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  • AXOS BANK v. GJURAJ, MARCOC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • AXOS BANK v. GJURAJ, MARCOC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • AXOS BANK v. GJURAJ, MARCOC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • AXOS BANK v. GJURAJ, MARCOC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • AXOS BANK v. GJURAJ, MARCOC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • AXOS BANK v. GJURAJ, MARCOC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • AXOS BANK v. GJURAJ, MARCOC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • AXOS BANK v. GJURAJ, MARCOC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview


— [ ONNECTICNS State Marshal Kenneth Lombardi 8 Huntington Street Suite 141, Shelton, CT 06484 Office: 203-610-1374 E-mail: kenlombo@gmailcom STi MARSHAL Officer's Return of Service STATE OF CONNECTICUT SS: S4ef4on DATE: Varre 7 org COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD IN THE MATTER CONCERNING: A, x OS LSet ¢ y Yes Then and by virtue hereof and by the direction of the plaintiffs attorney, | made service of the within and foregoing tly Spx LOLS F- Congo er LAKME 4 A by leaving a true and attested copy abode/in hand to Marco onv vray Ww atthe address 36 Abe Ae Aor 22 Sf ee OF with my doings hereon endorsed FEE 7R —— ATTEST: EE Kenneth Lombardi State Marshal Fairfield County Badge #333 RETURN DATE: JULY 97, 2024 SUPERIOR COURT AXOS BANK J.D. OF ANSONIA-MILFORD AT MILFORD v. MARCO GJURAJ May 29%, 2024 COMPLAINT (Breach of Contract) The plaintiff, Axos Bank. (“Axos”) is a national banking association with an office located at 9205 W. Russell Road, Suite 400, Las Vegas, NV 89148. The defendant, Marco Gjuraj, upon information and belief, is a Connecticut resident with residing at 646 Howe Avenue, Apartment 23, Shelton, CT 06484. (“Gjuraj” or “Defendant”). On or about June 27, 2022 the Defendant executed that certain promissory note in favor of the Plaintiff (the “Note”) in the original principal amount of $25,000.00 (the “Loan”) A true and accurate copy of the Note is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Subsequent to the execution of the Note, the Defendant default on his obligations under the terms of the Note by failing to make payments thereunder. As of May 29", 2024, the balance due to Axos is 22,756.64. A true and accurate copy of the payoff is attached hereto as Exhibit B. The failure to tender the Indebtedness to Plaintiff constitutes a breach of the Note WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff seeks: Money damages; Post-Judgment interest pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. §37a-3; Attorney Fees; Costs, and Such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and equitable. Respectfully submitted, PLAINTIFF By its attorneys, /s/Shawn M Masterson Shawn M Masterson (Juris No. 422888) Cohn & Dussi, LLC 536 Atwells Avenue, Suite 1 Providence, Rhode Island 02909 (781) 494-0200; (401) 226-4578(cell) Dated: May 29", 2024 RETURN DATE: JULY 9™, 2024 SUPERIOR COURT AXOS BANK J.D. OF ANSONIA-MILFORD AT MILFORD V. MARCO GJURAJ May 29%, 2024 STATEMENT OF DEMAND The amount in controversy is greater than $15,000.00 exclusive of interest and costs. Respectfully submitted, PLAINTIFF By its attomeys, /s/Shawn M Masterson Shawn M Masterson (Juris No. 422888) Cohn & Dussi, LLC 536 Atwells Avenue, Suite 1 Providence, Rhode Island 02909 (781) 494-0200; (401) 226-4578(cell) Dated: May 29", 2024 EXHIBIT A Promissory Note Loan Number: 91012625116 Loan Date: 6/27/2022 Maturity Date: 6/27/2027 Principal: $25,000.00 Interest Rats 79% Axos Bank® ("Lender") Borrower: Marco Gjuraj 9205 W. Russell Rd., Suite 400 646 Howe ave apt 23 Las Vegas, NV 89148 Shelton, CT 06484 Borrower's Promise to Pay. This Promissory Note (the "Note") is entered into by Borrower and the Lender on the date listed above. "Borrower" means any person who signs this Note. "Lender" means Axos Bank®, or any assignee of the Lender. By signing this Note, Borrower agrees to all of the terms and conditions of this Note, In return for a loan (the "Loan") that Borrower has received from Lender, Borrower promises to pay Lender $25,000.00 ("Principal Amount’), plus interest, to the order of Lender. The principal consists of $24,625.00 given directly to Borrower, paid on Borrower's behalf, or credited to Borrower's account and a $375.00 nonrefundable origination fee, if applicable. TRUTH IN LENDING DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ANNUAL PERCENTAGE FINANCE CHARGE Amount Financed Total of Payments The cost of your credit as The dollar amount the The amount of credit The amount | will have paid a yearly rate. credit will cost me. provided to me or on my after | have made all behalf. scheduled payments. 10.44% $7,091.00 $24,625.00 $31,716.00 The Military Annual Percentage Rate (MAPR) is 10.44% Payment Schedule: No. of Payments Amount of Payments When Payments are Due 59 $528.60 Monthly, beginning July and the 27 day of each month thereafter until all amounts owed under this Note are paid in 1 $528.60 full. Late Charge. if a required payment is not paid in full within 15 days after it is due, Borrower will be charged a late charge of $15.00, Pre yment. Borrower may prepay all or any portion of the Loan at any time without penalty. Additional Information. Please see the rest of this document for additional information about nonpayment, default, and any required repayment in full before the scheduled due date. ITEMIZATION OF AMOUNT FINANCED A Principal Amount (amount given to, or paid on behalf of, $25,000.00 Borrower): 1 ‘Amount given to Borrower directly: $24,625.00 B. Origination Fee (Prepaid Finance Charge) $375.00 Cc. Amount Financed (A) - (B): $24,625.00 This Note is the final agreement between Lender and Borrower and may not be changed by prior, current, or future oral agreements between Lender and Borrower. There are no oral agreements between Lender and Borrower relating to this loan agreement. Any change to this agreement must be in writing and signed by Lender. BY ACCEPTING ONLINE YOU ARE SIGNING THIS NOTE and Borrower AGREES WITH AND ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE DISCLOSURES AND THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON PAGES 2 AND 3. Loan Number: 91012625116 Acknowledgement Date: 6/27/2022 8:56 AM _IP Address: Ver: 3.1 PROMISSORY NOTE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Nonrefundable Loan Origination Fee and Interest. Borrower agrees to pay Lender a non-refundable loan origination fee which is withheld from the proceeds of this loan. Borrower promises to pay interest of 9.79% per year (the "Interest Rate"). The simple interest rate on this Note will be fixed at the per annum interest rate and will accrue on the unpaid principal from the date of this Note until the principal is. repaid in full. Interest will accrue on the unpaid principal on a daily basis, with the daily rate equal to 1/365th (1/366th in a leap year) of the yearly Interest Rate. The Interest Rate required by this Section 1 is the rate Borrower will pay both before and after any default described in this Note, and, the rate Borrower will pay on any unpaid principal before and after the Maturity Date of this loan. The amount of the Finance Charge, Total of Payments and Payment Schedule shown in the Truth in Lending Disclosure Statement assumes that Borrower will make all payments in the scheduled amounts and on the scheduled dates. Because Borrowerwill pay interest on the actual balance each day, the interest Borrower will pay will be higher if payments are made later than scheduled, and lower if payments are made earlier than scheduled. Borrower agrees to pay the actual amount of interest that accrues on this Loan. Such amount may be more than or less than the Finance Charge shown in the Truth in Lending Disclosure Statement. 2, Payments. Borrower will make payments as set forth in the payment schedule above. Borrower's payments will be applied first to accrued, unpaid interest, then to unpaid principal, and then to any other charges that are due. The portion applied to Principal Amount will be the difference between the total scheduled payment and the actual accrued interest; any excess over accrued interest and principal will then be applied to charges (such as late fees) and, if such charges are paid, to remaining principal. On the date of Borrower's last scheduled payment (the "Maturity Date"), Lender, at Lender's option, may demand that Borrower pay in full any and all remaining amounts owing hereunder or permit Borrower to continue to make monthly payments in the then scheduled amount until all indebtedness hereunder has been paid in full. Borrower will make all monthly payments at Lender's address set forth above, or at a different place if required by Lender. Lender may accept late payments, partial payments or items marked "paid in full" or the like without losing any of its rights under. this Note. 3. Prepayment. Borrower may prepay all or any part of the unpaid principal at any time before payment is due, without penalty. if Borrower makes a partial prepayment it may reduce the number of payments Borrower must make or the amount of the final payment, but Borrower must continue to make a full payment each month until Borrower has paid all amounts due. Any prepaid finance charge shown in the itemization of Amount Financed is fully earned when the Principal Amount of this Note is disbursed and is not subject to rebate or refund if principal is prepaid or accelerated. 4. Loan Charges. Lender intends to charge only interest, fees and charges permitted by law. If a law, which applies to this loan and which ‘sets maximum loan charges, is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with this Note exceed the perrmitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge will be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal Borrower owes under this Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. if a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment. 5. Late Fees and Returned Item Fees. If Borrower does not pay the full amount of each monthly payment within 15 days after it is due, Borrower promises to pay a late fee of $15.00. Borrower will pay this late fee promptly, but only once on each late payment. Acceptance of a late payment or late charge does not mean that you can keep making payments later than the due date. If any check, other payment instrument, or ACH payment Borrower gives Lender is not paid, is dishonored or rejected, Borrower will pay Lender a charge of $25, provided such a charge is not prohibited by law. Lender may add those fees to the unpaid principal Borrower owes or collect them separately. 6. Default. Borrower will be in default under this Note if (1) Borrower does not pay the full amount of each monthly payment on the date it is due; or (2) Lender's prospect of payment is significantly impaired, which may include (a) if Borrower fails to keep all other prorises in this Note or in any other obligation Borrower owes to Lender, (b) if any information furnished in connection with this Note proves to have been false or materially misleading; (c) if Borrower becomes subject to a bankruptcy or an insolvency proceeding, (d) if the last remaining obligor on this Note and Borrower dies; or (e) if Borrower experiences any financial change that Lender considers adverse and material. 7. Rights and Remedies upon Default. Upon default, Borrower agrees that Lender will have all rights, options, and remedies of a creditor under applicable law, and under this Note, subject to any rightto cure Borrower may have under applicable law, including without limitation, the right to demand immediate payment in full of all amounts outstanding under this Note (following any applicable notice and waiting period if and as required by law). Borrower also agrees to pay the actual and reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred by Lender in payment of the services of external counsel ("“Attorneys' Fees , to the extent allowed by applicable law, whether or not suit is brought, including any attorneys’ fees relating to any insolvency, liquidation, receivership or bankruptcy proceedings. 8. Waivers. Lender may accept late payments or partial payments, even though marked "paid in full," without losing any rights under this Note, and Lender may delay enforcing any of its rights under this Note without losing them. Lender does not have to (a) demand payment of amounts due (known as "presentment"), (b) give notice that amounts due have not been paid (known as "notice of dishonor"), or (c) obtain an official certification of nonpayment (known as "protest"). Borrower hereby waives presentment, notice of dishonor and protest. Even if, at a time when Borrower is in default, Lender does not exercise its default remedies as described above, Lender will still have the right to do so if Borrower is in default at a later time. The Lender's failure to exercise any of its rights under this Note, or delay in exercising any of its rights, will not act as a waiver of those rights or prevent Lender from strictly enforcing those rights in the future. Waiver of any default shall not constitute a waiver of subsequent default. 9. Lenders Right to Contact Borrower. Lender reserves the right to contact Borrower regarding Borrower's account status and changes to subscriber agreements, privacy notices, or any other policies or agreements relevant to Borrower and/or the Note. Borrower also agrees that Lender may contact Borrower in any manner (including text message or auto dialer) at any telephone number provided on Borrower's credit application, including Borrower's cell phone or any other mobile device. Borrower may be charged by Borrowers wireless provider in order to receive text messages. Borrower may change Borrowers contact preferences by calling our toll free number or contacting Lender via e-mail at 10. Obligations of Persons under This Note. If more than one person signs this Note, each person is fully and personally obligated to keep alll of the promises made in this Note, including the promise to pay the full amount owed. Any person who is a guarantor, surety or endorser of this Note is also obligated to do these things. Any person who takes over these obligations, including the obligations of a guarantor, surety or endorser of this Note, is also obligated to keep all of the promises made in this Note. Lender may enforce its rights under this Note against each person individually or against all of them together. This means that any Borrower may be required to pay all of the amounts owed under this Note. Loan Number: 91012625116 Acknowledgement Date: 6/27/2022 8:56 AM _IP Address: Ver: 3.1 . 11. Transferable Record. Borrower expressly agrees that this Note is a "transferable record” as defined in applicable law relating to electronic transactions and that it may be created, authenticated, stored, transmitted, and transferred in a manner consistent with and permitted by such applicable law. 12. Applicable Law; General. Lender is a federally-chartered savings association with a branch office in Nevada and has the right under federal law to export interest rates, fees, and other types of charges based upon the laws applicable to a Nevada state-chartered bank. As such, this Note is governed by and construed in accordance with Nevada law (excluding Nevada choice of lawor conflict of law) and Federal law pursuant to 12 USC Ag 85. Any provision hereof held by a court to be invalid shall not affect the remainder of this Note. Borrower may not assign this Note except with Lender's prior written consent, and subject to the foregoing this Note shall be binding upon the heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of both Borrower and Lender. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, any written notice that Lender is obligatedto send Borrower hereunder shall be sufficient if sent by regular mail, postage prepaid, to Borrower's address shown on the first page of this Note (or any more recent address if Borrower has advised Lender of such in writing). Borrower agrees to give Lender updated financial information any time Lender requests it. Borrower waives demand, presentment, and protest, notice of dishonorand notice of protest to the extent permitted by law. This Note constitutes the entire agreement between Lender and Borrower may not be altered or amended except by a writing signed by both Borrower and Lender. ARBITRATION PROVISION. Upon written request by Borrower or Lender submitted according to the rules for arbitration, any Claim, except those specified below, shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with: (i) the Federal Arbitration Act, (ii) the Rules of the chosen Administrator, and (iii) this Arbitration Provision. ‘a) Claims Covered. "Claim" means any claim, dispute, or controversy now or hereafter existing between Borrower and Lender, including without fit itation, any claims arising out of, in connection with, or relating to this Note, and any modification, extension, application, or inquiry of credit or forbearance of payment; any products, goods and/or services, including the installation thereof, purchased in connection with this Note; any insurance, service contract, extended warranty, or debt cancellation agreement purchased in connection with this Note; the closing, servicing, collecting or enforcing of this Note; whether the claim or dispute must be arbitrated; the validity of this Arbitration Provision; any negotiations between Lender and Borrower; any claim or dispute based on an allegation of fraud or misrepresentation, including without limitation, fraud in the inducement of this or any other agreement; and any claim or dispute based on state or federal law, or an alleged tort. Lender and Borrower also agree to submit to final, binding arbitration any claim or dispute that Lender or Borrower has against all persons and /or entities: (i) who are involved with this Note, (ii) who signed or executed any document relating to this Note or any Claim, and (iii) who may be jointly or severally liable to either Borrower or Lender regarding any Claim. EXCLUSION FROM ARBITRATION. The following types of matters will not be arbitrated: (1) the exercise of extra-judicial or self-help repossession under applicable lawor any action seeking to enforce a security interest or any action to effect the sale or transfer of the property being foreclosed (collectively "Excluded Actions") provided, however, that any claim or dispute arising out of or relating to the exercise of such Excluded Actions is subject to arbitration in accordance with this Arbitration Provision; or (2) any Claim where alll parties collectively (including multiple named parties) seek, in the aggregate, $15,000 or less in total monetary relief, including but not limited to compensatory, statutory and punitive damages, restitution, disgorgement, and costs and fees (including attorney's fees); or any Claims brought and maintained as an individual (as opposed to class) action in a small claims court. If Borrower attempts to assert any Claim on behalf of a putative class of persons, in violation of other terms in this Arbitration Provision, the value of such Claim will, for purposes of this exclusion, be deemed to exceed $15,000. if any party fails to specify the amount being sought for any relief, or any form or component of relief, the amount being sought shall, for purposes of this exclusion, be deemed to exceed $15,000. Participation in a lawsuit or seeking enforcement of this section by a court shall not waive the right to arbitrate. (b) Commencing Arbitration. The party initiating arbitration must choose one of the following arbitration Administrators and follow the rules and procedures that govern disputes established by the Administrator ("Rules"). The Administrator shall be the American Arbitration Association, 335 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017-4605,, or any other organization that Borrower may choose provided Lender approves of my choice in writing. The Rules and a form of demand for arbitration are available from the Administrator. Lender or Borrower may bring an action, including a summary or expedited proceeding, to compel arbitration of any Claim, and/or to stay the litigation of any Claim pending arbitration, in any court having jurisdiction. Such action may be brought at any time, even if a Claim is part of a lawsuit, up until the entry of a final judgment. (c) Place of Arbitration. Arbitration shall be conducted in the county of Borrower's residence, unless all parties agree to another location. id) No Class Actions/No Joinder of Parties. Claims and disputes by or on behalf of other persons not a party to this Note will not be arbitrated in any proceeding considering Borrower's Claims. BORROWER MAY NOT SERVE AS A CLASS REPRESENTATIVE OR PARTICIPATE AS A MEMBER OF A CLASS OF CLAIMANTS OR ACT AS A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM AGAINST ANY PARTY ENTITLED TO COMPEL ARBITRATION UNDER THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION. This is referred to in this Note as the "class action waiver." (2) Governing Law for Arbitration. The Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. A§A§ 1 et seq., shall govern this Arbitration Provision. The arbitrator shall make his or her decision in accordance with applicable substantive law consistent with the Federal Arbitration Act and applicable statutes of limitations, and shall be empowered to award any damages or other relief provided for under applicable law. Judgment upon any arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. (f) Costs of Arbitration. Lender will advance my filing, administration, service or case management fees and my arbitrator or hearing fee all up to $2,500, which may be reimbursed by the decision of the arbitrator at the arbitrator's discretion. Each party shall be responsible for its own attorney, expert and other fees, unless awarded by the arbitrator under applicable law. (g) Other Important Agreements. This Arbitration Provision applies even if this Note has been paid in full, charged-off by Lender, or discharged in bankruptcy. In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between this Arbitration Provision and the arbitration Rules or the other provisions of this Note, this Arbitration Provision shall govern. If the class action waiver above is determined to be unenforceable, void, illegal or otherwise against applicable law, then the remainder of this Arbitration Provision shall be unenforceable. You may opt out of Arbitration by sending us by certified mail your request to do so, signed by all parties who signed the Obligation. To be effective, we must receive the request within 10 business days of the date of this Agreement. This Arbitration Provision does not apply to "covered borrowers" as defined by the Military Lending Act. 13. Military Lending Act - Federal law provides important protections to members of the Armed Forces and their dependents relating to extensions of consumer credit. In general, the cost of consumer credit to a member of the Armed Forces and his or her dependent may not exceed an annual percentage rate of 36 percent. This rate must include, as applicable to the credit transaction or account: The costs Loan Number: 91012625116 Acknowledgement Date: 6/27/2022 8:56 AM _ IP Address: Ver: 3.1 . associated with credit insurance premiums; fees for ancillary products sold in connection with the credit transaction; any application fee charged (other than certain application fees for specified credit transactions or accounts); and any participation fee charged (other than certain participation fees for a credit card account). Loan Number: 91012625116 Acknowledgement Date: 6/27/2022 8:56 AM _ IP Address: Ver: 3.1 EXHIBIT B Payoff 91012625116 - MARCO GJURAJ - CONSUMER 1/22/2024 UNSECURED Description Amounts Payoffs Current Balance $21,279.35 $21,279.35 Accrued Interest $313.58 $21,592.93 Secondary Accrued Interest $1,055.71 $22,648.64 Late Charge Due Amount $105.00 $22,753.64 Total Payoff a $22,753.64 Axos Bank Page 1 SUMMONS - CIVIL For information on € oy JD-CV-1_ Rev, 2-22 STATE OF CONNECTICUT ADA accommodations, C.G.S. §§ 51-346, 51-347, 51-349, 51-350, 52-45a, 52-48, 52-259; contact a court clerk or SUPERIOR COURT P.B. §§ 3-1 through 3-21, 4, 10-1 www go to: www, Instructions are on page 2. oO Select if amount, legal interest, or property in demand, not including interest and costs, is LESS than $2,500. -] Select if amount, legal interest, or property in demand, not including interest and costs, is $2,500 or MORE. LJ Select if claiming other relief in addition to, or in place of, money or damages. TO: Any proper officer By authority of the State of Connecticut, you are hereby commanded to make due and le gal service of this summons and attached complaint. ‘Address of court clerk (Number, street, town and zip code) Telephone number of clerk Retum Date (Must be a Tuesday) 14 West River Street, Milford CT 06460 (203 ) 877 - 4293 07/09/2024 [x] Judicial District GA. At (City/Town) Case type code (See list on page 2) (1 Housing Session C1 Number: Milford Major: C Minor: 40 For the plaintiff(s) enter the appearance of: Name and address of attomey, law firm or plaintiff self represented (Number, street, town and zip code) Juris number (if attorney or law firm) Shawn M. Masterson, 536 Atwells Avenue, Suite 1, Providence, RI 02909 422888 Telephone number ‘Signature of plaintiff (if selFrepresented) (781) 494 — 0200 The attorney or law firm appearing for the plaintiff, or the plaintiff if E-mail address for delivery of papers under Section 10-13 of the self-represented, agrees to accept papers (service) electronically Connecticut Practice Book (if agreed) in this case under Section 10-13 of the Connecticut Practice Book. [¥] Yes [] No Parties Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) and address of each party (Number; street; P.O. Box; town; state; zip; country, ifnot USA) First Name: Axos Bank plaintiff Address: 9205 W. Russell Road, Suite 400, Las Vegas NV 89148 P-01 Additional Name: plaintiff Address: P-02 First Name: Marco Gjuraj defendant Address: : 646 Howe Avenue, Apartment 23, Shelton CT 06484 D-01 Additional Name: defendant Address: D-02 Additional Name: defendant Address: D-03 Additional Name: defendant Address: D-04 Total number of plaintiffs: 1 Total number of defendants: 1 [1] Form JD-CV-2 attached for additional parties Notice to each defendant 4 You are being sued. This is a summons in a lawsuit. The complaint attached states the claims the plaintiff is making against you. 2. To receive further notices, you or your attorney must file an Appearance (form JD-CL-12) ) with the clerk at the address above. Generally, it must be filed on or before the second day after the Return Date. The Return Date is ni jot a hearing date. You do not have to come to court on the Return Date unless you receive a separate notice telling you to appear. lf you or your attorney do not file an Appearance on time, a default judgment may y be entered against you. You can get an Appearance form at the court address above, or on-line at If you believe that you have insurance that may cover the claim bein ig made against you in this lawsuit, you should immediately contact your insurance representative. Other actions you may take are descr ribed in the Connecticut Practice Book, which may be found ina superior court law library or on-line at if you have questions about the summons and complaint, you should talk to an attorney. The court staff is not allowed to give advice on legal matters. Date Signed (Sigrvand’selectproper box) [x] Commissioner of Superior Court_| Name of person signing 05/29/2024 NL oO Clerk Shawn M. Masterson If this summons is signed by a Clerk: For Court Use Only a. The signing has been done so that the plaintiff(s) will not be denied access to the courts. File Date b. itis the responsibility of the plaintiff(s) to ensure that service is made in the manner provided by law. c. The court staff is not permitted to give any legal advice in connection with any lawsuit. d. The Clerk signing this summons at the request of the plaintiff(s) is not responsible in any way for any errors or omissions in the summons, any allegations contained in the complaint, or the service of the summons or complaint. I certify | have read and Signed (SelF- represented plaintify Date Docket Number understand the above: Page 1 of 2 |. Instructions 1. Type or print legibly. If you are a self-represented party, this summons must be signed by a clerk of the court. 2. If there is more than one defendant, make a co, py of the summons for each additional defendant. Each defendant must receive a copy of this summons. Each copy of the summons mu: st show who signed the summons and when it was signed. If there are more than tw plaintiffs or more than four defendants, compl lete the Civil Summons Continuation of Parties (form JD-CV-2) and attach it to the original and all copies of the summons. Attach the summons to the complaint, and attach a ct opy of the summons to each copy of the complaint. Include a copy of the Civil Summons Continuation of Parties form, if applicable. After service has been made by a proper officer, file the original papers and the officer's return of service with the clerk of the court. Use this summons for the case type codes shown below. Do not use this summons for the following actions: (a) Family matters (for example divorce, child support, (e) Administrative appeals custody, parentage, and visitation matters) (f) Proceedings pertaining to arbitration (b) Any actions or proceedings in which an attachment, (g) Summary Process (Eviction) actions gamishment or replevy is sought (h) Entry and Detainer proceedings (c) Applications for change of name (d) Probate appeals (i) Housing Code Enforcement actions Case Type Codes MAJOR CODE Major MAJOR CODE DESCRIPTION MINOR DESCRIPTION Major! MINOR DESCRIPTION Minor DESCRIPTION Minor Contracts coo ‘Construction - All other Property Poo Foreclosure c10 Construction - State and Local P10 Partition c20 Insurance Policy P20 Quiet Title/Discharge of Mortgage or Lien C30 Specific Performance P30 Asset Forfeiture c40 Collections P90 All other c50 Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage ceo Uniform Limited Liability Company Act—C.G.S. 34-243 C30 All other Torts (Other T02 Defective Premises - Private - Snow or Ice than Vehicular) TO3 Defective Premises - Private - Other Eminent E00 State Highway Condemnation Tit Defective Premises - Public - Snow or Ice Domain E10 Redevelopment Condemnation T12 Defective Premises - Public - Other E20 Other State or Municipal Agencies T20 Products Liability - Other than Vehicular E30 Public Utilities & Gas Transmission Companies T2383 Malpractice - Medical E90 All other T29 Malpractice - Legal T30 Malpractice - All other Housing H10 Housing - Retum of Security Deposit T40 Assault and Battery H12 Housing - Rent and/or Damages T50 Defamation H40 Housing - Housing - Audita Querela/Injunction Tél Animals - Dog H5O Housing - Administrative Appeal Té69 Animals - Other H60 Housing - Municipal Enforcement T70 False Arrest H 90 Housing- All Other TH Fire Damage T90 All other Miscellaneous Moo Injurtction M10 Recéivership Vehicular Torts vot Motor Vehicles* - Driver and/or Passenger(s) vs. Driver(s) M15 Receivership for Abandoned/Blighted Property Vv04 Motor Vehicles* - Pedestrian vs. Driver M20 Mandamus: V05 Motor Vehicles* - Property Damage only M30 Habeas Corpus (extradition, release from Penal Institution) vos Motor Vehicle* - Products Liability Including Warranty M40 Atbitration voo Motor Vehicle* - All other M50 Declaratory Judgment V10 Boats M63 Bar Discipline v20 Airplanes M66 Department of Labor Unemployment Compensation v30 Railroads Enforcement V40 Snowmobiles M68 Bar Discipline - Inactive Status vo All other M70 Municipal Ordinance and Regulation Enforcement *Motor Vehicles include cars, trucks, M80 Foreign Civil Judgments - C.G.S. 52-604 & C.G.S. 504-30 motorcycles, and motor scooters. M83 ‘Small Claims Transfer to Regular Docket M 84 Foreign Protective Order Wills, Estates wid Construction of Wills and Trusts Mag CHRO Action in the Public Interest - PA. 19-93 and Trusts ws30 All other M90 All other Page 2 of 2