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  • Longbridge Financial Llc VS Vivian Annette Kelly , defendant, et al Foreclosure 420 document preview
  • Longbridge Financial Llc VS Vivian Annette Kelly , defendant, et al Foreclosure 420 document preview
  • Longbridge Financial Llc VS Vivian Annette Kelly , defendant, et al Foreclosure 420 document preview
  • Longbridge Financial Llc VS Vivian Annette Kelly , defendant, et al Foreclosure 420 document preview
  • Longbridge Financial Llc VS Vivian Annette Kelly , defendant, et al Foreclosure 420 document preview
  • Longbridge Financial Llc VS Vivian Annette Kelly , defendant, et al Foreclosure 420 document preview
  • Longbridge Financial Llc VS Vivian Annette Kelly , defendant, et al Foreclosure 420 document preview
  • Longbridge Financial Llc VS Vivian Annette Kelly , defendant, et al Foreclosure 420 document preview


STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS COUNTY OF CHARLESTON C/A NO: LONGBRIDGE FINANCIAL, LLC Plaintiff, SUMMONS AND NOTICES vs. (Non-Jury) VIVIAN ANNETTE KELLY A/K/A ANNETTE FORECLOSURE OF REAL W. KELLY A/K/A ANNETTE WHETSELL ESTATE MORTGAGE KELLY; ANY HEIRS-AT-LAW, OR DEVISEES OF WILLIAM A. KELLY, SR., DECEASED, THEIR HEIRS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, ADMINISTRATORS, SUCCESSOR AND ASSIGNS, AND ALL OTHER PERSON ENTITLED TO CLAIM THROUGH THEM; ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS WITH ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN; ALSO ANY PERSONS WHO MAY BE IN THE MILITARY SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, BEING A CLASS DESIGNATED AS JOHN DOE; AND ANY UNKNOWN MINORS OR PERSON UNDER A DISABILITY BEING A CLASS DESIGNATED AS RICHARD ROE; PATRICIA RAMSEY; WILLIAM A. KELLY, JR.; ANGELA M. KELLY A/K/A ANGELA SCHLECHTA; TIMOTHY S. KELLY; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING BY AND THROUGH ITS AGENCY THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Defendant(s) TO THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend by answering the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is hereby served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer on the subscribers at their offices at Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & ICANN HUAN ANA 24-197823 Partners, PLLC, 651 Brookfield Parkway, Suite 103, Greenville, SC 29607, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; except that the United States of America, if named, shall have sixty (60) days to answer after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to do so, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. TO MINOR(S) OVER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE, AND/OR TO MINOR(S) UNDER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE AND THE PERSON WITH WHOM THE MINOR(S) RESIDES, AND/OR TO PERSONS UNDER SOME LEGAL DISABILITY: YOU ARE FURTHER SUMMONED AND NOTIFIED to apply for the appointment of a guardian ad litem within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons and Notice upon you. If you fail to do so, application for such appointment will be made by Attorney for Plaintiff. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that Plaintiff will move for an Order of Reference or the Court may issue a general Order of Reference of this action to a Master-in-Equity/Special Referee, pursuant to Rule 53 of the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that under the provisions of S.C. Code Ann. § 29-3-100, effective June 16, 1993, any collateral assignment of rents contained in the referenced Mortgage is perfected and Attorney for Plaintiff hereby gives notice that all rents shall be payable directly to it by delivery to its undersigned attorneys from the date of default. In the alternative, Plaintiff will move before a judge of this Circuit on the 1oth day after service hereof, or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for an Order enforcing the assignment of rents, if any, and compelling payment of all rents covered by such assignment directly to the Plaintiff, 24-197823 which motion is to be based upon the original Note and Mortgage herein and the Complaint attached hereto. ROBERTSON, ANSCHUTZ, SCHNEID, CRANE & PARTNERS, PLLC Attorney for Plaintiff 651 Brookfield Parkway, Suite 103 Greenville, SC 29607 Telephone: (470) 321-7112 Facsimile: (404) 393-1425 By: _/S/Mary Powers_ Genevieve Johnson, Esquire (S.C. Bar 78480) Michael Nourie, Esquire (S.C. Bar 104717) Elizabeth Brown, Esquire (S.C. Bar 68519) Mary R. Powers, Esquire (S.C. Bar 16534) Communication Email: mnourie@, sl 4 day of June, 2024 24-197823 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS COUNTY OF CHARLESTON C/A NO: COMPLAINT LONGBRIDGE FINANCIAL, LLC Plaintiff, (Non-Jury) VS. FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE VIVIAN ANNETTE KELLY A/K/A ANNETTE W. KELLY A/K/A ANNETTE WHETSELL KELLY; ANY HEIRS-AT-LAW, OR DEVISEES OF WILLIAM A. KELLY, SR., DECEASED, THEIR HEIRS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, ADMINISTRATORS, SUCCESSOR AND ASSIGNS, AND ALL OTHER PERSON ENTITLED TO CLAIM THROUGH THEM; ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS WITH ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN; ALSO ANY PERSONS WHO MAY BE IN THE MILITARY SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, BEING A CLASS DESIGNATED AS JOHN DOE; AND ANY UNKNOWN MINORS OR PERSON UNDER A DISABILITY BEING A CLASS DESIGNATED AS RICHARD ROE; PATRICIA RAMSEY; WILLIAM A. KELLY, JR.; ANGELA M. KELLY A/K/A ANGELA SCHLECHTA; TIMOTHY S. KELLY; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING BY AND THROUGH ITS AGENCY THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Defendant(s). The Plaintiff above-named, complaining of the Defendant(s) herein, alleges that: 1 Plaintiff, LONGBRIDGE FINANCIAL, LLC, is a business entity duly authorized to conduct business in the State of South Carolina. 24-197823 2. Upon information and belief, the Defendant(s), VIVIAN ANNETTE KELLY A/K/A ANNETTE W. KELLY A/K/A ANNETTE WHETSELL KELLY; ANY HEIRS-AT-LAW, OR DEVISEES OF WILLIAM A. KELLY, SR., DECEASED, THEIR HEIRS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, ADMINISTRATORS, SUCCESSOR AND ASSIGNS, AND ALL OTHER PERSON ENTITLED TO CLAIM THROUGH THEM; ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS WITH ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED HEREIN; ALSO ANY PERSONS WHO MAY BE IN THE MILITARY SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, BEING A CLASS DESIGNATED AS JOHN DOE; AND ANY UNKNOWN MINORS OR PERSON UNDER A DISABILITY BEING A CLASS DESIGNATED AS RICHARD ROE; PATRICIA RAMSEY; WILLIAM A. KELLY, JR.; ANGELA M. KELLY A/K/A ANGELA SCHLECHTA; TIMOTHY S. KELLY; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING BY AND THROUGH ITS AGENCY THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, may claim some interest in the real estate, which is the subject of this action and this Court has proper jurisdiction over said Defendants. The real property hereinafter described, that is the subject of this action, is situated and located in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, and this Court has proper jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties of this action. Heretofore, WILLIAM A. KELLY, SR. (hereinafter, "Borrower(s)") made, executed, and delivered to TOWNEBANK MORTGAGE (hereinafter, "Lender") a certain Adjustable Note dated May 16, 2018, in writing (hereinafter, "Note"), wherein and whereby WILLIAM A. KELLY, SR. promised to repay to TOWNEBANK MORTGAGE, up to the maximum principal sum of $363,000.00, equal to the sum of all advances made under the Note together 24-197823 with a variable rate of interest per annum on the unpaid balance; said principal and interest being payable upon the occurrence of default as defined by the Note or maturity. In order to secure the payment of said Note, the said WILLIAM A. KELLY, SR. AND VIVIAN ANNETTE KELLY A/K/A ANNETTE W. KELLY A/K/A ANNETTE WHETSELL KELLY (hereinafter, "Mortgagor(s)"), did make, execute, and deliver to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS MORTGAGEE, AS NOMINEE FOR TOWNEBANK MORTGAGE, its successors and assigns, a certain mortgage dated May 16, 2018 (hereinafter, "Mortgage") securing the below described real property, including any and all improvements to the property, located in the County and State aforesaid (hereinafter, Property"): ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, CHARLESTON COUNTY, SC, AND KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT 57, PARK PLACE SUBDIVISION, PHASE II, PREPARED BY CLARENCE S. MATTHEWS, RLS DATED NOVEMBER 2, 1987 AND WHICH PLAT WAS DULY RECORDED IN THE RMC OFFICE FOR CHARLESTON COUNTY IN PLAT BOOK BP AT PAGE 122, SAID LOT HAVING SUCH SIZE, SHAPE, DIMENSIONS, BUTTINGS AND BOUNDINGS AS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT, REFERENCE TO WHICH IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE COMPLETE DESCRIPTION. BEING THE IDENTICAL PROPERTY CONVEYED TO WILLIAM A. KELLY, SR. AND ANNETTE W. KELLY BY DEED OF JAMES M. CHAPMAN AND BELINDA M. CHAPMAN BY DEED RECORDED NOVEMBER 2, 1993 IN BOOK B234 AT PAGE 626. SUBSEQUENTLY, WILLIAM A. KELLY, SR. AND VIVIAN ANNETTE KELLY A/K/A ANNETTE W. KELLY CONVEYED THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO WILLIAM A. KELLY, SR. AND VIVIAN ANNETTE KELLY BY DEED RECORDED ON APRIL 6, 2015, IN BOOK 0467 AT PAGE 400, IN THE ROD OFFICE FOR CHARLESTON COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA. SUBSEQUENTLY, WILLIAM A KELLY, SR. PASSED AWAY, LEAVING THEIR INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO THEIR HEIRS, NAMELY VIVIAN ANNETTE KELLY AKA ANNETTE WHETSELL KELLY, PATRICIA RAMSEY, WILLIAM A. KELLY, JR., ANGELA M. KELLY A/K/A ANGELA SCHLECHTA, AND TIMOTHY S. KELLY. 24-197823 TMS No. 3101300017 Property Address: 2355 PARKSTONE DRIVE, CHARLESTON, SC 29414 Said Mortgage was recorded on May 22, 2018 in Book 0720 at Page 421, in the Charleston County Registry. Thereafter, the Mortgage was assigned to LONGBRIDGE FINANCIAL LLC by assignment recorded on March 23, 2021, in Book 0973 at Page 723. The Mortgage evidences and secures the repayment of money advanced by the Lender to, or on behalf of, the Mortgagor(s) and constitutes a valid first lien on the Property. On or about October 10, 2019, WILLIAM A. KELLY, SR. died and an estate case has been filed under estate case number 2019ES 1002176. 10. Any notice required by the terms of the Mortgage or by State or Federal law has been given to the applicable defendant(s) prior to the commencement of this action. 11 The Plaintiff herein is entitled to enforce said Note and has the right to foreclose by virtue of the Plaintiffs status as holder of the instrument, a nonholder in possession of the instrument who has the rights of a holder, or person not in possession of the instrument who is entitled to enforce the instrument pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §§ 36-3-309 or 36-3-418(d) (2008). 12. This Mortgage is a "Home Equity Conversion” mortgage a/k/a reverse mortgages, therefore in and by the terms of said Note and the Mortgage securing the same, it is provided, among other things, that upon death of a Borrower, or if any of the conditions and requirements in the Mortgage securing the same not be complied with, then the whole principal sum and accrued interest shall at the option of the legal holder thereof become at once due and payable without notice, and collectible by foreclosure. 13 Grounds for acceleration exist because at the time of death, WILLIAM A. KELLY, SR. was the sole owner of the property by virtue of a deed recorded May 22, 2018 in Book 0720 at 24-197823 Page 421, in the Charleston County Registry. The subject property is not the principal residence of any surviving borrower. 14 In and by the terms of the said Note it is further provided that the maker thereof shall pay all collection costs including reasonable attorneys' fees if the said Note be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection after default. 15 The Plaintiff, as holder of the said Note and Mortgage, has and does hereby elect to declare the entire balance of said principal and interest due and payable at once; that there is now due and owing and unpaid upon the said Note and Mortgage the full and just principal sum of $122,886.73, together with interest at a variable rate of interest per annum, together with other advances, together with reasonable attorneys' fees for the collection thereof and the costs of this action. Plaintiff may be forced to pay sums for taxes, insurance and costs for securing the property, which sums, according to the terms of the Mortgage, should be added to the amount of the debt. 16. In connection with the execution of Plaintiff's Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (aka Reverse Mortgage), the Borrower(s)/Mortgagor(s) executed a Second Note and Second Mortgage payable to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. The Second Mortgage was recorded on May 22, 2018 in Book 0720 at Page 427. The Second Note and Second Mortgage are designed to secure payments made by the Secretary on behalf of the Borrower(s). In the event of a completed foreclosure by the First Note and First Mortgage, the Second Mortgage shall be released and/or satisfied of record collectible by foreclosure. 17 Upon information and belief, said information having been obtained from the records of Charleston County, South Carolina, the Defendant(s) below named has/have or may claim to have some interest in or lien upon the Property by virtue of the matters and things herein below alleged, to-wit: 24-197823 A. The Defendants, PATRICIA RAMSET, WILLIAM A. KELLY, JR., ANGELA M. KELLY A/K/A ANGELA SCHLECHTA and TIMOTHY S. KELLY, have or may claim to have some interest in the Property by virtue of being HEIRS. Any interest that this Defendant would have received in the subject property would have been "subject to" Plaintiff's Mortgage and this interest would be eliminated through a properly completed foreclosure sale. The Defendant, ANY HEIRS-AT-LAW OR DEVISEES OF WILLIAM A. KELLY, SR., DECEASED, THEIR HEIRS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, ADMINISTRATORS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES ENTITLED TO CLAIM THROUGH THEM; ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS OR ENTITIES WITH ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, INTEREST IN OR. LIEN UPON THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN; ALSO ANY PERSONS WHO MAY BE IN THE MILITARY SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, BEING A CLASS DESIGNATED AS JOHN DOE; AND ANY UNKNOWN MINORS, INCOMPETENT OR IMPRISONED PERSON, OR PERSONS UNDER A DISABILITY BEING A CLASS DESIGNATED AS RICHARD ROE, has or may claim to have some interest in the Property by virtue of being an UNKNOWN HEIR. Any interest that this Defendant has in the Property would be "subject to" Plaintiffs Mortgage and this interest would be eliminated through a properly completed foreclosure sale. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays judgment that: A The amount due upon the said Note and Mortgage held by the Plaintiff be ascertained and determined under the direction of this Court, together with attorney's fees and costs of this action. B Appoint a Receiver to collect the rents, issue, profits or designated sums from the mortgagor(s), and/or the grantee(s) of the mortgagor(s), and/or tenant(s) occupying or exercising control over the mortgaged premises and hold the same subject to the further order of this Court. Cc Plaintiffs Mortgage be declared a valid first lien and that Plaintiff have judgment of foreclosure for the amount so found to be due and owing thereon, together with any taxes or insurance premiums which may be due or which may be or have been paid by Plaintiff, together with attorney's fees and for the costs ofthis action. D. The Property be sold according to law and the practice of this Court, the equity of redemption be barred and that the proceeds of sale be applied as follows: . First, to the costs and expenses of the within action and said sale; 24-197823 Second, to the payment and discharge of the amount due on Plaintiff's note and Mortgage, together with attorney's fees as aforesaid; and Third, the surplus, if any, be distributed according to law. For such other and further reliefas may be just and proper. FURTHER, in the event the successful bidder (at the time of this foreclosure sale) is other than the Defendant(s) in possession herein, the Sheriff of Charleston County will be ordered and directed to eject and remove from the premises the occupants of the property sold, together with all personal property located therein, and put the successful bidder or his assigns in full, quiet and peaceable possession of said Property without delay, and to keep the successful bidder or his assigns in such peaceable possession. ROBERTSON, ANSCHUTZ, SCHNEID, CRANE & PARTNERS, PLLC Attorney for Plaintiff 651 Brookfield Parkway, Suite 103 Greenville, SC 29607 Telephone: (470) 321-7112 Facsimile: (404) 393-1425 By: _/S/Mary Powers_ Genevieve Johnson, Esquire (S.C. Bar 78480) Michael Nourie, Esquire (S.C. Bar 104717) Elizabeth Brown, Esquire (S.C. Bar 68519) Mary R. Powers, Esquire (S.C. Bar 16534) Communication Email: mnourie@, elibrown@raslg.cor 4 day of June, 2024 24-197823