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  • Liana Sauls VS Devin Lassiter General Civil Action document preview
  • Liana Sauls VS Devin Lassiter General Civil Action document preview
  • Liana Sauls VS Devin Lassiter General Civil Action document preview
  • Liana Sauls VS Devin Lassiter General Civil Action document preview


STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Lore 23CV030484-910 In Tne General Court Of Justice WAKE County District X Superior Court Division LLAN CIVIL SUMMONS Trevor D Grandt- A a mm ALIAS AND PLURIES SUMMONS (ASSESS FEE) P () Box live, Wake Forest, NC 27543 33 5uies and4 VERSUS 3 Nama Uf DEVIN LASS: TER : : : : To Each Of The Defendant(s) Named Below: Narne And dag Sf + Narre And Addre 2 OUT Raleigh Poitce Deparrment- Southeast District 2800ROCK QUARRY ROAD 6 RALEIGH. NC 27610 SSH IMPORTANT! You have been sued! These papers are lega! documents, DO NOT throw these papers out! You have to respond within 30 days. You may want to talk with a lawyer about your case as soon as these papers! possible, and, if needed, speak with someone who reads English and can translate su contra! Estos son documentos legales. UMPORTANTE! jSe ha entablado un proceso civil en papeles jNO TIRE estos papeles! Tiene que contestar a mas tardar en 30 dias. jPuede querer consultar con un abogado lo antes posible acerca de su caso y, de ser nacesario, hablar con alguien que fea inglés y que pueda traducir estos documentos! A Cwil Action Has Been Commenced Against You! You are notified to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff as follows 1. Serve a copy of your written answer to the complaint upon the plaintiff or plaintiffs attorney within thirty (30) days after you have been served. You may serve your answer by delivering a copy to the piaintiff or by mailing it to the plaintiff's last known address, and 2. File the original of the written answer with the Clerk of Superior Court of the county named above If you fail to answer the complaint, the piaintiff will apply to the Court for the retief demanded in the complaint. Date issued Time Name And Address Of Attorney f none, Acdress Of Plaintiff} 10/24/202 2:40:00 pm Da» Oem Trevor D. Brandt P.O Box 2108 Is/ Joanne Tumer Wake Forest, NC 27588 Assistant wot Clee OF K]Oeautycsc Tame -™ Date Of Endorsement "jam [Rou ENDORSEMENT (ASSESS FEE) This Summons was originally issued on the date indicated Signature above and returned not served. At the request of the plaintiff, the time within which this Summons must be served is extended sixty (60) days Deputy CSC assistant csc Clerk Of Superor Court in is $25 000 or NOTE TO PARTIES: Many counties nave MANDATORY ARBITRATION programs in which most cases where the amount controversy less are neard oy an arbitrator betore a inal The parties wll be notified : f ths case is assigned for mandatory arbitration, ang, f 30. what procedure is to followed (Overt AOC-CV-100, Rev 4/18 © 2018 Administrative Office of the Courts 23C¥030484 -910 WAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE sUMAU 5 Summons - Returned Unserved 105705 Sys ID: 608273 RETURN OF SERVICE 0 racenved and served 35 follows certify 'rat ns Summons and a copy of tha + DEFENDANT 1 cody summons and compliant By delvenng to ne Jerendac: above a of sua o1ace of abode of the Jefengant anqie wir a copy df tne Summors and : By '2av: 7g 3 nouse or Jerson of suitadle age and discretion "en asiding aco, ha summons ard complaint to "ne dersan -amed As 're vefecdant.s a corporation. service w3s atectad dy 012 of below wa Other manner of serv'ce 'specify} a4 Defendant WAS NOT served for the following reason < derma) address For 1 Four Gus MAC an soy DEFENDANT 2 Time Served Name Ot Defendant Date Served i paw of the summons and complaint By delivenng to the defendant named above a copy at the dwelling house or usual olace of abode of the defendant named above with a By leaving a copy of the summons and complaint person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein. to named As the defendant is a corporation, service was effected by delivering a copy the summons and@gmp of theperson pole below of person copies lef ath; Name And Address Of Parson With Whom Copies Left # corporation. grve FILED 9! © Other manner of service (specify) 0 Defenaant WAS NOT served for the following reason. re Of Dgbuty Making Retum Sence Fee Para $ Nante OF Shen? Oate Received OCT 26 2023 WILLIE L. ROWE, SHEHIFt County Of Shenit Date Of Rerum AOC-Cv-100, Side Two, Rev. 4/18 © 2018 Aaministrative Office of the Courts