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  • Hernandez, Maria et al vs. Morales, Jose A. Dispute Concerning Title document preview
  • Hernandez, Maria et al vs. Morales, Jose A. Dispute Concerning Title document preview


DOCKET NUMBER Trial Court of Massachusetts CIVIL TRACKING ORDER (STANDING ORDER 1- 88) 2481CV01444 The Superior Court CASE NAME: Michael A. Sullivan, Clerk of Court Hernandez, Maria et al vs. Morales, Jose A. Middlesex County T° File Copy COURT NAME & ADDRESS Middlesex Superior - Lowell 370 Jackson Street Lowell, MA 01852 TRACKING ORDER - F - Fast Track You are hereby notified that this case is on the track referenced above as per Superior Court Standing Order 1-88. The order requires that the various stages of litigation described below must be completed not later than the deadlines indicated. STAGES OF LITIGATION DEAD! SERVED BY FILED BY HEARD BY Service of process made and return filed with the Court 08/29/2024 Response to the complaint filed (also see MRCP 12) 09/30/2024 |All motions under MRCP 12, 19, and 20 oarsor20a4 10/28/2024 1 verr2024 |All motions under MRCP 15 09/30/2024 1 0728/2024 1 We7i2024 aa |All discovery requests and depositions served and non-expert 03/27/2025 depositions completed All motions under MRCP 56 amen 06/262005 Final pre-trial conference held and/or firm trial date set 0923/2025 Case shall be resolved and judgment shall issue by 06/01/2026 The final pre-trial deadline is not the scheduled date of the conference. You will be notified of that date at a later time. Counsel for plaintiff must serve this tracking order on defendant before the deadline for filing return of service. This case is assigned to DATE ISSUED ASSISTANT CLERK PHONE 05/31/2024 Emily Jackson (978)656-7819 Date/Time Printed: 05-37-2028 11.05:25. ‘Scvo2si 0872078