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  • Jefferson Capital Systems Llc v. Cheryl Sheehy Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Jefferson Capital Systems Llc v. Cheryl Sheehy Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Jefferson Capital Systems Llc v. Cheryl Sheehy Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Jefferson Capital Systems Llc v. Cheryl Sheehy Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 06/18/2024 11:46 AM INDEX NO. 614935/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/18/2024 FiNGERHUT Advantage t nd e you y t of $ 91 oday. Account Summary Previous Balance 949.14 Payment Information Payments& Credits 0.00 Purchases & Debits 0.00 NewBalance 972.85 Fees Charged 0.00 Minimum Payment Due 363.91 Interest Charged 23.71 Mail Payment By 06/26/22 NewBalance 972.85 Payment Due Date 07/03/22 Credit Limit 0 Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your minimum Available Credit 0 payment by the Payment Due Date listed above, you may have to Statement Closing Date 06/07/22 pay a late fee of up to $41.00. Days in Cycle 31 MinimumPayment Warning: If you make only the minimum Past Due Amount 303.92 payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take Minimum Payment Due 363.91 you longer to pay off your balance. For example: Nyou makeno additional You will pay off the balanceAnd you will end up paying an chargesusing this cardand shown on this statementin estimatedtotal of Interest Charge Calculation eachmonth you pay: about Only the minimum 3 years $1,221 Type of Annual Percentage Balance Subject Interest Balance Rate (APR) to Interest Rate Charge Payment If you would like information about credit counseling servicescaG1-888-364-2268. Non Deferred 29.99% 949.14 23.71 To avoid additional interest charges,pay the NewBalance by the Payment Due Date. (v) APRwill vary with the market, basedon the Prime Rate. InquiriesRegarding Your Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account issued by WebBank: English:1-800-208-2500 En Espanol:1-800-556-3208 Fees Date Transaction ID Description Amount TOTALFEESFORTHIS PEROD 0.00 Interest Charged 06/07/22 INTERESTCHARGE 23.71 TOTALINTERESTTHIS PERIOD 23.71 TOTALFEESYTD 2022 40.00 TOTALINTERESTYTD2022 144.87 NOTICE: See Reverse Side for Important Information Your Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account is issued by WebBank,MemberFDIC: l NewYork residents maycontact the NewYork state department of financial services by telephone or visit its website for free information on comparative services' credit card rates, fees and grace periods. The NewYork state department of financial telephone number is 1-800-342-3736, and its website is ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Makepayments online at ' FiNGERHUT Advantage Or tear off and return with your payment by mail Makeyour check payable to Rngerhut. Account Number PAYMENT DUEDATE MINIMUMDUE NewBalance Amount Endosed )OOO(-XXXX-XXXX-7621 Customer Number 07/03/22 $363.91 $972.85 Make your check payable to Fingethut and mail to: M949 SHEEHY POBOX70281 CHERYL 800 GOLDENHILL RD PHILADELPHIA,PA 19176-0281 CORNWALLVILLE NY 12418-1208 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 06/18/2024 11:46 AM INDEX NO. 614935/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 IMPORTANT NOTICE 2. Youmusthaveusedyourcardfar thepurchase RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/18/2024 YourpaymentwnIbecrednedto yotr a«ountorittesamedaywefeceiveitif thebottomportion 3. Youmusthavenotyet funypaidIor thesurchase of ths statementandyourdusk arereoelved by uson aprocessing dayby 500 pmEastenTime If anef the aitsia abovearemetandyouarestill dissatisfied with thepurchase. contactus Intheendosederwelopeat ourprocessing (enter.Payments recefued after5110pin EasternIIme at· Inwriting FIngerhut CreditAccountSevices.p.0.0ox1250.5aint0oudMN56395-1250. will becredtedon thenextprocessingday.Please agowatleastseven(7)daysfor postaldelivey' Whilewe investigate.thesamerulesapplyto thedisputedamountasdacussedabove.After Payments receivedat any otherIncationInanotherformer wth otherdoesnentsmaynot be wewigtel youourdedslon.At Ihatpobt. if we thinkyouowean we finishourinvestigation. aeditedthesamedaywe receivethepaymentOurprocessing daysareMondaythroughSunday. amountandyoudonot paywemaymost youasdennquent. ecdudsgholidaysfor payments receivedby mail Payments receivedonholidayswBbesedited asofthepreviousprocessing day.Whenyousensusachedcasa paymsit youaultericeusto use CREDITBUREAU DISPUTES information fromyour(heckto makeaone-thieelectroni(fund transferfromyourdepositac(ount. If youbehave reportedaecit NsioryhformationaboutyouoryourAcounttoa wemaccurately or to processthepaymentasa checktransactimWhenweuseintermationfromyourcheckto aeditseportingagency.write tousat (redt BureauReporting5svkes.6250Ridgewood Iload. makeanelectronicfundtransfer.fundsmaybewititkaumfromyourdepositaccountassoonas 5aint(foud MN56303.PleaseprovidetheFagerhutAdvantageCreditAccountnumberalong thesamedaywe recenre payment.andyouwdlnotreceheyourchectbadcfromyourUnandal witha copyofyes credtbureaureputrellectingthehformationthatyoubelievelshaccurate. insttuthm.If your(heckb retumedto usdueto non-suffidentlandswe mayalsore-depositt througha one-timeelectronicfundtransfer.Youmayabematea papnentat anytimeon your HOW WECALCULATE INTERESTCHARGES FingerhutAdvantage Accountat fbgshut.cor11/MyA(munt or via anautomatedphonepayment To calculate the Inteest chargepayableeadamonth we multiplythe averagedadybalance at 1-800-208-2500, Ontheandautomatedphonepayments will bepostedasof thesamedayif timesthe momNy pslodc rate.Yourmonthlyperiodicratemayvaryeachbiling cyde.The madebefore11:00pmCentralTime.11yourstatementshowsa sedit balance.youmayrequest monthlypsiodicrateis detemilnedby dividingtheAPRby 12.YourAccountissuble(tto a a refundof thecedit by (ontactingFingerhut (redit 5syltes. at theaddressshownbelow.You InmIrnum mterestchargeof $1.00.Average DailyBalanceWefiguretheinteestcharge balance" onyour may paytheentirebalanceonyouraccost at anytimewithoutincurreganyadditionaldurges Accountby applyhgthe monthlyperiodicrateto the"averagedagy of yourAgount, balance" forcrepayment. includhacurrenttransacilons. Togetthe"averagedaily wetakethebeghningbalance of yourAccount.eachday.aridanynewpurchases. criargesandotherfees.andsubtractany payments ar credits.Thisgivesus thedailybalance.Then.weaddupall thedallybalances for Makedieckspayableto Fingerhutandmafto: that billho (ydeanddluite thetotal by thenumberof daysin the bHlingcyde.this givesus FrigerhutCreditAccountSavices.p.0.Bex70281,9hiladelpNaPA19176-0281 the"average dailybalancet Please writeyourFhgshutAdvantage Accamtnumber onyeartheck.0enotsendcorrespondence Interestdiargesbeginto acuseon eachpurdiaseon the dateof thepur ase.Flowever. if to th$ address.Nail yourpaymenth 1headosed swelopewith the paymentcouponat the ye paldthe newbalanceen yourpieviousStatementby the paymsitduedateshownon bottomof yourstatement the statement t hen: if (1) youcay the newbalanceon your(urrentbiling statementby the paymentduedate shown.weimposeno Iriterestchargeson purchases duringthe current WHAT TODOIF YOUTHINKYOUFIND A MISTAKE YOUR ON a rid(2) II youmake a payment t hepaymentd uedateshown anyourcurrent STATEMENT N111ngcyde, 11y NHingstalsnentthatislessthanthenewbalance.wewill Geditthatpaymentasof the lirst If youthinkthereisanerroronyourstatement. writeusat n yourcurentbl he h cyde. i addition. f yourStatementreflecteda newbalanceandyou day FugerhutCreditA«ount5svicespa Box1250.5aktCloudMN56395-1250. didint paythatnewbalance mtunby thepaymentduedateonthatpreviousstatement , then Inyourletter.giveusthe follownginformatiott we wig cat imposehtsest thargeson anypurdnsesdwhg1hecurent biling (yde If you paythe babnceshownonyourcurret Statement by thepaymentduedatereflectedonthat " AttountInformatbn:Yournameandyour10-digitFMgediutCustomer liumber. amenislamment " DollarAmountThedollaramoumof thesuspeGed error- DEFERRAL PERIODS " Ces(rlotlanof ProblemIf youthinkthereIsanaror onyourbill. describewhatyoubeneveis WebGank may offer Accountspromotionalcreditoffers,includingdeferredpaymentoffes. wrongandwhyyoubelieveit isa mistake Specialrulesapplyto oronstionalcreditoffes.whicharedessibedat thetimeof theoffer. YoumustcontactuswitNn60 daysallertheerroragmeared onyourstatement.Youmustnotty us "1he date.amountanddescrbtionof eadiDurthase areidentifiedonyourDeriodic statement of anypotentialerrorsmwriting.Youmaycal us,hutif youdowearesat requiredto hvestigate for mepsmd whm youneke mepmdast anypotentialerromaridyolfmayhiNeto paytheamoulitinQuestion. whetherornotdierehasbeenanerror.thefollowingaresue: Whieweelvestigate balarums.anyhterestdiargesandthedateonwhichthedeferalperiodsexpre. " Wecannottry to collecttheamountin outsilon.orreportyouasdetmanent - WeIIgule Intsest chargessch momh by multiplyingthe averagedadybalanceof each " Thechargein ouestionmayremainori your statstrent,andwe maycontinueto changeyou deferredbalancebythemonthlyperiodcrate. interestonthatamount.But.Hwe detaminethatwemadea mistaire. youwil nothaveto pay " WedoainsideraAdeferredeurthasesforowposesof determining youravailablecredit. theama nt k1questionor anyIntsestorotherfeesrelatedto thatamosit NOTICEOFASSIGNMENT: The right to receivepaymenton your Rngethut " Whileyoudonot haveto pay IheamountMqueslian.yeeareresponshlefor therurainderof by Web8ankto Fmgethut. CreditAccounthasbeenassigned Advantage " Wecanapplyanyuncaldamountagainstyouroedt Amit QUESTIONS YOUR ABOUT STATEMENT E-manusatalstomerservke@fingerhut.tom YOURRIGHTSIF YOUARE DISSATISFIED WITH YOURCREDIT or caH1-800-208-2500Ength)1-800-5543208En Espam0 PURCHASES If yo useyourcardto makea pechaseandyouaredissatisfied withthegoodsorservices thatyou youmayhavetherightnet to paydie rematringaimustchear thepurdiase receive, Tousethisright,al of thefogewingnest betrur 1. Titepurdiasemusthavebeenniadein yourhomeStateor withh 100mdesof yor arrant maRingaddress, (Note-Neitherof these andthepurchase pricemusthauebeenmorethan$50. arenecessary if yourpurchase wemagedto you.or I we ownthe wasbasedonanadvatisement company thatsaidyouthegoodsor services) 648142/22 648132/22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT!Has your address, phone number, or e-mail address changed? If so, please fill in any NEWinformation in the spaces below and we will update your account. Last 4 Digits of Your 16-Digit Credit Account Number Phone Address City State Zip E-Mail Address Please provide your e-mail address for business transactions. (We will not send promotional material without your permission.) O Check here if you'd like to receive e-mails about Fingerhut special deals and events. OCheck here if you also have a WebBank/Fingerhut Fetti Credit Account and you'd like to update your contact information on that account too. Consent for Use of Telephone Nusnbers: You authorize WebBank /Fingerhut, their affiliates, agents. and others calling at their request or on their behalf to contac t you at any nurnber (i) you have provided to us (10from which you have called us. or (iii) which we obtain and believe we can reach you at. Wernay contact you in any way, such as calling, texting, using an autornated dialer or using pre-recorded messages. We inay contact you on a rnobile, wireless, or similar device, even if you are charged for it by your provider.