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  • Progress Residential Borrower 7 LLC vs Watkins Dispossessory* document preview
  • Progress Residential Borrower 7 LLC vs Watkins Dispossessory* document preview


Soil Action nea GWINNETT MAGISTRATE COURT STATE OF GEORGIA Date Filed iS - a FG File # 541025 Progress Residential Borrower 7, LLC Attorney’s or Plaintiff's Address & Telephone Number (833) 774-7377 , PLAINTIFF P.O. Box 451027 Atlanta, GA 31145 Shanta Watkins and All Other Occupants DEFENDANT 770-491-0522 Name and Address of Party to be Served Shanta Watkins and All Other Occupants 1065 Westmoreland Ln GARNISHEE Lawrenceville, GA 30043 COST OF SERVICE §$14.00 AoW SPECIAL AGENT’S AFFI3AVIT OF SERVICE Date of Service: © ( ol | Bory at [ ] PERSONAL Place of Service [ ] same as above; [ ] other, 2: follows: a I served this def./garnishee with a copy of the action & summons: [ ] NOTORIOUS I served Def./Garnishee by leaving a copy of the action and summons at the most notorious place.of.abode in the county: Delivered the same to. described as follows: approximate age years; approximate weight pounds; approximate height _ feet and inches, living at the residence of the defendant. [ ] CORPORATION I served the corporate entity as follows: by leaving a copy with, [ ] the registered agent; [ ] the person in charge of the office and place of business of the corporation in Gwinnett County; at [ ] same as above; [ ] the following address: [ ] Defendant; [ ] Garnishee L m ] TACK & MAIL I served the defendant by posting a copy to the door of the defendant’s premises designated above in the affidavit and, on the same day, by depositing a true copy in the mail with first class postage in an envelope properly addressed to the address shown in the summons with adequate notice to answer the summons at the place stated in the summons. [ ] NON-EST (_) The paper was recalled by the plaintiff. (__) The defendant could not be found at the addre:.s provided by the plaintiff. I, the undersigned, and being duly sworn, and under penalty of law, swear that I have personally effectuated service of process on the date, time, place and manner as set forth above and that all the fac. ; set forth are true and correct and that I have served a copy of this document which bore my printed name, exclusive of my signature us.der oath, upon the def./garnishee simultaneous with service of all documents connected with this action. ad Gq Sworn to befor x Pal a IS es day of o CAMPS ae soe Stgnature-of Process Server Fou eee + SOTARE wet. * RITA GUTIERREZ AVALOS Service perfected by: O71, tary Publig, Designated as a Special Agent for Service of Process under a standing order of this Court. 5's PUBL aaee* . n, t Hane