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  • Freedom Mortgage Corporation-vs-Jennifer Blackman,State of Illinois,Unknown & Non-Record ClaimantsOwner Occupied Single-Family Home/Condo document preview
  • Freedom Mortgage Corporation-vs-Jennifer Blackman,State of Illinois,Unknown & Non-Record ClaimantsOwner Occupied Single-Family Home/Condo document preview


Hearing Date: 8/19/2024 2:00 PM Location: Court Room 2809 Judge: Brooks, Lloyd James FILED 6/20/2024 12:15 PM IRIS Y. MARTINEZ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS CIRCUIT CLERK COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION COOK COUNTY, IL 2024CH05811 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) Calendar, 57 OF THE LAW FIRM OF MCCALLA RAYMER } 28191643 LEIBERT PIERCE, LLC FOR A STANDING } ORDER YOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A. } SPECIAL PROCESS SERVER POR THE ) QUARTER ENDING JUNE 30, 2024 } ORDER APPOINTING STANDING SPECIAL PROCESS SERVERS ‘This matter coming on to be heard on the application of the Law Firm of McCalla Raymer Letbert Pierce, LLC for a Standing Order for the Appoiatment of a Special Process Server for the Quarter Beginning April 1, 2024, and ending Jume 30, 2024. ft is Hereby Ordered: le Each of the following private detective agencies certified under the Private Detective, Private Alarm Private Scourity, ané Locksmith Act of 1993 and their omployces over 18 years of age and in any case which be or she is not a party arc hereby appointed to Standing Special Provess Servers for the Quarter Beginniag April 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2024, in cases filed by the law firm of MeCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC in the Martgage Foreclosure Seotion of the Chancery Division pursuant te 735 LLCs & 202. ProVest, LUC ~ License Number 117-+401336 Judge Lowia Nixon-2840 Firefly Legal, Inc.-- ‘License Number 1£7-001465 MAR 0-7 202 fis. eGMARTINEZ ae aguay 2. The authority of the Standing Special Process Serv: pe sbhr the service of process in mortgage foreclasure cases. ENTER: Abii JOBGE MeCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC Attormeys for Plaintiff Attomey No: 61256 1 North Dearborn Strest, Suite 1200 Chicago, TE. 60602 BLB-346-9088