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  • Trustco Bank v. Joseph Polchinski, Sustainable Neighborhoods, Llc Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Trustco Bank v. Joseph Polchinski, Sustainable Neighborhoods, Llc Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/13/2024 02:49 PM INDEX NO. 62026/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 38 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/13/2024 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER -----------------------------------------------------------------------x TRUSTCO BANK, Plaintiff(s), ORDER OF REFERENCE, COMPLIANCE CONFERENCE -against- REFEREE REPORT & ORDER JOSEPH POLCHINSKI; SUSTAINABLE Index No. 62026/2023 NEIGHBORHOODS, LLC, et al., Defendant(s). -------------------------------------------------------------------------x CORCHADO, C.A.R. In accordance with CPLR 3104, the Civil Case Management Rules of this Court and pursuant to the virtual Compliance Conference held before me on June 10, 2024, I recommend that the Court confirm the following report: Appearances: Plaintiff(s) Melissa Tobrocke, Esq. Defendant(s) No Appearance IT IS DIRECTED that disclosure shall proceed and be completed as follows: 1. Plaintiff’s motion for a default judgment and an order of reference is currently pending before the court. 2. Defendant did not appear at today’s conference and has not otherwise communicated with the court. 3. No further conferences are required. Any party failing to appear at this Conference is bound hereby. Except as otherwise specified herein, disclosure demands not raised at this Conference are deemed waived. No extensions of discovery deadlines are allowed except with this Court’s prior written approval. Noncompliance shall be grounds to strike pleadings, preclude affidavits and grant other relief consistent with the Uniform Rules, CPLR 3124 and CPLR 3126. All parties are particularly directed to comply with CPLR 3122 and Uniform Rules 202.17 (medical report exchange), .20 (interrogatories), .20-a (privilege logs), .20-b (depositions), .20-c (document production), .20-d (entity depositions), .20-e (compliance) and .20-f (discovery disputes). The parties shall appear for a Compliance Conference on N/A. The foregoing constitutes the Report of the Court Attorney-Referee. Dated: White Plains, NY June 10, 2024 _______________________________ MARGARET I. CORCHADO, C.A.R. ORDERED that Referee Corchado is duly appointed to hear and report on all issues in this action and that the foregoing Report is ratified and so-ordered. Dated: White Plains, New York June 13, 2024 _______________________________ HON. THOMAS QUIÑONES, J.S.C. 1 of 1