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  • TREA Centric Gateway LLC VS Chelsea Wagner Civil Magistrate Summary Ejectment document preview
  • TREA Centric Gateway LLC VS Chelsea Wagner Civil Magistrate Summary Ejectment document preview
  • TREA Centric Gateway LLC VS Chelsea Wagner Civil Magistrate Summary Ejectment document preview
  • TREA Centric Gateway LLC VS Chelsea Wagner Civil Magistrate Summary Ejectment document preview


File No STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA In The Generat Court Of Justice a MECKLENBURG County t District Court Division Small Claims - Plaintiffs) TREA Centric Gateway LLC MAGISTRATE SUMMONS dba Centric Gateway 2024 HAY 20 II] BLIAS AND PLURIES SUMMONS (ASSESS FEE) VERSUS G.S. 1A-1, Rule 4; 7A-217, -232 Defendant(s) Date Original Summons Issued Chelsea Wagner Date(s) Subsequent Summons(es) Issued TO TO Name And Address Of Defendant 1 Name And Address Of Defendant 2 Chelsea Wagner 1010 West Trade St. Apt 440 CHARLOTTE NC 28202 Telephone No. Of Defendant 1 Telephone No. Of Defendant 2 N/A IMPORTANT! You have been sued! These papers are legal documents, DO NOT throw these papers out! You may want to talk with a lawyer about your case as soon as possible, and, if needed, speak with someone who reads English and can translate these papers! jIMPORTANTE! jSe ha entablado un proceso civil en su contra! Estos papeles son documentos legales. jNO TIRE estos papeles! jPuede querer consultar con un abogado lo antes posible acerca de su caso y, de ser necesario, hablar con alguien que lea inglés y que pueda traducir estos documentos! A Small Claim Action Has Been Commenced Against You! You are notified to appear before the magistrate at the specified date, time, and location of trial listed below. You will have the opportunity at the trial to defend yourself against the claim stated in the attached complaint. You may file a written answer, making defense to the claim, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court at any time before the time set for trial. If you fail to appear and defend against the proof offered, the magistrate may enter a judgment against you. Date Of Trial Time Of Trial Location Of Court 6/13/2024 11:00 [XJam (Jem 832 E 4th St., Courtroom 2330, Charlotte, NC Name And Address Of Plaintif Or Plaintifs Attorney 5¥PI024 8:24:39 am TREA Centric Gateway LLC d/b/a Ce ateway 1010 W. Trade Street Charlotte NC Deputy CSC Assistant CSC Clerk Of Superior Court 2 ry (Over) AOC-CVM-100, Rev. 12/23 © 2023 Administrative Office of the Courts RETURN Ur SERVICE : | certify that this summons and a copy of the complaint were received and served as follows: DEFENDANT 1 Date Served Time Served Name Of Defendant Olam Oem Chelsea Wagner [] By delivering to the defendant named above a copy of the summons and complaint. By leaving a copy of the summons and complaint at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the defendant named above with a person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein, who is named below. [] As the defendant is a corporation, service was effected by delivering a copy of the summons and complaint to the person named below. Name And Address Of Person With Whom Copy Left {if corporation, give title of person copy left with) [] Acceptance of service Summons and com Saint received b : Defendant 1. Date Accepted Signature Other: (type or pr7nt name) Other manner of service (specify) [] Defendant WAS NOT served for the following reason: DEFENDANT 2 Date Served Time Served Name Of Defendant [Jam Cem By delivering to the defendant named above a copy of the summons and complaint. [_] By leaving a copy of the summons and complaint at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the defendant named above with a person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein, who is named below. [] As the defendant is a corporation, service was effected by delivering a copy of the summons and complaint to the person named below. Name And Address Of Person With Whom Copy Left (if corporation, give title of person copy left with) [] Acceptance of service Summons and com laint received b : Defendant 2. Date Accepted Signature Other: [tee or pr nt name) [] Other manner of service (specify) [] Defendant WAS NOT served for the following reason: Service was made by mailing by first class mail a copy of the summons and complaint to the defendant(s) and FOR USE IN byposting A copy of the summons and complaint at the following premises: SUMMARY Datd I Uns / Name Serveg By EJECTMENT CASES ONLY: Addres& Of Premises Where Paste Service Fee S gnature OfMeputy Making Reférn $ Date Received ear / L~ Name Of Deputy Sherif Making Retirn (type or print) B. McCay - X5069 Date Of Return County Of Sheriff on U AOC-CVM-100, Side Two, Rev. 12/23 © 2023 Administrative Office of the Courts