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  • Santander Bank, N.A., v. Hidden Owl Llc D/B/A Lavitta'S, Jimmy Mariton Thomas Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • Santander Bank, N.A., v. Hidden Owl Llc D/B/A Lavitta'S, Jimmy Mariton Thomas Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • Santander Bank, N.A., v. Hidden Owl Llc D/B/A Lavitta'S, Jimmy Mariton Thomas Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • Santander Bank, N.A., v. Hidden Owl Llc D/B/A Lavitta'S, Jimmy Mariton Thomas Other Matters - Contract - Other document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/11/2024 03:45 PM INDEX NO. 155385/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/11/2024 EXHIBIT D FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/11/2024 03:45 PM INDEX NO. 155385/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/11/2024 UCCFINANCINGSTATEMEN1r OLLOWINSTRUCTIONSgront and back) CAREFULLY A.-NAME&PHONE-OF CSC CONTACT-AT-FILER 1-800-858-5294 [optionall- 22I208 -- 20220EC -2 PM 4: 30 -- B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Nameand Address) 448 06841 CSC50 DRAWDOWN Filed In: NewYOrk (S.O.S THEABOVESPACEIS FORFILING OFFICEUSEONLY 1. DEBTOR'SEXACT FULLLEGAL NAME-insertonlyanadaMornama (1sor1b).donotabbreviataorcomanenames NAMEHIDDENOWLLLC 1a. ORGANIZAHON'S 1b.IND]vlDUAL'SLASTNAME FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME SUFFIX te. MAIUNGADDRESS218 LenOxAvenue CRY STATE POSTALCODE COUNTRY NewYork NY 10027 USA 1d. SEEINSTriUCTIONS ADD'LINFO RE 1s.TYPEOFORGANlZATON OFORGANIZATION 1f.JURISDICTION 1g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID #, If any ORGANIZATION DEETOR NONE 2. ADDITONAL DEBTOR'SEXACTFULLLEGALNAME.insertenlyana deMorname(2aor 2b) -& noteMueviateorcom+ne names 2a.ORGANIZATION'sNAME LAST NAME 2b. INDIVIDUAL'S FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME SUFFlX . 2a. - 1AIUNGADDRESS CHY STATE POSTALOODE COUNTRY 2d. sEEINSTRUCTDNS ADD't INFORE 2e.TYPEOFORGANIZATION 2f.JURISDICEONOFORGAMZATION 2g.ORGANIZATIONAL ID #, If any ORGANIZATION DEBTOR NONE 3.SECUREDPARTY'SNAME(orNAMEofTOTALASSIGNEEofASSIGNORSP) (saorab) -insentonlygonsecuredpartyname Sa.ORGANIZATMS NAMESantander Bank, N.A. LAsTNAME 3b. INDIVIDUAL'S FIRSTNAME MIDDLENAME SUFFlX Sc. MAlUNGADDRESS450 Penn Street CHY STATE POSTALCODE COUN1RY Reading PA 19602 USA 4. This FINANclhtsaTATEMENTcoversthe folinwingcollateral: Specific Equipment-See attached Schedule A, together with all accessions, additiDns, TeplacernentS, and substitutIDnS relating to any Of the foregDing; all records of any kind relating to any Of the foregoing; and all proceeds relating to any of the foregoing (including insurance, general lntangibles and accounts proceeds). S. ALTERNATIVEDESIGNATION f appilcaNe : LESSEE/I.ESSOR CONSIGNEEACONSIGNOR BAILEE/BAILOR SELLERIBUYER AG. LIEN NON.UCCFibNG 6. A be orrecord](crrecc ed) In L 7. h ST SEARCHREPO o Debtor{s) M Dhi hd 8. OF110NALFILERREFERENOE DATA 2156 2448 06841 FILING OFFICECOPY - FORMUCC1)(REV. UCCFINANCINGSTATEMENT 05/22/D2) FILING NUMBER: 202212020499836