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  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:L.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview
  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:L.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview
  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:L.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview
  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:L.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview
  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:L.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview
  • In Re the Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed to:L.TP - Verified Petition for Issuance of a Tax Deed document preview


45C01-2406-TP-000347 Filed: 6/18/2024 3:08 PM Clerk Lake Circuit Court Lake County, Indiana STATE OF INDIANA ) LAKE CIRCUIT COURT ) SS: COUNTY OF LAKE ) SITTING IN CROWN POINT, INDIANA IN RE: THE 2023 COMMISSIONER'S TAX SALE LITTLE CALUMET RIVER BASIN ) Parcel No.1 45-07-26-434-001000-006 DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, ) Tax Sale No.: 452309005 ) Cause No.: Plaintiffs, ) v. ) Willie Sease, ) whose subject property is located at: ) 1125 N. Glenwood, Griffith, IN 46319 ) and the LAKE COUNTY TREASURER, ) et al, and any Persons with a substantial) interest in the below listed property, and ) all persons claiming from, through, or ) under the aforesaid parties or any of ) them whose names are unknown to the ) Purchaser, ) Defendants. ) VERIFIED PETITION FOR ISSUANCE OF TAX DEED Comes now the Petitioner, LITTLE CALUMET RIVER BASIN DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, by Attorney, Scott R. Bilse, of ABRAHAMSON, REED & BILSE, and respectfully petitions the Court for an order directing the Lake County Auditor to issue the Petitioner a Tax Deed, and in support thereof, states as follows: 1. On January 17, 2024, the following described real estate was sold by the Treasurer of Lake County, Indiana to the Lake County Commissioners. 2. That on January 17, 2024, the Lake County Board of Commissioners assigned to Petitioner the Tax Sale Certificate for the following described real estate, to—wit: Parcel No.: 45-07-26-434-001.000-006 Legal Description: Part of Lot 21 in Colfax 1st Addition to Griffith, as Per Plat Thereof. Commonly Known as: 1125 N. Glenwood, Griffith, lN 46319 3. That all notices required by applicable law have been given to the owner of record and each party with a substantial interest given by U.S. Certified Mail as required by law. 4 . That to the best knowledge and belief of the Petitioner, the following conditions exist: a. That the statutory period of redemption has expired; b. That the subject real property has not been redeemed; c. That the notices to the owner(s) of the property and all persons with a substantial interest of public record in the property was given by United States Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, and pursuant to the provisions of lC 6-1.1-25-4.5 and lC 6-1.1-25-4.6 in conformance with applicable law. A copy of the notice issued pursuant to lC6 1.1-25—4.5 and served upon the owner of record and interested parties is attached as Exhibit "A'. d. That a copy of the title search performed on the subject property is attached hereto and labeled as Exhibit "'B e. That the Petitioner has complied with all the provisions of applicable law entitling the purchaser to issuance of a Deed to Petitioner; and f. That the Lake County Auditor has been joined in this litigation to subject the Auditor to the jurisdiction of this Court for purposes of ordering said 2 Auditor to issue the tax deed in the event that the Court grants the relief requested by Petitioner. WHEREFORE, Petitioner, by Counsel, respectfully prays that the Court set this petition for hearing on October 10, 2024 at 9:30 a.m., and after hearing evidence and being duly advised in the premises, that the Court enter an Order directing the Auditor of Lake County, Indiana, to issue to Petitioner a Tax Deed for the subject property, removing all taxes pursuant to lC 6-1.1-25-4(G), declaring all taxes and special assessments due cancelled, and for all other relief deemed just and proper in the premises. Respectfully submitted, Is/ Scott R. Bilse ABRAHAMSON, REED & BILSE Scott R. Bilse #13926-45 8230 Hohman Avenue Munster, Indiana 46321 Ph: (219) 595-5306 Email: Attorneys for Little Calumet River Basin Development Commission VERIFICATION affirm under the penalties for perjury that the above and foregoing representations I are true and correct to the best of our knowledge. ABRAHAMSON, REED & BILSE By: /s/ Scott R. Bilse Scott R. Bilse Attorneys for Petitioner Little Calumet River Basin Development Commission 06/2024\LCRBDC 2024 Tax Sale/ Verif Pet for Issue of Tax Deed/ File 26 / # 45-07-26-434-001.000-006 3