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  • People Of The State Of New York v. Knaborn S Allah Other Matters - County Court Order/Judgment document preview
  • People Of The State Of New York v. Knaborn S Allah Other Matters - County Court Order/Judgment document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 06/04/2024 01:55 PM INDEX NO. 613538/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/04/2024 STATE OF NEWYORK COUNTY COURT: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK JUDGMENT ORDER THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK -VS- CASE # -- tND-71865-23 KNABORN S ALLAH UNDOMICILED UNDOMICILED The above named defendant having been convicted and sentenced before this court, and having been directed by the court in accordance with CPL420.l0 and 420.35 to pay a JUDGMENTTOTAL $ 375.00 and it appearing that the above remains unpaid, it is hereby ORDERED. that the Clerk of this Court shall file this ORDER with the Suffolk County Clerk: and it is further ORDERED, that the Suffolk County Clerk, pursuant to CPLArticle 420, shallf enter this ORDER in the same manner as a judgment in a civil action in accorda nce with C R 5016(a), and immediately upon entry thereof the Suffolk County Clerk shall doc ket the Æied ORDER as a moneyjudgment, pursuant to CPLR 5018, against the Defendant. Date judgment ordered -- 513012024 I \ Y \r/i, I b IN JUDGMENT CREDITOR Clerk of Suffolk Counly Court H6n. JOHN B COLLINS SUPREME COURT JUSTICE w Criminal Courts Building GRANTED 210 Center Drive . Riverhead. NY I 1901-9007 MAY 3 0 202( Vlncent Puleo CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY I hereby certily that this is a true copy of the record on file in this court. I further affrrm, under penalties of perjury, that the above referenced address represents the best ascertainable address available to the clerk of this court. Nicole Dawood Chief CIerk 1 of 1