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  • Zuleyma Daniela Argueta AS PARENT, Osman Naun Bustamante Menocal AS PARENT, Sophia Elliana Argueta AS MINOR, Emilia Rose Argueta AS MINOR v. None Other Matters - Name Change/Sex Designation Change document preview
  • Zuleyma Daniela Argueta AS PARENT, Osman Naun Bustamante Menocal AS PARENT, Sophia Elliana Argueta AS MINOR, Emilia Rose Argueta AS MINOR v. None Other Matters - Name Change/Sex Designation Change document preview
  • Zuleyma Daniela Argueta AS PARENT, Osman Naun Bustamante Menocal AS PARENT, Sophia Elliana Argueta AS MINOR, Emilia Rose Argueta AS MINOR v. None Other Matters - Name Change/Sex Designation Change document preview
  • Zuleyma Daniela Argueta AS PARENT, Osman Naun Bustamante Menocal AS PARENT, Sophia Elliana Argueta AS MINOR, Emilia Rose Argueta AS MINOR v. None Other Matters - Name Change/Sex Designation Change document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 06/13/2024 11:16 AM INDEX NO. 614454/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/13/2024 REQUEST FORJUDICIAL INTERVENTION (rev. on SUPREME. COURT, COUNTY OF u O Index No. Date Index Issued ¤ÊXI; r 4 MlE thpÍet c tio%GD hoxÎ s .3|f e at acl c pt rffi U he IAS Entry Date Plain f( Pe o udge Assigned against- RKhled Date Defendant(s)/Respondent(s COMIN/IERICIAl NIATRisiONIAL Q Business Entity (includes corporations, partnerships, LLCs, LLPs, etc.) Q Contested Q Contract . . NOTE: If there are children under the age of 18, complete and attach the Q |nsurance (where insurance company is a party, except arbitration) RJIADDENDUM MATRIMONIAL (UCS-840M). OUCC (includes sales and negotiable instruments) For Uncontested Matrimonial actions, use the Uncontested Divorce RJI (UD-13). O Commercial Other (specify): REALPRŒPERTY Specify how many propertfes the application includes: NOTE:For Commercial Division assignment requests pursuant to 22 NxCRR 202.70(d), OCondemnation complete and attach the COMMERCIAL DIVISION RJI ADDENDUM (UCS-840C) OMortgage Foreclosure (specify): Q Residential QCommercial ORTS Property Address: Q Adult Survivors Act NOTE: For Mortgage Foreclosure actions involving a one to four-family, O Asbestos owner-occupied residential property or owner-occupied condominium, Q Environmental (specify): . complete and attach the FORECLOSURE RJI ADDENDUNI (UCS-840F). O Medical, Dental or Podiatric Malpractice O Partition OMotor yehicle NOTE:Complete and attach the PARTITIONRJI ADDENDUM (UCS-840P). O Products Liability (specify): OTax Certiorari (specify): Section: Block: Lot: O Other Negligence (specify): OTax Foreclosure O Other Professional Malpractice (specify): O Other Real Property (specify): O Other Tort (specify) OTHERMATTERS .... . SPECIALPROCEElilNGS Q Certificate of Incorporation/Dissolution [see NOTEin COMMERCIAL section] Q Child-Parent Secunty Act (spectfy). QAssisted Reproduction QSurrogacy Agreement Q Emergency Medical Treatment QCPLR 75 Article -Arbitration [see NOTEin COMMERCIAL section] O Habeas Corpus OCPLR 78 - Article Proceeding against a Body or Officer Q Local Court Appeal Q Law Election Q Mechanic's Lien OExtreme Risk Protection Order NameChange/SexDesignation Change QMHL 9.60- Article Kendra's Law O Pistol Permit Revocation Hearing OMHL 10- Article Sex Offender Confinement (specify): Olnitial OReview O Sale or Finance of Religious/Not-for-Profit Property OMHL 81 Article (Guardianship) O Other (specify): O Mental Other Hygiene (specify): O Other Special Proceeding (specify): 57 OÌ CTlÖ OlfPRUC.EÈÒlN )AntwÈ È` r OdoUè r i stiór tand eIterVdbli)rdl info&natióÜ Where indicated YES s NO Has a summonsand complaint or summonswith notice been filed? O O If yes, date filed Has a summonsand complaint or summonswith notice been served? Q If yes, date served: Is th 5 action/proceeding being filed post-Judgment? If yes, judgment dme Ñ TiJ)E ÖÚUDIClÃEINTERï/ENTION hÒbk eneyEx ni rid enter c d tio 51 nf6 rnation wher indicated. 2 O Compromise nfant's Q Extreme Risk Protection Order Application Q Note of Issue/Certificate of Readiness O Notice of Medical, Dental or Podiatric Malpractice Date Issue Joined: Q Motion Notice of . Relief Requested: Return Date: O Notice of Petition Relief Requested: Return Date: Q Order Show . to Cause Relief Requested: Return Date: Q Other Ex Parte Application Relief Requested: O Partition Settlement Conference O Poor Person Application O Request for Preliminary onference O Mortgage Residential Foreclosure Settlement Confererice O Habeas writ of Corpus O Other (specify): 1 of 2 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 06/13/2024 11:16 AM INDEX NO. 614454/2024 NYSCEF DOC. REEATED NO.List2sny CASES related act ons For Matrimonial c ases,Mt any re ted criminato RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/13/2024 if none, feave bla Eamily Cdúrt-cases. f adclitiánal space s requiredacornplete at d at.tach the RJLADDˆNDÙM (JCS 840A) APHanpne Case Title . Index/Case Number - Court Judge (if assigned) Relationship to instant case sm; ¾ Rcee ueh tWMz 9549 Coe P-l ya«or Ana+on tywéHianaAnue¾ P4B18-21 MCourt jori p-Manph owoWMt PAR ÏES Po parties Without a attorney, check the .Un Rep! box arid enter the p rty.'s abdWë s phorie nt H er and emai in thp.sgiác rö9idBS . fidditional)pace is r c uire cor lete ahd atta h t e RJI ADDENDlJM ( JCSé0A) . . . Un Parties Attorneys and Unrepresented Litigants Issue Joined Insurance Carriers Rep ist part es in same order as listed in th For represented partie , provide attorney's name, firm name, address, phone and For each defendant For each defendant caption and indicate roles (e.g., plaintifk email For unrepresen ed parties, provide party's address, phone ánd emaH. indicate if issue has indicate insurance 3" defendant, party plaintiff, been joined. carrier, if applicable. etc) Name Y).S ONO Role(s): {. zAmela.bus OYES Name VT\ ( ckff$S V , Role(s): OYES ONŒ Pf JStamGJtC., fBOCQ\ OSMCMnCwn.lClQO ofncú\.CÞN Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name:, Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): . OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO Name: Role(s): . OYES ONO Name: Role(s): OYES ONO I Al FIRM UNDERTHE PENALTYOF PER.URYTHAT, UPONINFORMATION ANDBELIEF, THEREARE NOOTHERRELATEDACTIONSORPROCEEDINGS, EXCEPTAS NOTEDABOVE, NORH/.5 A REQUESTFORJUDICIALINTERVENTIONBEENPREVIOUSLYFILED I THIS ACT N ORPROCEEDING. Dated: . RM . Signa re Number Pu) Ay and ma it»me ls Attorney Registration Na Pr osman Noun MS M&Wkhf00 2 of 2