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  • Prosper West Apartments - Centerspace vs Mohamud Abdi, Kema Abib Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Prosper West Apartments - Centerspace vs Mohamud Abdi, Kema Abib Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Prosper West Apartments - Centerspace vs Mohamud Abdi, Kema Abib Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Prosper West Apartments - Centerspace vs Mohamud Abdi, Kema Abib Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Prosper West Apartments - Centerspace vs Mohamud Abdi, Kema Abib Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Prosper West Apartments - Centerspace vs Mohamud Abdi, Kema Abib Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Prosper West Apartments - Centerspace vs Mohamud Abdi, Kema Abib Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Prosper West Apartments - Centerspace vs Mohamud Abdi, Kema Abib Eviction (UD) document preview


73-CV-24-4686 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/20/2024 10:27 AM See Instructions (HOU101) for heip in filling out this form. State of Minnesota District Court County of: Steams Court Fiie Number: Judicial District: Seventh Case Type: Eviction Plaintiff #1 (Landlord) Plaintiff #2 (tandlord) Name: Prosper West Apartments Centerspace - Name: Address: 690 Prosper Drive Address: City/State/Zip Waite Park, MN 56387 City/State/Zip: V5 V5 Defendant #1 (Tenant) Defendant #2 (Tenant) Name: Mohamud Abdi Name: Kema Abib Address: 1233 7th Street 5., 5-210 Address: 1233 7th Street 5., #E—210 City/State/Zip: Waite ?ark, MN 56387 City/State/Zip: Waite Park, MN 56387 EVICTION ACTION COMPLAINT (HOU102) Minn. Stat. § 5045.321 PLEASE TAKE NOTlCE: If financially unable to obtain counsei, the defendant has the right to a court-appointed attorney in a public housing eviction case that alleges breach of lease under Minn. Stat. § 5048.171 0;" § 5048.285 El Check the box if the leased or rental property quaiifies as pubiic housing as term is used in Minn. Stat. § 5043.268. [:1 Check the box if the tenancy is affected by a federai or state housing subsidy program through project-based federai assistance payments, the Section 8 program, as defined in Minn. Stat. § 469.002, subd. 24; the low-income housing tax credit program; or any other simiiar program. Name of agency that administers the housing subsidy program: [:I Check the box if there are more than two plaintiffs or more than two defendants. List the information for the other parties on the Additional Litigants Form, HOU125 I. Rentai Agreement (tease) Landlord leased or rented the property located at: Address: 3233 7th Street 5. Apartment #: E-Zl O City, State, Zip1Waite Park, MN 56387 Eviction Action Complaint HOU102 State ENG Rev 1/24 D — Page 1 of 5 73-CV-24-4686 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/20/2024 10:27 AM County: Stearns CI lnciudes a garage Does not include a garage The agreement for the property, beginning from }uly, 2023 (date), and ending July, 2024 (date), is an E] ORAL or WRlTTEN agreement and is for: (Check all that apply) 9ayment at Rent. The current due and payable under this agreement each month is $ 1739.00 due on the ist day of the month. 1:] Exchange of Services. The agreement for exchange of services was: (explain in detail) 9 Important! if there is a written agreement (lease), you must include the written tease, or most recent written lease in existence, and any relevant tease addenda, with this Complaint. 2. Notice of Right of Possession by Landlord for Residential Leases Landford having present right of possession of the residential property, has foilowed Minn. Stat. § 5043.181 by: (You must check either A and B, or C) )3. informing the Tenant, either in the rental agreement or otherwise, before the beginning of the tenancy, the name and address of: o The person authorized to manage the property; AND . A Eandlord or agent authorize by the landlord to accept service of process and receive and give receipt for notices and demands; AND b. Posting in an obvious place on the property a printed or typewritten notice that includes the information above. Explain where the notice is posted: Office 0R 5,"? c The Tenant knew of the name and address of the person authorized to manage the property and accept and give receipt for notices and demands, at least 30 days before the filing of this action, because: Also provided in Lease Agreement and notices. Eviction Action Complaint HOU102 State ENG Rev 1/24 -D www.mncourts,gov/forms Page 2 of 5 73-CV-24-4686 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/20/2024 10:27 AM 3. Grounds for Eviction Landlord seeks to have the Tenant evicted for the following reasons: (Check ali that apply) a. The Tenant is still in possession of the premises and has faiied to pay rent for the ** month(s) Of April, 2024 thru June, 2024 in the amount of $ 1739.00 per month, payable on the 157C day of each month, for a total due of S 2465.83 For Residential Leases Only: A written notice pursuant to Minn. Stat.§ 5048.321 subd. 1(a) was served on Tenant 6/4/2024 (date), which was at least 14 days before filing this eviction complaint. The written notice is attached. >2 3:). The Tenant failed to vacate the property after written notice was given: (check ali that apply) Landlord gave written notice to Tenant on 05/04/2024 (date) to vacate the property by 06/18/2024 (date). Tenant has failed to vacate the property. Attach copy of written notice to vacate. E] Tenant gave written notice to Landlord on (date) that they would vacate the property by (date). Tenant has failed to vacate the property. Attach copy of written notice to vacate. C] c. The Tenant has broken the terms of the rental agreement by the following: (Expiain, in detaii) o The specific clause of the agreement that was violated; o The dates and description of what happened that violated the agreement; and 0 Which section of the agreement gives the landlord the right to evict tenant for breaking the terms of the rental agreement. "the full amount of which includes amounts due and owing in late fees per month payable, utilities and storage fees, as weil as monthly rent and expenses that become due and owing following the filing of this Complaint. Eviction Action Complaint HOU102 State ENG Rev 1/24 -D www.mncourts.govlforms Page 3 of 5 73-CV-24-4686 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/20/2024 10:27 AM [3 d. The Tenant has breached the covenants at stated in Minn. Stat. §504B.171 by: (Explain, in detail, what happened including dates.) [39- The Tenant defaulted on the mortgage, and the property has been soid at a Sheriff's sale. The Redemption period has expired, and Plaintiff is entitied to possession. The Tenant defaulted on a Contract for Deed and is holding over after proper E] f. canceilation of the contract. 4. The Landlord seeks judgment against the above Tenants for restitution of said premises pius costs and disbursements. S. Tenant #1 date of birth / Unknown; Tenant #2 date of birth / Unknown; If a tenant is a business, leave this section blank for that tenant. 6. Military status for Tenant: Tenant # 1 {3 is in the miiitary service [:1 is not in the miiitary service Unknown Tenant # 2 E3 is in the military service [3 is not in the military service Unknown If a tenant is a business, leave this section blank for that tenant. Ideclare under penaity of perjury that everything that have stated in this document is true l and correct. Minn. Stat. § 358.116. ****Notice: A iicensed attorney must sign the Complaint and appear in court on behaif of a **** corporation or LLC. Dated: June 20, 2024 /5/ Lori L. Athmann Signature Eviction Action Complaint HOU102 State ENG Rev 1/24 -D www.mncourts.govlforms Page 4 of 5 73-CV-24-4686 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/20/2024 10:27 AM Steams Name: Lori L. Athmann, JDA Law Firm County and State where signed Address: 1010 W. St. Germain, Suite 420 City/State/Zip: St. Cloud, MN 56301 Phone: 320-230-0203 Email: E vicfion Action Complaint HOU'IOZ State ENG Rev 1/24 -D wwmncourtsgov/foms Page 5 of 5 73-CV-24-4686 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/20/2024 10:27 AM 6/4/2024 Prosper West 690 Prosper Drive Waite Park, MN 56387 Mohamud Abdi, Kema Abib 1233 7th Street S Apt E—210 Waite Park, MN 56387 NOTICE OF LANDLORD'S INTENT TO FILE AN EVICTION ACTION FOR UN 9A1!) REN'I' AND FINANCIAL OBLiGATIONS UNDER THE LEASE Dear Mohamud Abdi, Kema Abib This Notice is your eviction prefiling notice. You are advised as follows: 1. This Notice will be: (a) mailed to you at the address of the leased premises; or (b) personally delivered to you. You have unpaid rent and/01' other unpaid financial obligations in violation of the lease and you may soon be subject to an eviction action. 3 The total amoulit due is $2,465.83. A specific accounting of the amount of the total due from unpaid rent, late fees, and other charges under the lease: *See Attached Ledger* You will also be reSponsible for rent and any unpaid financial obligations that continue to accrue after the date of this Notice. The name and eddiess of the person authorized to receive rent and fees and unpaid financial obligatitms and receive and give receipts on behalf of the Land101'd is: Stefani Doten, 690 PrOSpei' Drive Waite Park, MN 56387 73-CV-24-4686 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/20/2024 10:27 AM 7. In accordance with state law the following additional notices are provided: a. You have the right to seek legal help. If you can't afford a lawyer, free help may be available. Contact Legal Aid or visit to know your rights and find your local Legal Aid Office. b. To apply for financial help, contact your local county or Tribal social services office, apply online at or call the United Wayr toll—free information line by dialing 2—1-1 or 800 543—7709. c. Your landlord can file an eviction case if you do not pay the total amount due or move out within 14 days from the date of this notice. Some local governments may have an eviction notice period longer than 14 days. 8. No Waiver for Payment or Partial Paymeiit: You agree and acknowledge that if you make any payment (for rent, late fees, or other unpaid financial obligations) you do so with the understanding and agreement that: (a) the acceptance by the Landlord of a partial payment does not constitute a waiver by the Landlord to further collect the remaining amounts of rent, late fees, or other unpaid financial obligation or proceed with an eviction; (b) Landlord may continue all of its rights and remedies under the law, including proceeding with an eviction; and (c) Landlord's acceptance of any payment shall not constitute a waiver of the right to evict yott for past 01' existing violations of any tom of the lease or othei' doc11rnent governing your lease or tenancy. 9. Application of Monies Received on Account: You agree that all monies received by the Landlord or its agents during the term of the lease, or any extension or renewal, shall be first applied to any and all charges (rent, late fees or other unpaid obligations) that are past due, and the balance of any monies received after paying past due balances shall be applied towards the current month's unpaid obligations consistent with. Minn. Stat. § 504B.29l. Sincerely, Stefani Doten 73-CV-24-4686 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 6/20/2024 10:27 AM Resident Ledger Date: 06/04/2024 Code t0027666' lPrOpertv Prosper West Lease From 07/25/ 2023 Name Mohamud Abdi Unit E-21O Lease "to 07/24/2024 1233 7th Street S Apt E- Address Status Current {Move In 07/25/2022 210 Rent 1,739.00 Move Out City Waite Park, MN 56387 Phone (H) Phone (W) (320) 405-7528 ate Code Description Charges Payments isai'a'ncfe Charéef'é/Reééipts DEPAPT Resitfiient'transferring apartments-new 07/15/2022 1,676.00 0.00 1,676.00 1081051 deposit due chk# 778 65641865 :CHECKscan 07/15/2022 0.00 400.00 1,276.00 376863 Payment ADIVIINFE 07/25/2022 Admin Fee 100.00 0.00 1,376.00 1145953 07/25/2022 RENT Rent for 7 days 378.45 0.00 1,754.45 1145954 ADMINFE 07/25/2022 Admin Fee Credit, Transfer -TM -100.00 0.00 1, 654.45 1193569 chk# 147043431 Debit Card On~Line 07/25/2022 Payment ; Roommate Kema Abib 0.00 378.45 1,276.00 380603 (r0023968) ; Web - Resident Services 08/01/2022 RENT Rent (08/2022) 1,676.00 0.00 2,952.00 1154992 08/04/2022 DEPREF Transfered Balance from Unit 3-306 -136.34 0.00 2,815.66 1188489 08/06/2022 LATEFEE Late Fee, 8% of $2054.45 164.36 0.00 2,980.02 1189325 chk# 0936605625 :CHECKscan 08/16/2022 0.00 675.00 2,305.02 412853 Payment chk# 0936605624 :CHECKscen 08/16/2022 0.00 1,000.00 1,305.02 412854 Payment chk# 0936605666 :CHECKscan 08/2 6/2022 0.00 1,000.00 305.02 417965 Payment Kema Abib(r0023968) - chktt 0936605667 :CH ECKscan 08/26/2022 0.00 300.00 5.02 417966 Payment Kema Abib(r0023968) - RUBPEST 09/01/2022 Pest Control ~ 07/01/22-07/31/22 2.00 0.00 7.02 1243671 09/01/2022 RUBFEE Service Fee07/01/22—07/31/22 — 6.00 0.00 13.02 1243673 09/01/2022 RUBWS Sewer 07/01/22—07/31/22 - 77.49 0.00 90.51 1243674 RUBTRSH 09/01/2022 Trash — 07/01/22~07/31/22 30.75 0.00 121.26 1243676 09/01/2022 RUBWS Water 07/01/22-07/31/22 - 70.42 0.00 191.68 1243678 09/01/2022 iNSURFE Ren Ins Fee (09/2022) 15.00 0.00 206.68 1267268 09/01/2022 RENT Rent (09/2022) 1,676.00_ 0.00 1,882.68 1271088 Chk# 153203811 Debit Card On-Line Payment ; Roommate Kema Abib 09/03/2022 Mnhilp \Alnh Rncidpnt {rnn7'RQI-191 - _ 0.00 1,000.00 882.68 441163 73-CV-24-4686 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota Services 6/20/2024 10:27 AM chkfi 153205757 Debit Card On—Line Payment ; Roommate Kema Abib 09/03/2022 0.00 883.00 —0.32 441173 (r0023968); Mobile Web Resident _ Services __ RUBPES T 10/01/2022 Pest Controt — 08/01/22—08/31/22 2.00 0.00 1.68 1356229 10/01/2022 RUBFEE Service Fee ~ 08/01/22-08/31/22 6.00 0.00 7.68 1356231 10/01/2022 RUBWS Sewer 08/01/22—08/31/22 - 79.63 0.00 87.31 1356232 RUBTRSH 10/01/2022 Trash ~ 08/01/22-08/31/22 32.86 0.00 120.17 1356234 RUBELEC . 10/01/2022 Vacant Eiectric 07/25/22-08/11/22 - 54.56 0.00 174.73 1356236 Vacant Service Fee 07/25/22- - 10/01/2022 RUBFEE 50.00 0.00 224.73 1356237 08/11/22 10/01/2022 RUBWS Water 08/01/22—08/31/22 — 72.36 0.00 297.09 1356239 10/01/2022 lNSURFE Ren Ins Fee (10/2022) 15.00 0.00 312.09 1375140 10/01/2022 RENT Rent (10/2022) 1,676.00 0.00 1,988.09 1383999 10/06/2022 LATEFEE Late Fee, 8% of $1676.00 134.08 0.00 2,122.17 1421484 C h k# 0939305593 : CHECKsca" 10/11/2022 0.00 822.17 1,300.00 486406 Payment Chm 0939305694 :CHECKscan 10/11/2022 0.00 1,000.00 300.00 486407 Payment PARKiNG 10/24/2022 Parking Garages 8 days 14.19 0.00 314.19 1430083 RUBPEST 11/01/2022 Pest Control — 09/01/22-09/30/22 2.00 0.00 316.19 1470965 11/01/2022 RUBFEE Service Fee ~ 09/01/22-09/30/22 6.00 0.00 322.19 1470966 11/01/2022 RUBWS Sewer 02/01/00—02/28/00 — 70.38 0.00 392.57 1470967 RUBTRSH 11/01/2022 Trash 02/01/00—02/28/00 - 27.48 0.00 420.05 1470968 RUBELEC , 11/01/2022 Vacant Eiectric 07/25/22-08/04/22 - 30.99 0.00 451.04 1470969 RU BELEC . 64.56 . 11/01/2022 Vacant Eiectric 07/25/22-08/11/22 - 0.00 396.48 1470970 Vacant Service Fee 07/25/22— - 11/01/2022 RUBFEE 50.00 0.00 446.48 1470971 08/04/22 Vacant Service Fee 07/25/22- - 11/01/2022 RUBFEE —50.00 0.00 396.48 1470972 08/11/22 . 11/01/2022 RUBWS Water 02/01/00-02/28/00 - 59.54 0.00 456.02 1470973 11/01/2022 INSURFE Ren ins Fee (11/2022) 15.00 0.00 471.02 1494433 PARKSNG 11/01/2022 Parking Garages (11/2022) 55.00 0.00 526.02 1502056 11/01/2022 RENT Rent (11/2022) 1,676.00 0.00 2,202.02 1502057 PARK'NG 11/01/2022 Parking Garages 30 days 55.00 0.00 2,257.02 1536558 chk# 0939303377 :CHECKscan 11/01/2022 0.00 2,202.02 55.00 513445 Payment Kema Abib(r0023968) _ 73-CV-24-4686 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota RUBPEST 6/20/2024 10:27 AM 12/01/2022 Pest Control ~ 10/01/22—10/31/22 2.00 0.00 72.00 1601000 12/01/2022 RUBFEE Service Fee 10/01/22-10/31/22 - 6.00 0.00 78.00 1601002 12/01/2022 RUBWS Sewer 10/01/22~10/31/22 — 66.59 0.00 144.59 1601003 RUBTRSH 12/01/2022 Trash - 10/01/22—10/31/22 23.84 0.00 168.43 1601005 12/01/2022 RUBWS Water 10/01/22—10/31/22 — 56.34 0.00 224.77 1601007 PARKING 12/01/2022 Parking Garages (12/2022) 55.00 0.00 279.77 1624803 12/01/2022 RENT Rent (12/2022) 1,676.00 0.00 1,955.77 1624804 chkfl 165334226 Debit Card On—Line Payment ; Roommate Kema Abib 12/05/2022 0.00 1,955.77 0.00 553546 00023968) Mobile Web Resident _ Services 01/01/2023 INSURFE Ren ins Fee (01/2023) 15.00 0.00 15.00 1662023 PARKiNG 01/01/2023 Parking Garages (01/2023) 55.00 0.00 70.00 1706014 01/01/2023 RENT Rent (01/2023) 1,676.00 0.00 1,746.00 1706015 RUBPEST 01/01/2023 Pest Control — 11/01/22—11/30/22 2.00 0.00 1,748.00 1745640 01/01/2023 RUBFEE Service Fee ~ 11/01/22—11/30/22 6.00 0.00 1,754.00 1745641 01/01/2023 RUBWS Sewer ~ 11/01/22—11/30/22 66.41 0.00 1,820.41 1745642 RUBTRSH 01/01/2023 Trash - 11/01/22-11/30/22 21.42 0.00 1,841.83 1745643 01/01/2023 RUBWS Water 11/01/22-11/30/22 - 56.19 0.00 1,898.02 1745644 01/06/2023 LATEFEE Late Fee, 8% of 51731.00 138.48 0.00 2,036.50 1768632 chk# 169292328 Debit Card On-Line Payment ; Roommate Kema Abib 01/06/2023 0.00 1,898.02 138.48 588284 (10023968) Mobile Web Resident _ Services chk# 0939306351 :CHECKscan 01/18/2023 0.00 138.48 0.00 594538 Payment Kema Abib(r0023968) _ RUBPEST 02/01/2023 Pest Contra! — 12/01/22»12/31/22 2.00 0.00 2.00 1794619 1 02/01/2023 RUBFEE Service Fee ~ 12/01/22—12/31/22 6.00 0.00 8.00 1794620 02/01/2023 RUBWS Sewer 12/01/22-12/31/22 - 73.15 0.00 81.15 1794621 RUBTRSH 02/01/2023 Trash 12/01/22—12/31/22 — 18.69 0.00 99.84 1794622 02/01/2023 RUBWS Water 12/01/22—12/31/22 - 66.47 0.00 166.31 1794623 02/01/2023 {NSURFE Ren Ins Fee (OZ/2023) 15.00 0.00 181.31 1820635 PARK'NG 02/01/2023 Parking Garages (OZ/2023) 55.00 0.00 236.31 1833815 (32/01/2023 RENT Rent (OZ/2023) 1,676.00 0.00 1,912.31 1833816 chkii 172642449 Debit Card On—Line Payment ; Roommate Kema Abib 02/03/2023 0.00 1,912.31 0.00 621223 00023968) Mobiie Web Resident _ Services RUBPEST 03/01/2023 Pest ControE ~ 01/01/23-01/31/23 2.00 0.00 2.00 1938292 73-CV-24-4686 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 03/01/2023 RUBFEE Service Fee 01/01/23—01/31/23 — 6.00 0.00 8.00 1938293 6/20/2024 10:27 AM (33/01/2023 RUBWS Sewer 01/01/23-01/31/23 - 73.25 -0.00 81.25 1938294 RUBTRSH 03/01/2023 Trash — 01/01/23~01/31/23 21.09 0.00 102.34 1938295 03/01/2023 RUBWS Water ~ 01/01/23~01/31/23 66.56 0.00 168.90 1938296 03/01/2023 INSURFE Ren ms Fee (03/2023) 15.00 0.00 183.90 1961308 PARKING 03/01/2023 Parking Garages (03/2023) 55.00 0.00 238.90 1965910 03/01/2023 RENT Rent (03/2023) 1,676.00 0.00 1,914.90 1965911 chk# 176615337 Debit Card On—Line Payment ; Roommate Kema Abib 03/03/2023 0.00 1,914.90 0.00 657961 (r0023968); Mobile Web Resident _ Services RUBPEST 04/01/2023 Pest Control - 02/01/23—02/28/23 2.00 0.00 2.00 2044526 04/01/2023 RUBFEE Service Fee ~ 02/01/23-02/28/23 6.00 0.00 8.00 2044527 04/01/2023 RUBWS Sewer 02/01/23-02/28/23 — 71.86 0.00 79.86 2044528 RUBTRSH 04/01/2023 Trash ~ 02/01/23-02/28/23 20.53 0.00 100.39 2044529 04/01/2023 RUBWS Water ~ 02/01/23—02/28/23 65.29 0.00 165.68 2044531 04/01/2023 INSURFE Ren Ins Fee (04/2023) 15.00 0.00 180.68 2073067 PARKING 04/01/2023 9arking Garages (04/2023) 55.00 0.00 235.68 2077452 04/01/2023 RENT Rent (04/2023) 1,676.00 0.00 1,911.68 2077453 chk# 0939306942 :CHECKScan 04/03/2023 0.00 911.68 1,000.00 691761 Payment * Kema AbEb(r0023968) chk# 0939306941 :CHECKscan 04/03/2023 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 691762 Payment Kema Abib(r0023968) _ RUBPEST 05/01/2023 Pest Contra! — 03/01/23~03/31/23 2.00 0.00 2.00 2159467 " 05/01/2023 RUBFEE Service Fee 03/01/23-03/31/23 - 5.00 0.00 8.00 2159470 05/01/2023 RUBWS Sewer 03/01/23—03/31/23 - 71.67 0.00 79.67 2159471 RUBTRSH 05/01/2023 Trash - 03/01/23'03/31/23 22.32 0.00 101.99 2159473 05/01/2023 RUBWS Water 03/01/23—03/31/23 - 65.12 0.00 167.11 2159475 05/01/2023 iNSURFE Ren Ins Fee (05/2023) 15.00 0.00 182.11 2187031 PARKING 05/01/2023 Parking Garages (05/2023) 55.00 0.00 237.11 2192159 05/01/2023 RENT Rent (05/2023) 1,676.00 0-00 1,913.11 2192160 chk# 185472320 Debit Card On-Line Payment ; Roommate Kema Abib 05/04/2023 0.00 1,500.00 413.11 728654 (10023968) Mobile Web Resident _ _ Services 05/06/2023 LATEFEE Late Fee, 8% of 5413.11 33.05 0.00 446.16 2221052 RUBPEST 06/01/2023 Pest Control ~ 04/01/23—04/30/23 2.00 0.00 448.16 2282423 06/01/2023 RUBFEE Service Fee ~ 04/01/23—04/30/23 6.00 0.00 454.16 2282424 06/01/2023 RUBWS Sewer 04/01/23-04/30/23 — 79.14 0.00 533.30 2282425 73-CV-24-4686 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota RUBTRSH 6/20/2024 10:27 AM 06/01/2023 Trash 04/01/23-04/30/23 - 22.35 0.00 $55.65 2282426 06/01/2023 RUBWS Water 04/01/23w04/30/23- 71.91 0.00 627.56 2282427 06/01/2023 INSURFE Ren ins Fee (06/2023) 15.00 0.00 642.56 2305364 PARK! N6 06/01/2023 Parking Garages (06/2023) 55.00 0.00 697.56 2310260 06/01/2023 RENT Rent (06/2023) 1,676.00 0.00 2,373.56 2310261 chkfi 188631630 Debit Card On-Line Payment ; Roommate Kema Abib 06/01/2023 0.00 2,373.56 0.00 758634 (10023968) Mobiie Web Resident _ Services chk# 192407370 Debit Card On—Line Payment ; Roommate Kema Abib ' - 06/30/2023 0'00 1'929'01 794287 (20023968) ; Mobile Web — Resident 1,929.01 Services 07/01/2023 INSURFE Ren Ens Fee (07/2023) 15.00 0.00 2413855 1 914 01" RUBPEST 07/01/2023 Pest Controi ~ 05/01/23-05/31/23 2.00 0.00 2422418 1 912 01' 07/01/2023 RUBFEE Service Fee 05/01/23-05/31/23 - 6.00 0.00 2422419 1 906 01- 07/01/2023 RUBWS Sewer 05/01/23-05/31/23 — 79.01 0.00 2422420 1 827 00— RUBTRSH _ 07/01/2023 Trash ~ 05/01/23~05/31/23 22.40 0.00 2422421 1,804.60 07/01/2023 RUBWS Water 05/01/23—05/31/23 — 71.79 0.00 2422422 1 732 81- PARK NG | .. 07/01/2023 Parking Garages (07/2023) 24 days 42.58 0.00 2435162 1 690 23 07/01/2023 RENT Rent (07/2023) 24 days 1,297.55 0.00 «392.68 2435163 07/01/2023 RENT Rent (07/2023) 7 days 392.68 0.00 0.00 2435164 RUBPEST (38/01/2023 Pest Control - 06/01/23—06/30/23 2.00 0.00 2.00 2534582 08/01/2023 RU BFEE Service Fee 06/01/23-06/30/23 — 6.00 0.00 8.00 2534585 08/01/2023 RUB'WS Sewer ~ 06/01/23—06/30/23 66.15 0.00 74.15 2534587 RUPTRSH 08/01/2023 Trash 06/01/2306/30/23 - 24.89 0.00 99.04 2534589 08/01/2023 RUBWS Water 06/01/23-06/30/23 — 59.80 0.00 158.84 2534591 08/01/2023 RENT Rent (08/2023) 1,739.00 0.00 1,897.84 2567927 chk# 198894130 Debit Card On~Line Payment ; Roommate Kema Abib 08/03/2023 0.00 1,897.84 0.00 867916 (r0023968) Mobife Web Resident _ Services PARKkNG 08/16/2023 Parking Garages 16 days 36.13 0.00 36.13 2605363 chk# 200678057 Debit Card On—Line Payment; Roommate Kema Abib 08/17/2023 0.00 36.16 875167 00023968) Mobile Web ' ResFdent —0.03 Services 73-CV-24-4686 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota Payment Roommate Kema Abib ; -