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  • Sidney Federal Credit Union v. Geraldine A Bauer, Jacob H Bauer a/k/a Jacob Howard Bauer Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Sidney Federal Credit Union v. Geraldine A Bauer, Jacob H Bauer a/k/a Jacob Howard Bauer Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Sidney Federal Credit Union v. Geraldine A Bauer, Jacob H Bauer a/k/a Jacob Howard Bauer Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Sidney Federal Credit Union v. Geraldine A Bauer, Jacob H Bauer a/k/a Jacob Howard Bauer Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Sidney Federal Credit Union v. Geraldine A Bauer, Jacob H Bauer a/k/a Jacob Howard Bauer Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Sidney Federal Credit Union v. Geraldine A Bauer, Jacob H Bauer a/k/a Jacob Howard Bauer Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Sidney Federal Credit Union v. Geraldine A Bauer, Jacob H Bauer a/k/a Jacob Howard Bauer Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Sidney Federal Credit Union v. Geraldine A Bauer, Jacob H Bauer a/k/a Jacob Howard Bauer Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview


FILED: CAYUGA COUNTY CLERK 06/24/2024 02:22 PM INDEX NO. E2024-0560 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/24/2024 Cayuga Supreme Court County of Cayuga State of New York Sidney Federal Credit Union Index No Date Filed: Plaintiff (s) -vs- CONSUMER CREDIT TRANSACTION Geraldine A Bauer SUMMONS Jacob H Bauer a/k/a Jacob Howard Bauer Defendant (s) TOTHEABOVEDefendant(s): YOUAREHEREBYSUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the this Plaintiffs attorney(s) within twenty(20) days after th'e service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty(30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner than by personal delivery within the state. In the case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. The defendant(s) resides in the County of Onondaga. The consumer credit transaction took place in Cayuga county. Cayuga County is designated as the place of trial based on: ] the consumer credit transaction took place in Cayuga . [ ] the defendant residence, now or at the time of the tran action. DATED: 05/29/24 AmandaC Shaw Riehlman, Shafer & Shaw, LLC Attorneys for Plaintiff Post Office Box 544 Tully, NewYork 13159-0544 Phone: (315) 696-6347 THELAWFIRM OFRIEHLMANSHAFER& SHAW,LLC IS A DEBTCOLLECTOR ATTEMPTINGTOCOLLECTA DEBTANDANYINFORMATIONOBTAINED WILL BEUSEDFORTHATPURPOSE. 1 of 10 FILED: CAYUGA COUNTY CLERK 06/24/2024 02:22 PM INDEX NO. E2024-0560 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/24/2024 Cayuga Supreme Court Index No County of Cayuga State of New York Date Filed: Sidney Federal Credit Union Plaintiff (s) -vs- VERIFIED COMPLAINT Geraldine A Bauer Jacob H Bauer a/k/aJacob Howard Bauer Defendant (s) The plaintiff herein, by Riehlman, Shafer & Shaw, LLC, its attorneys, complains of the defendant(s) above named, and for its cause(s) of action alleges: 1. The Plaintiff is a Federally-Chartered Credit Union, authorized to conduct business in this state, with a principal place of business at 42 Union Street POBOX198, Sidney, County of Delaware, State of NY. 2. Upon information and belief the defendant(s) is an individual, with a residence at 3921 Howlett Hill Rd. Syracuse, NY 13215. AS ANDFORPLAINTIFF'S FIRST CAUSEOFACTION "1" "2" 3. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges paragraphs through as if same were more fully set forth herein. 4. Plaintiff is the original creditor in the consumer credit transaction (closed-end) that is the subject of the within action, as evidenced by a Loan and Security Agreements and Disclosure Statement ("Agreement"). A copy of the Agreement is annexed hereto as Exhibit A. 5. The last four digits of the account number printed on most recent monthly statement recording a the purchase transaction, last payment or balance transfer were 8654-00 and the account balance printed on said statement was $2,344.28. 6. Defendant(s) under the terms of the Agreement by failing to make payments as they became defaulted due. Plaintiff has made a demand for payment. The last voluntary payment was credited to the account on June 16, 2023 in the sum of $150.00. 7. By reason of defendant(s) default, plaintiff has been damagedin the sum of $2,437.72, which is comprised of a principal balance of $2,344.28, accrued but unpaid interest calculated to June 29, 2023 in the sum of $93.44 plus interest on the principal balance at the rate of 6.640% from June 29, 2023. AS ANDFORPLAINTIFF'S SECONDCAUSEOFACTION "1" "7" 8. Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges paragraphs through as if same were more fully set forth herein. 2 of 10 FILED: CAYUGA COUNTY CLERK 06/24/2024 02:22 PM INDEX NO. E2024-0560 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/24/2024 9. Plaintiff is the original creditor in the consumer credit (closed-end) that is the subject of the transaction within action, as evidenced by a Loan and Security Agreements and Disclosure Statement ("Agreement"). A copy of the Agreement is annexed hereto as Exhibit B. 10. The last four digits of the account number printed on the most recent monthly statement recording a purchase transaction, last payment or balance transfer were 8654-01 and the account balance printed on said statement was $32,731.32. 11. Defendant(s) under the terms of the Agreement by failing to make payments as they became defaulted due. Plaintiff has made a demand for payment. The last voluntary payment was credited to the account on November 2, 2023 in the sum of $340.00. 12. By reason of defendant(s) default, has been damagedin the sum of $25,119.18, which is plaintiff comprised of a principal balance of $24,666.43, accrued but unpaid interest calculated to January 29, 2024 in the sum of $427.75, late fees of $25.00 plus interest on the principal balance at the rate of 5.940% fròm January 29, 2024. 13. The interest rate for consumer debt pursuant to CPLR§ 5004 applies. WHEREFORE, plaintiff demandsjudgment against defendant(s) for the sum claimed due in each cause of action set forth in the verified complaint, together with reasonable attorneys fees, if provided by contract and allowed by law, the costs and disbursements of this action and whatever additional relief the Court deems just, proper and equitable. DATED: 05/29/24 Amanda Shaw Riehlman, Shafer & Shaw, LLC Attorneys for Plaintiff Post Office Box 544 Tully, NewYork 13159-0544 Phone: (315) 696-6347 THELAWFIRMOFRIEHLMANSHAFER& SHAW,LLC IS A DEBTCOLLECTOR ATTEMPTINGTOCOLLECT A DEBTANDANYINFORMATIONOBTAINED WILL BE USEDFORTHATPURPOSE. 3 of 10 FILED: CAYUGA COUNTY CLERK 06/24/2024 02:22 PM INDEX NO. E2024-0560 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/24/2024 VERIFICATION STATEOFNEWYORK) COUNTYOFDELAWARE)s.s.: Denise Ray, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. Deponent is the Member Solutions Manager of the plaintiff herein and, as such, I have access to plaintiffs books and records ("business records"), including electronic records, relating to the account of Geraldine A Bauer, Jacob H Bauer, a/k/a Jacob Howard Bauer ("defendant"). In myposition, I have personal knowledge of the procedures for creating and maintaining plaintiffs business records. Plaintiffs business records were made in the regular course of business and it was the regular course of such business to make such business records. The records were madeat or near the time of the events recorded. Based upon myreview of plaintiffs business records, I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in the summonsand complaint herein; 2.Deponent has read the foregoing complaint and knows the contents thereof; that the information contained therein is true and accurate to deponents knowledge, except as to matters therein asserted to be upon information and belief. Sidney Federal Credit Union /1/1 A./3..-4 .. By: Denise Ray u Member Solutions Manager Swomto before methis No Public LISA D. PA MTIER Notary Public, State of NewYork No. 01PA5025025 Qualified in Chenan My Commission Expires - County 2\ 3Q 4 of 10 FILED: CAYUGA COUNTY CLERK 06/24/2024 02:22 PM INDEX NO. E2024-0560 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/24/2024 EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT "A" 5 of 10 FILED: CAYUGA COUNTY CLERK 06/24/2024 02:22 PM INDEX NO. E2024-0560 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/24/2024 LOANANDSECURITY S C AccocctNurnbar ColieredBarrower Undes Military Landing Act too Numoor AGREEMENTS DISCLOSURESTATEMENT AND / /2022 BCrfOWof 1gNamearo Address) Berro.tor2 Name(Namoand½rass] GERALDINEBAUER JACOSH BAUER 197 JOSEPHINEST 107 JOSEPHINEST N SYRACUSENY 13212 N SYRACUSENY 1322 2 TRUTHIN LENDING DISCLOSURE'e' meansan estimate ANNUAL Ta:tw:rm:s RATE FINANCECHARGE PERCENTAGE mma Tedesarc-or::v:m- -am, Amadnt Financed Th3cam at:-et no.r na nmt; t. mi Totat 31Payments pwr:J L mm Tikr1%rt TEU7:. Total Sale Price IW *0·.:3 'tr :trjm y · cr.n . Filing Fees 6. 34 L S 11030.98 hon-Fiting Insurance $ 4 3011.67 s 54042. 55 __ S 56842.65 ync, n:1wcur cum3no:l f N/A N/A 2800.02 Prepaymeni:If h No old 1.. __.. S carly You will nat haveto p , a naty. RequiredDeposit:Th8Ar16 PerrAntageREtadoes701takeinto EcCOUVOJrrvUired I depasd.If al'/ PropertyInsurance:Ym. inay ootain preact; msurance!rom anyara Vocwan: t7at is acceptaifeto :he CreditUniar .f VOLgit ite .nsurancefrom the Cred: tJntcn Yet . wellpayS m Late Charge:9 ueertummnmme·.ec tw tÉiamon:e wwmonm, naimnim theenee iocaeda, dan ane,indat.:6aue as25.ootage otwse·,.inheassessearc ,nu account YourPayment Numberof Paymen!s Amour.tof Payrnents WhenPaymentsAre Duc ScheduleWill Be: 83 543 . 37 MONTHLYBEGINNING: 39/23/2022 , 1 642. 94 AL PAYMENTDUE ON: 08/23/2029 ! Security:Celateral sµcur ra athanors with IN 2 mt tr ar me alsosecareit·s Lcm vcurt prç a m.ct inræ i7 Years73rts re x Jeras an: it an,. You deposts ard lateres"in the C·cdit Jnta ar.dthe PrJ:·èr!/ it5c7tud belcW WRX 2020 JF1VALC67L981413G SUBARU Othe (Descrice): N/A Pleqcecl Shaes S N/A mAcraat Ninrnt N/A N/A N/A SEEYOlmCATRACTDCC LTSFOF24 ADDmEA:|Nief:t.iATOb/aGoT f!0ilFW Et ¯EF. I . W REQUIREDENY.ˆ.T :NPAL BUCPI TH!SG E½.'.EDCATE ITEMIZATIONOFTHEAMOUNTF NANCED J Af; Af/OUr.'TIS M ar, ASTrPtSK - V:2 W1U.EERETA;NNGA ParlT OSIOFT f Ai O .T miner cmm.i:me.s.:1 z a- c.w r w· ; m k:.c :- we L.-r: w ormc.:cr..· 7 S 43G11. 57 %cx.:9 la N/A 3 N/A 5 3 R7A--- N/A -- - :¢ êw s 42786.67 OX TCYOTA SUEARU s N/A r N/A MILITARYLEt!DING ACTISCLOSURES w Federa! pry.ices .ripamni prambens :3 inem3arsat :haArm+1Feces runaitai' 3^ :mat e1wmer creM1In ymra.. !M cost·:! pan:.:n:9reGun ic 0 ;·:rd s 6se creditIG2 inemat· al !D÷ArmedFo·cesa m he ;mer eg rder r 7 v exceedan27nualtirc?My¾ :W w :Wart. 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SIS :10 .;E if EdCKtt SEE IE'.ERSESX 2!l ICT2E 1.hemise to Pay: Yea crar) to cac S i . 57 K ta Gr U 3a : a :Tiras: oc i.nee x as danx r a: You::5 h s Di isM M r:.'s lm the ñterestrateis 6. 6 te- .;r. L il4se jëuenis are nmic r: :n±fr:á S ½v VyA ..I an30:'s: ve n-e m SFc is D C2Iectas I"e . .u C:A 6!ar s Aerstmer. rcui.P a, 1cou: rd ·ea5cnatrest©rret In - -c.PAY 5fUS Ywp·0misé 3 make;mr in3 L.fn graurt mi .r presa/ ary paq st d t M ,r-.. .' s it -r n " Gn:j a Yat. wm. vcu arfs:JI sq.urecto makèthe regubr y sech: pacmerto -ness & Csik 70 I fa r n am "..taw prMt l; Ym. rm age:d :; a :h3 aeO'n Eneoafment scM:ul 8xa se ms s a 5 aplemteres:lear. f YMudo paymeritsenm; 33hoc:u:td, Lur ars rm :É.; c a & :ci lbe arat.uct the linal p mild ina. Is 3 SLIJSed.U Yet a ct 2c!u117 pa".mell pratec 1.WE In e©er m:@sdthe prern mor ycqra:n fms· In your pa .9 ecc th: turn at hur H in: tem t3 Utandèc W ca.a r±qu.ret tp n3± adj tional cavm·ndsa' :& sc·ichled amaml. Jht. oin retiran;es na:her Itac Y:u im4 wit . t.d theo:hs Kr : |: te app: dD aTcurts 5cad tr "1¼manceW: roes m :e h3S ad rBMred is f d lic f fUP v. f· WPhP 1DaErff l£ ÎC W Wi dr iss char.wse rom CD30 n 5. LGAUFl·)CEEDSBV 'JAll- I ine p :ce a a e r aie . :7 a a. s a. " n ev 3. SECLFUTY FGEL"Ah -iI s Ageenm:5 e a. m:xts c±s :-± 36:3: Tw tr;d n as sur c fr. sc,.rm: a an. b 2/2 mthU2 also scres :6 s nar. ..gss Insen; 2 a c -·$ m: o· e: er . 3c p ace c¿I3 : e a a : n :o Yearplacq c: snns. m ½ âMskr0 as3s:2!a1 3±nonalt Me d Nat:|mn: accoumon m±..r ..S.Astr t nea T. mi A °; E .ss aw. 10s:ala u:;:c ar m:::·st in r acccurts. U ass orchit ted 3y fe:Mr3iand r ;:3 :· v:, V.4car arter:e 2 staMWMr :gam c. A,m : d m. ent:: 2ni if any. marcs sc cioS3G. mat di.taut arc y 7: a:ca 2ntsYoubave .ith Js :c sasiy my GJis:3rdh m: al at lalica h: e ke t urthr naticato VCv.:T.heex: ntperml:ted:n 1.twFGranuzrowers:y. !me m:er t c L1-sGaw TA :CUS M ·er:ise 3Jr r.qht t errür:S :M5 ien m2Oct 353:Mi :TJ3 ùad. ! lep05is ay rges- i.'. T,anc M ira notaf acaats You na evsh tre C·edi:Ur er; 7 , m anine Sta T:e s:a:ùta:7 :ier. a:::cr Yna: e You wie whe- You are in default. fi a coi a: amant EaCaccout 1srnac: a:2 lated 7 :ne Se:/:; sicton .: Pe pw al:u. Js to apsy the MJs ;nYour acaunt) mths tr m Edmg Disasm. y a Ira·/ rat :. indrac :-e Trost 133:has beesspecs :ally plac:M :: secure:his K·3'1until:he CredcUniona. rees: r ease .: cµr. ú· me med ament. 110tasphi 0 arp Indrslaut Recrerw ic.caura or ar c:nar accountmatvauld ese sca:id:ar :réa::cen;c: der sinv Ndera aw c givenas secure. % 5tarti:cr/ :iana7dYauro'cige c FORLOANANDSECURITY SIGNATURES AGREEMENTS BisFning, c other±a: Eurovcer,Yet,agrectothe terms et :he Lear Aysmerit. H P·opartf ·sdesc©cd in the 'Secu·ity satar of Ire 7:ulb In Landial Disclosure.YOJ3 S(·39r5 IDth9 lermS011 9 3ecLntyAgre nlentOnse reerse s^de.H Yauscri. or c:terw se wtMnlicate. Es·0wrer of hopanf Yeuagreeort; ic :N ta·rasat the SêcurityAgreercM CAUTION:IT IS WPORTAliTTHAT70tl THOROUGHLY READTHEAGREEVE?liSEFOREVOUSIGNIT. Jerr9 r 1 n rate Ew:::er a*F 1))ni.4.24. aseases/ø_2022 sass/e/2ø22 - Other G ; .n=ss Date Oher B crov:er Ormerof Prcretty Witness Date X tsearøs/ø9/2ø22 XN/A (seao N/A ICANUNER wumwSre.x c E : cr t tou 6 of 10 FILED: CAYUGA COUNTY CLERK 06/24/2024 02:22 PM INDEX NO. E2024-0560 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/24/2024 In this LoanAgreement("Agreement").which beginson the reverseside, all referenceslo "Credil Union", "Our" "Us" W. or meanthe CreditUnionwhosenameappears on Diisdocumentand anyoneto whomthe CreditUnion assignsor transfersthis Agreement.All referencesto "You'' or "Yoirr" nicaneachpersonwho signs, or otherwise authenticates.flils Agreementas a borrower. - T. DEFAULT Youwill Deni defaultimcel ltus AgreementIf Youdo not makea pays:ientof the amountrequiredon or beforethe dateit is due.Youwiti 1;eir ilefaull it Youlneshany prommeWumade mconnectionvatn ttils toanor tr anyoneis mdefaunumferany secu agreementmadein connectionwith this AgreementYoump110on doraullD You ¦v, h!elot bankruntsy.occomeinsolvent(that ls.unatile to pay YourOdissid toansas titcome due). or II Youmadeany falseur misleaggigsta.Ign:::pts in YoulisignapphcalergYouwill also be mdefaullit somethinghappensthat Webelievemayseriouslyal t Your or if Tce ability lo repaywhatYouoweunifer this'Agreeineng areiri defaullunderany oilter loanagreententYouhavewith US, - 8. ACTIONSAFTERDIEFAULT WhenYouaremdefault.Wemay dernandimmediatepaymentof theentireunpanibalariceunderEllisAgreenlehDil Wedemandimmedials paymeni You witi continueto pity Interestat tle rate providedfor in this Agreement,until what You oWelias beenrepani. Wewill also apply against lat.Yp owe any sharesand/or depositsgiven as secur(ly under this Agreemeal. Wemayalso exerciseany other Ilgitis 0iven by law when Youare in default a,rea Cbvered Borroweriinder the Military Lairding Act, Youwaive any flgid Youhave to resolve demandfor payment. notice of Inlant to deifilihattiñmedfata Unlesf pa t aifdisiallie of demandfor Immediate payment - 9. EACHPERSONRESPONSIBLE Eachpersonwho slans. or otherwiseauthenticates,Ilils AgreementwDIbe individual and loinlly responsiblefor paying the eillite amountoweduilder this Agreement This meansWecartenforceOur3lghtsagainstany orieof Youhidividuallyor agairlstall o Youtogeuier. 10. LATECHARGE-11 Youare late In maldnga payment,Youpromiseto pay the latechargeshownin the Truthin LandingDisclosure If no latechargeIs shown.Youwig not bechargedone. - 11. DELAYIN ENEGBC