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  • Robert Hynes, Hynes Companies vs Shaun R. Johnson Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Robert Hynes, Hynes Companies vs Shaun R. Johnson Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Robert Hynes, Hynes Companies vs Shaun R. Johnson Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Robert Hynes, Hynes Companies vs Shaun R. Johnson Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Robert Hynes, Hynes Companies vs Shaun R. Johnson Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Robert Hynes, Hynes Companies vs Shaun R. Johnson Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Robert Hynes, Hynes Companies vs Shaun R. Johnson Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Robert Hynes, Hynes Companies vs Shaun R. Johnson Eviction (UD) document preview


27-CV-HC-24-4216 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/25/2024 2:32 PM See Instructions (HOU101) for help in filling out this form. State of Minnesota District Court County of: Hennepin Court File Number: Judicial District: Fourth Case Type: Eviction Plaintiff #1 (Landlord) Plaintiff #2 (Landlord) Name: Robert Hynes Name: Hynes Companies Address: 9366 Naber Ave. NE Address: 9366 Naber Ave. NE City/State/Zip Otsego, MN 55330 City/State/Zip: Otsego, MN 55330 VS VS Defendant #1 (Tenant) Defendant #2 (Tenant) Name: Shaun R. Johnson Name: Address: 616 3rd Ave NW Address: City/State/Zip: Osseo, MN 55369 City/State/Zip: EVICTION ACTION COMPLAINT (HOU102) Minn. Stat. § 504B.321 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: If financially unable to obtain counsel, the defendant has the right to a court-appointed attorney in a public housing eviction case that alleges breach of lease under Minn. Stat. § 504B.171 or § 504B.285 Check the box if the leased or rental property qualifies as public housing as term is used in Minn. Stat. § 504B.268. Check the box if the tenancy is affected by a federal or state housing subsidy program through project-based federal assistance payments, the Section 8 program, as defined in Minn. Stat. § 469.002, subd. 24; the low-income housing tax credit program; or any other similar program. Name of agency that administers the housing subsidy program: Check the box if there are more than two plaintiffs or more than two defendants. List the information for the other parties on the Additional Litigants Form, HOU125 1. Rental Agreement (Lease) Landlord leased or rented the property located at: Address: 616 3rd Ave. NW Apartment #: City, State, Zip: Osseo, MN 55369 Eviction Action Complaint HOU102 State ENG Rev 1/24 - D Page 1 of 4 27-CV-HC-24-4216 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/25/2024 2:32 PM County: Hennepin Includes a garage Does not include a garage The agreement for the property, beginning from May, 2022 (date), and ending month to month (date), is an ORAL or WRITTEN agreement and is for: (Check all that apply) Payment of Rent. The current due and payable under this agreement each month is $ 950.00 due on the 1st day of the month. Exchange of Services. The agreement for exchange of services was: (explain in detail) Important! If there is a written agreement (lease), you must include the written lease, or most recent written lease in existence, and any relevant lease addenda, with this Complaint. 2. Notice of Right of Possession by Landlord for Residential Leases Landlord having present right of possession of the residential property, has followed Minn. Stat. § 504B.181 by: (You must check either A and B, or C) a. Informing the Tenant, either in the rental agreement or otherwise, before the beginning of the tenancy, the name and address of: • The person authorized to manage the property; AND • A landlord or agent authorize by the landlord to accept service of process and receive and give receipt for notices and demands; AND b. Posting in an obvious place on the property a printed or typewritten notice that includes the information above. Explain where the notice is posted: OR c The Tenant knew of the name and address of the person authorized to manage the property and accept and give receipt for notices and demands, at least 30 days before the filing of this action, because: Landlord provided tenant with the name and address of the person authorized to manage the property and accept and give receipt for notices and demands at the time of signing of the lease and again in notices provided to the tenant at least 30 days prior to the filing of this action. 3. Grounds for Eviction Eviction Action Complaint HOU102 State ENG Rev 1/24 -D Page 2 of 4 27-CV-HC-24-4216 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/25/2024 2:32 PM Landlord seeks to have the Tenant evicted for the following reasons: (Check all that apply) a. The Tenant is still in possession of the premises and has failed to pay rent for the month(s) of in the amount of $ per month, payable on the day of each month, for a total due of $ . For Residential Leases Only: A written notice pursuant to Minn. Stat.§ 504B.321 subd. 1(a) was served on Tenant (date), which was at least 14 days before filing this eviction complaint. The written notice is attached. b. The Tenant failed to vacate the property after written notice was given: (check all that apply) Landlord gave written notice to Tenant on 05/16/2024 (date) to vacate the property by 05/24/2024 (date). Tenant has failed to vacate the property. Attach copy of written notice to vacate. Tenant gave written notice to Landlord on 05/16/2024 (date) that they would vacate the property by 05/24/2024 (date). Tenant has failed to vacate the property. Attach copy of written notice to vacate. c. The Tenant has broken the terms of the rental agreement by the following: (Explain, in detail) • The specific clause of the agreement that was violated; • The dates and description of what happened that violated the agreement; and • Which section of the agreement gives the landlord the right to evict tenant for breaking the terms of the rental agreement. d. The Tenant has breached the covenants at stated in Minn. Stat. §504B.171 by: (Explain, in detail, what happened including dates.) e. The Tenant defaulted on the mortgage, and the property has been sold at a Sheriff's sale. The Redemption period has expired, and Plaintiff is entitled to possession. Eviction Action Complaint HOU102 State ENG Rev 1/24 -D Page 3 of 4 27-CV-HC-24-4216 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/25/2024 2:32 PM f. The Tenant defaulted on a Contract for Deed and is holding over after proper cancellation of the contract. 4. The Landlord seeks judgment against the above Tenants for restitution of said premises plus costs and disbursements. 5. Tenant #1 date of birth / Unknown; Tenant #2 date of birth / Unknown; If a tenant is a business, leave this section blank for that tenant. 6. Military status for Tenant: Tenant # 1 is in the military service is not in the military service Unknown Tenant # 2 is in the military service is not in the military service Unknown If a tenant is a business, leave this section blank for that tenant. I declare under penalty of perjury that everything that I have stated in this document is true and correct. Minn. Stat. § 358.116. ****Notice: A licensed attorney must sign the Complaint and appear in court on behalf of a corporation or LLC. **** Dated: June 26, 2024 /s/ John E. Roach Signature Ramsey County, Minnesota Name: John E. Roach County and State where signed Address: 1611 County Road B West, Suite 101 City/State/Zip: Roseville, MN 55113 Phone: (651) 468-2103 Email: Eviction Action Complaint HOU102 State ENG Rev 1/24 -D Page 4 of 4 27-CV-HC-24-4216 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/25/2024 2:32 PM Month to Month Clau 5° 1' """fifiw'm °' L°"d'°'d " nd Tenant _ Each This Agreement is entered into on M1112. 2022 between _ ("Tenant") and RQBERT HYNES ("Landlord ). . Tenant is jointly and severally liable for the payment of rent and performance of all other terms of this Agreement. Clause 2. Identification o f Premises , ' Subject to the terms and conditions in this Agreement. Landlord ren is to Tenant and Tenant rents from Landlord. for resrdentrai . .. purposes °"'Y~ the premises located at 616 3"" AVE NW. OSSEO. MN 55369. ('The premises ). together With the followrng furnishings and appliances REFRIGERATOR 8. STOVE. WINDOW AIR CONDITIONING Uflm Rental or me premises also MEL-an; includes.—1P R IMO T T Clause 3. Limits on Use and Occupancy The premises are to be used only as a private residence for Tenantis) listed in Clause of this Agreement. and the followrng mmo' 1 children: (14) this OCCUDancy by guests for more than 5 DAYS is prohibited without Landlord's written consent and will be considered a breach of Agreement Clause 4. Term of the Tenancy The term of the rental will begin on May 1" 20;; : Month to Month: lf Tenant vacates before the term ends, Tenant will be liable for the balance of the rent for the remainder of the term. Clause 5. Payment of Rent Regular monthly rent. Tenant will pay to Landlord a monthly rent of $350.00. payable in advance on the first day of each month. except when that day falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case rent is due on the next business day. Rent will be paid to HYNES COMPANIES (at) 9366 NABER AVE. NE. OTSEGO. MN 55330 or at such other place as Landlord designates. Delivery of payment. Rent may be paid X by mail. to HYNES COMPANIES (at) 9366 NABER AVE. NE. OTSEGO. MN 55330 X in person, at HYNES COMPANIES (at) 9366 NABER AVE. NE. OTSEGOLMN 55330 Forrn ofpayment. Landlord will accept payment in these forms: X personal check made payable to HYNES COMPANIES (at) 9366 NABER AVE, NE. OTSEGO. MN 55330 X cashier's check made payable to HYNES COMPANIES (at) 9366 NABER AVE, NE. OTSEGO. MN 55330 L cash HYNES COMPANIES (at) 9366 NABER AVE. NE. OTSEGO. MN 55330 Pro-rated first month's rent. For the period from Tenant's move-in date through the end of the month, Tenant will pay to Landlord the pro-rated monthly rent of so . This amount will be paid on or before the date the Tenant moves in. Clause 6. Late Charges if Tenant fails to pay the rent in full before the end of the 5TH day after it's due, Tenant will pay Landlord a late charge of $0.00. plus £20.00 for each additional day that the rent remains unpaid. Landlord does not waive the right to insist on payment of the rent in full on the date it is due. Clause 7. Returned Check and Other Bank Charges if any check offered by Tenant to Landlord in payment of rent or any other amount due under this Agreement is returned for lack of sufficient funds, a "stop payment" or any other reason, Tenant will pay Landlord a returned check charge of §40.00. Clause 8. Security Deposit On signing this Agreement, Tenant will pay to Landlord the sum of "399.99 as a security deposit. Tenant may not. without Landlord's prior written consent, apply this security deposit to the last month's rent or to any other sum due under this Agreement. VWthin 14 DAYS after Tenant has vacated the premises, returned keys and provided Landlord with a forwarding address. Landlord will give Tenant an itemized written statement of the reasons for, and the dollar amount of. any of the security deposit retained by the Landlord, along with a check for any deposit balance. Clause 9. Utilities Te nant will pay all utility charges. except for the following, which will be paid by Landlord: Y GAS. 'NA FT Clause 10. Assignment and Sublettlng Tenant will not be allowed to sub lent this unit to a responsible tenant that will follow the lease agreement and will be enforced by the tenant signing this lease agreement. 27-CV-HC-24-4216 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/25/2024 2:32 PM . Maintenance Responsibllltlos and m sanitary 900d cond'tm" and. U000 terrnination oi the tenancy. return the premises to . 'p the premises clean. that which existed when Tenant took occupancy except for ordinary wear and tear. (2) andition identical to Landlord of an y detects 0' dangerous conditions I" and aborit the premises of which Tenant becomes aware. and notify for the cost ot any repairs to the premises damaged by Tenant or Tenants guests .se Landlord, on deman d by Landlord. .ass invitees through misuse or neglect .rt has examined the pram i565. including appliances. fixtures, carpets drapes and paint. and has found them to be in good. except as noted in the Landlord/Tenant Checklist e and clean condition and repair. Clause 12. Repairs and Alterations by Tenant a. Except as provided by law, as authorize d below or by the prior written consent of Landlord. Tenant will not make any repairs or alterations to the premises. b. Tenant Will not. without Landlord's prior written consent. alter, reJrey or install any locks to the premises or install or alter any or keys capable of unlocking all such re—keyed or new loris as well as burglar alarm system Tenant will provide Landlord with a key "listmctions on how to disarm any altered or new burglar alarm system Clause 13. Violating Laws and Causing Disturbances Tenant is entitled to quiet enjoyment of the premises, Tenant and guests or invitees will not use the premises or adjacent areas in such a way as to: (1) violate any law or ordinance. including laws prohibiting the use. possession or sale of illegal drugs '2; commit waste (severe property damage), or (3) create a nuisance by annoying, disturbing. inconveniencing or interfering with the qwet enjoyment and peace and quiet of any other tenant or nearby resident. Clause 14. Pets No animal. bird or other pet will be kept on the premises. except properly trained dogs needed by blind. deaf or disabled persons and under the following conditions, £0 PETS \MTHOUT WRITTEN OON§ENT BY IHE LANDLQBQ, Clause 15. Landlord's Right to Access Landlord or Landlord's agents may enter the premises in the event of an emergency, to make repairs or improvements or to show the premises to prospective buyers or tenants. Landlord may also enter the premises to conduct an annual inspection to check for court order. or where it is safety or maintenance problems. Except in cases of emergency, Tenant's abandonment of the premises, impracticable to do so. Landlord shall give Tenant 24 HOUR notice before entering. Clause 16. Extended Absences by Tenant Tenant will notify Landlord in advance if Tenant will be away from the premises for 5 or more consecutive days. During such absence, Landlord enter the premises at times reasonably necessary to maintain the property and inspect for needed repairs. may Clause 17. Possession of the Premises a. Tenant's failure to take possession. if, after signing this Agreement, Tenant fails to take possession of the premises, Tenant will still be responsible for paying rent and complying with all other terms of this Agreement. b. Landlord's failure to deliver possession. lf Landlord is unable to deliver possession of the premises to Tenant for any reason not within Landlord's control, including. but not limited to, partial or complete destruction of the premises, Tenant will have the right to terminate this Agreement upon proper notice as required by law. ln such event. Landlord's liability to Tenant will be limited to the return of all sums previously paid by Tenant to Landlord. Clause 18. Tenant Rules and Regulations A (Tenant) acknowledge receipt of, and have read a copy of, tenant rules and regulations. which are labeled Attachment and attached to and incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. Clause 19. Payment of Court Costs and Attorney Fees in a Lawsuit ln any action or legal proceeding to enforce any part of this Agreement, the Landlord SHALL recover reasonable attorney fees, court costs and filling fee's. Clause 20. Authority to Receive Legal Papers The Landlord, any person managing the premises, and anyone designated by the Landlord are authorized to accept service of process and receive other notices and demands, which may be delivered to: x The Landlord, at the following address: HYNES COMPANIES tat) 9366 NABER AVEI NE. O]§E§Q. MN 55330. Clause 21. Additional Provisions Additional provisions are as follows: L-SNOW SHOVELING. SALTING, MAINTAINING STAIR D CK & H PIN kYARD KEPT UP AND CLEAN WILL BE PART OF THIS AGREEMENL 3- 1 LARGE GARBAGE CAN 8- RECYCELING BIN FOR BOTH UPPER Q LQWEB uulTfi; t §INGL§ ADDRESS AND MLBOX FQR BOTH UPPER ANQ LQWER UN!T§. 39wu~ )Upd OJnJlufllS 0mg ,ouoqd GIOIDDV wens mums-03 awIN mud flaw: \> "NSamuubas > w. 4Y\ 0150 \X {HT-"Em fiuoud mm.z m5 assuppv gums mlflnfii' a WWW 'lucuo; A / ; 7 ,t' . "A ' aamludos 2.7 '/Q I ' "/5", ' ' a3- mTW'f'Z 1101,) auoud 66:69" N'W'Tdigjgggg"7§fi'r17WE'JEiVWWEC «wow mus; W6'fONV1 'SBNAH [81808 "Nov "plotpui l m DAOIDU'} I'IML WNW; at auuuu alumimddu gum Armoua; M8: Au pan/1W) se sampOQOJd pun '0 "Wm" ""'N "' "'W-'l N WWW JUL 0 | iq.;[. umzumu'u. m, bpunmb w .ubweanv Maw mid; Ana WM Mama w woqu mausl pue pmmuu M' pauflm Omum | Mel AL; penldmn emu" mm "0" "dummy, w it. .51.", suitmbitbv uq. 'u. Lume'm-ww Luv bum-0'01 m pwgwe Aq .puw udeq enflu ubv wuuu mu wduuuhun . "Hum my mu v "(r-4. ":4. Aiqw bubxbewihu40¢4 .1. wmwuld find we hapfld «a uumvq mama- anemic-46v emu; g; «1ng fig { IU""""°V imt w mum/Mud mum nan .1; u. mcq -I bwwfluov "LU I" """""' 'W H X flue ob awning," It MWEI baa page We Ivy-mm: 5; we». "'0 ""3 :0 Amman u WW1; 3m UN)!" MW$Q11J LQN 11w figfmm'm 71H; ' mummma'mmmwm. , 'fNVNj'L"IINfiU'§MO1 m.) (WV USJJWHITULOO U01 WIM'WW'AWWMWW 6/25/2024 2:32 PM State of Minnesota Filed in District Court 27-CV-HC-24-4216 Vé/ MM/ é /% WflflLM/PX 7*; Mk/ 37%ng 74/606 Why/7W )J/f a0 [9; (2+ MK W7W )7/704 Z OLQQW kw g é/V/C'jf/Mjéw 5/ Wm WW 53% WM "W//v MfiflMW/r' WW MK 7/ flér'é'é fifl/f?wf/ "7/; /7 Wat/7W, M SvM/flfl/Fb/77/ /'VD7/A79 {2277/ $5777 777 V 5W/f//w7 27+ [Kw/91,774 Viv/way/I'Jv )5r27 #0 éiqy WWW" /W W/v/f WM Swan/fl:7724/" ,; WWWW7 W/+ imf "WV"? €7' 5/ W7 flu 'MéVQQC "My; gym/Va Wpfi/ 7/15 Mf/ "77/777 flab/W679 fir/(fl bug/"f 6/25/2024 2:32 PM State of Minnesota Filed in District Court WW"év 27-CV-HC-24-4216