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  • Jefferson Capital Systems Llc v. Ta Jones Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Jefferson Capital Systems Llc v. Ta Jones Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Jefferson Capital Systems Llc v. Ta Jones Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Jefferson Capital Systems Llc v. Ta Jones Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 06/18/2024 12:09 PM INDEX NO. 614943/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/18/2024 Your account is past due, Ta. To keep your account in good FiNGERHUT Advantage . standing, please make your payment of $597.86 today. Account Sumrnary . Previous Balance 1,836.42 Payment Information Payments& Credits 0.00 Purchases & Debits 0.00 NewBalance 1,882.31 Fees Charged 0.00 MinimumPayment Due 597.86 Interest Charged 45.89 Mail Payment By 01/31/23 NewBalance 1,882.31 Payment Due Date 02/07/23 Credit Limit O Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your minimum Available Credit O payment by the PaymentDue Date listed above, you may have to Statement Closing Date 01/11/23 pay a late fee of up to $41.00. Days in Cycle 31 MinimumPayment Warning: If you make only the minimum Past Due Amount 503.75 payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take Minimum Payment Due 597.86 You longer to pay off your balance. For example: IIyou makeno additional Youwill pay off the balanceAnd you will end up paying an Interest Charge Calculation m chargesusing this card and shown this statementin estimatedtotal of eachmonth you pay: about Type of Annual Percentage Balance Subject interest On e minimum 5 years $2, Balance Rate (APR) to Interest Rate Charge payment If you would like kilonnation about credit counseling servicescall1-888-364-2268. Non Deferred 29.99% 1,836.42 45.89 To avoid additionalinterest charges,pay the NewBalance by the Payntent Due Date. (v) APRwill vary with the market, basedon the Prime Rate. Inquiries Regarding Your Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account issued by WebBank: English:1-800-208-2500 En Espallot1-800-556-3208 Fees Date Transaction ID Description Amount TOTALFEESFORTHIS PEROD 0.00 Interest Charged 01/11/23 INTERESTCHARGE 45.89 TOTALINTERESTTHIS PERIOD 45.89 TOTALFEESYTD2023 0.00 TOTALINTERESTYTD2023 45.89 You Are ENROLLED in SAFELINE,an optional program, which can be canceled at any time. For any SafeLine questions, please visit or call 1-855-582-2128. NOTICE: See Reverse Side for Important Information Your Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account is issued by WebBank,MemberFDIC· . NewYork residents maycontact the NewYork state department of financial services by telephone or visit its website for free information on comparative services' credit card rates, fees and grace periods. The NewYork state department of financial telephone number is 1-800-342-3736, and its website is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Makepayments online at FiNGERHUT .Advantage Or tear off and return with your payment by mail Makeyour check payable to Firigerhut. Account Number DATE MINIMUMDUE PAYMENTDUE NewBalance Amount Endosed XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1240 02/07/23 $597.86 $1,882.31 M744 Customer Number Make your check payable to Fingerhut and mail to: TAJONES POBOX70281 16 cORRALDR AMITYVILLE NY 11701-1606 PHILADELPHIA,PA19176-0281 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 06/18/2024 12:09 PM INDEX NO. 614943/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/18/2024 . NOTICE IMPORTANT 2. Youmusthaveusedyourcardfor thepurchase. Yourpaymentwillbeseditedto youraccountonthesamedayweIMelveitif thebottomportion 3.Youmusthavenotyetfully paidfor thepurchase. of thisstatemenIandyourcheckarereceivedby usonapmcessing dayby S.00pmEastem Eme If all of the crMeria abovearemetandyouarestill dissathfiedwth the purchase, contactus Intheendosedetwebpeat ourprocessing center.Paymentsreceivedafter200 cmEastemlime Inwritingat:FingshutCneditAccountServkes, P.0.8ox1250,SaintCoudMN56395-1250. will becreditedonthenextprocessing day,pleaseanowat leastseven(/} daysfor postaldelivery. Whilewe investigate,thesamerulesasphrto thedisputedamountasdBcussed above.After Payments receivedat any otherlocationInanotherformor with otherdocumentsmgnot be we linishour bwestigation. we willtell youourdedslon.At thatpobt. if wethinkyouowean geditedthesamedayweneceive thepayment.Ourprocessing daysareMondaythroughSunday, amountandyo donot paywemayreportyouasdefinquent exdudingholidaysfor payments seceived by mail.Paymentsreceivedonholidayswill becedNed asofthepreviousprocessing day.Whenyousendusacheckasa payment. youauthorizeusto use CREDITBUREAU DISPUTES informationfromyourchecktomakeaonetimeelectronic fundtransferIromyourdepositaccount. If youbeheve weinaccuratelyreportedcreditNstoryinformation aboutyouoryourAcounttoa or to processthepaymentasa check transaction. Whenwe useinformationfromyourmeckto creditreportingagen(y,writetousat CreditBureauRecortingServkes.625001dgewoodRoad, makeanelectronifundtransfer.fundsmaybewithdrawnfromyourdepositaccountassoonas SaintGoudNN56303.PleasepnwidetheFingerhut AdvantageCreditAccountnumberalong the same daywe recenre Dayment. andyouwdlnotreceive yourcheck backfromyourfinandal witha copyofyos aeditbureaureportreflectingthebformationthatyoubelievelsinaccurate. institulion.If your(beckIs retumedto usdueto non-suflklemfundswe mayalsore-depostit througha one-timeelectronicfundtransfer.Youmayalsomakea paymentat anytimeon your HOWWECALCULATE INTERESTCHARGES FbgerhutAdvantage Accountat via anautomatedchoneplyment Tocalculatethe Interestchargepayableeachmonth,we multiph the averagedailybalance at 1-800-208-2500. Ontmeandautomatedphonepaymentswill bepostedasof thesamedayif timesthe monthlyperiodicrate.Yourmonthlyperiodicrate mayvaryeachbiling cycle.The madebefore11:00pm CeMralTime.If yourstatenentshowsa creditbalance.youmayrequest monthfypedadicraleis determhedby dividingtheAPRby 12.YourAccountissubjectto a a refundof thecreditby contactingRngerhutCredit5svices,at theaddressshownbelow.You mmlmumstsest chargeof 51.00.AvsageDailyBalance· Wefigmethehtsest chargeonyour balance" maypaytheentirebalanceonyouraccountat anytimewithoutinterag anyadditionalcharges Accant Wapplyingthe monthlyperlodkrateto the 'averagegady of yourAccount, balance" forprepayment. includingcurrenttransactlans. Togetthe"average daily wetakethebeghningbalance of yourAccount,eachday,addanynewpurchases. chargesandolherfees,andsubtractany PAYMENTS payments or gedts. Thisgivesusthe dailybalance.1hen. for weaddupallthe dallybalances Makecheckspayableto Fingerhutandmadto: that billMgcydeanddividethetotal bythe numberof daysin the billingcyde.Thisgivesus FbgerhutCreditAccountServices.9.0.Box PA19176-0281 70281,philadelphia, the"average dailybalance". Please writeyourFingerhut Advantage Accountnumberonyourcheck.Donotsend correspondence Interestchargesbeen to accrueon eachpurchase on the dateof thepur ase.However, I to thisaddress.MallyourpaymentIn the enclosed envelopewith the paymentcouponar the you paldthe newbalanceon yourpreviousStatementby IIte paymeritduedateshownon bottomof yourstitement thestatemem.Ihen:(1)if youpaythe newbalanceon yourcurrentbillingstatementby the WHAT STATEMENTi T ODO IF YOUTHINKYOUFIND A MISTAKE ONYOUR paymentduedateshown.we imposeno Interestchargesan purchases dunngthe current billingcyde,and(2) I youmakea paymentby thepayrnemduedateshownonyourcurrent bllfingstatementthatIslessthanthenewbalarKe.wewill gedit thatpaymentasof the hrst II youthinkthee isanerroronyourstatement. writeusat: daya yourcurentbiling cyde.In additlan.IfyourStatementreflecteda newbalanceandyou FhgahutCreditAccountServicek p.0.Box1250.5aintCloudMN56395-1250. didnot pa thatnewbalance mful by thepaymentduedateonthatpreviousstatement,then we will not imposehterestchargeson anypurchases dwing the currentbillingcydeNyou Inyourletter.giveusthefollowinginformatiorc 1 paythe balance shownonyourcurrentStatement by thepaymentduedatereflectedonthat - AccountInformaton:Yournameandyour10-digitFingerhut Customer Number. currentstatement " DelhirAmountThedollaramountof thesuspected eror. DEFERRAL PERIODS " Desolationof problem:If youthinkthereB anerrororiyourblit describewhatyoubelieveis Web8ankmay offerAccountspromotionalcreditoffers.includingdeferredpaymentoffers. wrongandwhyyoubelieveit isa mistake· Specialrulesapplyto promotional Ãeditoffers.wtith aredesaibedat thetimeof theoffer. Youmustcontactuswithin60 daysaftertheermrappeared onyourstatement. Youmustnotty us " Thedate.amountanddesÃbxionof eachpurchase areidentifiedonyourperiodicstatement of anypotentialerrorsmwriting.Youmaycallus,butit youdowearenotrequIredto hvestigate for thepeltodwhenyoumakethepurchase. any potential errorsandyoumaybaye to paytheamount i nQuestion. whetherornottherehasbeenanerror.thefollowingaretrue: Whileweswestigate balances.anymterestchargesandthedateonwhichthedeferralperiodsexptt - Wecannottry to collecttheamountin ouestion. orreportyouasdelinquent - Wefigureinterestchargeseachmonthby multiplyingthe averagedadybalanceof each - Thechargein questionmayremainon your statement,andwe maycontinueto chargeyou deferredbalanceby themonthlypaiodicrate. interestonthatamountSut.if we determinethatwemadea mistake.youwIll nothaveto pay " Wedoconsider all deferredourchases forourposes youravagable of deterrnining credit. theamoomMquestionor anyInterestorotherfeesrelatedto Ibatamount. NOTICEOF ASSIGNMENT: The right to recekepayrnenton your Fingelhut - Whileyoudonot haveto pay theamountt1question.youarerespomiblefor theremainderof Advantage CreditAccounthasbeenassigned to Frigerhut byWebBanic yawbalance. " WecanaoolyanyungaldamountagainstyourcreditAmit ABOUT QUESTIONS YOUR STATEMENT YOURRIGHTSIF YOUARE DISSATISFIED WITH YOURCREDIT or callt-800-208-2500(Engrish)1-800-556-3208 (EnEscañol) PURcHASES If youuseyourcardtornatea purchaseandyouaredissatisfied withthegoodsorservkesthatyou youenayh e therightnot to paytheremakingamountdueonthe purchase. receive. Tousethisright.allof thefocawagmustbetrue: 1. ThepurthaseIn st havebeenmadein yourhomeStateor within 100mdesof yourcwrent mailingaddress. pricemusthavebeerlmorethanSSD.(Notr Neitherof these aridthepurchase arene(essaryif yow purchase wemaiedto you.or if we ownthe wasbasedonanadvertisement company thatsold outhegoodsorservices.) 648142r/2 648u2/22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT!Has your address, phone number, or e-mail address changed? If so, please fill in any NEW II information in the spaces below and we will update your account. Last 4 Digits of Your 16-Digit Credit Account Number Phone Name Address T TTTT T TT City ¡ z E-Mail Address Please provide your e-mail address for business transactions. (We will not send promotional material without your permission.) O Check here if you'd like to receive e-rnails about Fingerhut special deals and events. O Check here if you also have a WebBank/Fingerhut Fetti Credit Account and you'd like to update your contact information on that account too. Consent for Use of Telephone Numbers: You authorize WebBank/Fingerhut. their afffliates, agents. and others calling at their request or on their behalf to contact you at any nurnber (i) you have provided to us (II) from which you have called us, or (ili) which we obtain and believe we can reach you at. Wemay contact you in any way, such as calling, texting, using an automated dialer or using pre-recorded messages. Wemaycontact you on a mobile, wireless, or similar device, even if you are charged for it by your provtder.