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  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 08/10/2023 02:11 PM INDEX NO. 61665/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 187 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/10/2023 Exhibit L FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 08/10/2023 02:11 PM INDEX NO. 61665/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 187 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/10/2023 R OSMA N L EGA L , P.C. 7-11 S OUTH B ROADWAY /S UITE 209 W HITE P LAINS , N EW Y ORK 10601 P HONE : 914-339-9870 November 1, 2022 By Email and NYSCEF Hon. Damaris E. Torrent, A.J.S.C. Supreme Court, Westchester County 111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. White Plains, NY 10601 IAS Part 28 – Courtroom 1201 Re: Rice v. Einsidler, Index No. 61665/2021 Dear Justice Torrent: We write in response to opposing counsel’s unjust and hyperbolic rebuke of Plaintiff’s counsel regarding disclosure when fourteen months have passed and only now does Defendant assert that, on advice of counsel, Defendant undertook a search for all documents requested by Plaintiff without result. For fourteen months Plaintiff’s counsel had been requesting the production of the Deceased’s cell phone. Defendant counsel first objected outright that production request. During the telephonic meet-and-confer of August 26, 2022, Defendant admitted to possessing the Deceased’s cell phone but continued to object to its production, only later expressing that Defendant had no access code for the phone regardless. Plaintiff’s counsel only recently learned that Plaintiff was not in possession of his own cell phone, but it is an important fact that the Deceased’s cell phone, over which Defendant has possession and control, would contain the very same information, all the text messages, that Defendant is seeking from Plaintiff. Moreover, the Deceased’s cell phone contains the photograph allegedly taken during the tortious contact against our client in November of 2019. Once Apple is directed to unlock the phone, Defendant will have access to that photo as well. We suggest that instead of an “urgent conference” that would delay ongoing discovery, the Court should be permitted to rule on the Parties’ respective motions at this point in time. Very truly yours, Steven M. Brunnlehrman cc: Tayisha DuBose-Lopez, Secretary for Justice Torrent, C. Guzman, Senior Court Clerk for Justice Torrent, Margaret A. Kennedy, Principal Court Attorney for Justice Torrent, Brian G. Shaffer, Principal Law Clerk for Justice Torrent, Jonathan Ohring,