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  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Richard Yacovone Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Richard Yacovone Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Richard Yacovone Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Richard Yacovone Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTYCREDIT CLERK 06/14/2024 ONEBANKCREDITCARDSTATEMENT 11:36 AM INDEX NO. 64086/2024 Account Number 2800 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 June 04, 2023 to July 03, 2023 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/14/2024 SUMMARY OFACCOUNT ACTIVITY PAYMENT INFORMATION Previous Balance $2,578.11 NewBalance $2,680.19 Payments - $0.00 Past DueAmount $804.00 Other Credits - $0.00 AmountDueThis Period $1,915.19 Purchases + $0.00 MinimumPaymentDue $2,680.19 Balance Transfers + $0.00 PaymentDue Date 07/28/23 CashAdvances + $0.00 Late PaymentWarning: Fees Charged + $47.25 If wedo not receiveyour minimumpaymentby the datelistedabove, Interest Charged + $54.83 you may haveto pay a late fee up to $39. NewBalance $2,680.19 MInImum PaymentWarning: If you make only the minimumpaymenteach perlod,you will pay more Credit Limit $2,000.00 in interestandit will takeyou longerto pay off your balance. Available Credit $0.00 Statement Closing Date 07/03/23 For example: Days in Billing Cycle 30 If you makeno You wIll pay off the And you will additionalcharges balanceshownon end up paying QUESTIONS7 usingthis cardand the statementin an estimated Call Customer Service or Report eachmonthyou pay... about... total of... a Lost or Stolen Credit Card 1-877-825-3242 Outside the U.S. Call 1-702-405-2042 Only1heminimum payment 1 month(s) $2,680-00 Please send billing inquiries and correspondence to: P.O. Box 98873, Las Vegas, NV89193-8873 If Youwould IIkea locationfor credit counselingservices,call 1-866-515-5720.Or you may visit credit-counseling-agencles-approved-pursuant-11msc-111. TRANSACTIONS ReferenceNumber TransDate PostDate Descriptionof Transactionor Credit Amount Payments, Credits, and Adjustments Fees F5727005ROOOCYLAC 07/03 07/03 ANNUAL FEE 08/23 THROUGH 08/23 8.25 07/03 07/03 LATEFEE 39.00 TOTALFEESFORTHIS PERIOD 47.25 Interest Charged 07/03 07/03 Interest Charge on Purchases 54.83 07/03 07/03 Interest Charge on Cash Advances 0.00 TOTALINTERESTFORTHIS PERIOD 54.83 2023 Totals Year-to-Date Total fees charged in 2023 $319.75 Total interest charged in 2023 $355.97 Your account is currently closed. Weare changing parts of your Card Agreement, but not the rates and fees. See the enclosed Notice of Change in Terms to Your Card Agreement ("Notice"). If you are enrolled to receive paperless documents, the Notice will be placed in the Documents & Statements section of your online account. Annual Fee Notice. The Annual Fee for your Account of $99 will continue to be billed monthly at $8.25 for the coming year. See the Annual Fee Noticeand other important information on the reverse. GoPaperless and manageyour account onlinel Wewill notify you by email whenyour documents are available to view online. It's secure, convenient, and easy. Enroll today by logging into your account and going to 'Documents & Statements'. 5385 JBH 001 7 3 230703 O CXPAGE1of2 2 O 5727 9620 M250 01GR5385 Pleaseretumthisportionwithyourpayment, andwriteyouraccountnumber onyourcheck,madepayable to CREDIT ONEBANK. PAYYOURBILL ONLINEat P.O.BOX98873 Account Number: 2800 LASVEGAS,NV89193-8873 NewBalance: $2,680.19 Minimum Payment Due: $2,680.19 Payment Due Date: 07/28/23 For address,telephoneand emall changes, pleasecompletethe reverseside. Or, updateyour contactInformationonline at AMOUNT ENCLOSED: .I.I..I..II.III..I.I.I....III.I...II.I.IIIIII...I.I..II...III...I CREDITONEBANK RICHARDYACOVONE POBOX60500 WARBURTON 449 AVEAPT1B CITY OFINDUSTRYCA91716-0500 HASTINGSHDSNNY10706-2818 II.IIIII.I..I..II.II.I....I...IIIII.I..I.IIII...III..I.IIII...III FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTYCREDIT CLERK 06/14/2024 ONEBANKCREDITCARDSTATEMENT 11:36 AM INDEX NO. 64086/2024 Account Number 2800 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 June 04, 2023 to July 03, 2023 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/14/2024 INTERESTCHARGE CALCULATION Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. Balance Subject to Type of Balance Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Interest Rate Interest Charge Purchases 28.90%(v) $2,276.97 $54.83 Cash Advances 28.90%(v) $0.00 $0.00 STANDARD BALANCE TRANSFER 28.90%(v) $0.00 $0.00 (v) = Variable Rate 5385 JBH 001 7 3 230703 O c XPAGE2 of2 2 O 5727 9820 M250 01GR5385