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  • Chirag S Chaman v. Raju Mirchandani Torts - Other (Witness Tampering, Defam.) document preview
  • Chirag S Chaman v. Raju Mirchandani Torts - Other (Witness Tampering, Defam.) document preview
  • Chirag S Chaman v. Raju Mirchandani Torts - Other (Witness Tampering, Defam.) document preview
  • Chirag S Chaman v. Raju Mirchandani Torts - Other (Witness Tampering, Defam.) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/11/2024 04:33 PM INDEX NO. 155362/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/11/2024 EXHIBIT D FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/11/2024 04:33 PM INDEX NO. 155362/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/11/2024 M emaii Chirag Chaman Fw: Ongoing costs and aggravations Arun Mirchandani Sat, Jun 8, 2024 at 7:34 AM To: Chirag Chaman Chirag - Please see below. To avoid any further lashing out from him towards me an/or the family, please do not snd me any subpoenas as I will not be providing any information. These types of emails compying all family members continue to happen, and is continuing to cause further grief to all, including my 102 year old grandmother - even if she can't say it. ____________________________________________________________ Arun Mirchandani | Mobile: +1.917.362.8927 | Please consider the environment before printing this email. ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Raju M To: Shobha Shahani ; Kiki Shahani Cc: Kishore Mirchandani ; Arun Mirchandani ; Maya ; Cell Russ Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 04:09:18 AM EDT Subject: Ongoing costs and aggravations Hi Shobha, My feelings are the same as yours regarding our dear Mother's health and welfare. My goal is to see her celebrate and enjoy her 102nd Birthday. As you know, it is costing me $1500 per week to maintain her night care, separate from your $400 contribution. Please do not forget that I cover all yearly household expenses, in excess of $70k. My entire outlay is $120k annually. Keep in mind that I have borne the bulk of financially supporting our Mother for over 40+ years. The amount is in the millions. Neither you, Kishore, nor Arun nor any other family member have contributed anything close to these numbers in support of her. As expressed before in prior emails and conversations, my elevated net worth should not be taken advantage of by my very own family. We should all do our part to proportionally contribute to our Mother's food, shelter, clothing and well-being (as I have have done for other family members in the past). If you have a better solution to share expenses with the family, then please let me know? As for your recent text about the bed, I refuse to pay an Aide to sleep when they are meant to be awake and alert. None of my staff sleep on the job, nor make any where near what the helpers are earning (especially while sleeping!). Also, please consider my past and present financial burdens to settle family dramas, as well as recover loans from family and "friends". My generous Settlement Agreement with Kishore and Arun was originally done to make peace, and have family finally exit my businesses and properties. Meanwhile, I continue to chase CC- and now Arun- for half a million dollars owed to me. My nephew has unwisely chosen to join his buddy in a Florida entity, in an effort to shirk financial responsibility. CC continues his misguided efforts to destroy our family. Despite aggravations caused by family and their friends, I maintain a clear conscience as to maintaining the very best care for our Mother, with zero responsibility for any blame from my own family. Also, I continue to stay positive expanding my business brand in Florida, Cyprus and Turks and Caicos. Hope you understand? Let me know if anything in this message does not reflect reality? Looking forward to hearing from you Cheers, Raju