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  • JAMES NUTLAND v. THOMAS HUTCHINSONTort document preview
  • JAMES NUTLAND v. THOMAS HUTCHINSONTort document preview
  • JAMES NUTLAND v. THOMAS HUTCHINSONTort document preview
  • JAMES NUTLAND v. THOMAS HUTCHINSONTort document preview
  • JAMES NUTLAND v. THOMAS HUTCHINSONTort document preview
  • JAMES NUTLAND v. THOMAS HUTCHINSONTort document preview
  • JAMES NUTLAND v. THOMAS HUTCHINSONTort document preview
  • JAMES NUTLAND v. THOMAS HUTCHINSONTort document preview


lsrz024 6:49:02 PM. Superior Coutt of the District of Columbia IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Civil Division JAMES NUTLAND 1511 Dane Wood Ct Crofton, MD 21114 Plaintiff, Vv. Case No.: 2024-CAB-003581 THOMAS HUTCHINSON 1030 Taussing Pl NE Washington, DC 20017 Defendant. COMPLAINT COMES NOW the Plaintiff, James Nutland, by and through counsel, Zachary M. Lipp and| Wingfield, Ginsburg & Lipp P.C. and moves this Honorable Court for Judgment against the} Defendant Thomas Hutchinson on the grounds and in the amounts set forth below: 1 On or about April 11, 2022, at approximately 09:45 a.m., Plaintiff James Nutland| (hereinafier, “Plaintiff”), was riding his bike with due care that was traveling at or near Divinity Way and Shrine East in Washington, District of Columbia. At all times relevant, the Plaintiff was neither negligent nor contributorily negligent, nor did he assume the risk of such injuries and! damages. 2 At said time and place, Defendant Thomas Hutchinson (hereinafter, “Defendant”, was also operating a vehicle at or near Divinity Way and Shrine East in Washington, District off Columbia. 3 At said time and place, a collision occurred when the Defendant failed to yield the right of way to Plaintiff’s and struck the Plaintiff’s while he was riding his bike causing injuries and damages. 4 Atsaid time and place, it was the duty of the Defendant to operate his motor vehicle] in a manner free from negligence and with due regard for the safety of other persons on the roadway, including the Plaintiff. 5 Notwithstanding these duties, the Defendant negligently and carelessly operated his motor vehicle, so as to cause a collision with the Plaintiff’s vehicle. 6 The Defendant was negligent in the operation of his vehicle by failing to obey a red traffic light, failing to yield to traffic with a green light, failing to pay full time and attention to the operation of his vehicle, failing to look to avoid the collision, failing to exercise reasonable care in the operation of her vehicle, failing to avoid a collision, failing to maintain a proper lookout] failing to brake timely, failing to drive at a reasonable speed, and otherwise by operating he vehicle in a negligent and careless manner in violation of the traffic rules and regulations then and there in effect. 7 As a direct and proximate result of the Defendant’s negligence, Plaintiff sustained serious and permanent bodily injuries, great physical pain and suffering, and severe mental anguis! and emotional distress, sustained property damage including substantial and significant damage to| Plaintiff’s vehicle, incurred and continues to incur expenses for physician treatment hospitalization, and other medical care and treatment, lost and continues to lose time and mone’ from his employment, including loss of earnings and earning capacity, loss of enjoyment of hig usual pursuit and pastimes, sustained and continues to sustain pain, suffering and discomfort, and was otherwise injured and damaged. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff James Nutland demands judgment against the Defendant] Thomas Hutchinson in the sum of not less the TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND) DOLLARS ($250,000.00) plus interest and costs. Respectfully submitted, WINGFIELD, GINSBURG & LIPP, P.C. /s/ Zachary M. Lipp Zachary M. Lipp, Esquire, Esq., #1007073 Wingfield, Ginsburg & Lipp P.C. 700 Sth Street, N.W. Suite 300 Washington, DC 20001 202-789-8000 Counsel for Plaintiff IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Civil Division JAMES NUTLAND 1511 Dane Wood Ct Crofton, MD 21114 Plaintiff, Vv. Case No.: THOMAS HUTCHINSON 1030 Taussing Pl NE Washington, DC 20017 Defendant. JURY DEMAND Plaintiff James Nutland hereby demands trial by ajury of six (6). /s/ Zachary M. Lipp Zachary M. Lipp, Esquire, Esq., #1007073 Sok ~83 Superior Court of the District of Columbia es CIVIL DIVISION O Civil Actions Branch 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 5000 Washington, D.C. 20001 Ly) Telephone: (202) 879-1133 Website: JAMES NUTLAND Plaintiff vs. Case Number 2024-CAB-003581 THOMAS HUTCHINSON Defendant SUMMONS To the above named Defendant: You are hereby summoned and required to serve an Answer to the attached Complaint, either personally or through an attorney, within twenty one (21) days after service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you are being sued as an officer or agency of the United States Government or the District of Columbia Government, you have sixty (60) days after service of this summons to serve your Answer. A copy of the Answer must be mailed to the attorney for the plaintiff who is suing you. The attorney’s name and address appear below. If plaintiff has no attorney, a copy of the Answer must be mailed to the plaintiff at the address stated on this Summons. You are also required to file the original Answer with the Court in Suite 5000 at 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays or between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on Saturdays. You may file the original Answer with the Court either before you serve a copy of the Answer on the plaintiff or within seven (7) days after you have served the plaintiff. If you fail to file an Answer, judgment by default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. Zachary M. Lipp Clerk of the Court ee : iy Name of Plaintiff's Attorney 700 5th Street, N.W. Suite 300 By Address Deputy Clerk %, Washington, DC 20001 = ap tt we 202-789-8000 Date June 7, 2024 Telephone SOFRERE, i847 BE (202) 879-4828 Veuillez appeler au (202) 879-4828 pour une traduction é c6 mot bai dich, hay goi (202) 879-4828 Hote Alot Ape, (202)879-4828H MSE AIAS PAMICT PCV ATITT (202) 879-4828 LOW IMPORTANT: IF YOU FAIL TO FILE AN ANSWER WITHIN THE TIME STATED ABOVE, OR IF, AFTER YOU ANSWER, YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AT ANY TIME THE COURT NOTIFIES YOU TO DO SO, A JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU FOR THE MONEY DAMAGES OR OTHER RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE COMPLAINT. IF THIS OCCURS, YOUR WAGES MAY BE ATTACHED OR WITHHELD OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OR REAL ESTATE YOU OWN MAY BE TAKEN AND SOLD TO PAY THE JUDGMENT. IF YOU INTEND TO OPPOSE THIS ACTION, DO NOT FAIL TO ANSWER WITHIN THE REQUIRED TIME. Tf you wish to talk to a lawyer and feel that you cannot afford to pay a fee to a lawyer, promptly contact one of the offices of the Legal Aid Society (202-628-1161) or the Neighborhood Legal Services (202-279-5100) for help or come to Suite 5000 at 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., for more information concerning places where you may ask for such help. See reverse side for Spanish translation Vea al dorso la traduccion al espajiol CV-3110 [Rev. June 2017] Super. Ct. Civ. R. 4 TRIBUNAL SUPERIOR DEL DISTRITO DE COLUMBIA Se DIVISION CIVIL Seccién de Acciones Civiles 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 5000, Washington, D.C. 20001 Sy SR S Teléfono: (202) 879-1133 Sitio web: Fog 60° Demandante contra Ntimero de Caso: Demandado CITATORIO Al susodicho Demandado: Por la presente se le cita a comparecer y se le require entregar una Contestacion a la Demanda adjunta, sea en persona o por medio de un abogado, en el plazo de veintitin (21) dias contados después que usted haya recibido este citatorio, excluyendo el dia mismo de la entrega del citatorio. Si usted esta siendo demandado en calidad de oficial o agente del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica o del Gobierno del Distrito de Columbia, tiene usted sesenta (60) dias, contados después que usted haya recibido este citatorio, para entregar su Contestacién. Tiene que enviarle por correo una copia de su Contestacién al abogado de la parte demandante. El nombre y direccién del abogado aparecen al final de este documento. Si el demandado no tiene abogado, tiene que enviarle al demandante una copia de la Contestacién por correo a la direccién que aparece en este Citatorio. A usted también se le require presentar la Contestacion original al Tribunal en la Oficina 5000, sito en 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., entre las 8:30 a.m. y 5:00 p.m., de lunes a viernes 0 entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 12:00 del mediodia los sabados. Usted puede presentar la Contestacién original ante el Juez ya sea antes que usted le entregue al demandante una copia de la Contestacién o en el plazo de siete (7) dias de haberle hecho la entrega al demandante. Si usted incumple con presentar una Contestacion, podria dictarse un fallo en rebeldia contra usted para que se haga efectivo el desagravio que se busca en la demanda. SECRETARIO DEL TRIBUNAL Nombre del abogado del Demandante Por: Direccién Subsecretario Fecha Teléfono ‘075 HE, WHIT BAK (202) 879-4828 Veuillez appeler au (202) 879-4828 pour une traduction Dé c6 mot bai hay goi (202) 879-4828 taee> late ITE 202) 879-4828 SSSAMNGo PATICS TCV ATITT (202) 879-4828 Lea IMPORTANTE: SI USTED INCUMPLE CON PRESENTAR UNA CONTESTACION EN EL PLAZO ANTES MENCIONADO O, SI LUEGO DE CONTESTAR, USTED NO COMPARECE CUANDO LE AVISE EL JUZGADO, PODRIA DICTARSE UN FALLO EN REBELDIA CONTRA USTED PARA QUE SE LE COBRE LOS DANOS Y PERJUICIOS U OTRO DESAGRAVIO QUE SE BUSQUE EN LA DEMANDA. SI ESTO OCURRE, PODR{A RETENERSELE SUS INGRESOS, O PODRIA TOMARSELE SUS BIENES PERSONALES O BIENES RAICES Y SER VENDIDOS PARA PAGAR EL FALLO. SI USTED PRETENDE OPONERSE A ESTA ACCION, NO DEJE DE CONTESTAR LA DEMANDA DENTRO DEL PLAZO EXIGIDO. Si desea conversar con un abogado y le parece que no puede pagarle a uno, llame pronto a una de nuestras oficinas del Legal Aid Society (202-628-1161) o el Neighborhood Legal Services (202-279-5100) para pedir ayuda o venga a la Oficina 5000 del 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., para informarse sobre otros lugares donde puede pedirayuda al respecto. Vea al dorso el original en inglés See reverse side for English original CV-3110 [Rev. June 2017] Super. Ct. Civ. R. 4 Superior Court of the District of Columbia CIVIL DIVISION- CIVIL ACTIONS BRANCH INFORMATION SHEET 2024-CAB-003581 JAMES NUTLAND Case Number: vs Date: THOMAS HUTCHINSON (F One of the defendants is being sued in their official capacity. Name: (Please Print) Relationship to Lawsuit Zachar M. Lipp, Esq. [X] Attorney for Plaintiff Firm Name: Wingfield, Ginsburg & Lipp PC. OC Self (Pro Se) Telephone No.: Six digit Unified Bar No.: C Other: (202) 789-8000 1007073 TYPE OF CASE: [1 Non-Jury CX) 6 Person Jury © 12 Person Jury Demand: $ Other: PENDING CASE(S) RELATED TO THE ACTION BEING FILED Case No.: Judge: Calendar #: Case No.: Judge: Calendar#: NATURE OF SUIT: (Check One Box Only) A. CONTRACTS COLLECTION CASES (2 01 Breach of Contract (1 14 Under $25,000 Pltf. Grants Consent [1] 16 Under $25,000 Consent Denied (© 02 Breach of Warranty (2 17 OVER $25,000 Pitf. Grants Consent] 18 OVER $25,000 Consent Denied (F 06 Negotiable Instrument © 27 Insurance/Subrogation (7126 Insurance/Subrogation [J 07 Personal Property Over $25,000 Pitf. Grants Consent Over $25,000 Consent Denied [1 13 Employment Discrimination (7 07 Insurance/Subrogation (2434 Insurance/Subrogation [1 15 Special Education Fees Under $25,000 Pltf. Grants Consent Under $25,000 Consent Denied 28 Motion to Confirm Arbitration Award (Collection Cases Only) B. PROPERTY TORTS © 01 Automobile 03 Destruction ofPrivate Property (1 05 Trespass C2 02 Conversion (J) 04 Property Damage (F 07 Shoplifting, D.C. Code § 27-102 (a) C. PERSONAL TORTS 1 01 Abuse of Process 1 10 Invasion of Privacy (117 Personal Injury- (Not Automobile, (J 02 Alienation of Affection (2 11 Libel and Slander Not Malpractice) 03 Assault and Battery (2 12 Malicious Interference 18Wrongful Death (Not Malpractice) 04 Automobile- Personal Injury © 13 Malicious Prosecution (2119 Wrongfal Eviction [1 05 Deceit (Misrepresentation) Oo 4 Malpractice Legal 2 20 Friendly Suit [C06 False Accusation [2215 Malpractice Medical (Including Wrongful Death) (2121 Asbestos (1 07 False Arrest [J 16 Negligence- (Not Automobile, [2 22 Toxic/Mass Torts (2 08 Fraud Not Malpractice) (23 Tobacco (24 Lead Paint SEE REVERSE SIDE AND CHECK HERE IF USED CV-496/June 2015 Information Sheet, Continued C. OTHERS [1 01 Accounting (71 17 Merit Personnel Act (OEA) (J 02 Att. Before Judgment (D.C. Code Title 1, Chapter 6) ([1 05 Ejectment (C1 18 Product Liability 7109 Special Writ/Warrants (DC Code § 11-941) (7) 24 Application to Confirm, Modify, (1110 Traffic Adjudication Vacate Arbitration Award (DC Code § 16-4401) (1 11 writ of Replevin [1 29 Merit Personnel Act (OHR) ([J 12 Enforce Mechanics Lien [1 31 Housing Code Regulations (5 16 Declaratory Judgment (7 22 Qui Tam (21 33 Whistleblower IL [1 03 Change of Name [1 15 Libel of Information [) 21 Petition for Subpoena (21 06 Foreign Judgment/Domestic (1 19 Enter Administrative Order as [Rule 28-I (b)] (21 08 Foreign Judgment/International Judgment [ D.C. Code § [5 22 Release Mechanics Lien (CJ 13 Correction of Birth Certificate 2-1802.03 (h) or 32-151 9 (a)] LE 23 Rule 27(a)(1) [1 14 Correction of Marriage 20 Master Meter (D.C. Code § (Perpetuate Testimony) Certificate 42-3301, et seq.) 5 24 Petition for Structured Settlement [ 26 Petition for Civil Asset Forfeiture (Vehicle) (J) 25 Petition for Liquidation [27 Petition for Civil Asset Forfeiture (Currency) [5 28 Petition for Civil Asset Forfeiture (Other) D. REAL PROPERTY [509 Real Property-Real Estate (2108 Quiet Title [J 12 Specific Performance (2125 Liens: Tax / Water Consent Granted [1 04 Condemnation (Eminent Domain) (2130 Liens: Tax / Water Consent Denied [J 10 Mortgage Foreclosure/Judicial Sal (1 31 Tax Lien Bid Off Certificate Consent Granted [5 11 Petition for Civil Asset Forfeiture (RP) /s/ zachary M. Lipp June 6th 2024 Attorney’s Signature Date CV-496/ June 2015