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  • MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC v. DONOVAN, JOHNC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC v. DONOVAN, JOHNC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC v. DONOVAN, JOHNC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC v. DONOVAN, JOHNC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview


SUMMONS - CIVIL For information on STATE OF CONNECTICUT (22S JOLY Ray 2-72 ADA accommodations, CGS $9 51-28, 51-347, 51-149. $1-980, 52-150, $2.46, 52.258, FB 9 ST Veough 5:21, 81, 10-49 contact a court clerk or 5 80: ww JuccLgoWADA. | SUPERIOR COURT swans [ | elo Instructions are on page 2, 7) Select it amount. legal interest, ar propertytr demand. not including inlerasl and costs, is LESS than $2.500. [X) Select if amount. legal interest, or property in demand, not inclu Wg interest and costs, is $2,500 or MORE, Fy Select if claiming other raliat in addition to, oF in place of, moneyor damages. TO: Any proper ofticar By authority of the Stata of Connecticut you are hereby commandad to make due and iegal service of this summens anid altached complaint. fadieas Of count Cloth [Mumbwr, BIGEL fown ateday OORT Texaphone nuriber oF car ] Retum Bate ava bea Tuesday 120 School Street Danielson, CT 06239 ( ) - 860-779-8484 june 11, 2024 XX] Judicial Distriet GA. Rea TORT Casa type cede (See Welenange 2 Housing Session J) Number: Danielson Major: C Minor 40, For the plaintiff(s) enter the appearance of: Naria and ediecs of simay, law firm or plsnill ¥ celirepreceniod (Manoa, scot Toan aid 2 cous) Tae raraber Faery Gr am Ty) Schreiber Law, LLC ~ 53 Stiles Road, Suite A102. Salem, NH 03079 434988 Tolophana n.smbss Sipmalore at plant if seltcapresnten) (800) 423 - 8142 mass Ta ey al paper onde Sacton OTT Te ‘The atlamey or taw firm appearing for the plaintiff, or the plaintiff sell-rpresonted, agroes to accept papers (service) slectronically enSmalvectckt Pracsoe Bock i a in this case under Section 10-13 of the Connecticut XX} ves 1] No | Parties Wame (Last, First, Middle initial) and address of each party (Number; street; P.O. Box; town; state; zip; country, not USA) First Name: Midland Credit Management, Inc Por _plaintift Address: 350 Camino De La Reina Suite 100 San DiegoCA 92108_ —| Additional Name: POz | plaintitt Address First Name: DONOVAN, JOHN O01 defendant —- 47 STAWICKI RD NORTH GROSVENORDALE, CT 06255 Additional p02 defendant Address: Additional Norn 003 jet Aaares Additional Nom D.04. defendant Aaaiess Total number of plaintiffs: Total number of defendants: | (2 Fem JD-CV-2 attached for additional parties Notice to each defendant 1 You are being sued, This is a summons in & lawsuit. The complaint attached states the claims the plaintiffis making against you. 2 To receive further notices, you or your attomey must file an Appearance (form JD-CL-12} vath the clerk at the address above. Generally, tmust be flied on or before the segond day aiter the Retum Date. The Return Date|s jot a hearng date. You do not hava to come to court on the Retum Dste unless you receive a separate notice telling you to appear, I you o your attorney do not file an Appearance on time, @ default judgment may be entered against you. You can get an Appearance form at the court address above, or on-tine at https.//jud.ct.goviweblorms/. Ifyou belleve that you have Insurance that may caves the claim being made against you in this lawsuit, you should immediately contact your insurance representative. Other achons you may take are described in the Connecticut Practice Back, which may be found ina Supenor court law library or on-line at hitips:wvww.jud.ct.eovipb nim, Ifyou have questions abot mmons and complaint, you should talk to an attomey. ‘The court staffis not jive advice on legal matters. Date we sar Baa [L] Camenasioner of Superor bout | Nome of parc) NFO cp Laurie D. Bay of 21-Ag i Oo Gere }| 9 Heather Q, Wallace, L. For Court Use Cily 2y A. Schreiber if this summons is signed by tk; Fie a, The signing has been ‘so that the plaintiff(s)will not be denied access to the courts. be. {tis the responsibility of the plainti(s) to ensure that service is made in tha manner provided by law c. The coun staffs nol permitlad to give any legal advies in connection wilh any tawsul 4 The Clerk signing this summons at the request of the plainuiti(s) is net responsible in any way tor any errors oF omissions in the summons, any allegations canlained in the complaint, of the service of the stimmans or complaint, Teartify [have read anc Banos apa Bale Decker amber understand the above: Print Form, Paget ara Reset ‘orm 4386646 Instructions rf Type or print legibly. if you are a Self-representad party, this summons must be signed by a clerk of he court. 2 If there is more Wart one defendant, make 3 copy of the summoris fer aach addivonal defendant. Each defendant musi receive a copy of this summons. Eech copy of the summons must shew who signed the summons and when it was signed, If there are more then fo plaintiffs or more than four defendants, complete tha Civ Summons Continuation of Parties (form JD-C-2) and altach it te the original and ail copies of the summons, Attach the summons to the complaint, and altach a copy of the summons to each copy of the complaint, Include @ copy af the Civil Summons Continuation of Partios form, if applicable. After service has been mado by a proper officer, Mle the orlginal papers and the officer's return of service with the clerk of the court. Use this summons for tho case type codes shown below. Do not use this summons far the following actions. (a) Family matters (lor example. divorce, child support, fe) Administrative appeals custody, parentago, and visitation matters) () Proceedings pertaining to arbitration (b) Any actions or proceedings in which an attachment, {g) Summary Procoss (Eviction) actions garnishment or replevy is sought {h) Entry and Detainer proceedings (c} Applications for change of name (i) Housing Code Enforcement actions (d) Probate appeals Caso Type Codes ii CODE MINOR DESCRIPTION MAJOR Ber ]| HAINOR DESCRIPTION DESeHPTION ajort DESCRIPTION ener | Mires | Contracts 00 Construction - Ai other Property P00 Foreclosure C10 Construction - State and Local Pro Paititon 20 Insutance Paicy P20 ‘Quiet TileDiechange of Mortgageor Lien C30 Specie Performance Pao Asset Fortorure C40 Collections P90 Mather cs0 Uninguraatindsersurad Moterist Coverage C60 Unitorm Limted Liatilty Gomparyy Act — 6.6.5. 4-243 C90 All ohier Torts (Other Tz Defective Promises Private ‘Show or lew than Vehicular) 108 Defective Praises. Palvate « Other | Eminent £00 ‘Stale Highway Condemnation Tt Defective Premises- Public- Snowar Ite Domain E10 Redeveloomant Condemnation TR Defective Promises. Public - Other £20 ‘Other State or Maznicipal Agence. 120 Produrets Liab - Cher than Vahicutar £90 Public Utiiivs2 Gas Transmission Companies 128 Maipeactice - Magical Ee All othe T28 | hlatprectics - Lago! 130 | sialpesctice- Al other Housing - Retum ef Security Deposit Tao Avcault and Batary | Housing HI 180 Defamation H12 Housing - Reat andr Damages Tel Animate - Dog Heo Housing - Housing » Audie Querelanjunction T62 Asia: “Other 450 Heusing- Adminestralve Appéat Tr Fake Anrest Hoo Hougang - teurieipa Enforcement Tt Fire Darnage #90 Housing A Other 790 | abemer | | Miscellaneous: M00 Ijinttion vor | Movor Vehicles’ ~ Orteer andor Passenger(s) vs, Driver's) M10 Recevveeship | ‘Vehicular Torts vos | Motor Yehicles* « Pedostian ve Driver WAG Racetverchip for Abondoned'Blighted Property || vos Motor Vehicles’ - Property Damage only M20 Mandsmut vo6 Motor Veins Prooucrs Linbitty ckictng Warcanty yy Habeas Gorpus lectradton, ritease for Penal Insutution|| | yoo Motor Vehicle’ + All thar Mao Aabitration vi10 Bosts M80 | Caclorstory Judgment v20 Axpianes ha63 Bar Deoplins van Railicads §468 | Department of Labor Unemployment Compensation van Snoarnobiles Enforcement vo Abothes 66 | Ber Ceseaplens - insedve Statue “Motor Vebidles Induds cars. muck, M70. | Hunecipai Ordnance and Regulaten Entorcement | | _motreyeles, andrtarscoctrs M80 | Feevign Chil Judgments CGS SO ECSS Wed wee Senell Cixiens Transfer to Regutsc Docket Wills, Estates wit | Consruction of vals and Trusts Mas Fexeign Pretactive Order and Trusts weo | Ad ather M8 | CHRO Actlon ni lve Pubie Interest - PA. 18:89 | M50 | All other Page 2 of 2 4386646