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  • CSM Corporation vs Shaheed Hickman, John Doe, Jane Doe Eviction (UD) document preview
  • CSM Corporation vs Shaheed Hickman, John Doe, Jane Doe Eviction (UD) document preview
  • CSM Corporation vs Shaheed Hickman, John Doe, Jane Doe Eviction (UD) document preview
  • CSM Corporation vs Shaheed Hickman, John Doe, Jane Doe Eviction (UD) document preview
  • CSM Corporation vs Shaheed Hickman, John Doe, Jane Doe Eviction (UD) document preview
  • CSM Corporation vs Shaheed Hickman, John Doe, Jane Doe Eviction (UD) document preview
  • CSM Corporation vs Shaheed Hickman, John Doe, Jane Doe Eviction (UD) document preview
  • CSM Corporation vs Shaheed Hickman, John Doe, Jane Doe Eviction (UD) document preview


27-CV-HC-24-4090 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/21/2024 12:02 PM STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF HENNEPIN FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT CASE TYPE: HOUSING CSM Corporation, Plaintiff, COMPLAINT vs. Shaheed Hickman (dob 5/17/1996), John Doe, Jane Doe, Defendant. Parties 1. Plaintiff is CSM Corporation. Plaintiff is a Landlord as that term is defined in Minn. Stat. § 504B.001, Subd. 7. 2. Defendant is Cassandra Davis and Scott Kelley. Defendant is a Residential Tenant as that term is defined in Minn. Stat. § 504B.001, Subd. 12. The Lease 3. There is a written lease between the parties and it is attached to the Complaint as Exhibit A. 4. The address of the property in the Lease is 3640 Lancaster Lane North #108, in the City of Plymouth, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, Zip Code 55441. 5. The tenancy is not affected by a federal or state housing subsidy program through project-based federal assistance payments; the section 8 program; the LIHTC program or any other similar program. Conditions Precedent 6. All necessary conditions precedent have been performed or have occurred. 1 27-CV-HC-24-4090 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/21/2024 12:02 PM 7. Plaintiff has complied with Minn. Stat. § 504B.181 by: a. disclosing to tenant either in the rental agreement or otherwise in writing prior to the beginning of the tenancy the name and address of: 1) the person authorized to manage premises; and 2) an owner or agent authorized by owner to accept service of process and receive and give receipts for notice and demands, AND b. posting in a conspicuous place on the property a printed or typewritten notice containing the above information in the lease, OR c. the above information is known by or has been disclosed to the tenant not less than 30 days before the filing of this action because of communications from landlord. Count 1: Eviction – Non-payment 8. A detailed, itemized accounting or statement listing the amounts owing is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit B. 9. The written notice required by Minn. Stat. § 504B.321, Subd. 1a was properly delivered. That notice is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit C. 10. In addition to the arrearages identified in the immediately preceding paragraphs, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 504B.291, prior to redeeming the tenancy and being restored to possession, Defendant(s) may be required to pay to the landlord or bring to court the amount of the rent that is in arrears, with interest, costs of the action, and an attorney’s fee not to exceed $5, and by performing any other covenants of the lease – including amounts that become due during the pendency of this action. 11. The total amount required to redeem the tenancy is $1,939.90 + $377.00 (costs of the action – filing fee and service fee) for a total of $2,306.90, plus any additional amounts, or other covenants of the lease which may become due during the pendency of this action. The amount pled not include all money owing under the lease. 12. Defendants’ military status is unknown. 2 27-CV-HC-24-4090 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/21/2024 12:02 PM Request for Relief 1. Plaintiff seeks judgment against Defendant and an Order for possession of the property and the issuance of an immediate Writ of Recovery. 2. Plaintiff seeks all allowable costs and disbursements of the action. I declare under penalty of perjury that everything I have stated in this document is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Minn. Stat. § 358.116. Dated: June 21, 2024 HANBERY & TURNER, P.A. /s/ Douglass E. Turner Douglass E. Turner, #0279948 33 South 6th St. Suite 4160 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Tele: (612) 353-4388 EM: Attorney for Plaintiff 3 27-CV-HC-24-4090 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/21/2024 12:02 PM CSM LEASE (MINNESOTA) FUNDAMENTAL TERMS DATE: September 05I 2023 MOVE-IN DATE: Oggber 22l 2022 LEASE START DATE: Oggber 01. 2023 LEASE END DAT : tern r 0 2024 LEASE TERM: 1_2_ MONTHS NOTICE PERIOD: Tenant agrees to give Landlord written notice of Tenant's intent to vacate the Residence (as of the expiration date or any renewal or extension of the expiration date) sixty (60) days prior to the date this Lease expires (See Section 23). Address: COMMUNITY: RESIDENCE: 3610 Lancaster Lane North #1 3640 Lancaster Lane North Unit 108 flymouth. MN 55441 Plymouth. MN 55441 TENANTIS): OCCUPANTIS): Shaheed Hickman GUAR_ANT05: MONTHLY RENT: DEPOSITS: Monthly Rent $1.326.00 $300.00 Security Parking Rent $0.00 Supplemental $0.00 Storage Rent $0.00 Pet $0.00 Pet Rent $0.00 Key I Fob $0.00 Utilities $0.00 Garage Transmitter $0.00 Cable $0.00 Rubbish/Trash $0.00 Total Monthly: $1,326.00 Total: £00.00 LATE CHARGE: 8_"/1 (See Section 6) NSF CHECK CHARGE: $25.00 per occurgnoe (See Section 6) Page 1 of 3 Document digitally signed using RENTCafc cSignature services. Document ID: 454586 EXHIBIT A 27-CV-HC-24-4090 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/21/2024 12:02 PM (MINNESOTA) UTILITIES: PAID BY TENANT: E ELECTRIC E WATER/SEWER E TRASH El HEAT/GAS E OTHER: TVIINTERNET PAID BY LANDLORD: El ELECTRIC El WATER/SEWER El TRASH E HEAT/GAS El OTHER: TVIINTERNET TENANT AUTHORIZED To RECEIVED SECURITY DEPOSIT REFUND: Shaheed Hickman (One Tenant Only) LANDLORD (Will Accept Service of Proms Notices and Demands/Rent Collection): CSM Corporation 500 Washington Avenue South. Suite 3000 Minneapolis. MN 55415 (612) 395-7000 TENANTIS) INITIALS GUARAN'I'OR INITIALS 8H W COMMUNITY MANAGER INITIALS Page 2 of 3 Document digitally signed using RENTCafe eSignature services. Document ID: 454586 27-CV-HC-24-4090 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/21/2024 12:02 PM (MINNESOTA) DISCLOSURES LEAD-BASED PAINT DISCLOSURE: The Community E WAS U WAS NOT constructed prior to 1978'. 'If the Community was constructed prior to 1978. MN Lead-Based Paint Disclosure attached. MOLD PREVENTION: Molds are naturally occurring organisms that exist virtually everywhere in our environment both indoors - and outdoors. However. the presence of indoor mold is not only unsightly. but it can also cause damage to the Residence, and worse. may lead to adverse health effects. Landlord requires that all Tenants lake appropriate precautions to prevent mold. To minimize the potential for mold growth in Tenant's Residence, Tenant shall do the following: - KEEP RESIDENCE CLEAN: The kitchen. the bathroom(s). carpets and floors are particularly susceptible to mold growth. Regular vacuuming. mopping, and using a household cleaner to clean hard surfaces is important to remove the household dirt and debris that harbor mold. Moldy foods should be disposed of immediately. o REMOVE VISIBLE MOISTURE ACCUMULATION 0N SURFACES AS SOON AS REASONABLY POSSIBLE: Look for leaky pipes. washing machine hoses and discharge lines. When showering. keep the shower curtain inside the bathtub or fully close the shower doors. It ls recommended that Tenant (1) Mpe moisture off shower walls, shower doors, the bathtub and the bathroom floor, (2) leave the bathroom door open until all moisture on the mirrors and bathroom walls and tile surfaces has dissipated. and (3) hang up towels and bath mats so they will completely dry out. Tenant should turn on any exhaust fans in the bathroom and/or kitchen before showering or cooking. o IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY LANDLORD IN WRITING ABOUT ANY AIR CONDITIONING OR HEATING SYSTEM PROBLEMS: Tenant should periodically open windows and doors on days when the outdoor weather is dry (i.e.. humidity is below 50 percent) to help humid areas of the Residence dry out. - IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY LANDLORD IN WRITING ABOUT ANY SIGNS OF WATER LEAKS, WATER INFILTRATION 0R MOLD: Landlord will respond in accordance with applicable law and the Lease to repair or remedy the situation as necessary. o AVOID MOLD GROWTH: Excessive moisture buildup in the Residence can cause mold growth and should be avoided. Failure to promptly pay attention to leaks and moisture that might accumulate on surfaces or that might get inside walls or ceilings can encourage mold growth. Prolonged moisture can result from the following sources: o Rainwater leaking from roofs. windows. doors and outside walls. as mil as flood waters rising above floor level; o Overflows from showers. bathtubs. toilets. sinks, washing machines. dehumidifiers. refrigerators. or alr conditioners: o Leaks from plumbing lines and leaks into walls from missing grouting/caulking around showers. tubs or sinks; o Washing machine hose leaks. plant watering overtlows. animal urine. cooking spills. beverage spills, and steam from cooking; o Leaks from clothes dryer discharge vents (which can put a lot of moisture into the air); and o Insufficient drying of carpets. carpet pads. shower walls and bathroom floors. o DO NOT CLEAN OR APPLY HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS TO: (1) visible mold on porous surfaces such as sheetrock walls or ceilings. or (2) large areas of visible mold on non-porous surfaces. Instead. notify Landlord in writing as soon as mold is discovered. PEST PREVENTION: Cleanliness and vigilance are the best preventative medicine in controlling pests. Dispose of all garbage and waste. Do not leave food, dirty dishes. or sott drink bottles/cans lying around. Do not bring cardboard boxes. crates. or other materials that may have been accessible to pests into your Residence. Storage of foodstuffs. grains. or like materials should only be in plastic or metal sealed containers. Be careful bringing luggage and used furniture or property into your Residence. Some pests. like bedbugs. can hitchhike on you or your belongings. Even the "cleanest" housekeeper may pick-up a bedbug from clothes at a laundry. luggage and travel. Tenant agrees to notify Landlord if it sees signs of pests in the Residence or any other place ln the Community. Failure to promptly notify Landlord of pests in Tenant's Residence is a serious vlolatlon of this Lease. Prompt notification to Landlord is necessary to prevent pest infestation and to keep pests from spreading. If routine inspections find that a Residence has had an ongoing pest problem that is not reported. this may be grounds for lease termination. nonrenewal or charging Tenant for pest treatments and damages in other residences or common areas. EQUAL HOUSIN : The Community is a provider of fair housing and does not discriminate against persons on the basis of race. color, national origin. ethnicity. ancestry. gender. disability, familial status. marital status, religion. sexual orientation or reliance on public assistance. Any act or practice believed to be discriminatory should be reported to Landlord. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S NOTICE: Upon request. the Minnesota Attorney General's Office will provide you with a statement and disclosure of the significant legal rights of owners and tenants of rental dwelling units. For further information, contact the Attorney General's Office State Capital. St. Paul. MN 55155 or be telephone at (651) 296-6196. - THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (VERSION 8.2019; 12 PAGES) ATTACHED HERETO ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND MADE PART OF THIS LEASE. Page 3 of 3 Document digitally signed using RENTCafe eSignature services. Document ID: 454586 27-CV-HC-24-4090 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/21/2024 12:02 PM CSM L EAS E (MINNESOTA) TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Definitions and Parties to Agreement. The term "Tenant" or "Tenants" refers to each and every person who signs this Agreement, together with the minor children of the Tenant(s) or other occupants of the Residence ("Occupant(s)"). The term "Landlord" refers to the Building Landlord or the Landlord's or Building owner's community manager or authorized agent. The term "Residence" shall mean the apartment or townhouse unit rented to Tenant pursuant to this Lease. The term "Garage" shall mean the underground garage sewing the Building. The term "Surface Parking" or "Surface Parking Lot" means the exterior surface level parking lot provided by Landlord for resident parking. The term "Individual Garage" means any separate or private garage allocated to a particular Residence, whether attached to or detached from the Building. The term "Storage Space" shall mean the detached storage space leased to Tenant as noted above, if any. The term "Building" means the building in which the Residence is located. The term "Community" means the Building. all other buildings. improvements. parking areas. and common areas of the residential community. and the land underlying the same. The term "Common Areas" means the areas within the Community to which Tenant has access, excluding other residences. as well as those areas to which all Community residents have access. The term "Rent" means all of Tenant's rental obligations under the Lease, including without limitation. apartment/townhome rent. parking rent, storage space rent. pet rent. etc. The Term "Lease Term" shall be as indicated in the Fundamental Terms section of this Lease. Tenant acknowledges and agrees that the Occupants listed in the Fundamental Terms section of this Lease are required to comply with the terms and conditions of this Lease. including all amendments, addenda, rules. regulations and policies. Joint and Several Liability. Each Tenant. and any Guarantor of this Lease, is personally and liable for due and punctual payment for the full amount of the Rent unconditionally obligations and duties of Tenants herein. The obligations and liabilities of Tenants are joint and several. Approval of Tenant; Possession; Move-In Condition. a. Approval of Tenant. Tenant has submitted to Landlord a written rental application and Landlord has relied upon Tenant's oral statements and the information contained in the application to be true and correct. If the information is later determined to be incorrect. misleading. or false, Landlord may require Tenant to vacate the Residence upon thirty (30) days' written notice or Landlord may immediately evict Tenant by court action. b. Possession of Residence. If Landlord cannot make the Residence available for move-in on the move-in date shown in this Lease. Tenant waives any claim it may have against Landlord for any resulting expense or inconvenience experienced by Tenant and this Lease shall remain in full force and effect. However. Tenant will not have to pay Rent for the days the Residence is not available for occupancy due to Landlord's failure to make the Residence available to Tenant as of the move-in date. If Landlord permits Tenant to take possession of the Residence prior to the first day of the Lease Term, Tenant shall be subject to and bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Lease, including without limitation. the payment of Rent and and other charges. utility c. Move—In Condition. lf within three (3) days of taking possession of the Residence. Tenant does not provide Landlord with a written move-in inspection report noting any defects or damage in the Residence. it is agreed that Tenant accepts the Residence in its existing condition. with no apparent defect or and damage. thereby waives any claim Tenant may have against Landlord relative to such defects or damage. Notwithstanding the foregoing. Landlord covenants and agrees that the Residence and all Common Areas within the Community are and shall be fit for the use intended. Guests; Use of Residence; Occupancy. a. Guests. Only the persons listed in the Fundamental Terms section of this Lease as Tenants or Occupants may live in the Residence or occupy it. No other persons. including guests of Tenants, may live in, use. receive mail at. or stay at the Residence for a period of more than fourteen (14) days during the calendar CSM Corporation Lease (Minnesota) Terms and Conditions (Version 7.2023; 30 - pages) Page 1 of 13 Document digitally signed using RENTCafc eSignature services. Document ID: 454586 27-CV-HC-24-4090 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/21/2024 12:02 PM year without (i) the pn'or written consent of Landlord. (ii) submitting a rental application that is approved by Landlord and (iii) signing this Lease as a Tenant. Guests of Tenant may stay at the Residence for up to fourteen (14) days during the calendar year without the prior written consent of Landlord. b. Use of Residence. The Residence. Common Areas. utilities and all other areas and improvements of the Community are for normal residential use only. Tenant shall not operate a business out of the Residence. including but not limited to, sales. daycare (other than infrequent or occasional babysitting for family members or other residents of the Community) or auto repair. Tenant shall not be permitted to allow any non-Tenant to stay in the Residence through any home sharing, vacation rental or accommodation service, whether on a short-terrn or long-term basis (e.g. Airbnbcom, or Any Tenant who makes such an arrangement shall be in breach of the Lease. c. Occupancy. The number of Tenants shall be limited as follows: i. no more than one (1) person in studio apartments; ii. no more than two (2) persons in one-bedroom apartments; iii. no more than four (4) persons in two-bedroom apartments; and iv. no more than six (6) persons in three-bedroom apartments. These occupancy limits may modified from time to time as required by applicable law. Tenants, their families and guests are prohibited from maintaining inappropriate traffic patterns to the Residence or in the Community, such as excessive traffic, traffic of brief duration. or traffic patterns that suggest a business use of the Residence, disturb other residents of the Community. or that occur at unusual hours. Tenants are responsible for the conduct of their family and all guests, including any damage caused by their family and guests. Rent Payment, Late Charges & Attomeys' Fees. Tenant agrees to pay Landlord in advance, on or monthly before the first (151) day of each calendar month during the term of this Lease. the monthly Rent set forth in the Fundamental Terms section of this Lease, without the requirement of demand. notice or billing and without right to any counterclaim. deduction. offset or abatement of any kind. Rent is to be paid by single check at Landlord's address indicated above. or such other place as Landlord shall from time to time designate. For insurance and accounting purposes Landlord will not accept cash, more than one check or second party checks for payment of Rent or other charges. Tenant agrees to pay Landlord a late charge each time Rent is not received Landlord in full on or before 11:59 p.m. of the third (3'4) day of the calendar month when due. The late by charge shall be equal to Eight Percent (8 %) of the unpaid Rent. In the event of any default in the payment of Rent or any of Tenants' other obligations in this Lease. Tenant agrees to reimburse Landlord for all expenses incurred by Landlord including. but not limited to. all attorneys' fees (provided that such attomeys' fees shall be capped at a total of $999.00) and court costs associated with such default whether or not any court action is formally commenced. No endorsement or statement on any check or any letter accompanying any check or payment of Rent shall be deemed an accord and satisfaction. and Landlord may accept such check or payment without prejudice to Landlord's right to recover the outstanding balance of such Rent or pursue any other remedy under this Lease. at law or in equity. Any payments made by Tenant to Landlord shall be applied to Tenant's account in the order determined by Landlord in its sole discretion. NSF Check Charge. If any check from Tenant ls returned unpaid for any reason, then a Dollar ($25.00) Processing Charge will be assessed against Tenant for each such returnedTwenty-Five check and Landlord may require in its sole discretion that the payment for the returned check and all future payments made to Landlord under this Lease. whether for monthly Rent or otherwise, be in the form of a cashier's check. bank draft or money order only. unless the returned check was a proven bank error. Partial Payment; Anti-Waiver. Any payment of less than the total accrued rental and other charges hereunder shall be deemed a partial payment thereof. Landlord's acceptance of a partial payment of Rent or other charges shall not be considered a waiver of any right of Landlord to collect the unpaid portion of such Rent or affect any notice or pendency of legal proceedings. Acceptance of past. present or future Rent or other charges following. or at the time of. any breach of this Lease. be such breach a monetary or non-monetary breach. shall n_ot act as or constitute a waiver of any such past. present or future breach of this Lease or of any terms of this Lease. Pursuant to Minnesota Statute Section 5043.291 subd. c. a partial payment accepted by Landlord after the commencement of an eviction action does not waive Landlord's right to recover possession of the Residence or any additional amounts owed. Any partial payment of Rent shall be deemed a late payment and be subject to a late charge under Section 6 of this Lease and be subject to the other terms of this Lease. CSM Corporation Lease (Minnesota) Terms and Conditions (Version 7.2023; 30 pages) - Page 2 of 13 Document digitally siyted using RENTCafe cSignature services. Document ID: 454586 27-CV-HC-24-4090 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/21/2024 12:02 PM Utilities and Appliances. Tenant agrees to pay for all utilities that are described in the "Utilities" section of the Fundamental Terms section of this Lease. lf Tenant is responsible for paying for gas and electric service, then Tenant agrees to pay those utilities directly to the utility provider when due. and any interest, penalties or late charges that accrue due to non-payment in a timely manner. Prior to the Move-In Date, Tenant shall contact the gas and electric utility provider and arrange for the responsible party on the account(s) to reflect Tenant's name for billing purposes. If the name on the gas and electric utility account(s) ls not changed by Tenant as required herein, Landlord reserves the right to invoice Tenant for each type of utility service used, plus a service fee in the amount of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) for each such service, for each new billing period that the utility account(s) information remains unchanged. If Tenant is responsible for paying for water and sewer. then Tenant agrees to pay those utilities in accordance with the terms of the attached Utilities Addendum. Such changes shall be made effective as of the Lease Start Date. Whether or not Tenant pays for all utilities, Tenant agrees to maintain a reasonable amount of heat in the Residence in cold weather to prevent damage to water pipes, plumbing. etc. and shall be liable for any damage arising from failure to comply with the foregoing. Landlord shall maintain the plumbing. mechanical and electrical appliances and facilities for the Residence, provided. however, that (i) Landlord shall not be responsible for any such maintenance until Tenant delivers written notice to Landlord specifying the mechanical failure or defect and provides Landlord with access to the Residence to perforrn such maintenance, and (ii) Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of repairing all damage to the appliances and facilities which are caused by Tenants' acts. omissions or misuse. Tenant agrees to refrain from using any faulty appliances and facilities until repaired by Landlord. Landlord shall have a reasonable amount of time within which to make repairs requested by Tenant or which Landlord deems necessary. Tenant may not use. install or store privately owned appliances such as washers, dryers. dishwashers, air conditioners and space heaters in the Residence or in an Individual Garage, if applicable. In case of power outage. surge or interruption or failure of any appliance. equipment. plumbing. mechanical facilities, or utilities. Landlord will not be liable or responsible to Tenant for any death. personal injury, or loss, cost or damage to food. clothing, or property of Tenant. Cable and lntemet Service. Any cable television or intemet activity by Tenant of Occupant through any device connected to the intemet or any cable television network through the connection provided by Landlord. that is wrongful, unauthorized. or contrary to the intemet provider's terms of use agreement constitutes a default under this Lease. Tenant shall be responsible for all penalties. costs and fees imposed in connection with such activity. Landlord has made no representations about the availability or capacity of any cable or intemet service that may be offered to Tenant. Landlord will not rebate or refund Tenant for an outage, interruption. surge or failure of cable or intemet service. If Tenant wants additional cable or intemet services or capacity, if available, they will be at Tenant's sole expense and Tenant must arrange for same through the Landlord-approved provider(s). 10. Amenities; Additional Facilities and Equipment. When located separately from the Residence. any washer. dryer. exercise equipment, swimming pool, whirlpool, sauna. steam room, game room. equipment, party room facility, or other equipment or facilities provided for the common use of all residents of the Community are not part of the Residence and are deemed furnished by Landlord to Tenant gratuitously and at Landlord's sole and right of revocation. Tenant. Occupant. its option family members and guests waive any claim they may have against Landlord for any death, personal injury. or loss. damage or destruction to their property in connection with their use or enjoyment of said equipment or facilities. Tenant. its family members. guests and invitees using said equipment or facilities agree to abide by all laws which may apply to such use and any rules and regulations which have been established by Landlord. Use and enjoyment of such equipment and facilities is at the sole risk and responsibility of Tenant. its family members, guests and invitees. Tenant agrees that Landlord may require Tenant to execute an Amenities Addendum attached to this Lease and/or to pay a usage fee or additional security deposit for use of all such equipment and facilities which are not part of the Residence. 11. Community Rules and Regulations. Tenant shall abide by all rules and regulations (the "Community Rules and Regulations" or "Rules and Regulations") which may be established by Landlord from time to time. Landlord reserves the right to change. modify or add to the Rules and Regulations at its sole discretion and to issue new rules and regulations without prior notice to Tenant. 12. Maintenance; Alterations I Appearance; Damage. CSM Corporation Lease (Minnesota) Terms and Conditions (Version 7.2023; 30 - pages) Page 3 of 13 Document digitally signed using RENTCafe eSignature services. Document lD: 454586 27-CV-HC-24-4090 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/21/2024 12:02 PM Maintenance. Landlord covenants and agrees that the Residence shall be maintained in reasonable repair during the Lease Term and in compliance with all applicable health and safety laws. except in the event of a violation of such laws caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of Tenant, Occupant or their guests or invitees. b o Alteration; Tenant shall not make any changes or alterations to the Residence, such as painting. wallpapering. installing or removing fixtures, wiring or plumbing. Tenant shall not mount anything to the walls of the Residence other than small pictures or artwork without Landlord's prior written consent Tenant shall not remove. replace or otheMise alter the window treatments existing at the Residence. Appearance. Tenant agrees to keep the Residence, including any balcony, patio or other outdoor space included in the Residence clean and in good repair and condition. Vlfindows and glass should be kept clear. Improvised drapes such as sheets, blankets. flags. newspapers. aluminum foil, etc. are not permitted for any window, balcony or patio. No clothing. rugs. linens. or other items shall be hung from clotheslines or shaken from windows. stainlvays, landings, balconies or patios. No sign. signal illumination, advertisement. notice, or any other lettering or equipment shall be exhibited. inscribed. painted. affixed. or exposed on or at the window or any part of the outside or inside of the Building or any portion of the Residence (including any landing, balcony. patio or outdoor space) which is visible from the Building exterior or common hallway area. In addition, no awnings or other projections including air conditioners, radio antennas. satellite dishes or wiring shall be attached to or extended from the outside walls or roof of the Building. The interior and exterior entranceways to the Residence and Common Areas must be kept clean and free of rugs, packages. garbage. papers, trash and footwear. etc. Damage. Tenant is responsible for the costs of any loss, property damage. service calls, Landlord's insurance deductible(s). or repairs or replacements made necessary by Tenant. Occupant or their guests. invitees or Pets or by any breach of this Lease or the negligent, careless, inattentive or improper use of the Residence or any area of the Community. or the acts or omissions by any of them. that result in loss or damage to any part of the Residence or Community beyond ordinary wear and tear. Property damage. losses and costs of repair or service shall include. but are not limited to, fire. smoke, flooding. waste water blockages caused by improper objects in or misuse of plumbing lines serving the Residence or Community. damages from windows and/or doors improperly closed or left open, water damage as a result of Tenant not timely reporting water intrusion or moisture, damage to doors. windows. screens, carpet, flooring, appliances. fixtures or any other part of the Residence or Community. accidents due to Tenant's or Occupant's negligence. misuse. service response or charges that arise from Tenant's or Occupant's failure to read and follow the Community Rules and Regulations or other action or inaction by Tenant. Occupant or their guests. damage to sprinkler or utility lines caused by nails or screws. damage to sprinkler heads caused by hanging objects or clothing from them, and repairs or replacements to locks or latches or smoke or carbon monoxide detectors necessitated by misuse or damage by Tenant, Occupant or their guests or invitees. e Maintenance or Repair Reguests. Requests for repairs or maintenance shall be made in