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  • 140 Hoffman Lane Llc v. The Assessor Of The Town Of Islip And, The Town Of Islip Real Property - Tax Certiorari document preview
  • 140 Hoffman Lane Llc v. The Assessor Of The Town Of Islip And, The Town Of Islip Real Property - Tax Certiorari document preview
  • 140 Hoffman Lane Llc v. The Assessor Of The Town Of Islip And, The Town Of Islip Real Property - Tax Certiorari document preview
  • 140 Hoffman Lane Llc v. The Assessor Of The Town Of Islip And, The Town Of Islip Real Property - Tax Certiorari document preview
  • 140 Hoffman Lane Llc v. The Assessor Of The Town Of Islip And, The Town Of Islip Real Property - Tax Certiorari document preview
  • 140 Hoffman Lane Llc v. The Assessor Of The Town Of Islip And, The Town Of Islip Real Property - Tax Certiorari document preview


At a Special Condemnation and Tax Certiorari Term of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of Suffolk, Central Islip, New York, on the day of ,2024 PRESENT Justice. --------x ORDER AND TUDGMENT In the Matter of Index No.: TaxYeat 140 HOFFMAN LANE, LLC, 61,4628/24 201,7 /18 Petitioner(s), -agamst- THE, ASSE,SSOR OF THE, TOWN OF' ISLIP, SCTM: 0504-7-002-3.00 and THE TO\fN OF ISLIP, Item No.: 375487 Respondent(s) School District 06 HAUPPAUGE X X In the Matter of Index No.: TaxYeat 140 HOFFMAN LANE, LLC, 61,4629 /24 201,8/1.9 Petitioner(s), 614630/24 201,9 /20 -agamst- 614636/24 2020/21 614637 /24 2020/21 THE, ASSE,SSOR OF'THE TO!rN OF ISLP, SCTM: 504-7-2-3 and THE TO\fN OF'ISLP, Item No.: 375487 Respondent(s) School District: 06 HAUPPAUGE _..-________________ _ X x In the Matter of Index No.: TaxYezr 614639 /24 2022/23 140 HOFFMAN LANE LLC, 614640/24 2023/24 Petitioner(s), -agarnst- THE ASSESSOR OF THE TO!rN OF ISLP, SCTM: 504-007.00-02.00-003.000 and THE TO\fN OF ISLIP, Item No.: 375487 Respondent(s). School District 06 HAUPPAUGE _________.._________..__....__..--------- ----X On the notices and Petitions and all other proceedings herein, on the annexed Stipulation of Settlement, and on motion of SCOTT DE SIMONE P.C., attorneys for Petitionet, 1.40 HOFFMAN LANE, LLC, 1t ls ORDERED, that the assessment of Petitioner's property upon the assessment rolls of the Town of Islip, the County of Suffolk, be cottected and reduced to read as follows: Original Amount of Final Total Tax Year Desclintion of Prooertv Assessment Reduction Assessment 2017 /18 0s04-7-002-3.00 $ 200,000 $ 25,000 $ 175,000 2018/1,9 s04-7-2-3 $ 200,000 $ 25,000 $ 175,000 2019 /20 504-7-2-3 $ 200,000 $ 25,000 $ 175,000 2020/21 s04-7-2-3 $ 200,000 $ 25,000 $ 175,000 2021/22 504-7-2-3 $ 200,000 $ 30,000 $ 170,000 2022/23 0504-007.00-02.00-003.000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 165,000 2023/24 0504-007.00-02.00-003.000 $ 200,000 $ 45,000 $ 155,000 and it is further ORDERED, that respondents shall fothwith correct the assessment rolls and note thereon that the same have been corrected pursuant to this Order and Judgment, and it is further ORDERED, fhat a copy of this Order andJudgment shall be filed undet the index number of each taxyear proceeding herein, and it is further ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the Comptroller of the County of Suffolk, on service of two certified copies of this Order and Judgment, together with a true copy of the Stipulation of Settlement to which shall be attached a County Form 74(b) srgned by the Assessor of the Town of Islip, shall refund, within oin"ty (90) days from the date of setvice upon the Office of the Suffolk County Comptroller Office of the Suffolk County Comptroller to SCOTT DE SIMONE P.C., as attorneys for Petitione4 740 HOFFMAN LANE LLC, the amount of all taxes and assessments that have been paid, upon proof that such were paid by the Petitioner or by an agent andf or person acting on behalf of the Petitioner, on account of the original assessed value in excess of the amount of such taxes and assessments based upon the reduced assessed values as herein reduced, without interest, provided such refund shall be paid on or before the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date of serwice upon the Office of the Suffolk County Compttoller. If such refund shall not be made within the time so provided, interest at the statutory rate per annum shall acctue commencing on the date of sewice until the date of payment, and shall be paid by the Suffolk County Comptroller with the refund when paid by the Suffolk County Comptroller and shall be deemedacountycharge.Intetestshallbeatthefateof-;anditisfurther ORDERED that the "date of service" shall be deemed to be the date of receipt by the Office of the Suffolk County Compttollet and the burden of proof of the date of serwice shall be on the Petitioner; and it is further ORDERED, that the date of payment by the Suffolk County Comptroller shall be deemed to be the date such payment is placed in the mail by the Suffolk County Comptrolier and the burden of proof of the date of payment shall be on the Suffolk County Comptrollet; and it is further ORDERED, that in the event that the taxes are unpaid and have aheady been billed for the Town of Islip in accordance with the original assessed valuation, the office or officers having custody of said assessment rolls are hereby directed to forward to the Petitioner, a new bill or bills, taxing said Petitioner on the basis of the final total assessed valuation as herein provided, and it is futher ORDERED, that if any Petition applicable to a taxyear affected by this order was part of a Master Petition, then the Petition shall be severed from the Master Petition, and it is further ORDERED that these proceedings be discontinued without costs and a copy of this Order and ^ Judgment be fi.led under the index numbers of each of the proceedings settled herein. Dated: ENTE,R, J.S.C.