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  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:C.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview
  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:C.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview
  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:C.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview
  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:C.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview


45C01-2406-TP-000346 Filed: 6/18/2024 1:43 PM Clerk Lake Circuit Court Lake County, Indiana STATE OF INDIANA ) LAKE CIRCUIT COURT )SS: COUNTY OF LAKE ) CROWN POINT, INDIANA CITY OF GARY DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT, Petitioner, CAUSE NUMBER: v. Key No: 45-08-09-476-008.000-004 Christian Valley Missionary Baptist Ch, LAKE COUNTY AUDITOR, 1948-58 Adams St UNKNOWN OWNERS, ET AL. Respondent(s). VERIFIED PETITION FOR AN ORDER DIRECTING THE LAKE COUNTY AUDITOR TO ISSUE A TAX DEED COMES NOW the Petitioner(s), CITY OF GARY DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT, by and through its counsel, Inga Lewis-Shannon, and files with the Court a Verified Petition for an Order Directing the Lake County Auditor to Issue a Tax Deed, and in support, says as follows: 1. Petitioner is the assignee of a Tax Sale Certificate issued to the Lake County Board of Commissioners for the following described real estate located in Lake County, Indiana (the real estate), which was assigned to the petitioner on or about 1/17/2024: Legal description: GARDEN CITY ADD. LOTS 13, 14 & 15 BL.3 Key No: 45-08-09-476-008.000-004 Commonly known as: 1948-58 Adams St Tax Sale Certificate ID: 452304676 2. The time for redemption for a commissioner’s certificate sale expired on 5/16/2024. 3 The real estate has not been redeemed. 4. Petitioner has paid all taxes, special assessments, penalties, and costs that petitioner is required by law to pay. 5. The notices required by IND. CODE 6-1.1-25-4.5 and 6-1.1-25-4.6 have been given. 6. The notices required by IND. CODE 6-1.1-25-4.5 and 6-1.1-25-4.6 have been given to the same parties and in the same manner as provided in IND. CODE 6-1.1-25-4.5. 7. The Petitioner has complied with all the provision of the law entitling the Petitioner to a tax deed. 8. Pursuant to IND. CODE 6-1.1-25-4(k), the Auditor of Lake County shall, in the same manner that taxes are removed by certificate of error, remove from the tax duplicate the taxes, special assessments, interest, penalties, and costs remaining due as the difference between the amount of the last minimum bid under IND. CODE 6-1.1-24-5(e) and the amount paid for the certificate of sale. WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Court order that the Auditor of Lake County, Indiana to issue a tax deed for the real estate described above to CITY OF GARY DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT, that the Auditor of Lake County comply with IND. CODE 6-1.1-25-4(k), and that the Court grant all other relief that is just and proper in the premises. I, the undersigned attorney for the Petitioner, affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that the foregoing representations are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Respectfully submitted, /s/: Inga Lewis-Shannon Inga Lewis-Shannon, #19133-45A Attorney for Petitioner 607 South Lake Street, Suite A Gary, Indiana 46403 Office: (219) 881-9484 Fax: (219) 882-5939 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that on June 18 , 2024, I caused service of a true and complete copy of the foregoing representations to be served on each party or attorney-of-record by depositing same with the United States Postal Service, properly addressed and with sufficient first class postage affixed. /s/:Inga Lewis-Shannon Inga Lewis-Shannon Distribution: Lake County Auditor's Office, 2293 North Main Street, Building A - 2nd Floor, Crown Point, IN 46307