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  • Capital One, N.A. v. Alisa Bukhvalova Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Capital One, N.A. v. Alisa Bukhvalova Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Capital One, N.A. v. Alisa Bukhvalova Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Capital One, N.A. v. Alisa Bukhvalova Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Capital One, N.A. v. Alisa Bukhvalova Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Capital One, N.A. v. Alisa Bukhvalova Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Capital One, N.A. v. Alisa Bukhvalova Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Capital One, N.A. v. Alisa Bukhvalova Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview


SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Index No: 72764/2023 County of WESTCHESTER Account No: -------------------------------------------x Our File No.: 0808M 419517 CAPITAL ONE, N.A. JUDGMENT Plaintiff, -against- Plaintiff's Address: ALISA BUKHVALOVA 15000 Capital One Drive Richmond, VA 23238 Defendant(s) -------______--__________________---_______Ç Amount Claimed in Complaint (less credits of $ .00 ).$ 11336.95 Attorney Fees (Waived in the amount of $ .00 ).......$ .00 Interest from Date of Complaint (Waived )..............$ .00 TOTAL............................................................. $ 11336.95 Costs by Statute..........................................$ .00 Service of Summons and Complaint..........................$ 25.00 Filing of Summons and Complaint...........................$ 140.00 Prospective Execution Fees................................$ .00 Military Service Affidavit................................$ .00 TOTAL COSTS........................................................$ 165.00 TOTAL JUDGMENT AMOUNT..............................................$ 11501.95 ATTORNEY'S AFFIRMATION-STATE OF NEW YORK -COUNTY OF NASSAU The undersigned Attorney at Law of New York State, affirms the following to be true under the penalties of perjury: The Defendant(s) have failed to answer or appear and the time to do sohaving expired, Plaintiff is entitled to judgment by default. The disbursements herein specified have been or will necessarily be incurred and are reasonable in amount. Pursuant to affidavits of service on file herein, deponent alleges that Defendant(s) are not in the military service. A copy of the summons was mailed to Defendant(s) by first class mail postage paid (CPLR 3215) on 03/04/24 which is at least 20 days prior to the entry of the judgment. The summons was sent to Defendant(s) place of residence in an envelope bearing the legend "personal & confidential" and ot indicating on the outside of the envelope that the communication was fr an attorney or that it concerned an alleged debt. Dated: 04/09/24 am IEgh s Templeton, na Arrick JUDGMENT rendered in favor of Plaintiff: CAPITAL ONE, N.A. 15000 Capital One Drive Richmond, VA 23238 against the following Defendant(s): ALISA BUKHVALOVA 445 GRAMATAN AVE APT GB2 MOUNT VERNON NY 10552 for the sum of $11337.0 with interest of $ .00 , making a total of $11337.0 together with $ 165.00 costs and disbursements, amounting in all to the sum of $ 11501.95 , and it is adjudged that Plaintiff have execution therefore. Malen & Associates, p.c. 123 Frost Street, Suite 203, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 334-3500 This is an attempt to collect adebt, any information obtained shall be used for that purpose. We are a Debt Collector. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Index No: 72764/2023 County of WESTCHESTER -------------------------------------------x Our File No.: 0808M 419517 CAPITAL ONE, N.A. Plaintiff, -against- ALISA BUKHVALOVA Defendant(s) -------------------------------------------x AFFIRMATION OF CERTIFIED COPY OF AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS The undersigned under penalties of perjury affirms the following: 1. I am an attorney associated with the law firm of Malen & Associates, p.c. attorneys for the plaintiff and I am familiar with the facts contained herein. 2. I make this affirmation in support of plaintiff's entry of a Judgment. 3. I hereby certify that the annexed affidavit of facts is a copy of the original affidavit of facts which our office received from Plaintiff. 4. Upon receipt of the original affidavit of facts it is scanned into our imaging database. The document annexed hereto was printed from the imaging database and is an exact copy of the original affidavit. 5. Our office is scanning all documents received as its normal business practice into our "worm" database and is deemed a business record. WHEREFORE, plaintiff respectfully requests this Court accept the annexed affidavit of facts as a certified copy of the original. Dated: Apr 9, 2024 Hugh icholas Tem leton, Dana Arrick s ciates, p.c. Attorney for Plaintiff 123 Frost Street Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 334-3500 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER ----------------------------------------------------------) AFFIDAVIT FOR CAPITAL ONE, N.A. Plaintiff ) DEFAULT JUDGMENT ) ) against ) Index No: 72764/2023 AL I SA BUKHVALOVA ) ) Our File No: ) 0808M 419517 Defendant(s) ) judgcovshtaff Systern New York State Unified Court ucs-ccas (os âMs 2022) . a Affidavit of Facts 1 Page J Original Creditor by sworn, deposes and says: The undersigned, being duly of Capital One, N.A. successor Hinton am a/an [R3employee Cofficer ¡member] 1. I, Marva N.A. and 1 have access to Plaintiff's merger to Capital One Bank (USA), ("Plaintiff"), by electronic records, to the account books and records ("Business Records"), including relating ("Defendant"). The last four digits of the Account of ALISA BUKHVALOVA ("Account') I have personal knowledge of the number are XXXXXXXXXXXXOS29. In my position, Plaintiffs Business Records. Plaintiff's Business procedures for creating and maintaining and it was the regular course of such Records were made in the regular course of business, records were made at or near the time of the business to make the Business Records. The Plaintiffs Business Records, I have personal recorded. Based on review of events my knowledge of the facts set forth in this affidavit. this paragraph if Servicer] 2. [ Check action. Plaintiff has authorized servicer for the Plaintiff in the underlying O Servicer is the Records to the Account, along with Servicer to service and maintain the Business relating and certifications on behalf of Plaintiff and executing affidavits, declarations, giving testimony regarding the Account. agreement ("Agreement"). Defendant agreed to 3. Plaintiff and Defendant entered into a credit provided pursuant to the Agreement. Plaintiff for all services and cash advances pay goods, Defendant was $236.00, made on 10/0712022 The amount of the last payment, if any, made by payment has been made. A true and correct copy Defendant is now in default and demand for Agreement is/are attached as an exhibit to of Agreement or document(s) evidencing the the this affidavit. judgment on an account stated cause of action) 4. [Check this paragraph if seeking procedures for and mailing account personal knowledge of Plaintiffs generating O I have practice of Plaintiffs business to provide periodic statements to customers. It is the regular / / , Plaintiff sent one or account statements to its customers. On or about Account to Defendant the amount due as more account statements relating to the stating were mailed to Defendants last known $ . The account statement(s) the were returned by the post add ress and Plaintiffs records do not reflect that statement(s) A true and correct copy of the final account office or that the Defendant objected to them is attached as an exhibit to this affidavit. statement(s) paragraph if seeking judgment on a revolving consumer credit account) 5. (Check this Account. This amount includes a charge-off till At this time, Defendant owes $11336.95 on the of $00.00 post-charge-off fees and charges of balance of $11336.95 post-charge-off interest payments made or on behalf of the Defendant of $00 00 less post-charge-off credits or by any $0000. Spoken or Sign Language Interpreters Help ADA Accomrnodations - 212-428-2760 interpreter@nycourts gov " 646-386-5670 1-800-COURT-NY(268-7869) ; Page 2 UCS-CCR3 (05/2022) if seeking judgment on a non-revolving consumer credit account} 6. (Check this paragraph on the Account. As set forth in the exhibits O At this time, Defendant owes $ amount is broken out principal; (ii) finance attached hereto and made a part hereof, this by (i) original creditor; collection costs; (v) attorney's charge or charges; fees imposed by the (iv) (iii) and less credits or payments made by interest; and (vii) any other fees charges, any fees; (vi) or on behalf of the Defendant of $ interest rate applicable to the Account pursuant 7. As set forth in New York CPLR Article 50, the section five thousand four of this chapter applies. to 8. (Check if not post-judgment Interest) seeking post-judgment interest on this Account. 181 Plaintiff disclaims any right to explicitly against Defendant for $11336.95 together with the deponent demands judgment WHEREFORE, costs and disbursernents of this action. knowledge. The above statements are true and correct to the best of my personal Dated: _ / Affiant Signature Marva Hinton of Henrico Affiant Name Commonwealth of Virginia, County Swom to before me this day of March ,20 Notary Pub c a / PUBUc *. REG # 7146828 MY coMMISSION ". EXPtRES .. 06/30/2025 LTH Capital One Account Itemization Defendants Full Name AUSA BUKHVALOVA Last Payment Date 10/07/2022 Last Payment Amount $236.00 Charge Off Date 06/03/2023 Charge Off Amount $1t336.95 Total Post Charge Off interest $00,00 Total Post Charge Off Fees $00.00 Total Post Charge Off Credits $00.00 1015211640 A330 MALEN & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Page 1 of 3 "*""v CedR Cwd f hdd BRe Madead ending in 0529 QUICK SILVER Oct 03, 2022 - Nov 02, 2022 1 31 days in Bitñng Cycte Account Summary Payment Due Date ror on me and phone payments. the Previous Balance $10,401 28 deadhne is 8pm ET Nov 27, 20 2 eayments - 5236 m New Batav MMmum f#ayment Due Other Credits 30 00 $10, 165.28 $10 1.00 Transactions + so.oo . t ATE PAVMENT WARNING if we do not recewe vour mammom payment Cash Advances + $0 00 by vow due date, rav may mae "o pw a .ate teo of up to $40.00 Fees Charged + $0.00 MINIMUM PAYMEN F WARNINGm vou make oNy the mimrnum payment m eema. p:u w pay nmm .n mtem me it out take you interest Charged 4 $0.00 ionger to pm 60 your halanS Fr wrnc New Balance e $10.16128 Credit Umit $10,000 00 Avadable Credit (as of Nov 02, 2022) $0.00 Cash Advance Credit I imit $3.000 00 Available Credit for Cash Advances O 00 $o.00 $0.00 so 00 Account Notifications Please check page 3 of this statement for yout Account Notifications. Customer Service 1 800 227 4825 See se f or Ïmp dant oram : c Save time, stay informed ) Discover new features with AUSA BUNHVALOVA the Capital One McNe apa APT GB2 445 GRAh4ATAN AVE MOUNT VERNON, NY 10552-2956 Payment Due Date: Nov 27, 2022 Account ending in 0529 New Balance Min mum Payment Due Amount Enclosed hta Dw $10,165.28 $101.00 $ ___ 0 9 oe9 Phse sendusihis pofüaneiyourstatementsadoolysaecheck(aronemoneyc tossreympaymat is processedprompt4 Astow8least sevenbusinessday Page 1of 2 """*S"" cad" ©"d """'d """ "'"""a"' ""d'"5 '" °5²S Q U I C K S I L V E R May OS, 2023 - Jun 02. 2023 I 31 days in Bimog Cycle ....·... Payment inferrnation Account Summary Payment Due Date Previous Beance $11 054 79 For on@e and phone payrnents, the deadline ssSpra El STPA UD Payments $0 09 New Ba ance Minimum Payrnent Due Other Credita $0 on $11,336.95 $11,336 95 c n, so co WPORTANL Your account has chased off and is no,v sennced by the Coh Advances 4 $0 00 Rerowies depainent A L800-25803i9 Your ful bJ!ance s dee. Any Fees Charged + %0 00 paymem you mau mn educe your bawe and hel: pay of y r de aster The xmnt pu we mw raMr f you ve entered into a separate Interest Charged + $282 66 reymm wercent New Balance z $11,336 95 Credit r,' NA Ava,Iable (as an 02. 20?s Account Notifications Ww YrA :µs dems may contact ine New York State Department of Financial Services to obupo a comparange ast ng of ceit card rates, fees. and grye Q) ontad un ww o+ sote Depamnent w Finanaal Services 1-877-226-5697 or www ch m saw or r anage your account m c. e rc custerner sennce: 1-800-227-4825 See aw fa !nonunt AUSA SUKHVA 0VA AP f GB 45 ATAN AVE MOUNT VERNON, NY 10S52 2956 rpipbpgjhpilh ja|lpdbll p|phpolemiljDpd Payment Due Date Past Due Account endng in 0529 New Býnce Mmimum Payment Due Amount Eociosed Capital One $11,336.95 $11,336.95 $ o39uo39 0PC¼de Urp3ymeCIIS fm:e5$80 pmmpDYM9w M 935tSevenDJ$ne55dgy SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER CAPITAL ONE, N.A. Plaintiff, INDEX NO: 72764/2023 FILE NO: 0808M 419517 -against- AFFIDAVIT OF INVESTIGATOR ALISA BUKHVALOVA NON-MILITARY STATUS Defendant(s). _________--____________________________x STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NASSAU The undersigned being duly sworn, deposes and says: That your deponent is not a party to this action, is over the age of eighteen of years, and is employed by Malen & Associates, P.C., 123 Frost Street, Westbury, NY 11590. Plaintiff is seeking to enter a judgment against the following defendant(s) hereinafter known as "the Defendant(s)": ALISA BUKHVALOVA I have been requested by Malen & Associates, P.C., attorneys for Plaintiff to swear as to my own personal knowledge whether or not the Defendant(s) are in military service pursuant to United States Soldiers and Sailor's Relief Act of 1940, as amended, 50 U.S.C.A. App. Secs. 501 et seq and the New York State Military Law, Article XIII, Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act, Sections 300 to 327. I communicated with