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  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Sam P Thomas Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Sam P Thomas Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Sam P Thomas Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Sam P Thomas Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Sam P Thomas Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Sam P Thomas Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Sam P Thomas Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Bank Of America, N.A. v. Sam P Thomas Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/06/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 63549/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/06/2024 Exhibit A FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/06/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 63549/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/06/2024 custonier sen,ice Inforniation: B A NK OF A ME R I CA 1.800.421.2110 Mail billing inquiries to: P.O.BOX15284 Bank of America DE 19850 WILMINGTON, P.O. Box 672050 Dallas TX 75267-2050 Mail payment to: Bank of America P.O. Box 15019 Wilmington DE 19886-5019 SAMP THOMAS 331 N BROADWAY YONKERSNY 10701-2404 Account# 6080 - February 27 March 26, 2023 Account Summary/Payment Information NewBalance Total $6,081.50 Current Payment Due $186.00 Previous Balance $5,954.64 Past Due Amount $1,434.00 Payments and Other Credits $0.00 Total Minimum Payment Due $1,620.00 Purchases and Adjustments $0.00 Payment Due Date 04/23/2023 Fees Charged $0.00 Interest Charged $126.86 NewBalance Total Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your Total Minimum $6,081.50 Payment by the date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee of up to Total Credit Line $5,00000 $39.00 and your APRs may be increased up to the Penalty APR of 29.99%. Total Credit Available $0.00 Total Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the Total Minimum Cash Credit Line $1,500.00 Payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you Portion of Credit Available longer to pay off your balance. For example: for Cash $0.00 If you make no additional You will payoff the And you will end up Statement Closing Date 03/26/2023 charges using thi[ card balance shown on this paying an estirnated Days in Billing Cycle 28 and each month you pay statement in about total of Only the Total 20 years $15,436.00 Minimum Payment If you would like information about credit counseling services, call 866.300.5238. BANKOFAMERICA Account Number: 6080 P.O. BOX15019 WILMINGTON DE 19886-5019 Payment Due Date 04/23/2023 New Balance Total $6,081.50 Total Minimum Payment Due $1,620.00 SAMP THOMAS Enter payment amount 331 N BROADWAY YONKERSNY 10701-2404 For change of address/phone number, see reverse side. Make your payment online at or Mail this coupon along with your check payable to: Bank of America FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/06/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 63549/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/06/2024 SAMP THOMAS | Account # 6080 I February 27 - March 26, 2023 o04 - coo - o00 - G IMPORTANTINFORMATION ABOUTTHIS ACCOUNT PAYlNGINTEREST- Wewill not charge interest on Purchases on the next SUBJECTTO INTERESTRATE CALCULATIONOFBALANCES statement if you pay the New Balance Total in full by the Payment Due Date, Average Daily Balance Method (including new Purchases): Wecalculate and you had paid in full by the previous Payment Due Date. Wewill begin separate Balances Subject to an Interest Rate for Purchases and for each charging interest on Balance Transfers and CashAdvances on the transaction Introductory or Promotional Offer balance consisting of Purchases. Wedo this date. by: (1) calculating a daily balance for each day in the billing cycle; (2) adding all COMPUTATION TOTALINTERESTCHARGE - Interest Charges accrúe and the daily balances together; and (3) dividing the sum of the daily balances by are compounded on a daily basis. To determine the Interest Charges, wé the number of days in the billing cycle. multiply each Balance Subject to Interest Rate by its applicable Daily Periodic To calculate the daily balance for each day in this statement's billing cycle, we: by the number of days in the billing cy le. To Rate and that result is multiplied (1) take the beginning balance; (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily determine the total Interest Charge for the billing cycle, we add the Periodic Periodic Rate multiplied by the previous day's daily balance; (3) add new Rate Interest Charges together. A Daily Periodic Rate is calculated by dividing Purchases, new Account Fees, and new Transaction Fees; and (4) subtract an Annual Percentage Rate by 365. applicable payments and credits. If any daily balance is less than zero we treat HOWWEALLOCATE YOURPAYMENTS - Payments are allocated to it as zero. posted balances. If your account has balances with different APRs. we will Average Balance Method (including new Balance Transfers and new Cash allocate the amount of your payment equal to the Total Minimum Paynient Due Advances): Wecalculate separate Balances Subject to an Interest Rate for to the lowest APR balances first (including transactions madeafter thisi Balance Transfers, Cash Advances, and for each Introductory or Promotional statement). Payment amounts in excess of your Total MinimumPaymerit Due Offer balance consisting of Balance Transfers or Cash Advances. Wedo this by: wiH be applied to balances with higher APRsbefore balances with lower APRs. (1) calculating a daily balance for each day in this statement's billing cycle; (2) INFORMATIONABOUTPAYMENTS IMPORTANT BY PHONE- When calculating a daily balance for each day prior to this statement's billing cycle balance" - that had a "Pre-Cycle a Pre-Cycle balance is a Balance Transfer or a using the optional Pay-by-Phone service, you authorize us to initiate an electronic payment from your account at the financial institution you designate. CashAdvance with a transaction date prior to this statement's billing cycle but You must authorize the amount and timing of each payment. For your with a posting date within this statement's billing cycle; (3) adding all the daily protection, we will ask for security information. To cancel, call us before the balances together; and (4) dividing the sum of the daily balances by the number scheduled payment date. Same-day payments cannot be edited or candeled. of days in this statement's billing cycle. YOURCREDITLINES - The Total Credit Line is the amount of credit To calculate the daily balance for each day in this statement's billing cycle, we: available for the account; however, only a portion of that is available for Bank (1) take the beginning balance; (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily Cash Advances. The Cash Credit Line is that amount you have available for by the previous day's daily balance; (3) add new Periodic Rate multiplied Bank Cash Advances. Generally, Bank CashAdvances consist of ATMCash Balance Transfers, new CashAdvances and Transaction Fees; and (4) subtract Advances, Over the Counter (OTC) Cash Advances, Same-Day Online Cash applicable payments and credits. If any daily balance is less than zero we treat Overdraft Protection Cash Advances, Cash Equivalents, and Advances, it as zero. transaction fees. applicable To calculate a daily balance for each day prior to this statement's billing cycle MISCELl-ANEOUS- Promotional Rate End Date: This date is based on a that had a Pre-Cycle balance: (1) we take the beginning balance attributable future statement closing date. If you change your payment due date, this date Solely to Pre-Cycle balance (which will be zero on the transaction date of the could change. The New Balance Total which appears on this statement is not a first Pre-Cycle balance); (2) add an amount equal to the applicable Daily payoff amount and may be subject to additional interest charges whenyou pay Periodic Rate multiplied by the previous day's daily balance; (3) and add only the applicable Pre-Cycle balances and their related Transaction Fees. We in full after your statement closing date. Please contact the customer service number located on the front of this statement for a pay-off amount. Virtual exclude from this calculation all transactions posted in previous billing cycles. cards are the digital form of your eligible physical credit cards stored within a digital wallet. For the complete terms and conditions of your account, consult your Credit © 2023 Bank of America Corporation Card Agreement. This account is issued and administered by Bank of America. Bank of America is a registered trademark of Bank of America Corporation. PAYMENTS - Wecredit mailed payments as of the date received, if the payment is: (1) received by 5 p.m. local time at the address shown on the remittance portion of your monthly statement; (2) paid with a check drawn in U.S. dollars on a U.S. fmancial institution or a U.S.dollar moneyorder; and (3) sent in the return envelope with only the remittance portion of your statement accompanying it. Payments received by mail after 5 15.m.local time at the remittance address on any day including the Payment Due Date, but that otherwise meet the above requirements, will be credited as of the next day. Payments madeonline or by phone will be credited as of the date of receipt if madeby 5 p.m. Central. Credit for any other payments may be delayed up to five days. Cash payments madewith our tellers will only be accepted with a valid identification (ID). No payment shall operate as an accord and satisfaction without the prior written approval of one of our Senior Officers. Weprocess most payment checks electronically by using the information found on your check. Each check authorizes us to create a one-time electronic funds transfer (or process it as a check or paper draft). Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the sameday we receive your payment Checks are not returned to you. If you have authorized us to pay your credit card bill automatically from your savings or checking account with us, you can stop the payment on any amount you think is wrong. To stop payment, your letter must reach us at least three business days before the automatic payment is scheduled to occur. Change of Address/PhorÅe number: Online at Please do not add imy written communication in this space. AB FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/06/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 63549/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/06/2024 SAMP THOMAS I Account # 6080 | February 27 - March 26, 2023 Transactions Transaction Posting Reference Account Date Date Description Number Number Amount Total Interest Charged 03/26 03/26 INTEREST CHARGED ONPURCHASES 126.86 03/26 03/26 INTEREST CHARGED ONBALANCE TRANSFERS, 0.00 03/26 03/26 INTEREST CHARGED ON DIR DEP&CHKCASHAD,V 0.00 03/26 03/26 ONBANKCASHADVANCES INTEREST CHARGED 0.00 TOTALINTERESTCHARGED FORTHIS PERIOD $126.86 Total fees charged in 2023 $78.00 Total interest charged in 2023 $393.58 Interest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. Type of Annual Promotional Promotional Promotional Balance Interest Balance Percentage Transaction Offer ID Rate End Subject to Charges by Rate Type Date Interest Transaction Rate Type Purchases 27.49%V $ 6,015.57 $ 126.86 Balance Transfers 27.49%V $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Direct Deposit and Check Cash 27.49%V $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Advances Bank CashAdvances 29.49%V $ 0.00 $ 0.00 APRType Definitions Daily Interest Rate Type: V= Variable Rate (rate mayvary) Important Messages You're a valued customer and we want you to know that we haýen't received your current payment due. Please send your payment due today. If you've already mailed it, thank you. Your statement balance exceeds the Total Credit Line. To ensure uninterrupted use of your account, please make a payment to bring your balance under the Total Credit Line. There is no fee for being over your Total Credit Line. Whenthis statement was created, the account's Credit Line was in a restricted status and not available for use. You can request a copy of this statement in either Braille or Large Print by calling 800.432.1000 or going to and enter Visually Impaired Access from the home page. Page 3 of 4 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 06/06/2024 12:10 PM INDEX NO. 63549/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/06/2024 SAMP THOMAS ] Account # 6080 | February 27 - March 26, 2023 Your Reward Summary Make the most of your .00 Base Cash Back Eamed rewards program today! .00 Total Cash Back Available Habits' Better Money Pursue your goals with confidence Make more informed decisions with edibcation and guidance from Better Money Habits'. " Tackle financial stress. - Find ways to save. " Get information and ideas on a variety of money-related topics. Get started today at BetterMoneyHa | 4920561 55M-09-22-0035.B Page 4 of 4