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  • Cape Ann Savings Bank, As Personal Representative Of The Estate Of Karin Gale vs. Cunningham, Iii, John D. et al Conribution or Indemnification document preview
  • Cape Ann Savings Bank, As Personal Representative Of The Estate Of Karin Gale vs. Cunningham, Iii, John D. et al Conribution or Indemnification document preview
  • Cape Ann Savings Bank, As Personal Representative Of The Estate Of Karin Gale vs. Cunningham, Iii, John D. et al Conribution or Indemnification document preview
  • Cape Ann Savings Bank, As Personal Representative Of The Estate Of Karin Gale vs. Cunningham, Iii, John D. et al Conribution or Indemnification document preview


Date Filed 6/7/2024 2:54 PM Superior Court - Essex Docket Number horvitz&ctrischpe CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTAN1 LLP. wit ~ RECEIVED Karin S. Gale Four Cambridge Avenue Gloucester, MA 01930 May 18, 2021 Dear Kari It was a pleasure to talk with you last week. J am very sorry to learn of your serious medical issues and will try to be of assistance. You have asked for my advice relating to the portion of the IRA left to you by your late husband, Justin E. Gale (Jud”). You have shared with me the relevant portion of your ante-nuptial agreement and told me about your difficulties with Morgan Stanley in dealing with your [RA. {explained to you that I am both a CPA and a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). You have told me that you and Jud had planned to pay off the mortgage on the Cambridge Avenue home (approximately $315,000) and the car loan (approximately $10,000), which you have recently done, from the approximately $900,000 sent to your Bank of America account by Morgan Stanley. You have also told me that with your worsening health that you presently have medical/home care expenses of approximately $3,500 per month, which you expect will increase as you are able to do less for yourself Additionally, you have the continuing and increasing expenses for the house which are approximately $37,000 per year. 1 am sure that your late husband wanted you to be cared for and provided a share of his IRA for your benefit. However, with his death, the income available to you is very much diminished, One of the consequences of taking money out of an IRA is that income taxes need to be paid both to the Federal and State governments. These income taxes are going to be due whenever the funds are withdrawn, now or later. You have already used part of your [RA inheritance to pay off the loans and you will continue to need money for your ongoing health care needs and expenses. Your tax preparer has calculated that income taxes of approximately $244,000 (Federal) and $40,000 (State) will be due and advised making estimated payments. The ante-nuptial agreement had a provision that called for naming Jud’s four children as beneficiaries of any remaining funds in the IRA at your death. As the owner of the [RA, you have the right to withdraw all of the funds and use them for whatever purposes you choose, provided you pay the income taxes on the distributions Even though your medical prognosis is not good, no one knows how much care you will need or its cost. 28 Mair Street, Glowcest M husetts 1930. fel 978 2B} 2639 ac OF cpavhorvi cont Date Filed 6/7/2024 2:54 PM Superior Court - Essex Docket Number Page 2 of 2 Karin 8. Gale May 18, 2021 { have looked at the materials forwarded to you about late contributions and rollovers. You have told me that you are concerned to avoid involvement with the IRS on this issue. My advice is to not initiate the late contribution process, particularly since you have already used these funds for the loan payoffs, and you will need to pay the income taxes due on the distribution. Most importantly, you need to have the remaining funds available for your current and future care needs, [am hopeful this advice is helpful, and 1 wish you all the best. Very truly yours, HORVITZ & FRISCH, P.C. —toued Daceh Howard M. Frisch Certified Public Accountant, Certified Financial Planner AME/mr ce: Attorney John Cunningham