. Scherz, Esq. of ÒLawyers for ChildrenÓ is a court-appointed childÕs lawyer and Director of the Domestic Violence Project for Lawyers for Children (NYSCEF DOC NO. 1, Complaint, Page 11, para 33). ü Michael Scherz had no objections to the Father removing the child out of state for a vacation, despite PlaintiffÕs repeated allegations that he would abscond with the child. Michael Scherz did not care whatsoever that his client (child) was taken care of primarily by his mother from birth to 8 months, and that all of the impropriety experienced in NYC Courts unlawfully and unconstitutionally separated Mother-son from each other, and he did not care that his client was being deprived of his mother unlawfully. Instead, he advocated for a random 3rd party who has ZERO business being around PlaintiffÕs child, but now, remarkably, has been the primary caregiver to PlaintiffÕs son for 3 years, while Plaintiff has not seen her son at all for 3 years. 2 2 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 Honestly, Michael Scherz should go find a new job, as he is unfit to be a childÕs attorney (re: to page 50, para 171, NYSCEF DOC No. 1 Complaint. See also, para 172-205). ü Para 206 alleges the Attorney for the Child and Sandra Spennato (opposing counsel) worked in concert together to ignore credible and accurate allegations of serious abuse by Father inflicted onto Mother during her entire pregnancy and postpartum. (page 59-60, NYSCEF DOC. No. 1). ü After 2 years (26 months later) of prejudicial, unlawful, and unconstitutional proceedings, Judge Dawson started a combined trial on October 13, 2021. See Para 210. See Para 223, page 66-67, where Plaintiff wrote that the trial that was conducted in Judge DawsonÕs courtroom started around September of 2021, and continued into January and May of 2022 in violation of 22 NYCRR 205.14 and other regulations and case law that underscores the importance of resolving custody disputes promptly with a view toward thorough and fair hearings. Hence, there is zero effective and efficient case management orders in NYC IDV Court. Instead, they permit garbage to persist harming parties, and ignore valid claims of parties, toward a fruitful and rehabilitative disposition for everyone. ü See Para 224, page 69, where Plaintiff writes: ÒJudge Dawson and the ADA created state sponsored Maternal neglect through their persistent refusal to follow lawful judicial process and hear the merits while not formally finding mother to be neglectful.Ó Hence, the proceedings were fundamentally unfair. 3 3 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 And under color of law, a state-appointed attorney for the child should be liable for that too. ü See page 76, Para 233, where Plaintiff states ÒIn fact, Mother testified that she wanted a deposition, and by this point, all interested parties in IDV Court were clearly cognizant of a civil lawsuit against Father. Judge Dawson should have exercised her discretion to find a deposition was necessary, and directed lawyers to engage appropriately.Ó The Attorney for the Child should have stepped in on his clientÕs behalf and didnÕt either. ü See page 78, Para 235, ÒMother did everything to demonstrate she is not forfeiting her custody or visitation rights, but all parties worked to deprive her son of contact with his mother.Ó ü ÒNow the child lives with the FatherÕs 4th wife, and primary care has fallen on her to care for a child that is not hers. This is bizarre and completely retarded.Ó (Para 237, page 79). ü Michael Scherz also gave insufficient attention to facts and evidence, despite being sent emails to shed light on the circumstances, which will become apparent at discovery. ü ÒFather has a history of violent conduct, erratic, irrational and unreasonable behavior, and clear patterns of instability, but her courtroom did everything to ignore MotherÕs valid allegations in preference of painting Mother as the problemÓ (page 80). 4 4 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 Complaint Count 5 Ð Plaintiff Mother on behalf of subject child against Michael Scherz, Attorney for the child for legal malpractice (Page 96, para 308-339, NYSCEF DOC No. 1, Complaint) 5. This count pertains to Michael Scherz being in violation of section 7.2 of the Rules of the Chief Judge (22 NYCRR 7.2), which sets out the requirements for the attorney for the child. 6. He failed to put on a case despite intending to put one on. Breached his duties fully. He chose to be a witness against the Mother instead of putting on a case after receiving various emails from Mother that enlightened him about the underlying dispute. It is not his role to stand up before the Courtroom and introduce a criminal conviction as an unsworn witness. His role was to put on a case in the childÕs best interest, and he failed. 7. Instead, on the record, he decided to object to evidence that Mother was the primary caregiver from the start, and on the record, also took verbal positions against Plaintiff- Mother having a meaningful relationship with her son, in preference of Father going on a vacation with his 4th wife when Plaintiff wanted overnight visitation with her son. 8. He was totally biased. And thatÕs evident by his inaction even after Plaintiff sent an email and attempted to file a OSC for a plenary hearing on visitation in IDV Court, and after notice of appeal was filed Ð he still did nothing. See Exhibit E. 9. The role of the attorney Òis to aid the court in arriving at an appropriate dispositionÓ (Matter of Apel, 96 Misc 2d 839, 842-843 [Fam Ct, Ulster County 1978]). On what planet is the disposition that these manipulative, ugly professionals have created acceptable wherein a biological, natural mother is ousted out of her childÕs life so Father could abscond with the child when the child was enjoying meaningful contact with his mother for 7 hours per week? Essentially, the AFC assisted Father in reducing 5 5 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 MotherÕs visitation to nil. Mother was diligent to be more involved in her childÕs rearing, while the entire system engineered for her to be alienated and estranged. PATHETIC. DISGUSTING. DEPLORABLE. (Page 326, para 98). 10. Para 331. He served in the role for the purpose of collusion with Sandra Spennato and Judge Dawson. 11. Para 333. Furthermore, a system where parties are forced to have state-appointed actors, such as an Attorney for the child, without consent of the parties, and thereafter the state appointed actor is negligent and fails to fulfil his obligations should not be shielded by quasi-judicial immunity. Absolutely nonsensical that the Appellate Division found that the AFC did not properly advocate for the interests of the child, but the lower court did not want to overcome immunity. ItÕs time to hold these attorneys accountable (see J.D. v Galchus 2022 NY Slip Op 22139 [75 Misc 3d 737]). 12. Para 334. As a result of the fraud, collusion and malicious acts (as argued in all prior proceedings under this index no.), special circumstances dictate qualified immunity should be denied. 13. Para 336. Mr. Scherz chose to not perform his purpose in an integral or important manner to the judicial process, and therefore his appointment was against public policy. It was actually a total waste of resources. 14. Michael Scherz was provided this information: Ò(10) a summary document from Laura Nugent (Carl JohnsonÕs 2nd ex-wife) summarizing their domestic violent abusive relationship wherein she supplied information to ACS Investigation Progress Notes noting he was a drug addict, went to drug rehab, and has a temper, along with a lot of 6 6 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 blackened paragraphs probably describing their domestic violent relationshipÓ (Page 107, para 374). Complaint Count 11: Negligent Failure to Prevent Constitutional Violations Pursuant to 42 U.S. Code Section 1986 as Against Judge Dawson, Sandra Spennato, Esq. and Michael Scherzs, Esq. (Complaint, NYSCEF DOC NO. 1, Page 117, Para 439-445) 15. Para 442. Michael Scherz and Sandra Spennato teamed up as colluding partners for the purpose of impeding and hindering the due course of justice with intent to deny Plaintiff the equal protection of the laws solely to injure PlaintiffÕs parental custody and visitation rights. Obstructing timely justice. 16. Para 444. Judge Dawson and these lawyers have a duty to prevent or aid in preventing the commission of the all these constitutional violations, and instead, having sufficient knowledge of the case and facts, and the legal power to prevent or aid, they refused to ensure a fundamentally fair proceeding and courtroom. Service of Process on Mr. Scherz was completed and should be deemed sufficient under the circumstances for good cause and Mr. Scherz answered the Complaint so their Motion to Dismiss is rather redundant and misplaced. 17. Plaintiff served the Summons on Mr. Scherz on January 10, 2024 and on his employ, Lawyers for Children, Inc. on February 2, 2024, so after 120 days of filing. 18. The same facts and procedural arguments with respect to service upon Ms. Sandra Spennato/Cedeno Law Group, as advanced in NYSCEF DOC. NO. 61 apply to this service of process. See Exhibit B. 19. Hence, PlaintiffÕs process server attempted to serve Michael Scherz WITHIN 120 days of filing the Complaint, on December 21, 2023, and thereafter again, on January 10, 2024. Therefore, for good cause, Michael Scherz, like Sandra Spennato, were 7 7 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 informally served, and formally served as timely as possible, after due diligence was attempted within 120 days. 20. Counsel for Mr. Scherz filed an Answer with Affirmative Defenses on January 30, 2024 [NYSCEF DOC NO. 23]. 21. Defendants generally waive their right to file a motion to dismiss if they file an answer to a complaint first. Hence, the Motion to Dismiss by Mr. ScherzÕs counsel is subsequent to their Answer. They already responded in a meaningful way to the notice of claims against Mr. Scherz. Hence, the proper vehicle for challenging a complaint after an answer has been filed is a motion for judgment on the pleadings. Once a defendant files their answer, it generally becomes procedurally impossible for the court to rule on the motion to dismiss. See Smith v. Bank of America, N.A., No. 2:11-cv- 676, 2014 WL 897032, at *9 (M.D. Fla. Mar. 6, 2014) (citing Lockwood v. Beasley, 211 F. AppÕx 873 (11th Cir. 2006); Brisk v. City of Miami Beach, Fla. 709 F. Supp. 1146, 1147 (S.D. Fla. 1989) (citing Beary v. West Pub. Co., 763 F.2d 66, 68 (2d. Cir. 1985); Zebrowski v. Denckla, 630 F. Supp. 1307, 1308 n.1 (E.D.N.Y. 1986); Martin v. Delaware Law School, 625 F. Supp. 1288, 1296 n.4 (D. Del. 1985); In re Arthur Treacher's Franchisee Litigation, 92 F.R.D. 398, 413 (E.D. Pa. 1981). 22. Notwithstanding, the court may consider a subsequent motion to dismiss based upon those defenses included in its answer. See Jennings Oil Co., Inc. v Mobil Oil Corp., 80 F.R.D. 124, 127 n. 4 (S.D.N.Y. 1978). 8 8 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 PlaintiffÕs Opposition to other Matters addressed in his LawyerÕs Motion to Dismiss. 23. In the course of this litigation, Plaintiff has filed various submissions that address matters pertaining to Mr. Scherz, Esq. Specifically, NYSCEF DOC NO. 33. See Exhibit C. 24. As mentioned, there was no temporary custody hearing on child custody in Manhattan Family Court contrary to what is alleged. 25. There was a prolonged delay for a fact-finding hearing on permanent child custody also in IDV Court. An unreasonable delay. 26. The Òdescription of the procedural and factual underlying criminal and family court mattersÓ EXCERPT that Opposition adopts from State CodefendantsÕ Motion to Dismiss is at issue. 27. First, Mother and FatherÕs family offense or custody or relocation petitions were not heard on December 11, 2019. THUS, Opposition CounselÕs reliance on the description of State Co-defendantÕs Motion to Dismiss [of the procedural history] is INCORRECT. 28. There are no hearings on extending an Order of Protection or modification or anything that remotely amounts to any type of hearing in Judge DawsonÕs courtroom either. 29. Judge DawsonÕs courtroom is the anti-thesis of a court of law Ð as neither criminal procedural law nor civil procedural law is followed, and substantive law or rights are outright irrelevant. It is simply a court of delay and abuse. Specifically, Plaintiff- Mother was abused by the courts for their willful refusal to do their job, as required under the law, by both lawyers and Judge Dawson. 9 9 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 30. Plaintiff was muted on June 4, 2021, because Judge Dawson did not want to do her job, nor did she want to hold Sandra Spennato to any professional standards (motion to disqualify; motion to sanction) for her repeated abuse of the law and process. 31. Judge Dawson is an abusive judge. She not only refuses to do her job in a timely and professional manner, but she punishes a victim-mother when she wanted a timely fact- finding hearing and due process. 32. Instead, Judge Dawson chose to suspend PlaintiffÕs visitation rights than sanction Sandra Spennato, Esq. for her legal malpractice. And Judge Dawson chose to describe Plaintiff-Mother as ÒunhingedÓ so as to make it appear that her decision was not unsubstantiated when she CLEARLY abused her discretion solely to allow the father to travel out of state while refusing to hold his lawyer accountable for THEIR ABUSE. Judge DawsonÕs courtroom traffics children while the law is circumvented and abused. And the Attorney for the Child, Michael Scherz negligently failed in his duties to prevent this. 33. Plaintiff was the primary caregiver to her child Jett, and Michael Scherz, Attorney for the Child, on the record, [which is very dumbfounding], argued that the health records Plaintiff submitted that prove Plaintiff-Mother was the primary caregiver, as she brought her child to every doctor appointment from childbirth to 8 months of life, was not demonstrative of her being his primary caregiverÉ when the record also reflects that Plaintiff-Mother was a homemaker, and father was working, and the doctorÕs noted she was the primary caregiver. 10 10 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 34. Michael Scherz ignored the truth that Plaintiff-Mother was abused by father, and these so-called professionals teamed up against Plaintiff to give an abuser a child, as reward for abusing Mother. MENTAL. 35. It appears that the threats and harm that Plaintiff suffered at the hands of her abuser is IRRELEVANT in Judge DawsonÕs courtroom. All interested parties ignore the facts, and prefer to misconstrue, misrepresent, misdiagnose, and miss the SHOT completely on purpose, beyond reckless, by focusing now on the root causes, or what actually transpired, but how Plaintiff-Mother is reacting to her rights being eviscerated. A complete travesty and miscarriage of justice that they willfully allowed. 36. Judge Dawson prefers to create worse conditions than conduct a timely fact-finding hearing when Plaintiff was interested in rehabilitation and recovery. Apparently, rather than doing her job, putting a stop to an abuse of the process, and misusing/abusing an Order of Protection, and getting to the truth, Judge DawsonÕs courtroom is more interested in escalating conflict and creating conditions for violence; not the eradication of violence. 37. Plaintiff does not suffer from bipolar II or psychotic disorders. It turns out not only is Judge Dawson manipulating outcomes and distorting the truth by creating her own record, but so are the incompetent doctors she relies on to cover-up her WRONGS as a judge and the harm she creates on her own, which is unbelievably BAD. 38. Dr. Baxter came up with her demented diagnoses after 2 hours of speaking with Plaintiff while relying on a disqualified former psychologistÕs report. Hence Dr. BaxterÕs opinion is moot, but Judge Dawson still allowed it to have force in law. 11 11 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 39. Michael Scherz, Esq. is equally incompetent in performing his duties and tasks as an attorney for ANY CHILD. I would not pay him a penny. IÕd like discovery to know who paid for his ill representation. 40. Further, Plaintiff repeatedly told the Court that the diagnoses are fitting to the Father, after the psychological and emotional abuse he inflicted on Plaintiff-Mother. But Judge Dawson and the interested lawyers ignore all the facts, because they are more interested in framing the victim for their inability to resolve conflict in a mature, safe, and rehabilitative manner. 41. Judge DawsonÕs courtroom needs to be FULLY investigated, as it does not uphold the rule of law, and completely disrespects human rights and procedural and substantive rights of parties. Judge Dawson doesnÕt seem to comprehend what abuse is, how it presents on parties, and it is as if she enjoys abusing parties for her own gratification, rather than getting to the bottom of the abuse and getting the child in the hands of the NORMAL person/parent, that was unfortunately reacting to repeated abuse inflicted by a real perpetrator, his lawyer, and the courtroom for failing to do its job. 42. The Father is a pathological liar who abused his corporate position of power, and abused the legal system to win. And ironically, all these stellar lawyers didnÕt care about the truth and doing their job to ensure the childÕs best interest, but rather, enabled an abuser to win. Knowingly and also negligently. Plaintiff has already argued in prior proceedings that Plaintiff must have standing to sue on behalf of her minor child given proceedings were unlawful and unconstitutional. 1. Opposition relies on Fuentes v BD of Educ. of City of NY to argue that Plaintiff-Mother has no standing to sue on behalf of her child. However, that case law concerns demanding a 12 12 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 hearing under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in relation to public education. The case at bar concerns a courtroom that refused to do its job justly under statutory laws, both criminal and civil procedure, which ultimately, were UNCONSTITUTIONAL. 2. Here, Plaintiff isnÕt suing under some education act. And has already argued that Plaintiffs have been denied timely due process, and her right to a timely appeal of the unlawful and unconstitutional custody decision, and therefore, SHOULD have standing to sue on behalf of child, because that is in the childÕs best interest. Because the Attorney for the child FAILED COMPLETELY. He failed to put on a case, and failed to file a notice of appeal afterward knowing PlaintiffÕs prior misdemeanor counts were dismissed, and the felony counts were in violation of statutory and constitutional rights. He knew the courts were smearing Plaintiff to willfully keep her from her son, and he did nothing objectively. As if he does not know anything about criminal law or family offense petitions, or due process. 3. The case law relied on by opposition does not consider the context that Judge DawsonÕs courtroom created Ð they all wilfully and strategically allowed an abuser to win and ousted Plaintiff-Mother out of the childÕs life, contact, and decisional control. 4. Standing arguments were advanced in NYSCEF DOC NO. 62, starting at page 14; and also at page 22 onward. You can substitute the name Sandra Spennato for Michael Scherz in those arguments. See Exhibit D. The majority of Mr. ScherzÕs Answer/Affirmative Defenses, as outlined in NYSCEF DOC. No. 23 should be stricken, and the remaining ones are not defenses to dismiss this action against him at this stage of litigation. 1. Claims against Mr. Scherz are valid, and his reckless, careless, and negligent representation of PlaintiffÕs child is the reason Plaintiff and son have had ZERO physical or digital contact 13 13 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 for 3 years and counting, which is unlawful and unconstitutional. Plaintiff is a victim of domestic violence and other crimes, and Plaintiff did the best she could to mitigate THEIR errors, and SEEK due process timely, however, it wasnÕt a priority for either the lawyers or the Judge in this legal system. As such, strike 1st Defense [Plaintiff at Fault]. There is no merit to this defense. Plaintiff is a victim and survivor of gross errors. 2. Mr. Scherz should be held liable for the claims and damages his representation has caused, such that his 2nd Defense [Limitations of Liability] should be held in abeyance until we reach that stage of litigation. 3. Mr. ScherzÕs 3rd Defense [Admissibility of collateral source of payment] is not a Defense to dismiss this action. This defense is premature at this stage. The damages the flow from his and other lawyers' malpractice is on top of the harm that Plaintiff's employer has caused her. And Plaintiff would argue that should she be awarded any source of payment from her former employer for the harm they caused; that it should not reduce the amount of any award, judgment or settlement that should stem from this separate lawsuit. Plaintiff is suing for non-economic costs and other damages too. Lawyers should not get a free pass for causing reckless and negligent ADDITIONAL harm. And somehow escape liability or get a deduction from plaintiff's recovery for harm stemming from separate series of events and occurrences resulting in damages. But this is not about money per se, this is about who is at fault when a murder or suicide happens because courts refuse to dispense with due process or justice timely, and allow for reckless misconduct to occur? This is about liability for unnecessary and preventable harm. 4. For the same reasons, as above, 4th Affirmative Defense is not a defense to dismiss this action. 14 14 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 5. Plaintiff alleges various tortious misconduct and legal malpractice, and different types of injury occurred, such that 5th Defense is not applicable, and too premature to assert or rule out. 6. The 6th Affirmative Defense [Apportioning of liability] is also not a defense to dismiss this action. 7. Claims against Mr. Scherz are not time bared. Strike 7th Defense [statute of limitations]. There is no merit to this defense. 8. Claims against Mr. Scherz are not frivolous. Strike 8th Defense [frivolous action]. There is no merit to this defense. 9. Claims against Mr. Scherz sufficiently plead prima facie causes of action. Strike 9th Defense [fails to state a cause of action]. There is no merit to this defense. 10. PlaintiffÕs address was protected in IDV Court. Strike 10th Defense [Plaintiff's address omission]. There is no merit to this defense. 11. Plaintiff has addressed the 11th defense (Plaintiff lacks capacity to commence action), and respectfully seeks a hearing to resolve this under the factual circumstances of this case and under the law if necessary. 12. Plaintiff has addressed the 12th defense (service of process), and respectfully seeks this to be ruled in PlaintiffÕs favor for good cause. 13. Plaintiff has addressed the 13th defense (PlaintiffÕs lack of standing to sue for the minor child) and respectfully seeks a hearing to resolve this under the factual circumstances of this case and under the law if necessary. 14. This Court has subject-matter jurisdiction over the complaint claims. Strike 14th Defense [subject matter jurisdiction]. There is no merit to this defense. 15 15 of 16 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/21/2024 03:27 PM INDEX NO. 158620/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 96 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/21/2024 WHEREFORE, for the foregoing reasons, Plaintiff cross-moves to strike Michael Scherz, Esq.Õs affirmative defenses, and this Court should deny his motion to dismiss. Pursuant to CPLR 2016(b), I affirm this 21st day of June, 2024, under penalties of perjury, under the laws of NY, which may include a fine or imprisonment, that I am physically located in Queens, NY, that the foregoing is true, and I understand that the foregoing may be used in an action or proceeding in a court of law. Dated: June 21st, 2024 _/s/Magdalena Trzuskot__ Queens, NY Magdalena Trzuskot, Pro se Exhibit A: Email to Mr. Scherz of Informal Service of Complaint within 120 days of filed complaint Exhibit B: Email Correspondence between Plaintiff and Process Server of attempted service on Mr. Scherz within 120 days of filing and 2 weeks after 120 days. Exhibit C: NYSCEF DOC NO. 33 Ð PlaintiffÕs Affidavit in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss with Memo of Law and Exhibits Exhibit D: NYSCEF DOC NO. 62 Ð PlaintiffÕs Supporting Memorandum of Law Exhibit E: Post-final permanent custody decision Ð PlaintiffÕs Proposed Order to Show cause for a plenary hearing for visitation (email and submission denied by IDV Court) and Notice of Appeal 16 16 of 16