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Filing # 200816460 E-Filed 06/18/2024 02:57:23 PM IN THE COUNTY COURT, IN AND FOR POLK COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION FL WOODLAKE GARDENS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company authorized to do business in Florida, as landlord of THE LODGE AT WOODLAKE, Plaintiff, vs. CASE NO. ANDREANIKA M. TARVER and JADARRIUS D. LYONS, Defendant(s). COMPLAINT Plaintiff sues Defendant(s) and alleges: 1 This is an action to evict a tenant(s) from property in Polk County, Florida, commenced under authority of Part II of Chapter 83 (Florida Residential Landlord and Tenant Act) and Chapter 51 (Summary Procedure) of Florida Statutes. 2 Pursuant to the attached Icase agreement, Defendant(s) has/have possession of the property described as 1475 Woodlake Drive, Apt. #270, Lakeland, FL 33803. 3 Plaintiff is the landlord of the subject property and its common areas and grounds. 4 Defendant(s) is/are obligated to pay rent cach month to Plaintiff, plus late charges when the monthly payments are made late as provided in the lease agreement. 5 Defendant(s) failed to pay rent when due, and Plaintiff served Defendant(s) with a three-day notice to pay rent or give possession, a copy of which is attached, as provided in Florida Statutes, Chapter 83, Part II, and Defendant(s) did not do either. 6 Defendant(s) owe(s) Plaintiff the sum described in said three-day notice which is 2024CC-004858-0000-00 Received in Polk 06/18/2024 03:26 PM now past due, plus additional late charges since the date of the notice and rent and late charges for succeeding months of occupancy. 7 Plaintiffis obligated to pay its attorney a reasonable fee for his services. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against the Defendant(s) for possession of the property, attorney fees and costs. si Charley V. Barrett, Ill CHARLES V. BARRETT III, ESQUIRE Florida Bar Number 475130 si Charley V. Barrett, IV CHARLES V. BARRETT IV, ESQUIRE Florida Bar Number 1010179 307 S. Fielding Avenue Tampa, Florida 33606-4126 E-Mail Service: eservice(@ (813) 250-9797 / Fax: (813) 258-0770 2024CC-004858-0000-00 Received in Polk 06/18/2024 03:26 PM THREE DAY NOTICE TO PAY RENT OR GIVE POSSESSION 06/04/2024 (Date) Andreanika M Tarver and_Jadarrius D Lyons (Names ofall residents and all other occupants) 1475 Woodlake Drive #270 (Apartment street address & number) Lakeland, Polk County FL 33803 (City, county, state, zip) Pursuant to Florida Statute 83.56(3), you are hereby notified that you are indebted to us in the sum of $$2,867.55 for the rent and use of the premises described above now occupied by you and that we demand payment of the rent or ye Possession of the premises within three (3) days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and legal holid: lays) fyom the date of delivery of this notice, to wit: on or before the > day of Le . 0, It you vacate the premises or are evicted, we will retake possession for your account pursuant to Florida Statute 83.595. In addition to past due rent and late charges and any damage to the premises, you will be liable for future rent and late charges until the lease expires, less any rent we receive from re-renting the premises or other liquidated damages amount reflected in your lease. If suit is tiled, you may be liable for our suit costs including attorneys’ fees. Late rent must be paid in the form of a certified check and must include the late fee, 7 The Lodge at Woodlake (Community name) 3595 New Jersey Rd (Sig ULE PB re) ifer Shockley, Property Manager (Street address) (Name and title) Lakeland,Polk County FI. 33803 863) 646-0327 (City, county,state, zip) (Telephone number) 1 CERTIFY THAT I DELIVERED THIS NOTICE TO THE ABOVE ADDRESSED PERSON(S) IN THE MANNER INDICATED BELOW ON 06/04/2024 : (Date) a Handed to , or (Person's name) Left at the premises in the absence of resident(s), and/or a Sent first class mail 4 roy who delivered) 2024CC-004858-0000-00 Received in Polk 06/18/2024 03:26 PM FA APARTMENT LEASE CONTRACT setou PRIM AEN Date ob heave Contr April9, 2024 & hese pe hante t This is w binding document. Read carefully hefore signing: _ Moving in — General Intormation 1 PARTIES. This Lease Contract (sometimes rete ced eas LEASE TERM AND TERMINATION NOVICE REQUIREMENTS, 0] 15 het nyo ie coseder tt sp (lst all pene: gore The av thal ters ut Cie Lease Conteaet beginson the ne Contes of and ends. 21:50 p my Andreanika Tarver, Jadarrius Lyons he 9th day ot May Pins roe Contrast wali autamatically enews month te nant anless enter yririysguves al [east 60 days’ written notice of _- tertriratiar: or nt so crevtem fs reyotzed By Ts paragraph nid rgtaph AT (Mave-Or Noticed It pumber ot days set Hdd the “ee 1 He yevctale Us hth squivedl autebee 4 days tte notice 0 ormunacionand yatentto wc ne cnirandisig8 ta te case Np bon Hate as res by tus paragraph ane raurant 47 joven wh ‘ou Iknmavloayge ent a wee that yur stelle Dab tos tor liquidated damage Uke scant $ 1548.00 fog te ee ane month's een " von the ot anced written notice ee a he over FI. Woodlake Gardens, LLC recs mt Seat 1834 vw Taustated ages caranet 1 bei rent F neticn iio thi pee Wo H nd — _ para pa (Move Out Ns separ doves out Lemitcallec tur: rights w i regarG bo orker amounts potentially mvedd 20 us. It the ase form is not. myeith:t-masth tenanes, we mush notsty vou with frame of apurrasment Crnmcmnsy Cte elder) Fou’ ve werstty a petie ve hater that 60 avs belore the end ot the ven Apar 1 iat 1475 Jase ttt Ln ease well out be renewed: Woodlake Drive #270 Month-to Mor hh Tena cies: In the ev ns this | ioe Contract renews on syonth te rates by 1s. aust pay we amount of scree middress) Lakeland rant we charge Wet ne the munatly to-rronth tenaary enearnen s fit). Florida 33803 {ity coder tbe dsvelding weit prroeant tothy saaraprinh nd fapb 15 {Rent lnc reases and the “premises”} for use asaprivate residence only. The terms” vet Cantrae: ChangesLmelesiveat any apahe isle mant rota mont v0 ye reer toate ud hated abnve he tees 0 bs res anlar pre aus, We aay chan yor reat any time and "9 rte ee svi isted abo: fer aay of owner s hereatter dasang a moath-to-month testars © by saving you no 68s st esenrsin interes: pr assigtisy, Written ur eleetrame notice te Hadas ° ner + Yar werequirrd is ge y or Fenty pur haperse stit Smee pe framus I nvene otiee requnes nen" tortion the ase and remain Labl pay obs ved pe or {coil this Lease Lantract sepa te Hetaerapp.r ate charges ae aera we is yar non st Lease Contract BaTaagy tor € h guar. wor iy tha ted 1 tie I h sage ie veri vrei Phe X) Owner ay J Man wot atthe " . soc The due ander Has paresis stall ldituncca. rent. We ray eee Lodge at Woodlake yet te sig dendure weitten for month-t9. nants tenants thes party ay cerry nea tle toe te evby 2 any . sontter tier re ay th 14 hh . whine aires 153595 New Jersey Road; Lakeland sé nf the eanth retal pertod U1 sou Ite covnde us at least Florida 33603 Hy se we hor vert Suc person ae eon ny is author ed La receive prortethe esd ar the nantecy rents petted fou shal be liable to notices and demands yn the Land.ord!'s beball utara add:r.enal 1 conth 6 rent Aleaseterme {ion natee mms? be gowen nw nin Notice w SECURITY DEPOSIT. | = . we seal ites Wy . ead en be delivered 10. He . . Hive a deposit at the tune 1 eseeution of this Lease Contr t for all ntuent vt munity oF aay other addres de Nf nated by residents th the apartmen: 18 © 979.00 Ine het pa agement as follows, he date tans {ease Contract as vigned ~ Any securty depestt ar advance rent yuu jatd as bemg eld in sw of faelasiownry threw ssasiedivated hein [Laralard chet kone JF sceptasatiensese requiredty appheable any a required epuon} bey thie wy tall bo ye wratant and shut he des ve he ae voredise yeas lal delivered personally Ustvratceetnac al ar vs re ¥ y Se yD y wt ey herent vie be ve ‘ be ° weit . “ w 0 we the Holla ng bank: THULE Lr pested te d ot yea ores shown ahove; or (d) sale whiony aduresss401 East Jackson Street, by Soratel Mailteyau iideess say . awe 20th Floor, Tampa, Florida 33602 2, OCCUPANTS, Peeapart ment willaew ctoiedy Iyay sane ts _ oR cll nee a upats00 nina the Le Cunt act) J ws . e IMIERES we san bow Hee _ the fa curing bsnl _—_ ehtose valtress 9s _ - - _. — Tan inte st hearst. count. vou will be entitled sar ewe and _ et ori any atine of st eae erent atthe annnalied _ be nietest ate pasable on sack anton interes attheral ‘of percent pe yeu Sipe terest eherer hye sazudlacd eles ts —_ 4 comming ce a 1 vt Y __ - ashase adeiress 5 Necone else ay occupy ww 1 Perse ne te aby riist ats y 10 the apy tare fie 14 Mave wrthonit a potor werttter cansent 1 pee provided that the sratiorel pasts surety bene wert Ue neers pes montisChe fe bounty stnte as equneedby Lavy Xe paysoa interest on, purse urty depos:t we advantes fet at the satent s percent pet years spin -neerest ret alta, eat Aya iat " Lie na te “ we ie ete: wba 2024CC-004858-0000-00 Received in Polk 06/18/2024 03:26 PM Initials of Resident. Resnien= ae useeleddges Iie ane “ Hues edinient week ESA 4 eT i st touletern ine We alse both ag thot the amueant af late rent and YOUR LEASE REQUIRES PAYMENT OF ( TAIN DEPOSITS. THE samal srlition feesch ged are reasonable umiaces et the TANTIRD MAY RANSEFR ADVANCE SEN TIP LANDY ORT advise stratiw expenses, cots, and damages we we'd mcte ALUN] AS THEY AKE DUE ANO WITHOUT XUTICE WHEN WHC sn stances MOVE aT FOU MUSTIIVE THE EAN ORD YOUR VEN APRESS Alf ot the toresgonn ha will he case Lae acaitsonal ren so HAY THE LANDLORD AN SEND VOI NOTICES REGARDING YOUR DEMOST? THE LANDLORD Mi ‘ HA:OL NOVICE WELTIES ITILITIES, Welt pay toe fe seem te Heh HUWSAPT VAE eT OL baw 1 V 1s SETI vnater dey Arctic inate amtenna MPOSE A CLAIM AGAINST THE DEPOS? 1 YOUUNUT REPLY jastewat trast heable tv TO THY PANDLORD STATING YOUR ARI ION TO THE CLAY other Pest Contro. WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER REC PT OF THE LAN LORD'S NOTH Your pay lor all other ut lies, related d nosis and any ear LANDILOR 2 ‘WELL COLLES rie AIM AND MUS MALL YO! cons, nrserwersun suet alistes You mus talline uaslsties to be (1. REMAINING DEPOSIT, CF ANY disee ne < incu bsennneen toon X pavin yo bls IF THE LANDLORD FAILS TO TIMELY MAZE YOU NOTICE, Lite iti the lease tern or renewal persed erds. Cable ob els that LANDLORD MUS? RECTRN [POST EFL MAY LATER FL are provi 1 av be changed during the ase terse t ne change ALAWSUIT AGAINST YOU FOI MAGES. IF YOU FAIL TO IMELY apa teak residents Likes may be ased only for narmat OBIECT TOA CLAIM, THE LANDLORD MAY COLLECT FROM THE, honsehel purposes a J mist nt Bre waste I your eect katyas DEPOSIT BUT YOU MAY LATER FILE @ LAW CLAIVING ever per ru va osc anuat use nabs battery operated lighting RE UND ary ut nes fe sabmetered tor tite apartacnt ov prarate ben YOU SHOULD AT T: EMPT TO INFORMALLY RESOLVE ANY DSL E allacanion, torn, ve will attach an aiden vty this Lease: Cos at ‘9 compliance with state agestew rales oF ety mance. BEFORE FILING ALAWSUTT GEN, RALLY. 1: PAITTY IN WHOSE fenalert shit root eat the sparsmont wean porated stoves BAVUR A JPDGMENT IS RENDERED WILL RE AWARDED CONTS recens whieh aver yt ends yr ese ae SKIN, AND ACTORNEY FERS PAYABLE BY THEE LOSING PARTY, “ n prt lawl. all woliies, cearges abl fecs oF any kite anler Ww DISCLOSERE SAS Ic PLEASE REFER TH PARTIEOP CBAPTER wwase stall be ronside sLaiditwesal ser an He partial parmenrs EOb EA SUATETTS, TH EET ESS YOST GAL RIGS, a ee » . : walle a 1 y bs ANTDOR GATIONS, nay Sand to rent last, baslore to 8 isting as required 5. KEYS. You soil! be peavided 2 apa snuert keels) 2 weleitt 1S a wnatertal viol of the Lew nnd may eonelt 9 mantbos kes FOR(s), and/or . lather access nt hor. ate eye fon and/or an ver resreeaes under dovsre(s} tor access te the bic ng and an nts at no ad sal re Laerse ane Parada ase cost at move-tt, Ifthe key, FOR. 0: ther aves dmviee ty [ost 0: INSURANCE. Wede not ins sca cower vas sa becomes: naged during you any ar snot returned ar s tuperty or persona ancy We sre not responsible sany resident retes sl dara vies yon meee nut nae ho respanssble tot BURST, OF ae vant Yor dainty © oF 99 8 pe ‘sonal property er the ests to: Ue ep foment andor repair pt the same: ine sie a 1 " a1 resi wore 4 ved ynie le nek : Sn vind 6. RENT AND CHARGES, Uirle«s rnin ov l . Hw 5 eaplosinns.e thyualde, interruptionof u hes, Het rreane, s or month to sont shes nara divehint ve gh were ol athes residents, accupants. nenled/uninv wed “ guestsor vardeisny anless etherw se regained hy ase Meo on w ger nitiee re atlditine we ctl, Fenactts, dp " larly those resistingin atear nline payment ste. ¢ : te S res vrs re Lave tt Money Gr. ocations —_ rec kker rs un we ner my 1" Y wd Py sour aaperts ce : ul . wll a ay he avatladle inca es the National Flgud nyurance Program: sianaytedby Br Fer n'y Management Agency [FEMAL Peopited rent of § 1098.58 suc tor the semaander a joes We BL require J de no: require vouto get your awn nsasanee ene} Js. santa a " May 10 ie Pass horeiy ie) . . . 1 ° 202 ater dam espe beaks Uibe dike Hpi hos ts ciee ke, rate 5 Utherwvise, you must pay your cect aL bee the Int day of vas norte is not required ano: rh (due date? witk ogre rf. Cast sanareeptale ne addon! your is Fd ceqared to purebas P roma om prior written pernissian ¥ muestra wath aalé or otter rea habiey risucance XP got required te purchase persooa! habslity un ° authorize by © fate We She pphion.requist at aes vast ach Hse bows hersed ntl subse insur me snot rie von paw all ert at vale “ bs ot cortitied or required 1 1 od, failur ete nauntacn pers shiv insurance casters check. maney order, or ene sponta check Hathe than Hhvonghout sar lenaney sludintg any renew. pesieds and/or on pe races. AL our discretion, we may convert any ind a ease extensions is ag ancarable brea 4 this Lease Coptrartand cheeks vu th Autom od Chsarany, ise (ACH) syst the a ' salt ” nw rminaran of tena yand ovetien andr any purposesof callecting paymesn. Rees is mt « ulered accepted ther remedies as provided py this Leaye Contract state Law wane pa ment/ACH ss recess id due nut cleat, oP ts stupped ‘6 anv 1 Weesnay, iit are ant recut sito, accept seat thrash rec 4 LOCKS AND LATCHES. Keyed lnck(s) will be ce et atter the deo ACH or atherelectvonie means estabk:sned and approvedbv price resicen moves nut Ihe re wy will be do: betore yor ts. I'you don't pay all ren on ar hetore the lay ut neve ante yous spartinent mo you'l paya iat charge Your eh sre wall be ‘ chee bene Yow may soy Harte ask ws to eTlasueer key inchs latehes: Mat rste 5 100.00 oS % Oh 50 total durin We be fe llerrr We ust comply wert thse ree acess but ie rent payment Youll ah p. har 18 50 youn bust pay tor thee suniess other wise yrovuded by hase Tor eacrseturaed cherk or reeeted aleeteopie pay meet, pasa late P. ment for Rekeying, Repairs, Ete. Ye snust pay tor a. repaur charge t ide pay es Lone urfailta any rent, ut tes ae setuel ines die uncer a prior lease i118 38a rea Hes job replacersents aFIst rat misuse or sage vo bow ces ly yu you libe delinquent ails ate unger t Lease Cantract se your Lamy, ace rs. er quests dar tay Winir y capaney tae be tatharreed Well alserhave all nthe rend sichvt wen moiy ae requited 1a pay im anlwaace eonattty vou ossthin a All payment abhe 1 sm der sus Lwase Com cA shill constatiste fe dae se ‘ bre rert under ts Lease Contras Melinquent a: renmbursiag us tor sepmenys ae sepeae 8 deve which was misused or damaged bv you, you guestUF AD ace Mpa We ard you anceshat the tallurete part asthe waniation erity havere sted that ne srorebange or rekey the sane atsne anim rest ams results 1s.seded ten x Auer enpenses . : A . sidliss dine 1 reer in ns ded costs (as the sane as Hw has hurr ony te sanplied with soar fequest, Otherwise veh ns pty sweliately pas the apetasing Costsof the property necessary ta covet atch ater the worsas completed cod gusts We ata agreethy late tee and animal violations provisionsare n:tended to be Lguudated d pes stare he added 1028 Nahe Wa. fe Asante ns y2tek lore as “ 6 fo ” . ee ae eaten seed 2024CC-004858-0000-00 Received in Polk 06/18/2024 03:26 PM Special Provisions and "What If” Clauses 10. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The fo:lowing special praviscans and ary 5. RENT INCREASES AND LEASE CONTRACT CHANGES, addenda or waitin rales tur Ato you sto hetoee sigan 1 No rentiniereesesat Lasse Contract ch 1s are allowed betote become a part of this Lease Contract and will supersede any she ribs: Lease Contra t term erds, except tor Changes allowed contliet v8 re 1 Sprirted Lease rent sor . s wes ae 1 WifSaesn Provisions). Mandatory apt inspections are conducted by bweritien adden m or amendment sign) Toy you ane thsa by management with advance notici easontuble chatges of ajar inens eules 3 owed under ptt sah Py (hn ity Pokuri Rules) Hat least y days betore the . a ee dvcrie rie . wen reilte hee . Te sevens vet Te nian . Nesey Regutirementeh. wet nuwratien notice sew hs adel tniuf sper nal aewersanns bbrestint ses lease cb ges eff tive whey nel terme: sweat erncs, Br s Lease fortrarts Ta tn wah scent: " EARLY MOVE-OUT, « ite Laer iy anit ot hs ta the ane reesea: ontorleasecharges The ne (1) move net yeithout paving tal the conting Lease lee bor : . he bated be Contract ter a renege pws Aco wethiat testy ef 8 yypaante] abe ve user itter : me (eNUCATOGE demand because of Cour mult or ive out sutige nder pat hV7 {Move Dut Notice) Fare nuiticaly evicted You will be Fable tor all reng awed at the ¢ anidas berames 16, DELAY OF OCCUPANCY. Tow paney sof Il hee delayed far day grey the termsof vour ease agreement ont the apartment sonstrncton, sspairs ce Hyg wot a previens resident's holding isre-rented ver, see're not sespunstble for ae deity the be se Coste all emits i force subivet ta: (1) abaterre obrent ond aily Bases 12, REIMBURSEMENT. You re promptly reimburse us fat loss, . ’ . fae a Lac tere: Scat tort ne s ant es, 4 ste OASIS oF Se cen Tormination nateanist hem weybne. Miter rermanatinn, von are apartment or partment commarnty due toa wast om atthe ease entitled nl, te retnud of dep is} aad any rent jaud. Rent Cntr aton rules pepe se re peytlgenne yin vee At shateniontor Lease Gant! rr nahor dows rot apply sFuekeyas proceup HS or any ather Cause: wot due 1 our cgligence or tault for clearer repairs that don't pre cnt you tram eeeepyany the as allow Dy ais, OxcEpE for damaves ay acts nf ied 9 the extent apaetnen They: coulda he citigated by year actiono: aetinn. You'll detend tthere’s ¢ delay and wr havent givea netee at de, was set arth neem and he dus harmless trort cl ab lay arising tym your wetately asloss, vor may tremmmate up te the date when the cords br that of your invst es tt HED 5 nt tut yyw Geren 8 eats cuppa ym 8 ner pur Fepresemtar.ves whe t our request perlorm servic: s nat HL towe iwtitten tic bs wer faut we) On te the nota ontemplaced it shos tease Unless the damage or wastewater 1s se t rhs » Lease le . dt ny Lier stoppage ix. di te. JF negligancn, we erat | able far. ans Notices Bequrremense) and the notie States at nec panes ‘ow must pay for—repairs, replac ent costs, and damage to has been Geaved beeatae uf cnsstructon ara previous the following hat result (rom your or your invitees, guests, or ssident's Rol gow sul that ae b ent wil be realy 0 ie on . ‘ : fe Lesse f + Wows, or sereens; 2) damage trom ws or do rs left ph yeun se rete Lie sgpen, and. 3 damage fro1 wastewater stoy rages caused b Hine c wrten motice fo any oF yo hesare toe pti te g ws ter os ’ oT " ri Tes Ai Yo may requnre payraent at ary tine eluding ad ne p, vent None Reeu:renventsy si th no wee sites thal eoisthaci bot separsstoe weaict you're Lishle, Deway at demanding, sues i delay ts espostod and that th apartaient vei he twaity ter owe 1s not a warver his " ‘ + alate sey 1 Lese 13, CONTRACTUAL LIEN AND PROPERTY LEFT IN AP? KIMENL c seathans . aier any o: sow ret saonation notice All property in the apartment or commion areas associated ow swt later The . ess alate scons sieced the new tial with the apartment is (unless exempt under state statute) ei oh p ile so be be er subject to a contractual lien to secure payment of delinquent Notice (caarements} tor al parpases. Pins new de nay noit rent. The Iten will attach to your property oF your proj ry he maven ane, hot sate ainless we an eur are will be subject to the lien at the time you surrender possession uv AD VALOREM TAXES/FEES AND CHARGES - ADDITIONAL RENT. or abandon the premises. Fo: ths purpose, parte ei etude nless.ot we prob ites 59 iw if. dering tae teeevnt this Lease cums we rssven dwt she yest tbe anger a mg ary loraity, cy state or Federal Government imgeses uponUs, areas amd exterior patios, bakronies fed qarates, sad ay fer, change, os ta yolatee t ore segve by name Stareronmtstur ¥ ur exelusive se sacs npants.or by he divel ang rrtsell, such tac wes © hha 1 Re oval After Surrender or Abandonment bo ie ater, a YP tay, based upon ve 1 ase af occupies of the mov ataur ise retion, remove, C1spos id/or store all praperty dwelling unit we may add ose eas Additiona’ Rent, dering renvainy gon the apartment or =n cane 1 areas (neluding any Piety Lie easefents Tite (8 ’ Het Ye. YON Tt bes apanton guest ne RAE ASPs VOUS rue, nee tayo. Alter sh moennanice no amonnt or appronnae ey nal ’ ve re Cy fee des " unanint of the charge will be ancladed), you agere te par a : , : So : ih i be Adhd I Reat the amaant ufthecharge taxor fer posed apt THELANDLORD IS NOT REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH s. 715.104. sats a resilt a As exannp! wt ae wan BY SIGNING THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT, THE TENANT AGREES, ule but are net linted br ey, charges we ree eget ny vont, ‘THAT UPON SURRENDE! ABANDONMENT, OR RECOVERY OF wiolatis sowing, RoIse oF Eler Charge hy ch ge under any POSSESSION OF THE DWI 1 NIT DUE TO THE DEATH OF puisane: ue some Ns ree type Statute 9 Lar athee ale satety TH LAST REMAINING TENANT, AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER. Jet person ar peri ehas se ue tax gnd apy ti anpaidby 83, FLORIDA STATUTES, THE LANDIORN SHAT NOTRE LIARLE vou, whiel 1s ther sessed 1 8 Jor payment OR RESPONSIBLE FOR STORAGE OR DISPOSITION OF THE 18, DISCLOSURE RIGHTS, ft someone requests on maten op vou TENANT'S PERSONAL PROPERTY. or your rental hustory for Eayw-entord povernmental, ar Sewage Weanas bat hove niduty to stete iperty rete oustmess pie es, we may prosice th te west a utmity, ater surrerde eviction, or abandonment at ae apartment W4 provider Ly give ws thturmation abeut pending, 0° tual ot lhaise tn asaulty loss, damage, ar eft except far primer counectiansor discaarections al utahity serv ice 0 your apartmer remayerl under omtractualhex: Yo must pay feasnnable ear s Tor our packs, fomaving. storiag, ang selling any property W FAILING TO PAY RENT, : nig kee suet te for beforethe Lease Cantract 299 asap aay neh rent gue uns thi nay end wnue eightof anya rd mages aeterne lees tnuct eosts, ane ater hawt cba wes »,Wea Nationala srent Assn ates 2028 slar da b te ue - ye ar wet ae fate fey y 2024CC-004858-0000-00 Received in Polk 06/18/2024 03:26 PM While You're Livingin the Apartment 19, COMMUNITY POLICIES OR RULES. You ane ‘ nowsts and sesanally exphert. oF enappeopnage wath tes tere andor wee. ots must inply with any wersten apartirent ele and sexaality, othr ote merins, characterise Co Fea ed cn pe rekading, strochonsthr careet par caperty te the gaeutsor services oftered hy ur this Apartment bur rues. evonsitlered 9: SLMS we se ( roract We maw make Community, be 1s leary false or mtstoa ny. You ate ot ta ast rrasine’e anges toweirten rales ettective immediately Fhe: exrenn orate ames, slag, Cs es. pautes Ings internet domain are alist ed and applicusle to all unity in tie partn nt nannies, tadlesnaths, vopybghtsor ': ile ths Any so ation: of comanunty and de noth ge eu asnownts an ps Lt this us ats stall be Jota Preaek ar this Leas ands 1 le Contract entitle ns te osererse all ight und reazedies wider the le wo and we mm TIMITATIONS ON CONDUCT. The apartment and ather ar a served for yous petwatc use must be kept ean aml iree teas 22, PARKIN We nay regudte the tne, manne ipa otparking para sent otans debris, Tras mest be thsposed at at ease weekly ars, trues, mntore es eyes, brats, tailets, recreational Hbapprapriate receptar es in acrardance w local ordinances veh.rles, and storipe cevires ny aryane, We may have urunthorszed Pascngewavs may beused only ti entey nr evi. Vout agen peer or ypaliv parked vohic“es sawed under an appronriate aie 4 all passageyays satel conic areas gree ab obsiy ut ts Sic as Selucle ry wusautacenaen. or dbegaly paske uo the jars was trash, storage . s.a0d all farms af lersona! woperty Noaessen: communty ttt stn Fle ay bikes, eaeards. or ather similar abies m a Salat . we srlitiar set 4 foarte ae 1 the paseagew: % Any swi ming poo's. predates ence st ay Law al business corthicwed wile 1 Who: by computer, ena. ur telephone is pes msissisie nt Gustomers, (8) Blocks asuther eehic ontesting nts, patients, ar other business assnenates do nt come wo gour Dis autho 1 . rearees borane . 4 apartment far hi siness prirpoce We may regulate (1) the useof