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  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview


FJLED Superior C&vn Df Caiifog^t|a, 12/30/2021 1 COOLEYLLP ROB BONTA MATTHEW D. CAPLAN (260388) Attomey General of j 2 ( MICHELLE M. Mil . _ Dspuf ^ JOSEPH D. MORNIN (307766) Supervising Deputy RMl? m^ial 3 ( KEITH L. W U R S T E 3 4 * ^ ® ! ^SOQOSSI 2 RYAN O'HOLLAREN (316478) Deputy Attomey General 4 ( LAURA A. RANDLES-LITTLE (232930) 3 Embarcadero Center, 20"' floor Deputy Attomey General 5 San Francisco, CA 94111-4004 nOOIStteet, Suite 125 Telephone: +1 415 693 2000 P.O. Box 944255 6 Facsimile: +1 415 693 2222 Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 Telephone: (916) 210-6504 7 Attomeys for Petitioner Fax:(916) 324-8835 PUBL1C.RES0URCE.ORG, INC. E-mail: 8 Additional Counsel Listed on Next Page Attomeys for Respondents 9 Califomia Office of Administrative Law and Califomia Building Standards Commission 10 11 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 12 COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO 13 14 PUBLIC.RES0URCE.ORG, INC., CaseNo. 34-2021-80003612 15 Petitioners, Assignedfor all purposes to Judge Steven M. Gevercer, Dept 27 16 tin JOINT STIPULATION TO CONTINUE THE 17 CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, and the MANDATE PQ 18 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION, Date: January 21, 2022 19 Time.: 1:30 p.m. Respondents. Dept.: 27 20 Judge: Hon. Steven M. Gevercer Date Action Filed: March 17, 2021 21 Trial Date: None Set 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COOLEYLLP -1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW SANFRANOSOO JOINT STIPULATION 3i i *• (CASE No. 34-2021-80003612) 1 KELLY M . KLAUS (161091) LOUIS Y.LEE (315753) kelly.klaus(^ 2 BRYAN H. HECKENLIVELY (279140) MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP bryan.heckenlively@mto .com One Market, Spear Street Tower 3 ROSE LEDA EHLER (296523) San Francisco, CA 94105-1596 4 MUNGER, TOLLES & OLSON LLP J. KEVIN FEE (admitted pro hac vice) 560 Mission Street 5 Twenty-Seventh Floor JANE W. WISE (admitted pro hac vice) San Francisco, Califomia 94105-2907 6 Telephone: (415) 512-4000 MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP Facsimile: (415)512-4077 1111 Pennsylvania Ave. NW 7 Washington, DC 20004-2541 8 Attomeys for Intervener Attomeys for Intervener National Fire Protection Association, Inc. Intemational Code Council, Inc. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COOLEYLLP AriDRNEVSATLAW SAN FRANOSca JOINT STIPULATION (CASE NO. 34-2021-80003612) 1 Petitioner Public.Resource.Org, Inc., Respondents Califomia Office of Administrative 2 Law and Califomia Building Standards Commission, and Intervenors National Fire Protection 3 Association, Inc. and Intemational Code Council, Inc. stipulate as follows: 4 1. Petitioner filed its opening brief on November 2, 2021. 5 2. On November 5, 2021, the Court rescheduled the hearing from December 17, 6 2021, to January 21, 2022. 7 3. On December 27, 2021, Respondents and Intervenors filed their three opposition 8 briefs. 9 4. Petitioner's three reply briefs are currently due on January 6, 2022. 10 5. The parties agree to continue the hearing date to March 25, 2022. The parties also 11 agree that Petitioner's reply briefs shall be due on January 20, 2022. 12 13 14 Dated: December 30, 2021 COOLEY LLP 15 16 By: /s/Matthew D. Caplan Matthew D. Caplan 17 Attorneys for Petitioner 18 Public.Resource.Org, Inc. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COOLEY LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCECO JOINT STIPULATION (CASE No. 34-2021-80003612) 1 Dated: December 30, 2021 ROB BONTA 2 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CALIFORNIA MICHELLE M . MITCHELL 3 SUPERVISING DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL 4 5 6 By:/s/Keith L. Wurster Keith L. Wurster 7 Deputy Attomey General 8 Attorneys for Respondents 9 Califomia Office of Administrative Law and Califomia Building Standards Commission 10 11 12 Dated: December 30, 2021 MUNGER, TOLLES & OLSON LLP 13 14 By: /s/ Bryan H. Heckenlively Bryan H. Heckenlively 15 Attorneys for Intervenor 16 National Fire Protection Association, Inc. 17 18 Dated: December 30, 2021 MORGAN, LEWIS «fe BOCKIUS LLP 19 20 21 By:/s/Louis Y. Yee Louis Y. Yee 22 Attorneys f o r Intervenor 23 Intemational Code Council, Inc. 24 25 26 27 28 COOLEYLLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANC3SOD JOINT STIPULATION (CASE No. 34-2021-80003612) 1 PROOF OF SERVICE 2 I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Califomia. I am 3 employed in San Francisco Coimty, State of Califomia, in the office of a member of the bar of 4 this Court, at whose direction the service was made. I am over the age of eighteen years, and not 5 a party to this action. My business address is Cooley LLP, 3 Embarcadero Center, 20th floor, San 6 Francisco, CA 94111-4004. My email address is On the date set forth below 7 I served the documents described below in the manner described below: 8 • JOINT STIPULATION TO CONTINUE THE HEARING ON PETITION FOR W R I T OF MANDATE; 9 • [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION TO CONTINUE HEARING ON PETITION 10 FOR WRIT OF MANDATE AND PROPOSED ORDER COVER SHEET 11 (BY U.S. MAIL - CCP § 1013a(l)) I am familiar with the business practice of • Cooley LLP for collection and processing of correspondence for mailing. On the 12 same day that correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service, in a sealed 13 envelope with postage fully prepaid. 14 (BY MESSENGER SERVICE - CCP §1011)1 consigned the document(s) to an • authorized courier and/or process server for hand delivery on this date. 15 (BY FACSIMILE - CCP § 1013(e)) I am personally and readily familiar with the 16 • business practice of Cooley LLP for collection and processing of document(s) to be transmitted by facsimile and I caused such document(s) on this date to be 17 transmitted by facsimile to the offices of addressee(s) at the numbers listed below. 18 (BY OVERNIGHT MAIL - CCP § 1013(c)) I am personally and readily familiar • with the business practice of Cooley LLP for collection and processing of 19 correspondence for ovemight delivery, and I caused such document(s) described herein to be deposited for delivery to a facility regularly maintained by for 20 ovemight delivery. 21 (BY ELECTRONIC MAIL - CCP § 1010.6(a)(4)(A)) Based on a court order or an agreement of the parties to accept service by e-mail or electronic transmission, I 22 caused such documents described herein to be sent to the persons at the e-mail addresses listed below. I did not receive, within a reasonable time after the 23 transmission, any electronic message or other indication that the transmission was unsuccessfiil. 24 on the following part(ies) in this action: 25 26 27 28 CMLEY LLP 5- ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCSCO JoiNT STIPULATION (CASE No. 34-2021-80003612) 1 Rob Bonta Kelly M . Klaus 2 Attomey General of Califomia Bryan H. Heckenlively Michelle M . Mitchell Rose Leda Ehler 3 Supervising Deputy Attomey General MUNGER, TOLLES & OLSON LLP 4 Keith L. Wurster 560 Mission Street, 27'*' floor Deputy Attomey General San Francisco, CA 94105-2907 5 Laura A. Randies-Little Tel: 415-512-4000 Deputy Attomey General Fax: 415-512-4077 6 1300 1 Stt-eet, Suite 125 Email:; 7 P.O. Box 944255; Sacramento, CA 94244-2550; 8 Tel: 916-210-6504 Email: 9 Attorneys for Respondent Attorneys for Proposed Intervenor 10 California Building Standards Commission National Fire Protection Association, Inc. 11 Louis Y. Lee J. Kevin Fee MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP Jane W. Wise 12 One Market Street, Spear Street Tower MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP San Francisco, CA 94105-1596 1111 Pennsylvania Ave. NW 13 Email: Washington, DC 20004-2541 Email: kevin.fee(; 14 15 Attorneys for Proposed Intervenor Attorneys for Proposed Intervenor 16 International Code Council, Inc. International Code Council, Inc. 17 18 1 declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia that the above 19 is tme and correct. 20 Executed on December 30, 2021, at Oakland, Califomia. 21 22 Adriana R. Vera 23 24 25 26 27 28 COOLEYLLP 6- ATHORNEYSATLAW SAN FRANCISCO JoiNT STIPULATION (CASE NO. 34-2021-80003612)