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  • MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. v. Norma RodriguezCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. v. Norma RodriguezCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. v. Norma RodriguezCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. v. Norma RodriguezCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. v. Norma RodriguezCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. v. Norma RodriguezCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. v. Norma RodriguezCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. v. Norma RodriguezCC - Civil Collection document preview


45D01-2406-CC-006076 Filed: 6/18/2024 2:45 AM Clerk Lake Superior Court, Civil Rivlin dourr COURT Lake County, Indiana STATE OF INDIANA ) SS: COUNTY OF LAKE ) Case Number: MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. Plaintiff v. NORMA RODRIGUEZ Defendant COMPLAINT Plaintiff, MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC., by counsel, sues Defendant NORMA RODRIGUEZ, under Account Stated and in support thereof states: 1 Plaintiff is authorized to file this Complaint in this Court. Plaintiff owns portfolios of consumer receivables, which it attempts to collect. Plaintiff strives to treat its consumers, such as Defendant, with respect, compassion and integrity, hoping to provide mutually-beneficial opportunities for consumers to repay their debts and attain financial recovery. 2. Defendant is subject to this Court's jurisdiction. COUNT 1 3. Defendant established an account with THE BANK OF MISSOURI under redacted account number XXXXXXXXXXXX-9526. 4. Defendant was provided statements delineating Defendants use of the account and stating the current balance due. 5 Defendant defaulted on the account. 6. A statement of account balance was sent to Defendant and not paid. 7 The amount due under this account is $789.10. COUNT 2 8 Defendant established an account with COMENITY CAPITAL BANK under redacted account number XXXXXXXXXXXXX-0091. 9. Defendant was provided statements delineating Defendants use of the account and stating the current balance due. 10. Defendant defaulted on the account. 11. A statement of account balance was sent to Defendant and not paid. 12. The amount due under this account is $432.49. GL_0100M File No.:24-92570 SCP COUNT 3 13. Defendant established an account with CELTIC BANK under redacted account number XXXXXXXXXXXX-1426. 14. Defendant was provided statements delineating Defendants use of the account and stating the current balance due. 15. Defendant defaulted on the account. 16. A statement of account balance was sent to Defendant and not paid. 17. The amount due under this account $753.36. 18. Plaintiff has acquired all right, title and interest to Defendant's accounts, and has attempted to contact Defendant through several means in an effort to resolve the account with Defendant, but has been unsuccessful. Defendant has not repaid the balance owed on the accounts. Plaintiff remains willing to discuss various options to resolve the outstanding obligation, although the options may be different than they were prior to the initiation of litigation. 19. Defendant owes Plaintiff the combined balance of $1,974.95. 20. In support of the allegations, Plaintiff incorporates herein by reference the attached Exhibits. The undersigned certifies that this and any attached document complies with the requirements of Trial Rule 5(G) with regard to information excluded from the public record under Administrative Rule 9(G). WHEREFORE, Plaintiff requests judg: nt against the Defendant for $1,974.95 and costs of the action and post judgment interest at the statu rate. By IN F. GILLESPIE Bar No. 31983-49 V JASONE. TAYLOR Bar No. 30160-22 Aftorneps for Plaintiff P{O. BOX 70069 LDUISVILLE, KY 40270-0069 PhigneJ(866) 300-8750 Fax: 55) 488-1523 E mail: PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. GL_0100M File No.:24-92570 SCP AFFIDAVIT OF DEBT ‘Comes now affiant, and states: I, Donna Jarve, am of adult age and am an employee of Midiand Credit Management, Inc. ("Plaintiff" or "MCM"), and am fully authorized by Plaintiffto make the following representations. I am familiar with the recordkeeping practices of Plaintiff. The following representations are true according to documents kept in the normal course of business and/or my personal knowledge. T have access to and have reviewed the electronic records pertaining to the account maintained by MCM and am authorized to make this affidavit on MCM's behalf. The electronic records reviewed consist of (i) data and records acquired from the seller or assignor when MCM purchased or was assigned the account, which were incorporated into MCM's business records upon purchase or assignment, and (ii) data and records generated by MCM in connection with servicing the account since the date the account was purchased by or was assigned to MCM. In addition, I reviewed the documents that are attached to this affidavit. 1) The Plaintiff has obtained this debt from Genesis FS Card Services, Inc. and the original creditor of this debt was THE BANK OF MISSOURI. Evidence of the debt, as required in Rule 9.2(A) (2), is attached as one or more Exhibits to this Affidavit. 2) NORMA RODRIGUEZ, Defendant, had an account balance of $789.10 as of 2024-04-26, which is ‘owed to Plaintiff on account XXXXXXXXXXXX9526 (hereinafter "the Account”). 3) MCM's records show that the Account was opened on 2021-05-27 and the last payment posted to the Account on 2022-05-29 in the amount of $93.13. MCM's records show that the Defendant defaulted on the Account on or after 2022-06-26 and the Account was charged off on 2023-01-23. 4) The type of account is: Credit card account (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, Department Store). Company issuing credit card: THE BANK OF MISSOURI [[) Otter 5) The account balance includes: MCM's records show that there are no late fees after 2023-02-27. Interest at a rate of 0% beginning on 2023-01-23. 6) ‘The Plaintiff is not seeking attorney's fees. 2? MCM's records do not show that Defendant is a minor or mentally incapacicated person. 8) If the Defendant is an individual, Plaintiff states and declares that pursuant to the attachment, Defendant is not in active duty status of the military. (“Active military service” includes fulltime duty in the military (including the National Guard and reserves) and, for members of the National Guard, service under a call to active service authorized by the President or Secretary of Defense. For further information, see the definition of “military service” in the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. Appx. §521.) AFFIDAVIT OF DONNA JARVE - 1 ARAUHHEL TRIB 320976990 ggg RENAN ANN 9%) As set forth in the records attached hereto, the complete chain of title including THE BANK OF MISSOURI, the original creditor, and all post-charge-off purchasers/assignees of the debt are as follows: 1 THE BANK OF MISSOURI 2023-01-23 2. Genesis FS Card Services, Inc. 2023-02-27 3. Midland Credit Management, Inc. 10) Attached hereto are the following records regarding the Account: a) Bill(s) of Sale, Assignment and/or Affidavit(s) of Sale b) Seller data sheet reflecting the individual Account information from the electronic records provided by the seller or assignor pursuant to the Bill(s) of Sale, Assignment(s) and/or A ffidavit(s) of Sale in connection with the sale or assignment of the Account to Plaintiff c) Records regarding the Account and/or payments received: i) Contract, application, or other document evidencing the consumer's agreement to the debt; and/or ii) Statement(s) and/or Account records reflecting: 1) the charge-off balance; and 2) the last purchase transaction, payment, or balance transfer. 1) The documents attached hereto are true and correct copies of the originals, being a reproduction of Plaintiff's records, based upon my review, except to the extent that confidential and privileged information and/or personal identifying information is omitted or redacted as required by local rules, and applicable state and federal law. 1 swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing representations are true, MAY 21 2028 Date Donna Jarve CA137 AFFIDAVIT OF DONNA JARVE - 2 AURAL CUA (0 aR BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT OF ACCOUNTS FROM THE BANK OF MISSOURI TO GENESIS FS CARD SERVICES, INC. Pursuant to and in accordance with THE BANK OF MISSOURI: Section 36 of that certain Second Amended and Restated Receivables Sale Agreement (as amended, the “RSA”), effective as of March 24, 2020, by and between The Bank of Missouri (“Seller”) and Genesis FS Card Services, Inc. (“‘Buyer”),] as of the applicable account charge off date, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Seller transferred, assigned and set- over to Buyer all right, title and interest of Seller in and to those certain charged-off accounts specified in Exhibit A, which were originated by Seller. Dated: 04/13/2023 (THE BANK OF MISSOURI] By: here Name: Mark Barker Title: Chief Contract Services Officer EXHIBIT A ACCOUNT SCHEDULE Those accounts pursuant to the RSA and this BILL OF SALE AND ASSIGNMENT OF ACCOUNTS FROM THE BANK OF MISSOURI TO GENESIS FS CARD SERVICES, INC. that are specifically identified in the electronic file named ‘Account Data (CO-1033) - Midland - GPCC - Flow 6.xIsx’ with such electronic file incorporated herein by reference. BILL OF SALE Closing Date: February 27, 2023 Genesis FS Card Services, Inc., an Oregon corporation ("Seller"), in consideration of the Purchase Price (as defined in the Agreement referred to below) and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby sells, assigns and transfers all right, title and interest in and to (i) the Accounts identified in the Sale File entitled ‘Account Data (CO-1033) - Midland - GPCC - Flow 6’ (which may be in electronic form) to Midland Credit Management, Inc., a Kansas Corporation ("Buyer"), without recourse or representation except as expressly provided herein or pursuant to the terms, and subject to the conditions, set forth in the Agreement (the “Accounts), and (ii) all proceeds of such Accounts. The information contained in the Sale File (collectively, “Account Information”) is true and complete in all material respects as of the Closing Date. Further, the information contained in the Account Information (a) constitutes business records regarding the Accounts maintained by the Seller and (b) accurately reflects in all material respects the information about the Accounts in Seller’s possession. The Account Information, whether acquired or created, has been kept in the regular course of business by Seller and was made or compiled at or near the time of the event and recorded by (or from information transmitted by) a person (i) with knowledge of the data entered into and maintained in business records maintained by Seller, or (ii) who caused the data to be entered into and maintained in business records maintained by the Seller. All capitalized terms used, but not defined, in this Bill of Sale shall have the meanings assigned to such term in the Agreement. This Bill of Sale is delivered pursuant to that certain Receivables Sale Agreement, dated as of October 12, 2022, by and between Seller and Buyer (as amended, restated, supplemented, or otherwise modified from time to time, the "Agreement”). All capitalized terms used but not defined in this Bill of Sale shall have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Agreement. MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC, GENESIS FS CARD SERVICES, INC. By : eA pe on AL. CASS Danielle Wohlfehrt Name: ISON Ni Title; MVP, Business Development Title: CFO. Receivables Sale Agreement dated October 12, 2022 AFFIDAVIT OF SALE OF ACCOUNT BY DEBT SELLER State of Ohio, County of Summit. M. Graham Flynn being duly sworn, deposes and says: Jam over 18 and not a party to this action. 1 am the Director of Debt Sales [title] of Genesis Financial Solutions, Inc, parent company of Genesis FS Card Services (‘Debt Seller”). In that position I am the custodian of Debt Seller's books and records and am aware of the procedures used for the sale and assignment of electronically stored business records. On_O2_/ 27 / 2023 Debt Seller sold a pool of charged-off accounts (the “Accounts”) by a Loan Sale Agreement and a Bill of Sale to Midland Credit Management, Inc. (“Buyer”). All records were kept in the regular course of business. 1 am not aware of any errors in these Accounts. The above statements are true to the best of my knowledge. Dated: 3 / 14 / 2023 efore me © / if / LOAD inten, Sywem to ANGELA WISE jotary Public, State of Ohio WIS My Commission Expires (Notary Stamp) s 12/08/2025 wh wo CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY 1 Benjamin Comston, an attomey duly licensed to practice law in the State of Ohio, affirm under penalty of perjury and certify that | witnessed the signature of M. Graham Flynn as applied to th ‘Affidavit annexed to this Certificate, which was signed and dated on / / : The manner in which same was signed was, and is, in accordance with, and conforms to, the laws for taking oaths and acknowledgments, in the State of Ohio. lor pates:_ 3 1! 7 a3 Yo Field Field Data Account Number Seller Account ID in 8525 First Name NORMA Last Name RODRIGUEZ SSN HE 5406 Date of Birth Address 1 1006 MYRTLE AVE City WHITING State IN Zip 46394 Home Phone Open Date 05/27/2021 Last Purchase Date 05/06/2022 Last Purchase Amount $76.37 Last Payment Date 05/29/2022 Last Payment Amount $93.13 Sale Amount $789.10 Charge Off Date 01/23/2023 Charge off Balance $789.10 Post Charge Off Interest $0.00 Post Charge off Fee $0.00 Post Charge off Payments $0.00 Post Charge off Payments and Credits $0.00 Post Charge off Credits $0.00 Affinity MILESTONE Alternate Account #1 a 9526 Account information provided by Genesis FS Card Services, inc. pursuant to the Bill of Sale/Assignment of Accounts transferred on or about 02/27/2023 in connection with the sale of accounts from Genesis FS Card Services, Inc. to Midland Credit Management, inc. Account Data (CO-1033) - Midland - GPCC - Flow 6 MILESTONE* NORMA RODRIGUEZ Account number ending in 9526 [account SUMMARY Credit Umit $300.00 | [PAYMENT INFORMATION New Balance $789.10 _| Available Credit $0.00 Minimum Payment Due 360.00 Past Due Amount $305.00 Payment Due Date February 21, 2023 Overlimit Amount $489.10 Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your minimum Statement Closing Date January 22, 2023 payment by the date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee Days in Billing Cycle 31 of up to $40.00, Previous Balance $733.88 Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the minimum ~ Payments & Credits $0.00 Payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take + Purchases & Other Charges $0.00 you longer to pay off your balance. For example: + FEES CHARGED $40.00 + INTEREST CHARGED $15.22 if you make no You will pay off the ‘And you wil! end up = New $789.10 additional usingthis card and balance shown on this| paying an estimated each month you pay. statement in about... total of... QUESTIONS? Cail 1-800-305-0330 Please mail billing inquiries to: ‘Only the minimum 14 months $871.00 Genesis FS Card Services payment P.O. Box 4499 Hf you would like information about credit counseling services, call Beaverton, OR 97076-4499 1-800-305-0330. Notice: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MORE IMPORTANT INFORMATION [TRANSACTIONS Tran Post Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description Amount FEES ove2 01/22 LATE FEE 40.00 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD 40.00 INTEREST CHARGED 0122 0122 Interest Charge on Purchases “1822 0122 ove Interest Charge on Cash Advances 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD 16.22 Please detach bottom portion and submit with payment using enclosed envelope Genesis FS Card Services [PAYMENT INFORMATION “Account number ending in 9526 _| PO BOX 4477 MILESTONE” Beaverton OR 97076-4477 Payment Due Date February 21, 2023 New Balance $789.10 Minimum Payment Due $360.00 NORMA RODRIGUEZ 1006 MYRTLE AVE Make Check Payable to: santas [FT GENESIS FS CARD SERVICES WHITING IN 46394-1329 ONDA AL Megat fogtefogg eg Not ygeafytteteny PO BOX 84059 Columbus GA 31908-4059 leet ede added ted beg beet 54980b00102b7534 000360003 000789103 Your Account is issued by The Bank of Missouri and serviced by PAYING INTEREST esis FS Card Services, Inc. ‘Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each Billing Cycle. We will not charge PAYMENTS you any interest on Purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each Pee ee See Taree enrecae proce month. We will begin charging intereston Cash Advanceson the transaction date, the Genesis FS Card Services payment address indicatad on the payment OTHER DISCLOSURES: payment received nha fom anda that address ono before 8:00 P&M astm Timon For AR, Hi, 1A, ME Residents: This communication is from a debt collector. Thisis an ‘a normal banking day will be credited to your Account that day. If your payment Is received attempt to collect debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. in that form and at that address after 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time on a normal banking day, ‘of anytime on a nonbanking day, we will credit i to your Account the next banking day. What To Do if You Think You Find A Mistake On Your Statement Payments can also be made online by isting When you provide 8 1 you think there is an error on your statement, write to us at: Genesis FS Card Services, checkas payment, you authorize us elther to use the information from your check to make P.O. Box 4499, Beaverton, Oregon 97076-4499. In your letter, giveus the following information: ‘a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a ‘check transaction. When we use information from your check to make an electronic fund Account Information: Your name and Account number. \wansfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive ‘+ Dollar Amount: The dotiar amount of the suspected error. Yyour payment and you will not receive your check back trom your financial institution, Description of Problem: if you think there is an error on your bill, describe what ‘you believe is wrong and why you believe it is a mistake. received at other than the remittance address on the face of this statement may be subject to a delay in crediting of up to 5 days after the date of receipt. ‘You must contactus: * Within 60 days after the error appeared on your statement. ANNUAL FEE (if applicabie) You must notify us of any potential errors in writing. You may call us, but if you do we | you wish to close your Account to further Purchases and Cash Advances in order ‘are not required to investigate any potential errors and you may have to pay the amount to avoid paying the renewal Annual Fee, you must deliver written notice of closure (instruc- in question, tions below) to us within thirty (30) days from the mailing date of the statement or letter ‘While we investigate whether or not there has been an error, the following are true: containing the renewal Anaual Fee notice. (This does not apply to the ina! Annual Fee ‘+ We cannot try to collect the amount in question, or report you as delinquenton charged in connection with the opening of your Account) that amount, MONTHLY FEE (tf spplicable) + The charge in question may remain on your statement, and we may contiaue to you wish to close your Account to further Purchases and Cash Advances in order to charge you interest on that ammount. But, it we determine that we made a mistake, avoid paying the Monthly Fee, you must deliver written notice of closure (instructions you wil not have to pay the amount in question or any interest or other fees below) fous prior tothe end ot a Billing Oyele. Otherwise, your Account wil be charged a tefated to that amount. ‘© While you do not have to pay the amount in question, you are responsible for the Monthty Fee, remainder of your balance. NOTICE OF ACCOUNT CLOSURE ‘© We can apply any unpaid amount against your credit limit. ‘Writlen notice of closure must be sent to Genesis FS Card Services, P.0. Box 4477, ‘Beaverton, OR 97076. Upon receipt, we will close your Account and the renewal Annual ‘Your Rights If You Are Dissatisfied With Your Credit Card Purchases Fee andlor Monthly Fee (as applicable) wil not be charged to your Account. Closing your tt you are dissatisfied withthe goods or services that you have purchased wth your ‘Account will not cancel your obligations to pay amounts outstanding on your Account, and ‘credit card, and you have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, ‘you will be required to pay your outstanding balance with interest in accordance with the you may have the right not to pay the remaining amount due on the purchase. To use ‘terms of your Cardholder Agreement. this right, all of the following must be true: 1, The purchase must have been made in your home state or within 100 mites CREDIT BUREAU REPORTING cof your current mailing address, and the purchase price must have been more ‘We may report information about your Account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed than $50. (Note: Nether ofthese is necessary if your purchase was based on payments, or other detauits on your Account may be reflected in your credit report. ‘an advertisement we mailed to you, orf we own the company that sold you the BALANCE SUBJECT TO INTEREST RATE (goods or services.) ‘We use the Average Daity Balance (including new purchases) method to calculate the 2. You must have used your credit card for the purchase. Purchases made with cash balance on which we charge interest. To find out more about the balance computation advances from an ATM or with a check that accesses your credit card account do method and how inlerest charges were determined, cali us at the toll-free telephone not quality. ‘umber on the front of the first page of your billing statement. 3. You must not yet have tully paid for the purchase. Hall of the criteria above are met and you are stilt dissatisfied with the purchase, contact ‘MINIMUM INTEREST CHARGE us in writing at: Genesis FS Card Services, P.0. Box 4499, Beaverton, Oregon, 97076. It you are charged interest, the charge will be no less than $0.50. While we investigate, the same rules apply to the disputed amount as discussed above. After we finish our investigation, we will tel you our decision. At that point, if we think ‘you owe an amount and you do not pay, we may report you as delinquent. ‘O1AH 1202 - 11/04/2021 Detach here v and retum below portion with your remittance. After detaching, retain upper portion for your future reference. ADDRESS / PHONE NUMBER CHANGE FORM By providing a cellular phone number or a number ter converted to a cellular phone number, you are expressly ‘consenting that we (and any other owners or servicers of your Account) may contact you via phone or text massage, including the use of pre-recorded messages and calls and messages using an automated dialing system. ADDRESS ory STATE ZiP CODE HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE EMAIL ADORESS NORMA RODRIGUEZ Account number ending in 9526 Totals 2023 Year-to-Date Total fees charged in 2023 ‘$40.00 Total interest charged in 2023. $15.22 [impoRTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION YOUR ACCOUNT IS PAST DUE. THE PAST OUE AMOUNT IS INCLUDED IN THE MINIMUM PAYMENT. PLEASE REMIT IMMEDIATELY. YOUR ACCOUNT IS CURRENTLY OVER YOUR CREDIT LIMIT. [interest CHARGE CALCULATION . ‘Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. Annual Percentage Balance Subject to Type of Balance Rate (APR) interest Rate Interest Charge Purchases 24.90% $733.88 $15.22 Cash Advances 28.80% $0.00 $0.00 (v) = variable MILESTONE* NORMA RODRIGUEZ Account number ending in 9526 > [ACCOUNT SUMMARY | [PAYMENT INFORMATION Credit Limit ‘$300.00 New Balance $0.00 Available Credit $0.00 Minimum Payment Due $0.00 Past Due Amount $0.00 Payment Due Date February 21, 2023 ‘Overlimit Amount $0.00 Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your minimum Statement Closing Date January 23, 2023 Payment by the date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee Days in Billing Cycle of up to $40.00. Previous Balance: $789.10 Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the minimum - Payments & Credits $789.10 Payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take + Purchases & Other Charges $0.00 you longer to pay off your balance. For example: + FEES CHARGED $0,00 + INTEREST CHARGED $0.00 you make no ‘You will pay off the ‘And you will end up = New Balance $0.00 ‘additional charges balance shown on this] paying an estimated using this card and ‘statementin about... total of... QUESTIONS? Call 1-800-305-0330 ‘each month you pay... Piease mail billing inquiries to: ‘Only the minimum 14 months ‘$789.00 Genesis FS Card Services payment P.O. Box 4499 If you would like information about credit counseling services. call Beaverton, OR 97076-4499 1-800-305-0330. ‘www Notice: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MORE IMPORTANT INFORMATION [TRANSACTIONS Tran Post Date Date Reference Number Transaction Description Amount 0723 0123 FB516000P00999990 ‘CHARGE OFF ACCOUNT-PRINCIPALS ‘300.00 0123 01/23 FB516000P00999990 CHARGE OFF ACCOUNT “FINANCE CHARGES* 489,10- TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD 0.00 INTEREST CHARGED 0123 0123 Interest Charge on Purchases, 0.00 01723 01723 Interest Charge on Cash Advances 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD 0.00 Totals 2023 Year-to-Date Total fees charged in 2023 $40.00 ‘Total interest charged in 2023, $15.22 Please detach bottom portion and submit with payment using enclosed envelope Genesis FS Card Services [PAYMENT INFORMATION ‘Recount number ending in 9526 | PO BOX 4477 MILESTONE Beaverton OR 97076-4477 Payment Due Date February 27, 2023 New Balance $0.00 Minimum Payment Due ‘$0.00 NORMA RODRIGUEZ Make Check Payable to: svomecras FE) 1006 MYRTLE A’ GENESIS FS CARD SERVICES WHITING IN 46394-1329 PO BOX 84059 Lanttfegeetet age ty pele tfyyetoggotfpfeoeet eg Columbus GA 31908-4059 4 NED heenn Dae Deena EDM ate dE fee 54980b0010eb7534 cooooo00b ooooooo0b Your Account is Issued by The Bank o! Missouri and serviced by PAVING INTEREST Genesis FS Card Services, inc. Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each Biling Cycle, We will not charge PAYMENTS: ‘you any interest on Purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each ‘Payments should be mailed with the payment coupon and in the envelope provided to ‘month. We will begin charging interest on Cash Advances on the transaction date. the Genesis FS Card Services payment address indicated on the payment coupon. Any ‘OTHER DISCLOSURES payment received in that form and at that address on or before 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time on For AR, Hi, JA, ME Residents: This communication is from a debt collector. This is an ‘a normal banking day will be credited to your Account that day. I! your payment is received ‘attempt to collect debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. in that form and at that address after 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time on a normal banking day, ‘oF anytime ona nonbanking day, we wil credit it to your Account the next banking day. What To Do tf You Think You Find A Mistake On Your Statement Payments can also be made online by visiting When you provide a If you think there is an error on your statement, write to us at: Genesis PS Card Services, check as payment, you authorize us either to use the information from your check to make P.O, Box 4499, Beaverton, 9 one-time electronic fund transfer from your account of to process the payment as 8 ‘in your letter, ove us ‘the following information: ‘check transaction. When we use information trom your check to make an electronic fund Hon: Your name and Account number, ‘transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive * Dotiar Amount: The dollar amount of the suspected error. your payment and you wil nt receive your check back from your financial institution, . ‘Description of Problem: H you think there is an error on your bit, describe what ‘Payments received at other than the remittance address on the face of this statement may believe is wrong and why you believe isa mistake, ‘be subject to a delay in crediting of up to S days after the date of receipt. You must contact us; ‘+ Within 60 days after the error appeared on your statement. ANNUAL FEE (if applicable) ‘You must notify us of any potential errors in writing. You may callus, but i you do we Hf you wish to close your Account to further Purchases and Cash Advances in order 48 not required to investigate any potential errors and you may have to pay the amount to avoid paying the renewal Annual Fee, you must deliver written notice of closure (instruc jn question. ‘ons below) to us within thirty (30) days from the mailing date of the statement or letter ‘White we investigate whether or not there has been an error, the folowing are true: containing ihe renewal Annual Fee natice. (This does nat apply tothe intial Anaual Fae ‘+ We cannot try to collect the amount in question, or report you as delinquent on ‘charged in connection with the opening of your Account.) that amount. MONTHLY FEE (if applicable) ‘+ The charge in question may remain on your statement, and we may continue to Hf you wish to closs your Account to turther Purchases and Cash Advances in order to charge you interest on that amount. But, we determine that we made a mistake, ‘avoid paying the Monthly Fee, you must deliver written notice of closure (instructions ‘you will not have to pay the amount in question or any interest or other fees Ma rene end of Being Cycle Chews your Account wil be charged related to that amount. ‘+ While you do not have to pay the amount in question, you are responsible for the remainder of your balance. NOTICE OF ACCOUNT CLOSURE ‘+ We can apply any unpaid amount against your credit limit. ‘Written notice of closure must be sent to Genesis FS Card Services, P.0. Box 4477, Beaverton, OR 97076, Upon receipt, we will close your Account and the renewal Annual ‘Your Rights lf You Are Dissatisfied With Your Credit Card Purchases: Fee and/or Monthly Fee (as applicable) will not be charged to your Account. Ciosing your ‘you are dissatisfied with the goods or services that you have purchased with your Account will not cancel your obligations to pay amounts | on your Account,and credit card, and you have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, ‘you wilt be required to pay your outstanding balance with interest in accordance with the ‘you may have the right not to pay the remaining amount dus on the purchase. To use terms of your Cardholder Agreement.