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  • HOUSING AUTHORITY, CITY OF WILLIMANTIC v. DUNNACK, ELIZZAH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview
  • HOUSING AUTHORITY, CITY OF WILLIMANTIC v. DUNNACK, ELIZZAH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview
  • HOUSING AUTHORITY, CITY OF WILLIMANTIC v. DUNNACK, ELIZZAH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview
  • HOUSING AUTHORITY, CITY OF WILLIMANTIC v. DUNNACK, ELIZZAH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview


Elizza Dunnack E ae ‘OB BE 58 104 West Avenue Willimantic, CT 06226 NOTICE TO QUIT POSSESSION Housing Authority of the City of Willimantic hereby gives you notice that you are to Quit possession of the premises now occupied by you and known and designated as 104 West Avenue Willimantic, Connecticut, on or before May 26, 2024 for violation of Connecticut General Statute Section 47a-15a, Non-Paymentof Rent ‘The monthly rent for said premises is $ 309.00 month, plus, there is now due $ 309.00 April 2024 Rent $309.00 Total $309.00 {f you remain in the leased unit after the date specified for termination, the landlord will seek to enforce the termination by bringing a judicial action, at which time you may present a defense. A grievance hearing is available pursuant to the grievance procedures as adopted by the Housing Authority. A hearing must be requested in writing within five days of the receipt of this notice. You may review any documents related to this matter at the office of the Housing Authority. All payments tendered after service of the Notice to Quit will be accepted for reimbursement of costs and attorney's fees and for use and occupancy only with full reservation of rights to continue with the eviction action. Dated in Windham, Connecticut, 23rd day of April, 2024 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WILLIMANTIC ey tilttaddad Kirn Haddad Executive Director Willimantic, Connecticut this 23rd day of April, 2024 Then | made due and legal service of the forgoing notice by leaving a true and attested copy(ies) in the hands offatike- pieceusvot- of abode of the within-named. Witin Qigirt te Counge! Notice Elizza Dunnack 104 West Avenue Willimantic, CT 06226 Joseph Rijs ate Marshal CERTIFICATION ‘hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing Notice to Quit Possession was mailed first class on April 23, 2024 to all pro se parties, all non appearing parties and all ‘counsel of record, to wit Hine fidd ad Kim Haddad Executive Director 4 Ene: Notice to Tenants { Rightto counsel program) icin You are facing the The State of Connecticut created a La | =| Wes loss of your home Right to Counsel program (CT-RTC) to provide free legal representation to income eligible tenants facing or housing subsidy. eviction or loss of housing subsidy. fl: We are here to help. The program began in a few communities on January 31, 2022 and will grow over time. MoniTiate| (olhe hex te=(-1 (14-11) tk -es-Uab La e) l eNVeed elo) (eMniialelaonV(ol] IVa late i: poll COHEN y corMlew t= 1010 ro ¥3- 2 BoX fo yrofewaiater-nVA(o14{e ay aCe) | oYoun(o) )af-3 ONLINE LEGAL HELP Go 2-1-1 HELPLINE GUIDE AND FORM FILLER EVICTION PREVENTION FUND to to Call 214 for information and Go to to learn Check your eligibility for UniteCT’s learn about the eviction referrals for housing, utility, about the eviction process Eviction Prevention Fund by visiting process and how to respond and food assistance or go to and prepare court forms for unitectprescreen to eviction notices. your case. forms/eviction_prevention cen teen ee ee eee ee eee eee eee eee nee een eee eeee _. soos ER RER MRSS EEREST RCTEORS El estado de Connecticut ha creado CW VAcead(oyal Usted esta en riesgo el programa “Derecho a un Abogado” a es de perder su hogar o su subsidio de (CT-RTC, por sus siglas en inglés) con el fin de brindar representacién juridica gratuita a inquilinos de bajos ingresos vivienda. Estamos que corran riesgo de desalojo o pérdida del subsidio de vivienda. aqui para ayudarle. El programa comenzé el 31 de enero de 2022 en un ntimero limitado de comunidades y continuard expandiéndose, bale arUEe Tet yUtiafo le ci0 gf (oleate OI iicems ole K-lielgel-ip-lunr-Kel-ua-lelg-ciine(elolay tareltes eit Coe Meleyerontrilel veal sola etl Sat =) 010 ope yoy om bot sfo) oie ATAfel d(oyelated| feteyo) gs _ as ASISTENCIA LEGAL LINEA DE ASISTENCIA 2-1-1 GUIA PARA COMPLETAR FONDO PREVENTIVO POR INTERNET Para informacion y FORMULARIOS DE DESALOJOS Visite derivaciones a programas Visite para Para verificar si reine los | | para obtener informacion sobre de asistencia con el alquiler, obtener informacién sobre el requisitos para recibir asistencia el proceso de desalojo y como servicios ptiblicos y alimentos, proceso de desalojo y como del Fondo Preventivo de responder a una notificacién flame al 211 or visite completar los formularios Desalojos de UniteCT. visite de desalojo. judiciales forms/eviction_prevention near coe aM lita lela gE Keer latch ea sty-eky A ANAn Aad e1at: fo Kelg$