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  • Lakeview Loan Servicing, Llc v. Dylan Hughes, Lisa M. Donnelly, Commissioner Of Taxation And Finance - Child Support Enforcement Section, Elizabeth Tenke, Clerk Of The Suffolk County Traffic And Parking Violations Agency, Amtrust Bank, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Suffolk County Clerk'S Office, John Doe And Jane Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Lakeview Loan Servicing, Llc v. Dylan Hughes, Lisa M. Donnelly, Commissioner Of Taxation And Finance - Child Support Enforcement Section, Elizabeth Tenke, Clerk Of The Suffolk County Traffic And Parking Violations Agency, Amtrust Bank, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Suffolk County Clerk'S Office, John Doe And Jane Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Lakeview Loan Servicing, Llc v. Dylan Hughes, Lisa M. Donnelly, Commissioner Of Taxation And Finance - Child Support Enforcement Section, Elizabeth Tenke, Clerk Of The Suffolk County Traffic And Parking Violations Agency, Amtrust Bank, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Suffolk County Clerk'S Office, John Doe And Jane Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Lakeview Loan Servicing, Llc v. Dylan Hughes, Lisa M. Donnelly, Commissioner Of Taxation And Finance - Child Support Enforcement Section, Elizabeth Tenke, Clerk Of The Suffolk County Traffic And Parking Violations Agency, Amtrust Bank, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Suffolk County Clerk'S Office, John Doe And Jane Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Lakeview Loan Servicing, Llc v. Dylan Hughes, Lisa M. Donnelly, Commissioner Of Taxation And Finance - Child Support Enforcement Section, Elizabeth Tenke, Clerk Of The Suffolk County Traffic And Parking Violations Agency, Amtrust Bank, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Suffolk County Clerk'S Office, John Doe And Jane Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Lakeview Loan Servicing, Llc v. Dylan Hughes, Lisa M. Donnelly, Commissioner Of Taxation And Finance - Child Support Enforcement Section, Elizabeth Tenke, Clerk Of The Suffolk County Traffic And Parking Violations Agency, Amtrust Bank, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Suffolk County Clerk'S Office, John Doe And Jane Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Lakeview Loan Servicing, Llc v. Dylan Hughes, Lisa M. Donnelly, Commissioner Of Taxation And Finance - Child Support Enforcement Section, Elizabeth Tenke, Clerk Of The Suffolk County Traffic And Parking Violations Agency, Amtrust Bank, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Suffolk County Clerk'S Office, John Doe And Jane Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Lakeview Loan Servicing, Llc v. Dylan Hughes, Lisa M. Donnelly, Commissioner Of Taxation And Finance - Child Support Enforcement Section, Elizabeth Tenke, Clerk Of The Suffolk County Traffic And Parking Violations Agency, Amtrust Bank, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Suffolk County Clerk'S Office, John Doe And Jane Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 06/13/2024 03:40 PM INDEX NO. 614652/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/13/2024 EXHIBIT B FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 06/13/2024 03:40 PM INDEX NO. 614652/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/13/2024 REDACTED MIN REDACTED NOTE FHACase No. REDACTED May12, 2021 Parsippany, NewJersey [Date] [City] .. [State] 171 Wading River Manor Rd, Manorville,ûÝ 11949 , [Property Address] 1. TO PAY BORROWER'S.PROMISE In return for a loansthat I have received, I promise to:pay U.S. $283,679.00 (this amount is called "Pfincipal"), plus interest, to the order of the.Lender. The Lender is RealFI HomeFunding Corp., a-New,York Corporations I will make all payments under this Note in the form of cash, check:or money order. I understand-that thelender maytransfer this Note. The Lender or anyone:who:takes this Note by transfer and who is entitled to receive payments under this Note is called the "Note Holder? 2. INTEREST Interest will be charged on unpaid until the full amount of Principal has been paid. I will pay interest at a . 0 principal, yearly rate of .3.125 The interest rate required by this Section 2 is the rate I will pay!both before and after any default described;ln Section 6(B) of this Note. 3. PAYMENTS (A) Time and Place.of Payments I will pay principaItand interest by making a payment every month. I will make my monthlyynyment on the 1st: day áf each month.beginning on July 1, 2021. | will make these payments every month until I have paid allpf the principaland interes.t.a.nd any other charges described below that I mayoƒe under this Note. Each monthly payment will be applied as of its.schëduled due date arid will be applied to interest and any other items in the order dàscribed in the Security Instrument before Principal; If, on June 1, 2051, I still owe amounts under.this Note. I will pay those amounts in full on that date, which is Date." called the "Maturity 1.will make mymonthly paymentsat 707Westchester Avenue, Suite 305 White Plains,,NY 10604 or at a different placesif required by the Note Holder, (B) Amountof Monthly Payments My morithly giayrnerit will be in the amount of'U.S. $t,215.21. 4. BORRO‚ER'S RIGHT TOPREPAY have the right to make paymentsof Principal at any time before they are due, Apayment of Principal only is known I "Prepayment." as a WhenI make a Prepayment, I will tell the Note Holder in writing that I àm.doing so. I thay not designate a payment;as a Prepayment if I have not mad.e all the monthly payments due under the Note. I.may make a full Prepayment or partial.Prepayments without paying,a Prepayment charge. The Note Holder will use my Prepaýments to redu e the amount of Prinelpel that I oWeunder this.Note. However, the Note Holder may appÈ my Prepayment to the accrued and unpaid interest on the. Prepayment amount, before applying my Prepayment to reduce the Principal amount.of the Note. If I make a partial Prepayinent, there will beino changes in the due date or in the.amount of my monthly payment unless the Note ‰older agrees in witting to those changes. 5. LOANCHARGES if liclaw, ƒhich applies to this loan and which teets.maximum'loan charges, is finally interpreted so that;the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with this loan exceed the pen-nitted limits, then: (a) any sûch Idan charge shall be.reduced bythe amountnecessary,toreduce the charge to the permitted limit and (b).any sumselready collected which exceeded permitted limits'ƒill berefunded to nie. The Note Holder maychooseto makethis refund by reducing the Principal I owe under this Note or by mailing a direct payment to mes If a refund reduces Principal, the reduëtion'ƒill bentreated as a partial Prepayment. 6. FAILURE TO PAYAS REQUIRED IBORRÒ€ER'S (A) Late Charge for Overdue Payments If the Note Holder has notfreceived the full amount of any monthly payment bÿ the end of 15 calendar days after the is·due I will pay a late the Note Holder. The amount..of the charge will be 4.000 of myoverdue % payment of pHncipal.ahd interest. I will pay this late charge promptly but only once on:each late1payment. (B) Default If I do not'pay the full amount of each m.onthly payment o.n the date it is due, I in .default. (C) Notice of Default If I arrrin default, the Notetiolder may send mea written notice;telling nie thattif I doinot pay the overdue amoûnt by a certain date, the-Note Holder may require meto pay immediately the full amount of Principal which has not been paid and NEwYORKFIXED RATENOTE- Single.Family -Fannie MaelFrëddie MacuNIFORMINSTRUMENT Form 3233 1/01 Modified for FHA9/15 (rev.-2/16) Ellie Mae, Inc· Page 1 of 2 .FNA3200CYNT0!16 FHA3200NOT.(CLS) 06/11/2021 12:11 PMPST REDACTED REDACTED FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 06/13/2024 03:40 PM INDEX NO. 614652/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/13/2024 LOAN#: REDACTED all thé interest that.I oise on that amount. That date.must be at 30 days after the date on which the to meor delivered by other means. (D) No Waiver By Note Holder Even if, at a tijne when I amin default, the Noteffolder does not require meto pay immediately in described above, the Noter Holder will still.have the right to do so if I amin defaúft ät a later time. (E) Payrñerit of Note Holder's..Costs and Expenses If the Note ifolder has'required me,topay immediately in full as described above, the-Note Holder will have the right to be paid back'by mesfor all of its costs and expenses in eríforcing this Note to the·extent not applicable attorneys' law, Those-expenses include, for example, reasonable fees. 7. GNINGOFNOTICES Únfess applicable law requires a different methodrany notice that niust be given to meiunder-this Note will be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to meat the Property Address above orat a different address if I give the Note Holder a notice of mydifferent address. Any notice that must be given to the Note Holder under this Note will be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to the Note Holderat the address stated in.Section:3(A) above or at a different address if I arn given a notice of that different address. 8. OBLIGATIONSOFPERSONS UNDER THIS NOTE If more than one person si!ns this Note, each person is fully-and personally obligated to keep all of the promises made in this Note, including the promise to pay the full·amount owed. Any person who iia guarantor,,surety'or endorser òf this Note is also.obligated to do these things. Aniperson who takes over these obligations, including the obligations of a guarantor, ,surety or endorser of this Noteris also keep all of the promises made in.this Note. The Note Holder may enforce its rightsaunder.this Note against each person individually or against alIof us.togethers This means that any one of Os maÿ be'required to pay all of the amountssowedunder this Note. 9. WAIVERS I and,any other person who has obligationstunder thisiNote waive the rights of Presentment and Notice-of Dishonor. Note Holder to demand payment of amounts due. "Notice of Dishonor" "Presentmerit" means the right-to require'the means-the right to require the Note Holder to give notice to other persons that amounts'duetave not been paid 10. NOTE UNIFORMrSECURED This Note is a uniform instrument with limited variations in addition to the protections given to the Note Holder under:this Note, a Mortgage, Deed of Trust..orSecúrity Deed (the "Security Inst drhent"),-dated the same date as this Note, protects the Note Holder from possible losses which might result if I do not keep the promises which I make in.this.Note..ThatSecurity Instrument describes howand under what conditions I may be required to make immedi- ate payment in full of all amounts I owe under this Note. Someof those conditions are described as follows: Lender may require immediate payment in full of all SumsSecured by this Security Instrument:if all or any part of the Property,,or if any right in the Property..isisold or transferred without Lender's prior written permission. If Borrower is not a natural person and a beneficial interest in Borrower Is sold or transferred without Lender's prior written permission, =ender1also may require immediate payment in full. However, this option shall not-be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicableiaw, If Lender requires immediate paymentin.full under this:Section 17, Lender will give mea notice which.states .this requirenient. The notice will give meat least 30 days to make the required payment: The 30-day period will begin on the1dateethe notice is given totme in the manner required by Section T4 dthis Security Instrument. If not inake the required payinerit during that period, Lender mayact to enforce its rights under this Security Instrument:without giving=me any further notice or demand for payment WITNESSTHEHAND(S)ANDSEAL(S) OFT NDERSIGNED (Seal) LANHUGHES Leñder: RealFI HomesFunding Corp. NMLSID: 34973 Loan Öriginator" Roberto Lup) NMLS'ID::36149 SeeAtongeAttached [Sign Original Only] NEWYORKFlXEo.RATE NOTE- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddle MacUNIFORMINSTRUMENT FoSm;3233 1/01 Niodified for FHA9/15 (rew2/16) Ellie Mae, Inc· Page2 of 2 FHA32ooNYNTo216 FHA3200NOT (CLS) REDACTED o5/1.1/2021 12:1'1 PMPST REDACTED FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 06/13/2024 03:40 PM INDEX NO. 614652/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/13/2024 ALLONGETONOTE LOANe#REDACTED LOANAMOUNT$283,679.00 PROPERTY ADDRESS171 Wading River Manor Rd Manorville, NY11949 ALLONGE' TO NOTEDATED May'12, 2021 IN FAVOROF RealFi HomeFunding Corp., a NewYork Corporation ANDEXECUTED BY DylaD Hughes PAYTOTFIE.0RDER OF 8 ' ' * WITHOUTRECOURSE ReeíFiftome,Fund0rig Corp., a Newtork orporation BY Sara Noble TITLE Vice President OF PAYT0 THEORDER WITHOUT RECOURSE FLAGSTAR BANK, FSB BY 19ÏÍ8 VICE PRESIDENT Docurjient REDACTED Ellie Mae, nc. GN13 0103 GNJS(CLS). REDACTED 05N1/2021 12:11.PM PST REDACTED