EXHIBIT(S) - D (Motion #4) - Pages from Apple's website "Legal Process Guidelines"

On January 5, 2022 a commercial division - contract case was filed by R.D. Geronimo, Ltd, and Richard J. Digeronimo, represented by Filosa, Anthony Rudy, Riger, Lee E., and Rosenberg, David I., against Archstone Group Nyc Llc, Michael Miller, Property Analytix, Llc, Royce Ashton Rowles, and Ryan Lin, represented by Katz, Kenneth J, and Sackowitz, Adam Joseph, in the jurisdiction of Nassau County. Judge Sharon Gianelli presiding.

FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 10/24/2022 03:35 PM INDEX NO. 61665/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 107 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/24/2022 Exhibit D FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 10/24/2022 03:35 PM INDEX NO. 61665/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 107 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/24/2022  Legal Process Guidelines Government & Law Enforcement within the United States These guidelines are provided for use by government and law enforcement agencies within the United States when seeking information from Apple Inc. (“Apple”) about customers of Apple’s devices, products and services. Apple will update these Guidelines as necessary. All other requests for information regarding Apple customers, including cu…

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