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  • HUANG, LU v. JIMENEZ PEREZ, ALFONSA MARIA Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview
  • HUANG, LU v. JIMENEZ PEREZ, ALFONSA MARIA Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview
  • HUANG, LU v. JIMENEZ PEREZ, ALFONSA MARIA Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview
  • HUANG, LU v. JIMENEZ PEREZ, ALFONSA MARIA Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview


ON NOTICE TO QUIT (END) POSSESSION STATE OF CONNECTICUT JD-HM-7. Rev. 4-19 SUPERIOR COURT CGS. § 47a-23 www. Cu L Instructions: 1. Complete this notice. Make sure that the person signing this notice is the owner or lessor, or the owner's or lessor's legal representative, or the owner's or lessor's attorney-at-law or in-fact. ADA NOTICE The Judicial Branch of the State of 2. Give the completed notice to a state marshal or any proper officer with enough copies for each Connecticut complies with the Americans with adult occupant and tenant you want to evict. Disabilities Act (ADA) If you need a 3. After service (delivery to the tenant(s) and occupant(s)) is made, the original Notice to Quit will reasonable accommodation in accordance be returned to you. If you do not want to include your address on this form, give this with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ADA information to the marshal or other proper officer on a separate sheet so that the officer can contact person listed at www.jud.ct. gow/ADA return the original notice to you promptly after making service. To: Name(s) of tenant(s) and occupant(s) ALFONSA MARIA JIMENEZ PEREZ, EULALIO AQUINO RINCON, CHRIS DOE, and PAT DOE Address of premises, including apartment number, if any 105 LINEN AVE, 1ST FL, BRIDGEPORT, CT 06604 You must quit (end) possession or occupancy of the premises described above and now occupied by you on or before (quit date) 05/31/2024 _ for the following reason(s) (specify). 1) NONPAYMENT OF RENT 2) LAPSE OF TIME 3) ALTHOUGH YOU ORIGINALLY HAD THE RIGHT OR PRIVILEGE TO OCCUPY THE PREMISES, SUCH RIGHT OR PRIVILEGE HAS TERMINATED 4) YOU NEVER HAD A RIGHT OR PRIVILEGE TO OCCUPY THE PREMISES PLEASE NOTE: ANY PAYMENTS TENDERED AFTER THE SERVICE OF THIS NOTICE TO QUIT WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR BACK RENT, FUTURE USE & OCCUPANCY, OR REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS AND ATTORNEYS' FEES ONLY (NOT AS CURRENT OR REINSTATEMENT RENT) WITH FULL RESERVATION OF RIGHTS TO CONTINUE AN EVICTION ACTION If you have not moved out of the premises by the date indicated oO 'e, an eviction (summary process) case may be started against you. LZ) My ff Name and title of person signing (Print or type) KENT M. MILLER, LANDLORD'S ATTORNEY Name of landlord Cw) MA Me Date signed Dated at (Town LU HUANG 05/17/2024 TRUMBULL ‘Address of person signing (Submit to proper officer on a separate sheet if desired ) PO BOX 352, STRATFORD, CT 06615 Return of Service (To be completed by officer who serves (delivers) this notice) Name(s) of person(s) served Address at which service was made On (Date of service) ALFONSA @mummm® — at EULALIO MARIA AQUINO JIMENEZ abode RINCON PEREZ 105 LINEN AVE BRIDGEPORT, 105 LINEN AVE CT 1st 06604 1st FL FL Sfalfat __ ees Copy Gum - at abode BRIDGEPORT, CT 06604 CHRIS DOE 105 LINEN AVE ist FL Endorsement oe blo Norma aU (ol dels) a1) | ofel Mel ged ONLINE LEGAL HELP Go 2-1-1 HELPLINE GUIDE AND FORM FILLER EVICTION PREVENTION FUND to to Call 211 for information and Go to to learn Check your eligibility for UniteCT’s learn about the eviction referrals for housing, utility, about the eviction process Eviction Prevention Fund by visiting process and how torespond and food assistance or go to and prepare court forms for to eviction notices. your case. forms/eviction_prevention Varo dre) a) Usted esta en riesgo El estado de Connecticut ha creado el programa “Derecho a un Abogado” a A de perder su hogar o su subsidio de (CT-RTC, por sus siglas en inglés) con el fin de brindar representacion juridica gratuita a inquilinos de bajos ingresos vivienda. Estamos que corran riesgo de desalojo 0 pérdida del subsidio de vivienda i aqui para ayudarle. El programa comenzé el 31 de enero de 2022 en un numero limitado de comunidades y continuaré expandiéndose. faa rae Ever lekelp aeraeaii rene fon: ialeselre) yan ie (pe Pe ES h bY.S eee es (olass _ ASISTENCIA LEGAL LINEA DE ASISTENCIA 2-1- | GUIA PARA COMPLETAR FONDO PREVENTIVO 20R INTERNET Para informacion y FORMULARIOS DE DESALOJOS “site derivaciones a programas Visite para Para verificar si retine los sara obtener informacién sobre de asistencia con el alquiler, || obtener informacién sobre el requisitos para recibir asistencia I proceso de desalojo y como servicios ptiblicos y alimentos, proceso de desalojo y como del Fondo Preventivo de esponder a una notificaci6n lame al 211 or visite completar los formularios Desalojos de UniteCT, visite judiciales. edesalojo. forms/eviction_prevention fn fag ley} a i