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  • County of Durham and City of Durham VS Equity Trust Co., Custodian FBO 87257 IRA Civil Action Foreclosure (CV) document preview
  • County of Durham and City of Durham VS Equity Trust Co., Custodian FBO 87257 IRA Civil Action Foreclosure (CV) document preview
  • County of Durham and City of Durham VS Equity Trust Co., Custodian FBO 87257 IRA Civil Action Foreclosure (CV) document preview
  • County of Durham and City of Durham VS Equity Trust Co., Custodian FBO 87257 IRA Civil Action Foreclosure (CV) document preview


24CV005374-310 NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE COUNTY OF DURHAM DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NUMBER: CITY OF DURHAM, and COUNTY OF DURHAM, political subdivisions of the Stateof North Carolina Plaintiffs, ) NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS vs. ) ) EQUITY TRUST CO., CUSTODIAN FBO 87257 IRA, Defendant. This Notice of Lis Pendens, filed with the Clerk of Superior Court, Durham County, shows: 1, That a civil action has this day been begun in said County in which the County of Durham and the City of Durham are Plaintiffs and the above-captioned Defendant. 2. The object of said action is to foreclose and sell the property hereinafter described in Paragraph 3 below because Defendant failed to pay taxes to the City of Durham and County of Durham which have accrued thereon; that said action was instituted under and pursuant to the provisions of Section 105-374 of the General Statutes of North Caroli na. 3. That the property described in said action lies in the County of Durham, State of North Carolina and is more partic ularly described as follows: 2311 Charles Street Durham County Tax Parcel ID 122218 Durham County GIS PIN No. 0820-25-9733 BEGINNING at a stake on the eastern side of Charles Street, said stake being also located at the southwestern corner of Lot 1 as shown on the plat hereinafter referred to, and running thence along and with the south ern line of said Lot 1, South 69 minutes East 155.04 feet to a stake; thence South degrees 47 18 degrees 44 minutes 40 seconds West 54.00 feet to a stake in the line of Lot 7 in Block C of Lincoln Heights, Plat Book 14, Page 98, and running thence along and with the northern line of said Lot 7, North 66 degrees 16 minutes West 21.07 feet to a stake; thence North 25 seconds East 6.14 feet to a stake; thence North 63 degrees 21 minutes 30 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds West 17.23 feet to a stake; thence South 25 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds West 6.88 feet to a stake in the northern line of said Lot 7; thence North 66 degrees 16 minutes West 90.18 feet to a stake in the eastern side of Charles Street; thence along and with the eastern side 1 El ectroni cal lyFi led Date:6/25/2024 12:42 PM Durham Di stri ctCourtCountyCl erkofSuperi orCourt of said Charles Street, North 11 degrees 10 minutes West 54.00 feet to a stake, the point and place of BEGINNING, and being the greater part of Lot 2 of the Resubdivision of Lots 5 and 6, Block C, Lincoln Heights Revised, Plat Book 14, Page 98, as shown on a Map entitled "Property of Standard Construction Co." dated March 6, 1979, drawn by Edward C. Credle, Registered Land Surveyor of Credle Engineering Company, Inc. and being duly filed for record in Plat Book 95 at Page 129 in the Office of the Registe of r Deeds of Durham County, to which plat reference is hereby expressly made for a more particular description of same. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record. 4. This Notice of Lis Pendens is filed under the provisio of the General Statutes of ns North Carolina, all persons will take notice of the same. This the We day of June, 2024. LOCKAMY LAW FIRM, P.A. ATTO S AT LAW By: P. Ryan Lockamy Attomey for Plaintiffs State Bar No. 39863 3130 Hope Valley Road Durham, NC 27707 Telephone: (919)401-5913 Facsimile: (919)419-1018 2