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  • Gabriel Rivera vs. John Allen SandersMotor Vehicle Accident - Over $250,000 document preview
  • Gabriel Rivera vs. John Allen SandersMotor Vehicle Accident - Over $250,000 document preview
  • Gabriel Rivera vs. John Allen SandersMotor Vehicle Accident - Over $250,000 document preview
  • Gabriel Rivera vs. John Allen SandersMotor Vehicle Accident - Over $250,000 document preview
  • Gabriel Rivera vs. John Allen SandersMotor Vehicle Accident - Over $250,000 document preview
  • Gabriel Rivera vs. John Allen SandersMotor Vehicle Accident - Over $250,000 document preview


RECEIVED AND FILED. FOR RECORD 06/11/2024 8:57 am CAUSE NO. 24-05-07610 Melisa Miller, District Clerk Montgomery County, Texas GABRIEL RIVERA IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF vs. MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS JOHN ALLEN SANDERS 284T™ JUDICIAL DISTRICT DOCKET CONTROL ORDER IT IS ORDERED that this Docket Control Order shall control the disposition of this matter; the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure shall control in computing any period of time not addressed within this Order; and any date that falls on a weekend or legal holiday (as determined by the Montgomery County Commissioners Court) shall be moved to the first business day thereafter. IT IS ORDERED THAT THE PLAINTIFF MUST IMMEDIATELY SEND A COPY OF THIS DOCKET CONTROL ORDER, BY A METHOD PRESCRIBED BY RULE 2la, TO EACH AND EVERY PARTY ANSWERING OR OTHERWISE APPEARING IN THIS CASE AFTER THE DATE THIS ORDER IS SIGNED. PLEADING DEADLINE: 150 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL All amendments and supplements to pleadings must be filed by this date. EXPERT WITNESS DESIGNATION: A list shall be filed which includes each expert’s name, address, telephone number, the subject of the testimony, and the opinions that will be proffered by each expert. Experts not listed in compliance with this paragraph will not be permitted to testify absent a showing of an exception under Rule 193.6. A Rule 195 disclosure is not a substitute for this filed designation. (a) Parties seeking affirmative relief 150 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL (b) All other parties 120 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL DISCOVERY RESPONSES: 90 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL By no later than this date, all written discovery responses must be due, all responses and supplements must be completed, and all depositions must be completed, read, and signed. EXPERT CHALLENGE HEARINGS: 75 DA BEFORE TRIAL All challenges to expert witnesses must be set for a hearing to occur by this date. Failure to obtain such a hearing is a waiver of any Rule 702 objection. SUMMARY JUDGMENTS: 30 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL All such motions shall be set for a submission docket which is no later than this date. MOTIONS FOR CONTINUANCE: 14 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL All motions for continuance of the Trial Date must be filed at least 14 days before the trial date, except in exigent circumstances, and will be considered by the Court without necessity of submission if they are agreed. JOINT NOTICE FILING: 14 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL All parties will file a SINGLE Joint Notice with the Court, answering: () Are you ready for trial? 2) What is the estimated length of time for trial? (3) Do you need a Pre-Trial conference and, if so, why? - The Court will take up pre-trial motions in the hour prior to trial. You should request a Pre-Trial conference only if you need more time than that. (4) Are there any pending motions? If so, what are they and when were they filed? (5) Are there any special needs or accommodations for the presentation of the case, including any issues related to the availability of counsel and witnesses? If there is a disagreement among the parties as to any of these five items, the Joint Notice will state the positions of each of the parties. ANY PARTY WHO FAILS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DRAFTING PROCESS WILL BE SUBJECT TO SANCTIONS, INCLUDING DISMISSAL FOR WANT OF PROSECUTION AND A FINDING OF ABANDONMENT OF CLAIMS OR DEFENSES PURSUANT TO TEXAS RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE 165 AND 165a. - If any party does not participate with the Joint Notice, the party or parties filing the Joint Notice shall identify who did not participate. IF A JOINT NOTICE IS NOT TIMELY FILED, THE COURT WILL PRESUME THAT THE PARTIES HAVE NO FURTHER INTEREST IN PURSUING OR DEFENDING THIS MATTER AND THE COURT WILL DISPOSE OF THIS SUIT BY DISMISSAL FOR WANT OF PROSECUTION AND A FINDING OF ABANDONMENT OF CLAIMS OR DEFENSES PURSUANT TO TEXAS RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE 165 AND 165a. PRE-TRIAL MATERIALS: 14 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL By no later than this date, all parties shall exchange with each other and file the following: a. EXHIBIT LIST. All exhibits to be offered at trial shall be pre-marked and identified by exhibit number on the list, with exhibits served on other parties, but not filed. Exhibits shall not be double sided. Any party requiring authentication of an exhibit must file and serve notice of same within 7 days after the exhibit is provided; FAILURE TO DO SO IS AN ADMISSION TO AN EXHIBIT’S AUTHENTICITY. All exhibits which the parties agree to admit shall be admitted into evidence as a first order of business on the trial date. WITNESS LIST. All witnesses who are anticipated to be called to testify at trial, including all experts shall be on the Witness List. DEPOSITION EXCERPTS. All deposition excerpts that may be offered at trial in lieu of live testimony shall be identified by specific designated pages and line numbers. MOTIONS IN LIMINE. Motions In Limine should be specific to the case. Please do not duplicate the items which already appear in the Court’s Standing Order Jn Limine. JURY CHARGE. If the trial is to a jury, a proposed jury charge shall be filed. FINDING OF FACT/CONCLUSIONS OF LAW. If the trial is to the bench, proposed findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law shall be filed. PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE SCHEDULED BY COURT The Court will set pre-trial conferences based on the Court’s own motion or on request of the parties. The Court will notice all Pre-Trial conferences. Only those parties notified by the Court shall appear. 10. TRIAL FEBRUARY 18, 2025 This case is set for TRIAL on a two-week rolling docket beginning at 9:00 a.m. on the above date. If the case is not assigned by the second Friday following this date, then the case will be reset. You are instructed to monitor the Court’s website to determine at what date and time you should appear: d_- f/district_courts/284th_ district_court/trial_line-up.php UNLESS OTHERWISE ORDERED BY THE COURT, THE FOREGOING DATES AS CALCULATED FROM THE TRIAL DATE STATED HEREIN REMAIN THE APPLICABLE DEADLINES FOR THIS CASE EVEN IF THE TRIAL DATE IS RESET AND REGARDLESS OF THE REASON FOR ANY RESET. Signed on this the 11th day of June, 2024 KRISTIN BAYS, JUDGE PRESIDING 284% JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT Sent to:;