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  • Eddlin Karina Benitez Lopez VS Bridys Aracely Benitez Lopez Civil Domestic without Claim for absolute divorce document preview
  • Eddlin Karina Benitez Lopez VS Bridys Aracely Benitez Lopez Civil Domestic without Claim for absolute divorce document preview
  • Eddlin Karina Benitez Lopez VS Bridys Aracely Benitez Lopez Civil Domestic without Claim for absolute divorce document preview
  • Eddlin Karina Benitez Lopez VS Bridys Aracely Benitez Lopez Civil Domestic without Claim for absolute divorce document preview


Durham District Court County Clerk of Superior Court DUR-DOM-01 (Rev. 12/22) NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE COUNTY OF DURHAM DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NO. CVD 24CV005367-310 Assigned Judge: Eddlin Karina Benitez Lopez > Plaintiff, AFFIDAVIT FOR JUDICIAL ASSIGNMENT AND y, Bridys Aracely Benitez Lopez and NOTICE OF HEARING Edy Antonio Membreno Lopez Defendant. The undersigned certifies the following: 1. That I am the [X] Plaintiff/Plaintiff@-attorney [] Defendant/Defendant's attorney in this matter. 2. That the attached [X] Complaint [] Answer/Counterclaim [X] Other: Motion to Waive Mediation is: X A newly filed action/matter. A filing in a pending (open) action involving the same parties or family in this District. A filing in a resolved (closed) action involving the same parties or family in this District. A filing in which there is a pending or resolved action involving the same parties or family in other districts in North Carolina or another state. A re-filing of an action with the same legal issues that were previously closed by voluntary dismissal, involuntary dismissal or discontinuance. 3. Durham County District Court Judge is or was the assigned judge in a pending or prior civil action in this District involving the same parties and/or family members (including either parties' children) and/or related family issues. 4. An interpreter is needed to be present for court proceedings. Xl YES LJ NO Ifyes, what language(s) does the party speak? Spanish This the day ,20 24 Signature of Plaintiff n dant X1 Attorney for Plaintiff Attorney for Defendant Print Name: William Junior Vasquez Daytime Telephone Number 919-989-3000 Email Address: Page | of 2 Electronically Filed Date:6/25/2024 2:38 PM Durham District Court County Clerk of Superior Court DUR-DOM-01 (Rev. 12/22) PLEASE TAKENOTICETHAT a hearinghas been scheduled in this matter on the date and time indicated below, or as soon thereafter as the Court can hear this matter, in the courtroom indicated. FAMILY COURT COMPLETES THIS BOX Judge Assigned: Oc. Jones, Jr. [] Mitchell C] K. Jones Other: O Temporary Hearing for: O Temp. Custody [] Temp. Child Support Date: Time: Courtroom: O Post Separation Support Interim Distribution O Ex-Parte Hearing for Date: Time: Courtroom: O Custody Mediation Orientation Date: Time: Via Zoom 6" floor Family [] Status Conference (ED or Alimony) Date: Time: Court Office (6500) [] Other: Date: Time: Courtroom: FC Staff: Date: Family Court Staff Use ONLY O vivre O iwcore O cust © csup O equp Oatim Opps O atre Oresu Ogpro Orcust Orcsup Oinps Orssu Otro Oorner CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE hereby certify that a copy of this Affidavit for Judicial Assignment and Notice of Hearing has been | served on the opposing party/counsel in the following manner: By depositing a copy in the US Mail ina properly addressed, postpaid envelope to: [] By Sheriff service to: C1 By tant delivery to : C1 By facsimile to: Fax No.: x By FedEx International Shipping addressed to: Bridys Aracely Benitez Lopez Other; and Edy Antonio Membreno Lopez at Colonia Nueva Esperanza Marcala La Paz Honduras and Barrio San uan Marcala a Paz Honduras Date: 20 O Plaintiff efendant X] Attorney for Plaintiff Attorney for Defendant Page 2 of 2