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  • Highpoint Capital SPE1, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, -v- Navarro, an Individual et al Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000.01 - $35,000 Limited  document preview
  • Highpoint Capital SPE1, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, -v- Navarro, an Individual et al Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000.01 - $35,000 Limited  document preview
  • Highpoint Capital SPE1, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, -v- Navarro, an Individual et al Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000.01 - $35,000 Limited  document preview
  • Highpoint Capital SPE1, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, -v- Navarro, an Individual et al Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000.01 - $35,000 Limited  document preview


ELECTRONICALLY FILED ROBERT L. RENTTO (42655) SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO DAVID A. RENTTO (198030) SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT Rentto & Rentto Prof. Law Corp. 3517 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 412 5/24/2024 4:35 PM San Diego, CA 92108 Telephone:(619) 238-1002 By: Ana Estrada, DEPUTY Attorneys for Plaintiff 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, 9 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, SAN BERNARDINO JUSTICE CENTER 10 CIVSB2416880 12 HIGHPOINT CAPITAL SPEI, LLC, a ) No. Delaware Limited Liability Company, ) 13 ) COMPLAINT FOR MONEY ) DAMAGES, POSSESSION AND 14 ) CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST ) 15 ) Plaintiff. ) 16 ) V. ) 17 ) DAVID NAVARRO aka DAVID ) 18 NAVARRO RODRIGUEZ, an individual; ) N.D.N TRANSPORTS CORP.,a California ) 19 Corporation, and DOES I through 50, ) ) 20 ) LIMITED CIVIL CASE 21 ) DAMAGES EXCEED ) $ 10,000 22 Defendants. ) ) 23 24 Plaintiff alleges: 25 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION (Breach of Contract) 26 (As Against All Defendants) 27 1. Plaintiff is and at all times herein mentioned was a corporation duly organized and 28 existing under the laws of the State of Delaware. COMPI.AINT FOR MONEY DAMAGES, POSSESSION AND CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST Page I 2. Defendant DA VID NA VARRO is and at all times herein mentioned was a resident of this judicial district, where the obligation sued upon arose, was made or entered into, was to be performed or the breach occurred. 3. The obligation sued upon is commercial in nature, is not subject to the provisions of C.C.P. Section 395(b) and is not based upon a retail installment sales contract or a conditional sales contract and thus is not subject to the provisions of either Civil Code Section 1812.10 or 2984.4. 4. The true names «nd capacities of the defendants named as DOES I through 50 are unknown to plaintiff. Upon ascertaining said matters, plaintiff will amend this complaint. 10 Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that each defendant designated herein by fictitious name is legally responsible for, has proximately caused the happening set forth in this 12 complaint and/or is obligated to indemnify and hold harmless plaintiff, or to return to plaintiff 13 collateral and/or proceeds, in any and all respects as hereinafter alleged. At all times herein 14 alleged, each such defendant was the agent or employee of all other defendants, and in doing the 15 acts herein alleged was acting within the scope of that authority as such agent or employee. 16 5. If any defendant is a corporation or similar entity, plaintiff is informed and believes and 17 thereon alleges that Defendants DAVID NA VARRO aka DAVID NAVARRO RODRIGUEZ, 18 (hereafter "MR. NAVARRO") and DOES I through 20, and each of them or any combination 19 thereof, dominated the affairs of said corporation, that a unity of interest and ownership existed 20 between said defendants and said corporation, that said corporation was a inere shell and a naked 21 framework for manipulation by said defendants, that the income of said corporation was diverted 22 by said defendants, that said corporation was inadequately capitalized, that said corporation failed 23 to issue stock and to abide by the formalities of corporate existence, that said corporation is and 24 has been insolvent, and that to adhere to the fiction of separate existence would promote injustice. 25 6. Plaintiff entered into an AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF 26 FUTURE RECEIPTS (hereafter "the Agreement" ) in writing with Defendants DAVID 27 NAVARRO aka DAVID NAVARRO RODRIGUEZ and N.D.N TRANSPORTS CORP., a California corporation (hereafter collectively referred to as "Defendants NAVARRO" providing COMPLAINT FOR MONEY DAMAGES, POSSLSSION AND CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST Page 2