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  • Arphia Spencer v. Marguerite M. Mason Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Arphia Spencer v. Marguerite M. Mason Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Arphia Spencer v. Marguerite M. Mason Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Arphia Spencer v. Marguerite M. Mason Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Arphia Spencer v. Marguerite M. Mason Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Arphia Spencer v. Marguerite M. Mason Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Arphia Spencer v. Marguerite M. Mason Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Arphia Spencer v. Marguerite M. Mason Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/14/2024 01:05 PM INDEX NO. 64094/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/14/2024 SUPREMECOURTOFTHE STATE OFNEWYORK COUNTYOFWESTCHESTER Index No.: --------------------__--------------------------------..----------_____---------------------Ç ARPHIASPENCER, Plaintiff, Plaintiff designates Bronx County as the place of trial The basis of the venue: Plaintiff's Residence/ Place of Accident -against- SUMMONS Plaintiff resides at: 103 Colin Street Yonkers, NewYork MARGUERITEM. MASON, Defendant, ____-------____________-----________________________------____________Ç To the above named Defendant YOUAREHEREBYSUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff's Attorney(s) within 20 days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of NewYork); and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated: Bronx, NewYork June 12, 2024 Attorney for Plaintiff MARKB. RUBIN, P.C. Post Office Address 3413 White Plains Road Bronx, NewYork 10467 (718) 231-1515 1 of 7 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/14/2024 01:05 PM INDEX NO. 64094/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/14/2024 SUPREMECOURTOFTHESTATEOFNEWYORK COUNTYOF WESTCHESTER ____________________________________________________________________-Ç ARPHIASPENCER, Plaintiff, VERIFIED -against- COMPLAINT Index No.: MARGUERITEM. MASON, Defendant. ___________________________________________________________--________Ç Plaintiff, by Mark B. Rubin, P.C., her attorney, complaining of the defendant, respectfully alleges: AS ANDFORA FIRST CAUSEOFACTION FIRST: That upon information and belief, at all times hereinafter mentioned, the defendant was the owner of a certain motor vehicle bearing license plate number BYW2047,NewYork. SECOND: That upon information and belief at all times hereinafter mentioned the defendant was operating her aforesaid motor vehicle. . THIRD: That at all times hereinafter mentioned, the Plaintiff was the owner and operator of a certain motor vehicle bearing license plate number JGPl055, NewYork. FOURTH: That upon information and belief, at all times hereinafter mentioned, Saw Mill River Road, at or near its intersection with Odell Avenue, in the city of Yonkers, County, of Westchester and State of NewYork, was a public street, highway and thoroughfare. FIFTH: That upon information and belief, at all times hereinafter 2 of 7 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/14/2024 01:05 PM INDEX NO. 64094/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/14/2024 mentioned, the defendant was operating her aforesaid motor vehicle on said Saw Mill River Road, making a left turn onto Odell Avenue as aforesaid. SIXTH: That at all times hereinafter mentioned, the plaintiff was operating aforesaid motor vehicle on said Small Mill River Road, as aforesaid. 2nd SEVENTH: That on the day of November, 2023, while the motor vehicle of the defendant was being operated as aforesaid, the said motor vehicle was in contact and collision with plaintiff's motor vehicle, causing the plaintiff to be suddenly and violently thrown in and about his said motor vehicle, and causing him to suffer and sustain the severe and serious injuries hereinafter alleged. EIGHTH: That the aforesaid occurrence was due by reason of the negligence of the defendant, her agents, servants, employees, designees, representatives, licensees and lessees, in owning, operating, managing, maintaining and controlling her aforesaid motor vehicle in a careless, reckless, dangerous, improper, imprudent and unskillful manner; in failing to have her motor vehicle under proper control; in owning, operating and maintaining her motor vehicle with unsafe, defective, broken and improper equipment; in operating her motor vehicle from one side of the roadway to the other; in operating her aforesaid motor vehicle at an excessive rate of speed under the circumstances then prevailing; in failing to keep a proper lookout; in failing to yield the right of way; in being in contact and collision plaintiff's motor vehicle; in improperly making a left turn; in improperly entering an intersection; in failing to slow up or stop her motor vehicle in order to avoid the accident; in following too closely; in failing to exercise that degree of care and caution owed to the plaintiff herein under the circumstances then prevailing; in operating her motor vehicle in violation of the statutes, rules, ordinances and regulations in such 2 3 of 7 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/14/2024 01:05 PM INDEX NO. 64094/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/14/2024 cases made and provided, and the defendant was otherwise negligent. NINTH: That by reason of the foregoing, this plaintiff was caused to suffer and sustain severe and serious injuries in and about her head, face, body and limbs, some of which are believed to be permanent, thereby rendering her sick, sore, lame and disabled, causing her to suffer and she still suffers, and upon information and belief, she will in the future suffer great physical pain, mental anguish and suffering; causing her to be confined to her bed and/or home for a great length of time; causing her to be unable to pursue and she is still unable to fully pursue her usual vocation and activities; and upon information and belief she will in the future be unable to fully perform her usual vocation and activities; causing her to expend and have expended on her behalf, and she will, upon information and belief, in the future, be caused to expend and have expended on her behalf divers sums of money for medical aid and assistance in an effort to cure herself of her injuries, and she was otherwise damaged in a sum in excess of the upper monetary jurisdictional limits of all lower courts. TENTH: This plaintiff has sustained a serious injury as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 5102 of the Insurance Law or economic loss greater than basic economic loss as defined in Subdivision (a) of Section 5102 of the Insurance Law. ELEVENTH: Plaintiff's recovery shall not be limited by Article 16 of the CPLR or any other provision of law, and is specifically excluded from such limitations by the exemptions provided for in CPLRSection 1602(6). AS ANDFORA SECOND CAUSEOF ACTION TWELFTH: Plaintiff repeats and reiterates the foregoing paragraphs to the extent same applies to this cause of action. 3 4 of 7 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/14/2024 01:05 PM INDEX NO. 64094/2024 .. NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/14/2024 THIRTEENTH: That as a result of the foregoing the aforesaid motor vehicle of this plaintiff was damaged, and said plaintiff deprived of its use all to her damage in the sum of TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) DOLLARS. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demandsjudgment against the defendant in a sum in excess of the upper monetary jurisdictional limits of all lower courts, on the first cause of action, and in the sum of TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) DOLLARS, on the second cause of action, all together with the costs, interest and disbursements of this action. MARKB. RUBIN, P.C. Attorney for Plaintiff Office & P.O. Address 3413 SawMill River Road Bronx, NewYork 10467 (718) 231-1515 4 5 of 7 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/14/2024 01:05 PM INDEX NO. 64094/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/14/2024 STATE OF NEWYORK, COUNTY OF BRONX SS: being sworn says: I am plaintiff in the [ X] action herein; I have read the annexed Co la /ú Individual knOw the contents thereof and the same are true to my knowledge, verification except those .matters therein which are stated to be alleged.on the information and belief, and as to those matters I believe them to be true. (Print igner's nofne belowsignature) hi tS(y2pgr Sworn to before me on / 2 day of -- 202 _________________________________________________ MARKB. RUBIN PUBLIC, STATEOFNEW NOTARY YORK NO. 02RU4839597 QUALIFIED IN WESTCHESTER C COMMISSIONEXPIRESJAN. 31,20 6 of 7 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/14/2024 01:05 PM INDEX NO. 64094/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/14/2024 SUPREMECOURTOFTHESTATEOFNEWYORK COUNTYOFWESTCHESTER ARPHIASPENCER, Plaintiff, -against- MARGUERITEM. MASON,, Defendant, SUMMONS ANDVERIFIED COMPLAINT MARKB. RUBIN, P.C. Attorney for Plaintiff 3413 White Plains Road Bronx, NewYork 10467 (718) 231-1515 Pursuant to 22 NYCRR130-1.1, the undersigned, an attorney admitted to practice in the courts of NewYork State, certifies that, upon information and belief and reasonable inquiry, the contentions contained in the annexed document are not frivolous. Dated:...June 12, 2024 Signature........................... ....:... . .. .. . ... .. .. .......... Print Signer's Name. Mark .B. Rubin......................... 7 of 7