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  • Freedom Mortgage Corporation-vs-Jennifer Blackman,State of Illinois,Unknown & Non-Record ClaimantsOwner Occupied Single-Family Home/Condo document preview
  • Freedom Mortgage Corporation-vs-Jennifer Blackman,State of Illinois,Unknown & Non-Record ClaimantsOwner Occupied Single-Family Home/Condo document preview
  • Freedom Mortgage Corporation-vs-Jennifer Blackman,State of Illinois,Unknown & Non-Record ClaimantsOwner Occupied Single-Family Home/Condo document preview
  • Freedom Mortgage Corporation-vs-Jennifer Blackman,State of Illinois,Unknown & Non-Record ClaimantsOwner Occupied Single-Family Home/Condo document preview
  • Freedom Mortgage Corporation-vs-Jennifer Blackman,State of Illinois,Unknown & Non-Record ClaimantsOwner Occupied Single-Family Home/Condo document preview
  • Freedom Mortgage Corporation-vs-Jennifer Blackman,State of Illinois,Unknown & Non-Record ClaimantsOwner Occupied Single-Family Home/Condo document preview
  • Freedom Mortgage Corporation-vs-Jennifer Blackman,State of Illinois,Unknown & Non-Record ClaimantsOwner Occupied Single-Family Home/Condo document preview
  • Freedom Mortgage Corporation-vs-Jennifer Blackman,State of Illinois,Unknown & Non-Record ClaimantsOwner Occupied Single-Family Home/Condo document preview


Hearing Date: 8/19/2024 2:00 PM FILED Location: Court Room 2809 Judge: Brooks, Lloyd James 6/20/2024 12:15 PM IRIS Y. MARTINEZ CIRCUIT CLERK COOK COUNTY, IL IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS 2024CH05811 COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION Calendar, 57 28191643 FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORATION, PLAINTIFF, NO. 2024CH05811 VS. 9657 SOUTH YATES BOULEVARD JENNIFER BLACKMAN; STATE OF CHICAGO, IL 60617 ILLINOIS; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND CALENDAR NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, DEFENDANTS. COMPLAINT TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE For its Complaint Plaintiff says: i Plaintiff, FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORATION, files this Complaint to foreclose the mortgage, trust deed or other conveyance in the nature of a mortgage (“Mortgage”) hereinafter described, pursuant to 735 ILCS $/15-1101 et. seq. of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, and joins the persons named in the caption as Defendants: Jennifer Blackman State of Mlinois Unknown Owners and Non-Record Claimants Attached as "Exhibit A" is a true copy of the Mortgage which has been modified to redact certain Non-Public Personal Information (“PI”) from the exhibit. Attached as "Exhibit B" is a true copy of the Note secured thereby which has been modified to redact certain PL from the exhibit. Attached as “Exhibit C” is a true copy of the Assignment(s) which has been modified to redact certain PI from the exhibit. 3 Information concerning said Mortgage: (a) Nature of the instrument: Mortgage. (b) Date of the Mortgage: March 15, 2021 (c) Name of the mortgagors or grantors: Jennifer Blackman (d) Name of the mortgagee, trustee or grantee in the Mortgage: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Stearns Lending, LLC (ec) Date of Recording or Registering: March 31, 2021 (f} Place of Recording or Registering: Cook County Page | of 26 (g) Identification of Recording: Document No. 2109001458 (h) Interest Subject to the mortgage: Fee Simple (i) Amount of Original Indebtedness: $107,025.00 (j) Plaintiff is the holder of the indebtedness secured by the mortgage being foreclosed herein, and has the right to foreclose the mortgage. (k) Legal description of mortgaged premises: LOT 67 IN SOUTH SHORE ADDITION TO JEFFERY MANOR, BEING A RESUBDIVISION OF PART OF CALUMET TRUST SUBDIVISION, CALUMET TRUST'S SUBDIVISION NO. 3 ARTHUR DUNAS SOUTH SHORE RESUBDIVISION AND ARTHUR DUNAS SOUTH SHORE SUBDIVISION, ALL IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 15, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, NORTH OF THE INDIAN BOUNDARY LINE, AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MAY 29, 1944 AS DOCUMENT 13202453, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 9657 South Yates Boulevard Chicago, IL 60617 Tax ID# 26-07-113-058-0000 (1) After all payments received have been applied, mortgagors are now in default for the monthly payments of principal and interest; and taxes, advances and insurance, if any, for February 1, 2024 through the present; the principal and balance due on the note and mortgage is $101,165.40, plus interest, costs and fees, and advances if any, made by the plaintiff. Interest accrues pursuant to the terms of the note. The current per diem is $11.78. (m) Name of present owners of said premises: Jennifer Blackman {n) Names of persons in addition to said owners, but excluding any non-record laimants as defined in the Hlinois Mortgage Foreclosure Act who are joined as Defendants and whose interest in, or lien on, the mortgaged real estate is sought to be terminated: The STATE OF ILLINOIS by virtue of a Notice of State Tax Lien Jennifer Blackman for the non-payment of taxes for the tax period(s) ending 2018, dated May 3, 2022 in Cook County, Illinois as 31206 and in the sum of $3,008.57. Page 2 of 26 Plaintiff alleges this defendant's interest is subordinate and inferior to the lien of the plaintiff. (0) Names of persons claimed to be personally liable for deficiency unless personal liability is discharged in a Bankruptcy proceeding, or otherwise released: Jennifer Blackman (p) Plaintiff seeks to include in the Judgment the Plaintiff's attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses. 4. Plaintiff alleges that in addition to persons designated by name herein and the Unknown Defendants referred to above, there are other persons, and/or non-record claimants who are interested in this action and who have or claim some right, title, interest or lien in, to or upon the real estate, or some part thereof, in this Complaint described, including but not limited to the following Unknown Owncrs and Non-Record Claimants. That the name of each of such persons is unknown to the Plaintiff and on diligent inquiry cannot be ascertained, and all such persons are therefore made party defendants to this action by the name and description of UNKNOWN OWNERS and NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS. That should a deficiency result from the foreclosure sale of the subject property, Plaintiff may seek an In Personam or an In Rem deficiency judgment unless the defendant(s) which are liable on the subject mortgage note have had personal liability on said note discharged in a Bankruptcy proceeding or if said liability has been otherwise discharged or released. That should the subject property be vacant, the Plaintiff may seek to have the Court find that the property is abandoned pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/15-1603, Illinois Code of Civil Procedure. That the Plaintiff may seek appointment of Mortgagee in Possession or appointment of receiver. WHEREFORE, PLAINTIFF FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORATION REQUESTS: 1 A Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. 2 A Judgment for attorney's fees, costs and expenses. An Order Approving the Foreclosure Sale and an Order granting possession. An In Personam or an In Rem Deficiency Judgment, if sought, unless defendant(s) have had personal liability on the subject mortgage note Page 3 of 26 discharged in a Bankruptcy proceeding, or otherwise released. An order granting a shortened redemption period, if sought. Appointment of Mortgagee in Possession or Receiver, if sought. Such other and further relief as the Court deems just. FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORATION By: 4/Rachel_Carmickle - ARDC# 6326671 Electronically signed on 6/20/2024 McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC Firm ID: 61256 Attorney for Plaintiff LN. Dearborn St. Suite 1200 Chicago, IL 60602 Ph. (312) 346-9088 File No. 23-15552IL- 1080369 Email: Electronic mail (e-mail) notice may be sent to McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC at THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT IF YOUR PERSONAL LIABILITY FOR THIS DERT HAS BEEN EXTINGUISHED BY A DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY OR BY AN ORDER GRANTING IN REM RELIEF FROM STAY, THIS NOTICE IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO FORECLOSE THE MORTGAGE REMAINING ON YOUR PROPERTY AND IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT THE DISCHARGED PERSONAL OBLIGATION. Page 4 of 26 Exhibit A Page 5 of 26 Doct. 2199001458 Fee: $98.00. Karen A Yarsrougy Illinois Anti-Predatory Cook County Clerk Lending Database, Date: OUTU2021 N24 AM Py 4 af 13 Program Certificate of Complianoe Report Mortgage 944-768-4 713 sce The property idantiied as: 28-07-113-058-0000 Address: Street: 9657 S YATES ao Street line 2: City: CHICAGO Stater f ap Code: 60617 Lerider: ‘Seams Lending, LLG Borrower; Jennifer Blackman Loan/ Morigage Amount: $107,028.00 Pursuant lo 765 1LGs ETFO et 90q,, tia Certficate asthorzes the County Reoorder of Deeds & residential mortgage secured by this property and, if applicable, a simultaneously dated HELOC, oy Retum to: Lakeland Title Services 1900 Iroquois Ave., Ste 400 af — vite, iL 60563 Certificate number: Execution date: 2/15/2024 Page 6 of 26 2109001488 Page: 2 of 13 After Recording Retum To: a FIRS? AHERICAN MORTGAGE SOLUTIONS OW BRAALY OF STEARNS ‘LENDING ATTN: ROCCO DYGIANRTONTO 1795 TRYERNATIONAL WAY TPAHO FALLS, Th 63402 “This Inaenmeiat Preparedt By: TULTETA CAMPOS ‘STRARNS LENDING, 401 E, CORPORATE DRIVE, SUITE 186 LOWE SVILLE, 2%: ST +. (847) 607-600" ay ‘Bpece Above This Line For Recording Data} MORTGAGE ee g MEDS Pre! 1uSBG067 806377 DEFINITIONS ‘Words used ie tnultiple sections of this document, ave clefimed bettie atl other words are defined in Sections 3, 10, 12, 17,19 sd 21 Contain rules reganting the usage of words used in this dow also provided in Seation LS. {A) “Security Jestrament" means this document, which is dated “x 1S, 2021, together with all Riders to this document, 5. os {Bi "Borrower" iz JERKIPER HLACKMAN, UNMARRIED WOMAN. 8 is the mortgagor wader this Security Instremest. 1) *MERS? is Morgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc, MERS is a separtiz‘eorporation that is acting solely as a aoraines for Lender and Leaster’s sacoessors and aysigns, MERS is the mortgagee vudde is Security Insiroment. MERS is organized and existing under the laws of Delaware, and bes an aeidiresy and telephone ne: of P.O, Box 2026, Flint, ME 48501-2026, tel. (688) 679-MERS, “Leoder" is SPRRENS LENDING, Lie, Lender is aREMERED LIRBILIET COMPANY Organized and existing under the faws of CALIFORNTA. Lender's addivss {s 601 . CORPORAYE DRIVE, SUITE 15 SVILLE, FROST. 4B) "Note" means the preinissory note signed by Borrower and doled MARCE 15, 2021, The Note that Borrower oes Lender ORE HIWDRED SEVEN TROURAMD TWEMEY-FTVE AND 60/100 Dollis (US. $1 025.00) plus interest at the rate of &..250%, Borrower bas promised to pay this debe in regular Periodic. Payments and to pay the debt in full notlaterthan APRIL, 1, 2052, 4B) *Property” mseaus the property that is desoribed below under the heading "Transfer of Rights in the Property.” (G6) * Losin" means the debt evidenced by the Note, plus interest, late charges due under the Note, and afl sures due under this ‘Seowity Instrument, plus interest. [FILA Mitnsts Morena «ONES HE 997114 Page 7 of 26 2109001488 Page: S of 13 a a CH) *Riders* means all Riders to this Security Ingtrument thet ae executed by Booower. The following Riders are to be executed hy Boscoaver foheck box as applicable) ClAdjustable Rate Rider OCondominium Rider (3 Planned Unit Developraent Rider ‘OOder(s) [spesity] Q) “Applicable Law" means all controlling applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinances and schministetive nes ard orders {that have the fect of law) se well a oll applicable final, non-appealable judick! “opinions )) “Commuanity Association Dues, Fees, ani Assessments* means all dues, fees, assessments ang other charges that are ‘imposedon Boreaweror the Property by a condominium aasociation, homeowners aeseciatiod or similar organization. 4B) "Electronic Transfer" mens any transfer of fuids, other than a iensaction originated by check, druft, or similar paper Insrrumansy” is initiated through an electronic serrainal, tclephonic instrument, computer, or magnetic tape 20 as 10 onder, insteust, o¢ aut afinancial institution to debitor enedisan eeoount. Such term inchides, but is not Ilmited fo, polit- of-sale transfers,aul toller machine transactions, transfers inldiated by telephane, wire transfers, and automated clesringhouse transte L) "Escrow Hems* ean thick: items thet are dessribed in Section3. OV) "Miscellaneous Proceeds ‘any compensztion, setlement, award of daraages, ar proceeds paid by any third party (other than ingnrance proceeds pa ineerthe coverages describedin Section 5}for: (1) damage to, or destruction of, the Property; (ii) condemnation or ‘oiher ta all or any partof the Property; (li) conveyance in leu of condensation; or (iv) misrepiesentations of, or omissionsa3 00,160 ‘and/or condition of the Property. (N) “Mortgage Insurance means: inane grote Lander against the nonpayment of ot default on, the Lorn, {0} “Periodic Payment” means the regularly é‘schedaled amount due for () principal and interest under the Note, plus (ij any amountsunder Section 3 of this Security Insteurseti (i “RESPA” meang the Real Estate Setilement Pe os Act (12 U.9.C. 92601 et oq.) and its iaplementing negulation, Regulation X (12 CFR, Part 1024),as they might be amiendsd figwn time to dine,or any addisional or successor legislationor regulation that governs the same subject matter. Ag ured in this §) rity Inxtrament, "RESPA" refers to all requirements ond restrictions Ua ars imposed in regard to a “federally related on: ge bnan" even i the Loen does not guatify as a "federally related mortgage togn" under RESPA. “Secretary means the Secretary of the United Statee Department ef thiesing and Urban Development or his designee. (R} "Successor in Interest of Barrower* means any party that has thé to the Property, whether or not that party has assumed Borrower's obligations under the Note and/or this Security instruiest, °°" “TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY ‘This Security Instrument seoutes to Lender: (2) the repayment of die Lowa, and lf ren Uplensions and modifications of the Note, and Gi) the performanceof Borrower's covenants ad! agreements under this: curity Instrument and the Note. For this purpese, Borrower docs hereby mortgage, grant and canvey t MERS (solely as nomines i‘tér Lender and Landers successors and assigns)and to the suocessors and assigns of MERS the following described Proper in the coummyof cooR: KEE ATTACHED RXXIAIT A which currently has the address of 9687 8 YAPRE BLVD, CHICAGO, Th 60642 (Prepeny bd ‘TOGETHER WIT af the improvements nos or hereafter erected onthe property and all esemente, and fixuires now or hereafter a port of the property. All replacements and additions xbell also be coversd by this Security, Tngtrument, AR of the foregoing is referred fo in this Security Instrument as the "Property," Borrower understands and agrees, that MERS holds only legal to the interest grantod by Bareower in this Security instrument, but, if nevestary to comply with law of custom, MERS (aq norainte for Leader and Lender's snecessars and assigns} has the right; to exercise any or all of those interests. including, but not limited to, the right to foreclase and sell the Property: and to toke aay action requiredof Leader including, but not limited 10, releasing and cancoling this Security Iasirement, FIA Mikasie Mortgage 0045 em inn Page 8 of 26 2700001468 Page: 4 of 13 BORROWER COvENANES ‘that Borrower “idis wetuly veined of the ‘eniane hereby coeveyeil end has te Tight % Brink and convey the Property and that the Property is wntucumbered, except for sneunnteancds of reeoel, searrants cid Sell defend genetally the tile 16. the Property agninst all claims and demande, subjest to any ‘seSuimbizngey of record. ‘THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniforn covenants fem astlomal ee and sod uniform scovernants with faaited vacations ‘by jielsdictions to const tite & unifora secority instrument covering neal property. “UNIPORN COVENANTS, Borrower aid Lander covenant and acon a follows: “Payment of Principal, interest, Escrow Items, aud Late Charges, Borrower shall pry when dus the prinelpat of, and interest i, the debt exddenced by the Nole and fale charges duc under the Note. Rostoiter shall alo pay fused for Escrow Troms pursuasii to Sodtion 3. Payinonta due wider the Note and this Seourlty Instramient shall be made in U8, ‘euirensy However, if any: i or other instrument rectived’ by Leader ds puyatent under the Note or this Séeurity Tnsieument ig retuned to Lander nipnid, Londer may sequins that any or all subsequent payments due under the Note are this Security Insitament he made ae more of tie Tollowing formas, was aelected by Lender: fe) caok; (U} money geders {e) certified. ‘heck, bank check, t ¢a check oy cashier's check, provided any such check Js drama upon wn institetion whose deposits ae jnsnitd by a Leterel steimenstality,or entity; or (€) Blecironic Punds Transter, bs Bre deere by Lender when ressived at the leoation dedigrated in the Note oe’ gt atch other Joention as ‘thay be desl gated by J sinier in accordance swith the notice provisions a Section 14. Lander may atuth aay payment cr partial payment if the puyinch? of partial peymonts ere iusufficient to-biing, the Loan onrrent. Lauder may wecopt ahy payment or partis! peymont inaubfit fio bi 1g the Laan dintrent, without waiverof any tights Horeundar or prejdicdte ing rights40 refinte duch payment or partial pay ts in the Future, bart Lendbee is not obligated to wpply such payments st the ime such payments are accepted. If each Pevisul ‘aoentis applied ax af itn scheduled duc date, thea need not pay Saterest oa vnepplied funds. Lender may hold suck. ee Funds walil Borrower makes payment ty bitig the Loas curren, I ‘Bonowor does ne do so withina: i, Lavider shu titherapoly auch fuade or retin: thew to Borrower, IF ‘not applied cartier, sack funds will be applied to he standing principal belacct onder the Note immediately prior foreclosure. No offset or disina which Bérrower might bave! av in the Future againat Lender shall relieve Bortower from tual payrovats dae ander ibe No nd this Sect (etree petforming the covenants and ageecimems secured by tis Seca ea ‘oc Beocteds. Except as hort ‘bape his Gen’, ponents need ad spied Tier al ne apled inte foLoving order ot priority: First,-to the Mortgage Lamisance premitiats 18 be paid by Lends ae q Seovtary the ‘manthly. ehaitge v the ‘Secoetary instead of the monthly mortgegs inguranve premiums; ‘Shoo ta any thxes, special ARSESEENENES leasehold payments or 0 ents, and fire, flocd sed ‘ber hazard Doteeiee preaiudis, a réquinedts, Thin, 1 blereat Doe wider het Note “Fuurth to amortization of the principal of the Note; sad, Fifth, to hand charges due under the Note. > Aniy application of payments, apy Mani how jal ‘the Note shallnot ktend or postponethe duo daze, or change Use amount of the Periodic Paprnenta, 3. Ponds fot Racrow orm. Borrower shill fy Lehdor on the day Periodic Payienits are dun’ he Nowe, until ‘the Noteie pale in full, a siny tibe "Boads") to provide for paymentof amounts dee Tors (a) taxes arid ana ie and ether” ‘testis whieds cas ital priority ever this Sepurity Inatumentas a Hen Gr srcumbrance on Che Property; (b) Weasel or grouiid fends on the Property, if any, (e) preandiews for any and all inanimnee required by Lander dnder Section 3, wiel (aly ‘Mortgage Insuranae prensium to be paid by Lender to the Secretary or tne monthly ehtrge by the Secretary instead af the mmontily Morigage tnswrence promiims. These Menus are called "Escrow hems” Al etigination of at any dme- during the orm, ‘af the Losi, Lesdsr may wquire that Community Axsoctation Pnies, Feed, and Arsessments, any he eanrawed by Borrower, ‘snd acel dues, fees eivd assausments hall ba am Bycroer Het ‘Borrower shalt promptly furnish to Leader all-netices of smoats 4g be paid under thin Section. Borrower shall pay Lander the Funds for Bycrow Tema anlese Lander walves Borrower's obligation to pay dhe Fonds for day or all Bsccow Itenty, Lanier rauy waive Borowers obfigativn te pay to Lander Ponds for 2 RE = $9373 SahUL Page 9 of 26 10800" age: 6 of 13 BAY or eit Rscrow item at amy timid. Any gach waiver may only be in eviting. in the event of sich walvar, Born wer hall pay dirtedy, when and where payable, the aroinits due for any Escrow Us for which payment af Funds has been waived by Lasteraan ‘Leider requires, ial fumish 8 i10. Like sais cvidédcirig sueit payment within wich tas period as Linder ‘may require. Borrower's obi uch payriients oid io de receipts sill for sll purpose be disomed to be a “convene an Agroenieat cov ite Se ty fontrunmeni,aa the panige "evenant and ajgeement is véed in’ Sueiiein®. 1 Borrowerfy oblignied to pay Bs ‘dinecaly, putiwant 10 4 walver, atid Borrower Tails 19 paythe sinotint due for an ‘Baer hem, Lender may exercise its rights under Section 9 dad pny: such axrciant aod Borrower shall theii be obligated wndey jacdion Ou fepayas Lander sy Such areount: Leader may revous the walwr93 46 sity e7 a) sero etas ot any tiie bye sholiee pivedia decorfance with Section: {dt und, ypon such revacalio, Borrbrer shill pay wo Lender all ends, dae ip eh bal are then. required under ibis Seetion 3°. Leader ily, al any ‘ine, cotlect aod fold Funds in wt encanta) anfficient 1 pistes Lender to aly the Furs uabe ime specified i RUGSPA, and (by not to exceed the jnaximium ainount a lender can yequive tinder RESPA. Lender shalt ‘eadienate the amie dF irom the bis of este doa a rensonable elias af expentiues of Beng’ “ar alhrwiee te aacop ince with Applicable Law. ‘The Funda shal hekd In. asi Instixution “whe deposits 8 hi bya federal ‘agency, nviramontaliy; or ent Lenderif iristitulion whost deposits me a0 Insured) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank, Leader shall serie aos py me Ee : Hoeets 1a Falak than the tinie specified andar RESPA. Lender shill not charge’ Borrower for holding and aoriving the’ ihe Runs ply analyzing the egorow accduint, of verifying the Rscrow Items, anlesa Lender pays: Bonower interedt Applicable Law gannita Lender 26 make such charge, Unless aa agreement ig madein weiting. apace ta vires inte ‘be pail ‘an the Funds, Leader shall hot be requived vo pay Borower any Interest ‘Gd Ravalingsoa the Bunils, Bowower an cha ‘aigiba id wikthig however, that intitat shalt be gald ep the Funds. Lender ‘shail give to Borrower, without charge, iatance contig af the Pure us reg by RESPA. EE shore 18 a duippiaw of Bundy hale ike 9 defined under RESPA, Lender abnll account eo Borrorver far the -exceds fonds in decordance with RESPA. If thereiad alvsrtage of Ponds held in eatrow, os defined iusler RESPA., Leger shill notify Borroweraé required by RESPA and Boerae: I pay to Lender the amoimt necessary. oy make up the shortage in aSoondaiiee witht RESPA,bul in nd more that 12 mioathly TE theat iss defisgieney of Pious held in escrow, as defined onder RESPA, Lender shall wtf Bcrower a eure by FESPA, snd Bercwer dl yay to Lene the aout nessa shake inp the deficiency in accordance whet RESPA, bol in xo ie Ei monthly paynients. Uren eyecnt ey infull of all sues secured by this Securt sbetreimint, ‘Lender shall proraplly refund ta: Bexioier sing Funds hetd | a Cherget "Lions. ‘Borrower shail ay all tants, aodepamnes ges, fines, and impositions attbutble w the Propeiy wihrich Gan attain polarity over this Security Inxinament, shall unr ground rents on the Froperiy, W any, and Community Assoclalion Dues, tees, and. Agseuamente, Panty, To the extol thax shise treme craw leas, ‘ahall pay thei in the manner provided in Sexton. Bortower aball prowpily discharge any lien which has priority aver this Seci este onlesd Borrow grees in writing to ihe payment of the obligation sécurid by the Hien in’al manner aotest: ete Lender, but only’ se fony ws Bowtower ig performing cach agreermeat, {b) conteststhe lies in good falth by. or defends ‘al enforcement of the en iti, tonal proceediage which in Lender's ophnian Operate ta prevwnr the enforembent of thet io those proceedings are pading ‘bur only until auch proceedings ‘ar cone! Hor(¢} secures From the holder of the Hew’se a) Mont dutigtactiry 10 ‘Lender sobondinathag the Hew w this Security Instrument. If Lender Lender deconmines that aay part of the 3a fubject to a liek Aids Can Raid pricnlty over dds Seemlcy tevitrument, ier may give Borrower a notice ident yg. ‘ek, Within 30 days: Ofte don whch et ris re, Bowe sal eye or soo nore Fe for shove in thir Section 4. a y eurance: Borrower shall keep ‘the iruproventents OW ending ‘ov horeefte? erected on the, penty diated Agninat bes hy fire, haxatds iithided: within the ten Sextanded coverige,* and any other hizarda inehuc DUERE timnited tg, earthquakes and floods, for which Lender requires ineurenee, This insurance shal] be maintalned if the aniounts Gnelading deductible levels) and for the periods that Leader requires, What Lander requires peirouant ty the preceding eee re ae tari derpia Decohert aie nie fake ding the insuranceshal be by vee sdubjjoct to Loider's tight to disapprove ‘Bonowwer'e choice, whiely all mot be exercised « Leader may require Borewer to pag ti ooinection with itis ‘Loan, either we a wounet onige Yor flood sone deterntiation, onlicton and ihm ancae ne se WSN eit Page 10 of 26 2120001458 Paye: @.af4 ‘tacking sersigest er (b} a ond-titto Chaige for flood gone detertnination zikd dertification serviced end subsequent charges each ‘thane remappings or shmilar charged oceuc which casonsbly might affect such determination or cenification. Borrower shell alge be responsible for the payment cf any Leer Imposed by the Federal, Emergency Maragertent gone in i eonnsation with the review of aniy flood zorie deteresinatton resulting from an objection by Homo W Borrower fails to malniain sivy of the coverages dé bed above, Lander L sia ‘oblate: ‘ritironee ‘oovernge, ak Lenders option and Borrower's expense. Lender is under no obligat a to purchise any particulary ype or amount af coverage, ‘Thietore, stich Gevenaige shall cover Lender, but imight or might not protect protect Borrower, Bowawers equity inthe Property, of ‘the contents of the Property, agaitiat aly Fisk, Hard or linbility aid, aight peovide graaier or eager coverage than waa previously in effect: Bomower acknowledges that the cost of the insnnince coverage: ‘go obtained might, Siguficanly excred the ‘eos! of insiinanas fiat Barfosier Could hive obtained. Any announis: ‘ished byby Lender under this 3shail become. ‘acid dabt of Bowuwer secured by tie Security Tasteximbnt. These amonnts ahall bear idtereat at the Nole tate from the: date of disbursomion' and shall be payable, wide such inserest,- sap notice from Lenifer te Borrower toqucatlag payment. ° AN tneuiinse policies stquired by Lender and renewals of such policies sbll be subject ho-Lendec's eight 10 dinaggrove such pil! shall include 3 standard moigage clauae, wid akel! caine Lender ed iyoriguges xeuor is additional owe payee: 1 neler abl ave the right to hold she policies and renewal centificaity, If Lender requliee, Borrower shall promiptly givatu Lender all redeisis ef anid peemiame and renewal nodeas, If Boirower obtains way form of insurditee: ‘sol athorwise requited by Landon ier damage t6, or deatiuction af; the Property, such policy shall incteide a standard nrorigage ‘clause ‘ind shall name Lenderai. oeandvor us aii addisjonalleas payer, Tn the evant of loss, Borrty: proimpi ote tothe itsurmite cater and Lette, Lends may cake prt of Joss if it inadle proniptly by Borrowed. Bortowe Holes Lander and Borrower otherwise agete inv writing, atty insurance prodeeds, whither oF Zot the underlying inigurunce’ red by Lander. ahél-be applied to resteeation oF repair ofthe Property if the eatonition or repairis sre fen ade ‘seciwity is hot lessened. During such repair and mstoation: ‘Léader ahall have dha‘right te hold ach Sproceods until Loads bao kidd ah iappottunity vo Inepiect etich Property to: ensure the work hax been comipleted 10 Lender's , provided that sich inspection shall be undertaken promptly, ‘Leider mety’ dishsrae proceeds for the repairs and (ioe in -B Single Daymene or ing series of progress payments a2.the swotk is completed. Unied fe. leat is made in wrikng | -Applicnble Law requires lsteneat to he pald o suc Insnetoce ‘proceeds, Lender shall not be equited io pay Borrower any 4 cost or earmiaigson sie proceeds. Reesfor public ailjusters, o other third parties; retainedby Rerrower shall not be paid eda ‘Thwranee procedds and shall be the sole ‘obligationof. Bortawer. If the restoration ee sepair be aot accrorivally feagialé or Lender's security would be lesqened, ihe Insurince, prodeeily viall be applical te the suate sbnimedd by this Secuminy Taste ehedecor bot the duc, with che sceas, if any. peld {6 Sorrowot Suet insurance proceeds shall be apolied in she ander provisies ‘in Section2. 1 Borsovice abandons the Property, Letidar may fie, iegaiiate asst ‘available insurance claim and related Indile’s. If Borrower does not rexperid within 30 days ko a notice frou Leider: insurance cariler hax offored vo Settle a ‘tlalin, then Lender may negotiate and setite the claim. The willbe; the notice Is given. bn either event, a if Losider secpsites the Property wider Becton 22 ov othinvise, Bottoirer herchy oi 6 Lender (a) Borrower's eighte te ‘aeotint od to exgeed the amounts tt tunderths Note isourity Tstromaat, and () ‘hero Borrower's eights (other thar the fight to any refund of premiunis pai: aN facurainbe policies covering the Property, insofar sa auch fights are applicable’ to the coverage af th Insufance:piracodds elther to repair ur restate the Fropraty orto pay satiogits pal sunnder ‘Whether of tio thet due, the Ni wt Lender thay site the Security Jasmument, 6. Oxcupancy, Borrower ‘shalt eeu, catablieh, ‘id wo the: Proporty an Borrowers princi ssigonoe withia 60 ay after the execution of this Security Instrument snd shall oantinue te occupy the Property ae Borrewer'. For af Kesar one yonr after the dite of oocupiancy; isnloat Lesider déterminad that this requirement shall canes wi > havdehipfor the Boitower or unkess’ ‘extenuating clreismstances exist which ate beyond Bénewer's control. 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Probecttai of the Property; Laspections. Hortoueer shall nak destroy, enage’ oF ‘pair the Property allow: ‘the Property £6 deteriorate or conimit waste on the Paoperey, Borrower shall maintain the Propertyitt ‘order to prevent the Propériy from deteriorating or clecrcaaig in value dit 10 Jie condition. Unless (Cis detenaiiied pirssiant to ‘Seotion $ that repair ar restoration 1s ‘Rot ecanoinically (easible, Borrower shall prompady Fepair the Property if daniaged to. ‘avoid further deterioration or daniage: If insurance or condemsmtion proceeds are paid in connection with damage 16 the Froprity, Beirtivde shall be responsiblefor tepalrig oe restoring the Property only if Leader has eeleascd procceds for such pret Laie ay tusk prove fer een oa as sae Empat in. ain cf progres ayes Am eae Os = LS etatli Page 11 of 26 2109001488 Page: ? of 13 a a ax the work is completed. If the Insurance or condenmation proceeds are not sufficient io repair or restore dhe Propeny, Borrower is net relieved of Bormowtr's obligation for ihe completion of such repair or restoration, If condemnation proceeds are paid ia connection with the taking of the propery, Lender shall apply such proceeds to the seductionof the indebtedness under the Note and this Sectirity Instrument, first te any delinquent amounts, and then to payment of ovincipal. Any application of the priceeda to the principal shall nat extend or postpone the due date of the monthly: paymentsor change the amount of such payments. Lenderor its agent may make reasonaale entties upon and inspections of the Property. If Ht has teasoneble oauso, Lender may iespéct the intericr of the impraveménts on the Property. Lender shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior 46 such tis inerior inspection specliving such reasonable cause, ‘8. Borrower's Loan Application, Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loan application process, Borroweior any persons or entities acting at the direction of Borrower or with Borrower's knowledge or consent gave materially false, sideading, OF Ihaccurate inforniation or statements to Lender (or Failed t provide Lender with marerial information) in connection with tht: . Mattrial representacions include, bat are not limited 10, representations oncemning Borrower's ecupancy of the Property as Borrowsis principe! residenée, 9. Protection. 4 ~ JENNIFER BLACKMAN [Sign Original Only} Individual Loan Originat OCCO PIGIANNTONIO, Loan Originator Organization; STRARNS LENDING, a M3687 Faye 3 of 3 VHA Mujtsiate Pized Rate Note « W/L6 Page 22 of 26 ALLONGE STEARNS LENDING LOAN NUMBER: a BORROWER(S): Jennifer Blackman PROPERTY ADDRESS: 9857 $ Yates Blvd Chicago, 1 60817 NOTE DATE: Oa/t6i2024 LOAN AMOUNT: $107,025.00 PAY TO THE ORDER OF WITHOUT RECOURSE LENDERS NAME: STEARNS LENDING, LLC ("Stearns") ae A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORATION SIGNATURE OF CORPORATE OFFICER: TYPED CORPORATE OFFICER NAME: Latarshe Ford TYPED CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE: Assistant Secretary Page 23 of 26 Exhibit C Page 24 of 26 vara All Freedom Mort ge Corporation CIO Nationwide ite Clearing. Doo 2899749102 Fee: $08.00 Karen A, Yarseaugy LLC 2100 Alt, 19 North ‘Cook County Clerk: alin Harhor, HE 34684 Date: O4O7I2023 10:40 AM Pg: tof 2 Loe onl ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE FOR GOO! SUABLERC ee thegs of shich is hereby acknowledged, the widersi ope, MORTGAGE KL Re TRONS MERS"}, AS MORTGAGEE, AS NOMINEE ip FOR LENDING, LE ICCESSORS: Men ASSIGNS, (ASSIG NOR}, [MERS Addrese: int, Hic 48501-2026)by these hts oF borane dus nts dows convey, rant. assign, transfer and setover the described Mans to RE M MOK AGE CORPORATION, ENTER DRIVE, MARLTON, Nj 08053 (855)690.5400, 1TS SUCCESSORS ANH ASSIGNS, (ASSIGNEE). YHOSE AD! ma Ops i eiaid Marte is dered CvISEAL, agi mace by JENNIFER BLACKMAN fo MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC: ION SYSTE RIGAGEE, AS i TS SicsoRs AND ASSIGNS and reat Y/A12031 in the reconds of the Office of the Recenter of COOK County, Tiieols. wo por the propery susued id Sta rd Coun ‘2 folly described in said Mortgage or herein to wit vara TD Number 26-07-15 e000 Property is commonly kaown as: 9657 5 YATES BLYD, CHICAGO, IL 60617 Dated this Oth day in the year203 MORTGAGE ELE CONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEM iC. (/MERS"), AS MORTGAGEE, AS NOMINEE FOR STEARNS LENDING, LLC, 1S SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGRS: VICE PRESIDENT All persons whose signanmes appear above are employed by NTC, have qualified authority's id have reviewed this document and supporting documentation prior fo signing. 4, STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by mains of [X] physical resenceot {] onltfi nf April in the yenr 2023, by Angela Pavan as VICE PRESIDENT of MORTGAL Gs3B ELECTRONIC Ri gation oa this 06th da; ATION SYSTEM: INC. (°MERS”}, AS MORTGAGEE, AS NOMINEE FOR STEARNS LENDING, LLC, TFS SUCCESS AND ASSIGNS, ‘who, as suck VICE PRESIDENT being anthorized to da so, executed the foregeing insirninant for the pa therein contained. Hofshe/they is (ate? personally kaowet to me: wink Ep, JUL RTERS, a A Notary Peblic. State of Florida