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  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 03/29/2024 09:30 AM INDEX NO. 61665/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 243 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/29/2024 FILED osh Neil B Rice under penalties of perjury, deposes and states as follows W295 1. I spoke with Aaron Einsidler in or around Dec 2019 on the phone and he rn IÙl n as wondering if You had any interest in buying the fumiture and equipment from her new space that was left there and I said no I appreciate it but I really don't need any equipment or furniture right now, tell Your Mom I said thank You just the same. 2. I spoke with Whitney Singleton the Town of Mt Kisco Lawyer on or around Dec 2019 and he said I have a client who has some equipment and furniture to sell and did I have any interest in buying it ? He said his client had left over equipment in her space that she is making a new business in and I said No, I really don't have any interest in that. He said well its right across the street from Your building. I said thats funny because my friend Aaron Einsidler asked me the same thing the other day. He said that its the same person Aaron's Mother Danielle Churchill was his client and he was trying to help her out by selling some of the equipment and fumiture for her. I said ok. 3. During the same conversation with Whitney Singleton, I said listen Whitney, Aaron Einsidler told me You are fucking his Mother Danielle Churchill, so I think its the right thing for me to let You know because I know You are married and You probably don't want people to know Your business and he replied Aaron is a piece of shit for saying that. I didn't respond to his comment about Aaron but I told Whitney Singleton that Aaron and I were friends and he was spending time at my building playing cards and hanging out with me. Whitney Singleton knew Aaron and I were friends because I told him that we were friends and also about the equipment from his mothers new space they both asked me to buy.. Aaron also told me to stay away from Whitney Singleton because he didn't think a lawyer should fuck his clients. Aaron also said Singleton was a scumbag kind of person. 4. I got a phone call from Aaron Einsidler in or around december 2019 and Aaron said he had to see me and I said come over. He told me he just had a fight with his mother Danielle Churchill and he needed to talk. I was at my building at 213 east main street in Mt Kisco, NY, 10549. when Aaron arrived he was screaming and yelling and he says my Mom is a fucking bitch, I said Aaron don't talk about Your Mother like that, I am sure she loves you. He said its off, the whole fucking deal, i said what are You talking about You know I told You my Mom and I were going to work together on her new business and I said yeah, well its not going to happen, We had a really bad fight and every fucking time I try to connect with her, there is always an issue or problem. My Mom needs something to do with her time, she is always begging my father for more money and I wish sometimes she would just stay on her farm and ride her horse. I told Aaron to calm down and relax a bit. I remember Aaron was making jokes about my building because there were more than 3 TVs in one room. He said You remind me of my mother in the old house. She had like 30 TVs all over the place, I just laughed. I asked Aaron if He wanted to play cards and he said ok so we played some black jack for about 30 or 40 minutes and I gave him a bottle of water to drink. He said he had to go and he was walking out towards the door he had tumed around and 1 said be good kid and he hugged me and kissed me on my cheek which 1 of 5 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 03/29/2024 09:30 AM INDEX NO. 61665/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 243 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/29/2024 took me back a little and he said Uncle Neily I am sorry about this shit but It was not good for me today and I said fine Aaron everybody argues with their mom every once in a while. 5 Aaron Einsidler and I gambled together very often. During the playoffs in 2018 in both NFL football and in 2019 in MLB Baseball Aaron and I spoke on the phone off and on for a long time, maybe an hour during those time periods. Aaron was surprised as hell the Stlouis Cardinals got as far as they did. Aaron and I would bet on NFL games and I would give him my picks for the upcoming NFL games and He always said keep them coming. Sometimes We would bet each other and He emailed me to my old email accounts that I had on Gmail, an online account he was using and I said lefs just bet each other that way We can have some fun. Aaron was I hate to say it cheap as hell. I won a bunch of bets and he would never want to pay up, He said come on Uncle Nelly lets go double or nothing. Aaron would say he respected the NY Giants but his real love was for Green Bay. Sometimes I asked him, are we going to meet up so You can pay what You owe me for losing the bet ? Aaron Einsidler would tell me that he had to use the ATM in Katonah, NY where there was a Wells Fargo branch and we would meet in Bedford at 3 different locations, depending on if he was going to see his mother Danielle Churchill or not. I paid Aaron when 1 lost my bets and he paid me when he lost, but like I said he always wanted to go double or nothing so he didn't have to pay up if he lost. 6. In or Around May of 2019 I spoke with Aaron Einsidler on the phone and he was talking about getting married to Sara Cohen. He said they were going to have the wedding at his house in Waccabuc, NY and I said can I come and Aaron said no my parents right now aren't even coming. I said what are You talking about ? He said my parents are fighting and I don't think they are going to come. I said what are they fighting about? Its supposed to be a happy time for You and Sara. I said what is there to fight about ? Aaron said they think that something is going to happen to us. Then Aaron asked me he said do You think I should have a rabbi or a priest and I said go with Your gut.. Then He said he ultimately decided on a rabbi and I said it was a good choice. He said his Mom is christian and his dad was jewish. 7. In or around May 2019 Aaron Eisidler said on more than one occasion that his mother Danielle Churchill was a big breast cancer supporter and she really was interested in breast cancer causes. He told me that his mother Danielle Churchill was a cancer survivor and said she really takes that shit seriously. Aaron said that he and Sara went to some of her events and Aaron said You can come too but You have to give a donation and I said I don't like hanging out with rich assholes Aaron. If there are going to be nice girls there maybe I will give 500$ but there better be some nice ladies there and Aaron just laughed. 8. I got a few calls from Aaron and Sara in 2019 and Aaron asked me if I wanted to hang out a bit and talk in the parking lot of Cameron's Deli in Cross River NY. I went to see Aaron and Sara on a few occasions and Aaron was meeting with a friend of his that was a State Trooper and He never told me his name but he said he partied with him a number of times. Aaron also toid me that his friend the State Trooper gave him a tip that there were no cameras at the Park and Ride at 172 and 684 in Bedford and his friend the State Trooper told him that because he was working an accident scene there and he said there were no cameras there. Aaron was always 2 of 5 ® FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 03/29/2024 09:30 AM INDEX NO. 61665/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 243 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/29/2024 concerned about being seen by the Bedford Police because he said his father Lee Einsidler used to call the police like every 5 minutes to complain about this and that. I told Aaron why are You so concemed Aaron and he said because the Bedford Police will rat me out to my father where and who they see me with and I said who cares ! We are friends and You aren't doing anything wrong so relax. 9. Aaron also told me in Dec 2019 that he was partying with his friend the state trooper and was told that another high ranking trooper that he worked with in Somers, NY barracks was having a sexual relationship with a very famous person who was very close with President Donald Trump and Aaron was told to keep it quiet. Aaron told me that he really didn't need to know that information and regretted that the Trooper told him about it. 10. I got a call from Jon P Erickson on or about Late October 2021 he said he needed to speak with me and would I come out to the Willowbrook Mall in Wayne, NJ where he worked because he needed to speak with me. When 1 arrived Jon P Erickson stated that his friend and lawyer Whitney Singleton, the Town of Mt Kisco Attorney and Lawyer of Danielle Churchill who is Aaron Einsidlers mother sent him a copy of my civil action and said to me I needed to drop the case and I have to drop the case. 1 said I am not dropping the case. I told Erickson You need to stay out of this, it has nothing to do with You and Erickson replied if You pay me some money I will not contact Einsidlers lawyers and I said fuck You Jon I Do not ever try to blackmail me ! Erickson said that people were coming to take his deposition the next day and if I paid him he wouldn't make up any information about me.Jon Erickson said You were wrong to frisk me that time I came to see You at Your Moms house and I said Jon, I was on 4 different psych meds and I was acting paranoid and suicidal, can You cut me a break, I am sorry. As I left the Mail and while I was in the car, I contacted my attorney Rob Rosman and told him what happened with Jon Erickson and he said there are no subpoenas out right now the guy is trying to blackmail You and I said that is bullshit ! 11. About 2 years ago, I had lunch with Denise Macri, owner of the Village Green market in Bedford Village, NY at Lucia restaurant and Macri asked me why I wanted to sit outside and I said bc there is still Covid around and She said I was a bit paranoid. Denise asked me if I was ok because I looked sad and I told her that I was locked inside my home for approximately 6 months in 2020 and I also had lost a couple of dear friends during Covid in 2020 and She said how did they die ? I said overdose and she said was it Aaron and Sara Einsidler and I said yes it was. She said Danielle Churchill, Aaron's Mother comes into her store all the time and tells Macri that Aaron and Sara told her that they were using drugs again right after the baby was born. Danielle Churchill said to Denise Macri that she was told by the couple(Aaron and Sara)that they were using a little bit of cocaine. I asked Denise why didn't they take the baby away immediately from Aaron and Sara because Sara was breast feeding and doesn't Danielle realize the drugs would go into the breast milk and hurt the baby. Denise Macri said she didn't know. 12. At some point in late 2018 Aaron was talking about his father Lee Einsidler's girlfriend Amy Brisson. He said Amy is a greaseball cunt and I have no clue why my father keeps her around 3 of 5 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 03/29/2024 09:30 AM INDEX NO. 61665/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 243 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/29/2024 but I hate that bitch and Uncle Neily just wondering what would happen if She disappeared ? I said who ? Aaron said Amy. Aaron was like seriously could that happen ? I said Aaron, my father is a retired NYPD Homicide Detective, I am not in the killing business. What did she do to You that made you so angry with her ? Aaron said look enough of the bullshit, If she could disappear that would be great. Aaron said do You think Amy is really with my father because she loves him ? No, she loves his fucking money. My father looks like a turtle anyway, He can pull much better pussy than her(Amy). Forget I even mentioned it, Aaron said. 13. About a Year ago I went to get gas at the station on 776 Bedford Rd, Bedford, NY 10506 and I recognized a person and he and I said hello his name was Ray Mantegazza and he is one of the bartenders at Farmer and the Fish restaurant in Purdys, NY. Mantegazza said to me, I haven't seen You in awhile at the restaurant where have you been and I explained its been a rough few years for me and I have been struggling with mental health issues and other things and I told Ray Mantegazza that I have been staying home mostly and not going out to eat at many restaurants.. He said whats going on be he was hearing a lot of things at the bar about me and he said Lee Einsidler was looking for the person or persons who gave his son and daughter in law the drugs that killed them and he was going into all of the bars and restaurants in the area and was asking everyone did they know this person and that person or anybody who might have done that. I said to Mantegazza so You are saying Lee Einsidler did his own investigation while the State Police were doing their own investigation ? He said Lee Einsidler was in the Farmer and the Fish and told people there that he was going to do his own investigation and find out who the person was who gave his son and daughter in law the bad drugs that killed them and I said WOW ! I was so shocked to hear this, I just said goodbye to Ray Mantegazza and left for my home. 4 of 5 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 03/29/2024 09:30 AM INDEX NO. 61665/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 243 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/29/2024 JURAT WITH AF FIANT STATEMENT State of Co of & See Attached Document (Notary to cross out lines 1-7 below) O See Statement Below (Lines 1-7 to be completed only by document signer[s], not Notary) Signature of Document Signer No. 1 Signature of Document Signer No. 2 (if ony) Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this day of d . by Date Month Year Name of Signer No. 1 DANIELGRoARKE Notary Public - State of New york . NO. 01GR6435852 No of Si et No. 2 (if Qualified in Westchester county Signature of Notary Public Place Notary Seal/Stamp Above Any Other Required information (Residence, Expiration Date, etc.) -... - _.. . . OPTIONAL This section is required for notorizations performed in Arizono but is optional in other states. Completing this information can deter alteration of the document or fraudulent reattachment of this form to an unintended document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: . 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