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  • Magdalena Domarecki AS PARENT, Sabastian Daniel Domarecki AS MINOR v. For Leave To Assume The Name Other Matters - Name Change/Sex Designation Change document preview
  • Magdalena Domarecki AS PARENT, Sabastian Daniel Domarecki AS MINOR v. For Leave To Assume The Name Other Matters - Name Change/Sex Designation Change document preview
  • Magdalena Domarecki AS PARENT, Sabastian Daniel Domarecki AS MINOR v. For Leave To Assume The Name Other Matters - Name Change/Sex Designation Change document preview
  • Magdalena Domarecki AS PARENT, Sabastian Daniel Domarecki AS MINOR v. For Leave To Assume The Name Other Matters - Name Change/Sex Designation Change document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 06/14/2024 03:01 PM INDEX NO. 614686/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/14/2024 SIY)xt- At a term of the Supreme Court of the State ol New York. held in and for the Countv of Suffolk. at Riverhead, NY on atttr E it ,zo-L1 presenr: HJl.,gN.S. BETSy HECIffiAN Tctri3, J.s.C. Justice of the Supreme Court ln the Matter of the Application of tndex Ns: 614 6B6doa7 IIJIAGDALEIIA DOMARECKI, as Parent ORDER GRANTING LEAVE -- - For Leave to Change the Name of TO CHANGE NAME Do.',;t *Danie/ SabastiafuEmarecki to Sebastian rbomarecki Upon reading and filing the petition of Magdalena Domarecki, verified on 2qr:L, asking for a Ehange of name of the child DonirL to SebastiantDomareeki, and the consent of Daniel Domarecki, the child's other parent, sworn to on ,2(*9*, and the IDo-nie[ \ consent of the child SabastiarvCIomarecki, sworn to on ,OJIL, and the Court being satisfied thar the petition is true and that there is no reasonable objection to the change of name proposed, and it appearing that the interests of the child will be substantially promoted by the change, it is: Dooi ' I ORDERED that SabastianfDomarecki born on November 6, 2A*7 in New York, NY, whose Birth Certificate Number is 156-07-108340, is authorized to assume the iDqn' e t name Sebastiarftomarecki in place of the present name, and it is further Order for Child Change of Name Page I of 2 Made using the ldYS Courts FREE DIY Forms 1 of 2 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 06/14/2024 03:01 PM INDEX NO. 614686/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/14/2024 ORDERED that this Order shall be entered and the papers on which it was granted be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County, and it is further ORDERED that upon the filing of this Order together with the papers upon which Jool" L it is based with the County Clerk, the child shall be known by the name of Sebastian A Domarecki which the child shall be authorized to assume and by no other name. ENTER: Jrtsl-rce of the Supreme Coud ' "-;HON. S. BETSY HECKMAN TORRES, l'S'C' GRANTED JUri 14 2021 VINCENT PUTEO Clerk of Suffolk CountY order for Child Change of Name Page 2 ot 2 Made using the NYS Courts FREE DIY Forms 2 of 2